public void hpFind(Mat mRgba, Mat mGray, WorkingHeadPose hp, Rect[] facesArray)
        // public void hpFind(Mat mRgba,Mat mGray,HeadPose hp)

    int i;
    Log.i("HeadPose", "hpFind:Total Faces Found" + facesArray.length);
    if (hp.hpstatus == HeadPoseStatus.NONE) {
      if (facesArray.length < 1) return;
      TempFace = facesArray.clone();
      hp.cornerCount = hp.maxCorners;
      Rect roi =
          new Rect(
              (int) facesArray[0].tl().x,
              (int) (facesArray[0].tl().y),
              (int) (facesArray[0].height)); // imran
      Mat cropped = new Mat();
      Mat GrayClone = new Mat();
      GrayClone = mGray.clone();
      cropped = GrayClone.submat(roi);
      hpFindCorners(cropped, hp);
      // mGray is untouched
      // ******** working fine upto here

      // Map face points to model

      if (hp.cornerCount < 4) return;

      Vector<Point3> points = new Vector<Point3>();
      if (
          > 0) // adding to make sure, copying is done perfectly.imran,was getting exception
        Log.i("hpFind+", "" +;
        Log.i("hpFind+", "hp.cornerCount" + hp.cornerCount);

        // Point3 temp1;//=new Point3();

        for (i = 0; i < hp.cornerCount; i++) {
          if (i == break;
          // Log.i("hpFind+","Itertion"+i);
              new Point3(
                  (hp.corners.toList().get(i).x / facesArray[0].width) - 0.5,
                  -(hp.corners.toList().get(i).y / facesArray[0].height) + 0.5,
                  0.5 * Math.sin(PI * (hp.corners.toList().get(i).x / facesArray[0].width))));
          // modelPoints.toList().set(i,
          // hpmodel(hp.corners.toList().get(i).x/facesArray[0].width,hp.corners.toList().get(i).x/facesArray[0].height));
          // temp1=new Point3((hp.corners.toList().get(i).x/facesArray[0].width) -
          // 0.5,-(hp.corners.toList().get(i).y/facesArray[0].height) + 0.5, 0.5 * Math.sin(PI
          // *(hp.corners.toList().get(i).x/facesArray[0].width)));
          // modelPoints. .p  .toList().set .set(i,temp1);


      // imran example from , search for Point3f

      // Traslate corners from face coordinated to image coordinates
      for (i = 0; i < hp.cornerCount; i++) {
        if (i == break;
        hp.corners.toList().get(i).x += facesArray[0].tl().x;
        hp.corners.toList().get(i).y += facesArray[0].br().y;
        // hp.corners.toList().set(i, hp.corners.toList().get(i)+facesArray[0].tl().x);

      hp.corners.copyTo(hp.tempcorners); // .clone();
      // Change status
      hp.hpstatus = HeadPoseStatus.KEYFRAME;
    } else {
      if (facesArray.length > 1)
        TempFace = facesArray.clone(); // imran assigning here also,to better measure

      MatOfPoint2f corners2f = new MatOfPoint2f();
      hp.corners.convertTo(corners2f, CvType.CV_32FC2);
      hp.previousCorners = corners2f;
      corners2f.convertTo(hp.corners, CvType.CV_32S);

      hpTrack(mRgba, hp, facesArray);
      Point center = new Point();

      if (hp.cornerCount < 4) {
        hp.hpstatus = HeadPoseStatus.NONE;

      hp.hpstatus = HeadPoseStatus.TRACKING;
    if (hp.previousFrame == null) // imran
      // hp.previousFrame =new Mat(mRgba.width(),mRgba.height(),CvType);
      hp.previousFrame = new Mat(mRgba.size(), CvType.CV_8UC4);
    // cvCopy(frame, headPose->previousFrame, NULL);
