public static DeviceOracle createDeviceOracle( String macStr, Long vlan, String entityClassName, String ipStr, String dpidStr, Short switchPortNumber) throws BigDBException { if (macStr == null) { throw new BigDBException("Mac Address cannot be null."); } Short vlanShort = vlan == null ? null : Short.valueOf(vlan.shortValue()); Integer port = switchPortNumber == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(switchPortNumber); Integer ipv4 = ipStr == null ? null : IPv4.toIPv4Address(ipStr); Long dpid = dpidStr == null ? null : HexString.toLong(dpidStr); IEntityClass entityClass = getDeviceService().getEntityClassifier().getEntityClassByName(entityClassName); if (entityClass == null) { throw new BigDBException( "Invalid entity class name, config the " + "entity class first: " + entityClassName); } Entity en = new Entity(HexString.toLong(macStr), vlanShort, ipv4, dpid, port, null); String deviceId = IndexedEntity.getKeyString(entityClassName, en, entityClass.getKeyFields()); return new DeviceOracle(deviceId, macStr, vlanShort, entityClassName, ipStr, dpidStr, port); }
@Override public String toString() { switch (operation) { case LINK_REMOVED: case LINK_UPDATED: return "LDUpdate [operation=" + operation + ", src=" + HexString.toHexString(src) + ", srcPort=" + srcPort + ", dst=" + HexString.toHexString(dst) + ", dstPort=" + dstPort + ", type=" + type + "]"; case PORT_DOWN: case PORT_UP: return "LDUpdate [operation=" + operation + ", src=" + HexString.toHexString(src) + ", srcPort=" + srcPort + "]"; case SWITCH_REMOVED: case SWITCH_UPDATED: return "LDUpdate [operation=" + operation + ", src=" + HexString.toHexString(src) + "]"; default: return "LDUpdate: Unknown update."; } }
public String toString() { return ";fid=" + fieldId + ";ofst=" + offset + ";len=" + length + ";val=" + HexString.toHex(value) + ";mask=" + HexString.toHex(mask); }
public String getFullHexMask() { String fullHexMaskString = ""; if (mask == null) { fullHexMaskString += HexString.Zero((length - 1) / 8 + 1); } else { if (mask.length >= OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE) { fullHexMaskString += HexString.toHex(mask, 0, OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE); } else { fullHexMaskString += HexString.toHex(mask); // fullHexMaskString += HexString.Zero(OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE - mask.length); } } return fullHexMaskString; }
public void _controllerShowSwitches(CommandInterpreter ci) { Set<Long> sids = switches.keySet(); StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); int size = sids.size(); if (size == 0) { ci.print("switches: empty"); return; } Iterator<Long> iter = sids.iterator(); s.append("Total: " + size + " switches\n"); while (iter.hasNext()) { Long sid =; Date date = switches.get(sid).getConnectedDate(); String switchInstanceName = ((SwitchHandler) switches.get(sid)).getInstanceName(); s.append( switchInstanceName + "/" + HexString.toHexString(sid) + " connected since " + date.toString() + "\n"); } ci.print(s.toString()); return; }
public String getFullHexValue() { String fullHexValueString = ""; if (value == null) { fullHexValueString += HexString.Zero((length - 1) / 8 + 1); } else { if (value.length >= OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE) { fullHexValueString += HexString.toHex(value, 0, OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE); } else { fullHexValueString += HexString.toHex(value); // fullHexValueString += HexString.Zero(OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE - // value.length); } } return fullHexValueString; }
@Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (long n : links.keySet()) { sb.append( "[" + HexString.toHexString(n) + ": cost=" + costs.get(n) + ", " + links.get(n) + "]"); } return sb.toString(); }
public DeviceOracle( String deviceId, long mac, Short vlan, String entityClassName, Integer ipAddress, Long switchDPID, Integer switchPortNumber) throws BigDBException { if (deviceId == null) { throw new BigDBException("Device ID cannot be null."); } String ip = ipAddress == null ? null : IPv4.fromIPv4Address(ipAddress); String dpid = switchDPID == null ? null : HexString.toHexString(switchDPID, 8); String macStr = HexString.toHexString(mac, 6); this.deviceId = deviceId; this.mac = macStr; this.vlan = vlan; this.entityClassName = entityClassName; this.ipAddress = ip; this.switchDPID = dpid; this.switchPortNumber = switchPortNumber; }
/** * Output a dpctl-styled string, i.e., only list the elements that are not wildcarded * * <p>A match-everything OFMatch outputs "OFMatch[]" * * @return "OFMatch[dl_src:00:20:01:11:22:33,nw_src:,tp_dst:80]" */ @Override public String toString() { String str = ""; // l1 if ((wildcards & OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0) str += "," + STR_IN_PORT + "=" + U16.f(this.inputPort); // l2 if ((wildcards & OFPFW_DL_DST) == 0) str += "," + STR_DL_DST + "=" + HexString.toHexString(this.dataLayerDestination); if ((wildcards & OFPFW_DL_SRC) == 0) str += "," + STR_DL_SRC + "=" + HexString.toHexString(this.dataLayerSource); if ((wildcards & OFPFW_DL_TYPE) == 0) str += "," + STR_DL_TYPE + "=0x" + Integer.toHexString(U16.f(this.dataLayerType)); if ((wildcards & OFPFW_DL_VLAN) == 0) str += "," + STR_DL_VLAN + "=" + U16.f(this.dataLayerVirtualLan); if ((wildcards & OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP) == 0) str += "," + STR_DL_VLAN_PCP + "=" + U8.f(this.dataLayerVirtualLanPriorityCodePoint); // l3 if (getNetworkDestinationMaskLen() > 0) str += "," + STR_NW_DST + "=" + cidrToString(networkDestination, getNetworkDestinationMaskLen()); if (getNetworkSourceMaskLen() > 0) str += "," + STR_NW_SRC + "=" + cidrToString(networkSource, getNetworkSourceMaskLen()); if ((wildcards & OFPFW_NW_PROTO) == 0) str += "," + STR_NW_PROTO + "=" + this.networkProtocol; if ((wildcards & OFPFW_NW_TOS) == 0) str += "," + STR_NW_TOS + "=" + this.networkTypeOfService; // l4 if ((wildcards & OFPFW_TP_DST) == 0) str += "," + STR_TP_DST + "=" + this.transportDestination; if ((wildcards & OFPFW_TP_SRC) == 0) str += "," + STR_TP_SRC + "=" + this.transportSource; if ((str.length() > 0) && (str.charAt(0) == ',')) str = str.substring(1); // trim the leading "," // done return "OFMatch[" + str + "]"; }
@Override @JsonIgnore public void setFeaturesReply(OFFeaturesReply featuresReply) { synchronized (portLock) { if (stringId == null) { /* ports are updated via port status message, so we * only fill in ports on initial connection. */ for (OFPhysicalPort port : featuresReply.getPorts()) { setPort(port); } } this.datapathId = featuresReply.getDatapathId(); this.capabilities = featuresReply.getCapabilities(); this.buffers = featuresReply.getBuffers(); this.actions = featuresReply.getActions(); this.tables = featuresReply.getTables(); this.stringId = HexString.toHexString(this.datapathId); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.flowvisor.api.FVUserAPI#getDeviceInfo() */ @Override public Map<String, String> getDeviceInfo(String dpidStr) throws DPIDNotFound { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); long dpid = HexString.toLong(dpidStr); FVClassifier fvClassifier = null; for (FVEventHandler handler : FlowVisor.getInstance().getHandlersCopy()) { if (handler instanceof FVClassifier) { OFFeaturesReply featuresReply = ((FVClassifier) handler).getSwitchInfo(); if (featuresReply != null && featuresReply.getDatapathId() == dpid) { fvClassifier = (FVClassifier) handler; break; } } } if (fvClassifier == null) throw new DPIDNotFound("dpid does not exist: " + dpidStr + " ::" + String.valueOf(dpid)); OFFeaturesReply config = fvClassifier.getSwitchInfo(); map.put("dpid", FlowSpaceUtil.dpidToString(dpid)); if (config != null) { map.put("nPorts", String.valueOf(config.getPorts().size())); String portList = ""; String portNames = ""; int p; for (Iterator<OFPhysicalPort> it = config.getPorts().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { OFPhysicalPort port =; p = U16.f(port.getPortNumber()); portList += p; portNames += port.getName() + "(" + p + ")"; if (it.hasNext()) { portList += ","; portNames += ","; } } map.put("portList", portList); map.put("portNames", portNames); } else { FVLog.log(LogLevel.WARN, null, "null config for: " + dpidStr); } map.put("remote", String.valueOf(fvClassifier.getConnectionName())); return map; }
/** * API to return a String value formed wtih NodeID and PortID The portID is a 16-bit field, so * mask it as an integer to get full positive value * * @return */ public String toKeyString() { return (HexString.toHexString(nodeId) + "|" + (portId & 0xffff)); }
public String toString() { return "[id=" + HexString.toHexString(nodeId) + ", port=" + new Short(portId) + "]"; }
public String toBytesString() { String string = HexString.toHex(fieldId) + HexString.toHex(offset) + HexString.toHex(length) + HexString.ByteZeroEnd(2); if (value == null) { string += HexString.ByteZeroEnd(OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE); } else { if (value.length > OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE) { string += HexString.toHex(value, 0, OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE); string += HexString.ZeroEnd(0); } else { // string += HexString.ZeroEnd(0); string += HexString.toHex(value); // string += HexString.ZeroEnd(0); string += HexString.ByteZeroEnd(OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE - value.length); } } if (mask == null) { string += HexString.ByteZeroEnd(OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE); } else { if (mask.length > OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE) { string += HexString.toHex(mask, 0, OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE); string += HexString.ZeroEnd(0); } else { // string += HexString.ZeroEnd(0); string += HexString.toHex(mask); // string += HexString.ZeroEnd(0); string += HexString.ByteZeroEnd(OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH_IN_BYTE - mask.length); } } return string; }
/** * Set this OFMatch's parameters based on a comma-separated key=value pair dpctl-style string, * e.g., from the output of OFMatch.toString() <br> * * <p>Supported keys/values include <br> * * <p> * * <TABLE border=1> * <TR> * <TD>KEY(s) * <TD>VALUE * </TR> * <TR> * <TD>"in_port","input_port" * <TD>integer * </TR> * <TR> * <TD>"dl_src","eth_src", "dl_dst","eth_dst" * <TD>hex-string * </TR> * <TR> * <TD>"dl_type", "dl_vlan", "dl_vlan_pcp" * <TD>integer * </TR> * <TR> * <TD>"nw_src", "nw_dst", "ip_src", "ip_dst" * <TD>CIDR-style netmask * </TR> * <TR> * <TD>"tp_src","tp_dst" * <TD>integer (max 64k) * </TR> * </TABLE> * * <p>The CIDR-style netmasks assume 32 netmask if none given, so: "" is the same * as "" * * @param match a key=value comma separated string, e.g. * "in_port=5,ip_dst=,tp_src=80" * @throws IllegalArgumentException on unexpected key or value */ public void fromString(String match) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (match.equals("") || match.equalsIgnoreCase("any") || match.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || match.equals("[]")) match = "OFMatch[]"; String[] tokens = match.split("[\\[,\\]]"); String[] values; int initArg = 0; if (tokens[0].equals("OFMatch")) initArg = 1; this.wildcards = OFPFW_ALL; int i; for (i = initArg; i < tokens.length; i++) { values = tokens[i].split("="); if (values.length != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Token " + tokens[i] + " does not have form 'key=value' parsing " + match); values[0] = values[0].toLowerCase(); // try to make this case insens if (values[0].equals(STR_IN_PORT) || values[0].equals("input_port")) { this.inputPort = U16.t(Integer.valueOf(values[1])); this.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_IN_PORT; } else if (values[0].equals(STR_DL_DST) || values[0].equals("eth_dst")) { this.dataLayerDestination = HexString.fromHexString(values[1]); this.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_DL_DST; } else if (values[0].equals(STR_DL_SRC) || values[0].equals("eth_src")) { this.dataLayerSource = HexString.fromHexString(values[1]); this.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_DL_SRC; } else if (values[0].equals(STR_DL_TYPE) || values[0].equals("eth_type")) { if (values[1].startsWith("0x")) this.dataLayerType = U16.t(Integer.valueOf(values[1].replaceFirst("0x", ""), 16)); else this.dataLayerType = U16.t(Integer.valueOf(values[1])); this.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_DL_TYPE; } else if (values[0].equals(STR_DL_VLAN)) { if (values[1].startsWith("0x")) this.dataLayerVirtualLan = U16.t(Integer.valueOf(values[1].replaceFirst("0x", ""), 16)); else this.dataLayerVirtualLan = U16.t(Integer.valueOf(values[1])); this.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_DL_VLAN; } else if (values[0].equals(STR_DL_VLAN_PCP)) { if (values[1].startsWith("0x")) this.dataLayerVirtualLanPriorityCodePoint = U8.t(Short.valueOf(values[1].replaceFirst("0x", ""), 16)); else this.dataLayerVirtualLanPriorityCodePoint = U8.t(Short.valueOf(values[1])); this.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP; } else if (values[0].equals(STR_NW_DST) || values[0].equals("ip_dst")) setFromCIDR(values[1], STR_NW_DST); else if (values[0].equals(STR_NW_SRC) || values[0].equals("ip_src")) setFromCIDR(values[1], STR_NW_SRC); else if (values[0].equals(STR_NW_PROTO)) { this.networkProtocol = U8.t(Short.valueOf(values[1])); this.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_NW_PROTO; } else if (values[0].equals(STR_NW_TOS)) { this.networkTypeOfService = U8.t(Short.valueOf(values[1])); this.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_NW_TOS; } else if (values[0].equals(STR_TP_DST)) { this.transportDestination = U16.t(Integer.valueOf(values[1])); this.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_TP_DST; } else if (values[0].equals(STR_TP_SRC)) { this.transportSource = U16.t(Integer.valueOf(values[1])); this.wildcards &= ~OFPFW_TP_SRC; } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown token " + tokens[i] + " parsing " + match); } }
@Test public void testStaticFlowPush() throws IOException { StaticFlowEntryPusher staticFlowEntryPusher = new StaticFlowEntryPusher(); IStorageSourceService storage = createStorageWithFlowEntries(); long dpid = HexString.toLong(TestSwitch1DPID); // Create a Switch and attach a switch IOFSwitch mockSwitch = createNiceMock(IOFSwitch.class); Capture<OFMessage> writeCapture = new Capture<OFMessage>(CaptureType.ALL); Capture<ListenerContext> contextCapture = new Capture<ListenerContext>(CaptureType.ALL); Capture<List<OFMessage>> writeCaptureList = new Capture<List<OFMessage>>(CaptureType.ALL); // OFMessageSafeOutStream mockOutStream = createNiceMock(OFMessageSafeOutStream.class); mockSwitch.write(capture(writeCapture), capture(contextCapture)); expectLastCall().anyTimes(); mockSwitch.write(capture(writeCaptureList), capture(contextCapture)); expectLastCall().anyTimes(); mockSwitch.flush(); expectLastCall().anyTimes(); staticFlowEntryPusher.setStorageSource(storage); ModuleContext fmc = new ModuleContext(); MockControllerProvider mockControllerProvider = getMockControllerProvider(); Map<Long, IOFSwitch> switchMap = new HashMap<Long, IOFSwitch>(); switchMap.put(dpid, mockSwitch); // NO ! expect(mockControllerProvider.getSwitches()).andReturn(switchMap).anyTimes(); mockControllerProvider.setSwitches(switchMap); staticFlowEntryPusher.setControllerProvider(mockControllerProvider); RestApiServer restApi = new RestApiServer(); try { restApi.init(fmc); } catch (ModuleException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } staticFlowEntryPusher.restApi = restApi; staticFlowEntryPusher.startUp(null); // again, to hack unittest // verify that flowpusher read all three entries from storage assertEquals(TotalTestRules, staticFlowEntryPusher.countEntries()); // if someone calls mockSwitch.getOutputStream(), return mockOutStream instead // expect(mockSwitch.getOutputStream()).andReturn(mockOutStream).anyTimes(); // if someone calls getId(), return this dpid instead expect(mockSwitch.getId()).andReturn(dpid).anyTimes(); expect(mockSwitch.getStringId()).andReturn(TestSwitch1DPID).anyTimes(); replay(mockSwitch); // hook the static pusher up to the fake switch staticFlowEntryPusher.addedSwitch(mockSwitch); verify(mockSwitch); // Verify that the switch has gotten some flow_mods assertEquals(true, writeCapture.hasCaptured()); assertEquals(TotalTestRules, writeCapture.getValues().size()); // Order assumes how things are stored in hash bucket; // should be fixed because OFMessage.hashCode() is deterministic OFFlowMod firstFlowMod = (OFFlowMod) writeCapture.getValues().get(2); verifyFlowMod(firstFlowMod, FlowMod1); OFFlowMod secondFlowMod = (OFFlowMod) writeCapture.getValues().get(1); verifyFlowMod(secondFlowMod, FlowMod2); OFFlowMod thirdFlowMod = (OFFlowMod) writeCapture.getValues().get(0); verifyFlowMod(thirdFlowMod, FlowMod3); writeCapture.reset(); contextCapture.reset(); // delete two rules and verify they've been removed // this should invoke staticFlowPusher.rowsDeleted() storage.deleteRow(StaticFlowEntryPusher.TABLE_NAME, "TestRule1"); storage.deleteRow(StaticFlowEntryPusher.TABLE_NAME, "TestRule2"); assertEquals(1, staticFlowEntryPusher.countEntries()); assertEquals(2, writeCapture.getValues().size()); OFFlowMod firstDelete = (OFFlowMod) writeCapture.getValues().get(0); FlowMod1.setCommand(OFFlowMod.OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT); verifyFlowMod(firstDelete, FlowMod1); OFFlowMod secondDelete = (OFFlowMod) writeCapture.getValues().get(1); FlowMod2.setCommand(OFFlowMod.OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT); verifyFlowMod(secondDelete, FlowMod2); // add rules back to make sure that staticFlowPusher.rowsInserted() works writeCapture.reset(); FlowMod2.setCommand(OFFlowMod.OFPFC_ADD); storage.insertRow(StaticFlowEntryPusher.TABLE_NAME, TestRule2); assertEquals(2, staticFlowEntryPusher.countEntries()); assertEquals(1, writeCaptureList.getValues().size()); List<OFMessage> outList = (List<OFMessage>) writeCaptureList.getValues().get(0); assertEquals(1, outList.size()); OFFlowMod firstAdd = (OFFlowMod) outList.get(0); verifyFlowMod(firstAdd, FlowMod2); writeCapture.reset(); contextCapture.reset(); writeCaptureList.reset(); // now try an overwriting update, calling staticFlowPusher.rowUpdated() TestRule3.put(COLUMN_DL_VLAN, 333); storage.updateRow(StaticFlowEntryPusher.TABLE_NAME, TestRule3); assertEquals(2, staticFlowEntryPusher.countEntries()); assertEquals(1, writeCaptureList.getValues().size()); outList = (List<OFMessage>) writeCaptureList.getValues().get(0); assertEquals(2, outList.size()); OFFlowMod removeFlowMod = (OFFlowMod) outList.get(0); FlowMod3.setCommand(OFFlowMod.OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT); verifyFlowMod(removeFlowMod, FlowMod3); FlowMod3.setCommand(OFFlowMod.OFPFC_ADD); FlowMod3.getMatch().fromString("dl_dst=00:20:30:40:50:60,dl_vlan=333"); OFFlowMod updateFlowMod = (OFFlowMod) outList.get(1); verifyFlowMod(updateFlowMod, FlowMod3); writeCaptureList.reset(); // now try an action modifying update, calling staticFlowPusher.rowUpdated() TestRule3.put(COLUMN_ACTIONS, "output=controller,strip-vlan"); // added strip-vlan storage.updateRow(StaticFlowEntryPusher.TABLE_NAME, TestRule3); assertEquals(2, staticFlowEntryPusher.countEntries()); assertEquals(1, writeCaptureList.getValues().size()); outList = (List<OFMessage>) writeCaptureList.getValues().get(0); assertEquals(1, outList.size()); OFFlowMod modifyFlowMod = (OFFlowMod) outList.get(0); FlowMod3.setCommand(OFFlowMod.OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT); List<OFAction> modifiedActions = FlowMod3.getActions(); modifiedActions.add( new OFActionStripVirtualLan()); // add the new action to what we should expect FlowMod3.setActions(modifiedActions); FlowMod3.setLengthU(OFFlowMod.MINIMUM_LENGTH + 16); // accommodate the addition of new actions verifyFlowMod(modifyFlowMod, FlowMod3); }
public String toBytesString() { return super.toBytesString() + HexString.toHex(fieldPosition) + HexString.ByteZeroEnd(2) + HexString.toHex(fieldLength); }
public String toBytesString() { String string = super.toString(); string += HexString.toHex(command) + HexString.toHex(groupType) + HexString.toHex(actionNum) + HexString.ByteZeroEnd(1) + HexString.toHex(groupId) + HexString.toHex(counterId) + HexString.ByteZeroEnd(4); if (actionList == null) { string += HexString.ByteZeroEnd(OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_ACTION_NUMBER_PER_GROUP * OFAction.MAXIMAL_LENGTH); } else { OFAction action; if (actionNum > actionList.size()) { throw new RuntimeException( "actionNum " + actionNum + " > actionList.size()" + actionList.size()); } int i; for (i = 0; i < actionNum && i < OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_ACTION_NUMBER_PER_GROUP; i++) { action = actionList.get(i); if (action == null) { string += HexString.ByteZeroEnd(OFAction.MAXIMAL_LENGTH); } else { string += action.toBytesString(); if (action.getLength() < OFAction.MAXIMAL_LENGTH) { string += HexString.ByteZeroEnd(OFAction.MAXIMAL_LENGTH - action.getLength()); } } } if (i < OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_ACTION_NUMBER_PER_GROUP) { string += HexString.ByteZeroEnd( (OFGlobal.OFP_MAX_ACTION_NUMBER_PER_GROUP - i) * OFAction.MAXIMAL_LENGTH); } } return string; }