/** * Forces mouse out on self and contained buttons. * * <p> */ public void forceMouseOut() { for (Widget w : m_buttonPanel) { CmsDomUtil.ensureMouseOut(w); } CmsDomUtil.ensureMouseOut(this); removeStyleName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.stateCss().cmsHovering()); }
/** * Sets the overflow of the tab layout content's parent to visible. * * <p> */ protected void setOverflowVisibleToContent() { Element tabRoot = m_tabPanel.getElement(); // set an additional css class for the parent element of the .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs element List<Element> tabContentDivs = CmsDomUtil.getElementsByClass( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanelContent(), CmsDomUtil.Tag.div, tabRoot); tabContentDivs.addAll( CmsDomUtil.getElementsByClass( "gwt-TabLayoutPanelContentContainer", CmsDomUtil.Tag.div, tabRoot)); for (Element e : tabContentDivs) { e.getParentElement().getStyle().setOverflow(Overflow.VISIBLE); } }
/** * Add a new tab with the provided name and content. * * <p>Wrapper function for {@link com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.TabLayoutPanel#add(Widget, * String)} * * @param tabContent the widget to add as a tab * @param tabName the name of the tab to display in the tabbar */ public void add(E tabContent, String tabName) { tabContent.addStyleName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.generalCss().cornerAll()); m_tabPanel.add(tabContent, tabName); Element tabRootEl = m_tabPanel.getElement(); // set an additional css class for the parent element of the .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs element List<Element> tabDivs = CmsDomUtil.getElementsByClass( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanelTab(), CmsDomUtil.Tag.div, tabRootEl); Iterator<Element> it = tabDivs.iterator(); boolean first = true; while (it.hasNext()) { Element e = it.next(); e.removeClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cornerLeft()); e.removeClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cornerRight()); if (first) { e.addClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cornerLeft()); first = false; } if (!it.hasNext()) { e.addClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cornerRight()); } } }
/** * Returns the tab element for the given index. * * <p> * * @param tabIndex the tab index to get the tab element for * @return the tab element for the given index */ private Element getTabElement(int tabIndex) { Element tabRootEl = m_tabPanel.getElement(); // set an additional css class for the parent element of the .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs element List<Element> tabDivs = CmsDomUtil.getElementsByClass( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanelTab(), CmsDomUtil.Tag.div, tabRootEl); if ((tabDivs != null) && (tabDivs.size() > tabIndex)) { return tabDivs.get(tabIndex); } return null; }
/** * The constructor for an empty tabbed panel. * * <p> * * @param tabbedPanelStyle the pre-defined height of the tabbar, can be "small" or "standard" */ public CmsTabbedPanel(CmsTabbedPanelStyle tabbedPanelStyle) { m_tabPanel = new TabLayoutPanel(tabbedPanelStyle.getBarHeight(), Unit.PX); m_panelStyle = tabbedPanelStyle; // All composites must call initWidget() in their constructors. initWidget(m_tabPanel); Element tabRootEl = m_tabPanel.getElement(); // set an additional css class for the parent element of the .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs element List<Element> tabBarDivs = CmsDomUtil.getElementsByClass( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanelTabs(), CmsDomUtil.Tag.div, tabRootEl); if (tabBarDivs.size() == 1) { tabBarDivs .get(0) .getParentElement() .setClassName( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanelTabBar() + " " + I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.generalCss().cornerAll()); if (m_panelStyle.getTabColorClass() != null) { tabBarDivs.get(0).getParentElement().addClassName(m_panelStyle.getTabColorClass()); } } m_tabPanel.setStyleName(m_panelStyle.getStyleClass()); m_tabPanel.addStyleName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanel()); m_tabPanel.addStyleName( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.generalCss().cornerAll() + " " + I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.generalCss().textMedium()); m_tabPanel.addAttachHandler( new AttachEvent.Handler() { /** * @see * com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.AttachEvent.Handler#onAttachOrDetach(com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.AttachEvent) */ public void onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event) { setOverflowVisibleToContent(); } }); }