/** @see Moh731CohortLibrary#currentlyInCare() */
  public void currentlyInCare() throws Exception {
    EncounterType triage = MetadataUtils.getEncounterType(CommonMetadata._EncounterType.TRIAGE);
    EncounterType hivConsult =

    // Give patient #2 irrelevant encounter during 90 day window
    TestUtils.saveEncounter(TestUtils.getPatient(2), triage, TestUtils.date(2012, 6, 15));

    // Give patient #6 relevant encounter before and after 90 day window
    TestUtils.saveEncounter(TestUtils.getPatient(6), hivConsult, TestUtils.date(2012, 3, 31));
    TestUtils.saveEncounter(TestUtils.getPatient(6), hivConsult, TestUtils.date(2012, 7, 1));

    // Give patient #7 relevant encounter at start of 90 day window
    TestUtils.saveEncounter(TestUtils.getPatient(7), hivConsult, TestUtils.date(2012, 4, 1));

    // Give patient #8 relevant encounter at end of 90 day window
    TestUtils.saveEncounter(TestUtils.getPatient(8), hivConsult, TestUtils.date(2012, 6, 30));

    CohortDefinition cd = moh731Cohorts.currentlyInCare();
    context.addParameterValue("onDate", PERIOD_END);
    EvaluatedCohort evaluated =
        Context.getService(CohortDefinitionService.class).evaluate(cd, context);
    ReportingTestUtils.assertCohortEquals(Arrays.asList(7, 8), evaluated);
  /** Setup each test */
  public void setup() throws Exception {

    VisitType outpatient = MetadataUtils.getVisitType(CommonMetadata._VisitType.OUTPATIENT);

    // Patient #7 has two visits on 1-Jan-2012 (from 9am to 10am and another from 11am to 12pm)
        TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0),
        TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0));
        TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 1, 11, 0, 0),
        TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0));

    // Patient #8 has visit on 2-Jan-2012
        TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 2, 9, 0, 0),
        TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 2, 10, 0, 0));
  public void evaluate_shouldReturnTrueForAllAlivePatients() {

    // Mark patient #8 as deceased on 1st Jan 2012
    TestUtils.getPatient(8).setDeathDate(TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 1));

    List<Integer> ptIds = Arrays.asList(2, 6, 7, 8);
    CalculationResultMap resultMap =
            .evaluate(ptIds, new EligibleForTbProgramCalculation());
    Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) resultMap.get(2).getValue());
    Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) resultMap.get(6).getValue());
    Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) resultMap.get(7).getValue());
    Assert.assertFalse((Boolean) resultMap.get(8).getValue()); // Deceased
  /** @see Moh731CohortLibrary#revisitsArt() */
  public void revisitsArt() throws Exception {
    EncounterType hivConsult =
    Concept stavudine = Context.getConceptService().getConcept(84309);

    // Start patient #6 this month and give them a visit in the reporting period + 2 months
    TestUtils.saveDrugOrder(TestUtils.getPatient(6), stavudine, TestUtils.date(2012, 6, 10), null);
    TestUtils.saveEncounter(TestUtils.getPatient(6), hivConsult, TestUtils.date(2012, 6, 20));

    // Start patient #7 in previous month and give them a visit in the reporting period + 2 months
    TestUtils.saveDrugOrder(TestUtils.getPatient(7), stavudine, TestUtils.date(2012, 5, 10), null);
    TestUtils.saveEncounter(TestUtils.getPatient(7), hivConsult, TestUtils.date(2012, 6, 20));

    // Start patient #8 and give them visit outside of reporting period + 2 month window
    TestUtils.saveDrugOrder(TestUtils.getPatient(8), stavudine, TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 10), null);
    TestUtils.saveEncounter(TestUtils.getPatient(8), hivConsult, TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 20));

    CohortDefinition cd = moh731Cohorts.revisitsArt();
    context.addParameterValue("fromDate", PERIOD_START);
    context.addParameterValue("toDate", PERIOD_END);
    EvaluatedCohort evaluated =
        Context.getService(CohortDefinitionService.class).evaluate(cd, context);
    ReportingTestUtils.assertCohortEquals(Arrays.asList(7), evaluated);
  /** @see EmrVisitAssignmentHandler#checkLocations(org.openmrs.Visit, org.openmrs.Encounter) */
  public void checkLocations() {
    Patient patient = TestUtils.getPatient(7);
    Form moh257 = MetadataUtils.getForm(HivMetadata._Form.MOH_257_VISIT_SUMMARY);
    VisitType outpatient = MetadataUtils.getVisitType(CommonMetadata._VisitType.OUTPATIENT);

    // Save regular visit on Jan 1st at no specific location
    Visit visit0 = TestUtils.saveVisit(patient, outpatient, TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 1), null);

    // Save regular visit on Jan 1st at location #2
    Visit visit1 = TestUtils.saveVisit(patient, outpatient, TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 1), null);

    // Save regular visit on Jan 1st at location #2
    Visit visit2 = TestUtils.saveVisit(patient, outpatient, TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 1), null);

    // Save MOH257 for that day (will default to location #1)
    Encounter encounter = TestUtils.saveEncounter(patient, moh257, TestUtils.date(2012, 1, 1));

    Assert.assertThat(EmrVisitAssignmentHandler.checkLocations(visit0, encounter), is(true));
    Assert.assertThat(EmrVisitAssignmentHandler.checkLocations(visit1, encounter), is(true));
    Assert.assertThat(EmrVisitAssignmentHandler.checkLocations(visit2, encounter), is(false));