Esempio n. 1
    "# {0} - NS prefix",
    "ERR_undeclaredElementPrefix=XML namespace prefix ''{0}'' is undeclared"
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts)
      throws SAXException {
    this.tagName = localName;

    FxNode newElement;

    start = contentLocator.getElementOffset();
    end = contentLocator.getEndOffset();


    if (uri == null && !qName.equals(localName)) {
      // undeclared prefix
      int prefColon = qName.indexOf(':');
      String prefix = qName.substring(0, prefColon);
      addError("undeclared-prefix", ERR_undeclaredElementPrefix(prefix));
      newElement = accessor.createErrorElement(localName);
    } else if ("".equals(localName)) {
      newElement = accessor.createErrorElement(localName);
    } else if (FXML_FX_NAMESPACE.equals(uri)) {
      newElement = handleFxmlElement(localName, atts);
    } else {
      // non-fx namespace, should be either an instance, or a property or an event
      String eventName = FxXmlSymbols.getEventHandlerName(localName);
      if (rootComponent == null || FxXmlSymbols.isClassTagName(localName)) {
        newElement = handleClassTag(localName, atts);
      } else if (eventName != null) {
        newElement = handleEventHandlerTag(eventName);
      } else {
        newElement = handlePropertyTag(localName, atts);
    if (newElement == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException();

    FxNode newNode = newElement;

    // if not broken attempt to attach the Element to a parent
    if (!newElement.isBroken()) {
      if (newElement instanceof FxObjectBase) {
        newNode = attachInstance((FxObjectBase) newElement);
      } else if (newElement instanceof PropertyValue) {
        newNode = attachProperty((PropertyValue) newElement);

    // process attributes, iff it is an instance. Attribute processing needs the node pushed
    // on the stack, so it is delayed after attachChildNode
    if (newNode.getKind() == Kind.Instance) {
Esempio n. 2
 private void attachChildNode(FxNode node) {
   FxNode top = nodeStack.peek();
   //        if (!node.isBroken() && (node.getKind() != FxNode.Kind.Element)) {
   accessor.attach(node, fxModel);
   if (!node.isBroken()) {
     accessor.addChild(top, node);
   if (i(node).isElement()) {