protected Map<String, Object> getContext(XmlRpcRequest xmlRpcReq, String serviceName) throws XmlRpcException { ModelService model; try { model = dispatcher.getDispatchContext().getModelService(serviceName); } catch (GenericServiceException e) { throw new XmlRpcException(e.getMessage(), e); } // context placeholder Map<String, Object> context = FastMap.newInstance(); if (model != null) { int parameterCount = xmlRpcReq.getParameterCount(); // more than one parameter; use list notation based on service def order if (parameterCount > 1) { int x = 0; for (String name : model.getParameterNames("IN", true, true)) { context.put(name, xmlRpcReq.getParameter(x)); x++; if (x == parameterCount) { break; } } // only one parameter; if its a map use it as the context; otherwise make sure the service // takes one param } else if (parameterCount == 1) { Object param = xmlRpcReq.getParameter(0); if (param instanceof Map<?, ?>) { context = checkMap(param, String.class, Object.class); } else { if (model.getDefinedInCount() == 1) { String paramName = model.getInParamNames().iterator().next(); context.put(paramName, xmlRpcReq.getParameter(0)); } else { throw new XmlRpcException( "More than one parameter defined on service; cannot call via RPC with parameter list"); } } } // do map value conversions context = model.makeValid(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM); } return context; }
private Map<String, Object> serviceInvoker( String localName, ModelService modelService, Map<String, Object> context) throws GenericServiceException { if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(modelService.location)) { throw new GenericServiceException("Cannot run Groovy service with empty location"); } Map<String, Object> params = FastMap.newInstance(); params.putAll(context); context.put(ScriptUtil.PARAMETERS_KEY, params); DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getLocalContext(localName); context.put("dctx", dctx); context.put("dispatcher", dctx.getDispatcher()); context.put("delegator", dispatcher.getDelegator()); try { ScriptContext scriptContext = ScriptUtil.createScriptContext(context, protectedKeys); ScriptHelper scriptHelper = (ScriptHelper) scriptContext.getAttribute(ScriptUtil.SCRIPT_HELPER_KEY); if (scriptHelper != null) { context.put(ScriptUtil.SCRIPT_HELPER_KEY, scriptHelper); } Script script = InvokerHelper.createScript( GroovyUtil.getScriptClassFromLocation( this.getLocation(modelService), groovyClassLoader), GroovyUtil.getBinding(context)); Object resultObj = null; if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(modelService.invoke)) { resultObj =; } else { resultObj = script.invokeMethod(modelService.invoke, EMPTY_ARGS); } if (resultObj == null) { resultObj = scriptContext.getAttribute(ScriptUtil.RESULT_KEY); } if (resultObj != null && resultObj instanceof Map<?, ?>) { return cast(resultObj); } Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); result.putAll( modelService.makeValid(scriptContext.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE), "OUT")); return result; } catch (GeneralException ge) { throw new GenericServiceException(ge); } catch (Exception e) { return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } }
public Object execute(XmlRpcRequest xmlRpcReq) throws XmlRpcException { DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getDispatchContext(); String serviceName = xmlRpcReq.getMethodName(); ModelService model = null; try { model = dctx.getModelService(serviceName); } catch (GenericServiceException e) { throw new XmlRpcException(e.getMessage(), e); } // check remote invocation security if (model == null || !model.export) { throw new XmlRpcException("Unknown method"); } // prepare the context -- single parameter type struct (map) Map<String, Object> context = this.getContext(xmlRpcReq, serviceName); // add in auth parameters XmlRpcHttpRequestConfig config = (XmlRpcHttpRequestConfig) xmlRpcReq.getConfig(); String username = config.getBasicUserName(); String password = config.getBasicPassword(); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(username)) { context.put("login.username", username); context.put("login.password", password); } // add the locale to the context context.put("locale", Locale.getDefault()); // invoke the service Map<String, Object> resp; try { resp = dispatcher.runSync(serviceName, context); } catch (GenericServiceException e) { throw new XmlRpcException(e.getMessage(), e); } if (ServiceUtil.isError(resp)) { Debug.logError(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(resp), module); throw new XmlRpcException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(resp)); } // return only definied parameters return model.makeValid(resp, ModelService.OUT_PARAM, false, null); }
@Override public boolean eval(Map<String, Object> context) { // if no user is logged in, treat as if the user does not have permission GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin"); if (userLogin != null) { String serviceName = serviceExdr.expandString(context); String mainAction = actionExdr.expandString(context); String contextMap = ctxMapExdr.expandString(context); String resource = resExdr.expandString(context); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource)) { resource = serviceName; } if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(serviceName)) { Debug.logWarning("No permission service-name specified!", module); return false; } Map<String, Object> serviceContext = UtilGenerics.toMap(context.get(contextMap)); if (serviceContext != null) { // copy the required internal fields serviceContext.put("userLogin", context.get("userLogin")); serviceContext.put("locale", context.get("locale")); } else { serviceContext = context; } // get the service objects LocalDispatcher dispatcher = this.modelScreen.getDispatcher(context); DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getDispatchContext(); // get the service ModelService permService; try { permService = dctx.getModelService(serviceName); } catch (GenericServiceException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return false; } if (permService != null) { // build the context Map<String, Object> svcCtx = permService.makeValid(serviceContext, ModelService.IN_PARAM); svcCtx.put("resourceDescription", resource); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(mainAction)) { svcCtx.put("mainAction", mainAction); } // invoke the service Map<String, Object> resp; try { resp = dispatcher.runSync(, svcCtx, 300, true); } catch (GenericServiceException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return false; } if (ServiceUtil.isError(resp) || ServiceUtil.isFailure(resp)) { Debug.logError(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(resp), module); return false; } Boolean hasPermission = (Boolean) resp.get("hasPermission"); if (hasPermission != null) { return hasPermission.booleanValue(); } } } return false; }
public static Map<String, Object> createContact( DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, Object> context) { Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator(); LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher(); Security security = dctx.getSecurity(); GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin"); Locale locale = UtilCommon.getLocale(context); if (!security.hasPermission("CRMSFA_CONTACT_CREATE", userLogin)) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError("CrmErrorPermissionDenied", locale, MODULE); } // the net result of creating an contact is the generation of a Contact partyId String contactPartyId = (String) context.get("partyId"); try { // make sure user has the right crmsfa roles defined. otherwise the contact will be created // as deactivated. if (UtilValidate.isEmpty( PartyHelper.getFirstValidTeamMemberRoleTypeId( userLogin.getString("partyId"), delegator))) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError( "CrmError_NoRoleForCreateParty", UtilMisc.toMap( "userPartyName", delegator, userLogin.getString("partyId"), false), "requiredRoleTypes", PartyHelper.TEAM_MEMBER_ROLES), locale, MODULE); } // if we're given the partyId to create, then verify it is free to use if (contactPartyId != null) { Map<String, Object> findMap = UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("partyId", contactPartyId); GenericValue party = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Party", findMap); if (party != null) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError( "person.create.person_exists", findMap, locale, MODULE); } } // create the Party and Person, which results in a partyId Map<String, Object> input = UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap( "firstName", context.get("firstName"), "lastName", context.get("lastName")); if (contactPartyId != null) { input.put("partyId", contactPartyId); } input.put("firstNameLocal", context.get("firstNameLocal")); input.put("lastNameLocal", context.get("lastNameLocal")); input.put("personalTitle", context.get("personalTitle")); input.put("preferredCurrencyUomId", context.get("preferredCurrencyUomId")); input.put("description", context.get("description")); input.put("birthDate", context.get("birthDate")); Map<String, Object> serviceResults = dispatcher.runSync("createPerson", input); if (ServiceUtil.isError(serviceResults)) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError( serviceResults, "CrmErrorCreateContactFail", locale, MODULE); } contactPartyId = (String) serviceResults.get("partyId"); // create a PartyRole for the resulting Contact partyId with roleTypeId = CONTACT serviceResults = dispatcher.runSync( "createPartyRole", UtilMisc.toMap( "partyId", contactPartyId, "roleTypeId", "CONTACT", "userLogin", userLogin)); if (ServiceUtil.isError(serviceResults)) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError( serviceResults, "CrmErrorCreateContactFail", locale, MODULE); } // create PartySupplementalData GenericValue partyData = delegator.makeValue("PartySupplementalData", UtilMisc.toMap("partyId", contactPartyId)); partyData.setNonPKFields(context); partyData.create(); // create a party relationship between the userLogin and the Contact with // partyRelationshipTypeId RESPONSIBLE_FOR createResponsibleContactRelationshipForParty( userLogin.getString("partyId"), contactPartyId, userLogin, delegator, dispatcher); // if initial marketing campaign is provided, add it String marketingCampaignId = (String) context.get("marketingCampaignId"); if (marketingCampaignId != null) { serviceResults = dispatcher.runSync( "crmsfa.addContactMarketingCampaign", UtilMisc.toMap( "partyId", contactPartyId, "marketingCampaignId", marketingCampaignId, "userLogin", userLogin)); if (ServiceUtil.isError(serviceResults)) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError( serviceResults, "CrmErrorCreateContactFail", locale, MODULE); } } // create basic contact info ModelService service = dctx.getModelService("crmsfa.createBasicContactInfoForParty"); input = service.makeValid(context, "IN"); input.put("partyId", contactPartyId); serviceResults = dispatcher.runSync(, input); if (ServiceUtil.isError(serviceResults)) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError( serviceResults, "CrmErrorCreateContactFail", locale, MODULE); } // Sumit: priority of warehouse for the specified party.. String priorityOne = (String) context.get("warehousePriorityOne"); String priorityTwo = (String) context.get("warehousePriorityTwo"); String priorityThree = (String) context.get("warehousePriorityThree"); String priorityFour = (String) context.get("warehousePriorityFour"); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(priorityOne) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(priorityTwo) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(priorityThree) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(priorityFour)) { Set<String> priorityList = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); priorityList.add(priorityOne); priorityList.add(priorityTwo); priorityList.add(priorityThree); priorityList.add(priorityFour); List<GenericValue> warehousePriority = new ArrayList<GenericValue>(); GenericValue facilityPriorityOne = delegator.makeValue("FacilityPartyPriority"); Long count = 0L; for (String priority : priorityList) { count++; facilityPriorityOne.set("facilityId", priority); facilityPriorityOne.set("partyId", contactPartyId); facilityPriorityOne.set("priority", count); facilityPriorityOne.set("thruDate", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()); warehousePriority.add(facilityPriorityOne); } delegator.storeAll(warehousePriority); } } catch (GenericServiceException e) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError(e, "CrmErrorCreateContactFail", locale, MODULE); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError(e, "CrmErrorCreateContactFail", locale, MODULE); } // return the partyId of the newly created Contact Map<String, Object> results = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); results.put("partyId", contactPartyId); results.put("contactPartyId", contactPartyId); return results; }