private void copyStoreFromMaster(URI masterUri) throws Throwable { FileSystemAbstraction fs = resolver.resolveDependency(FileSystemAbstraction.class); // Must be called under lock on XaDataSourceManager LifeSupport life = new LifeSupport(); try { // Remove the current store - neostore file is missing, nothing we can really do // stopServicesAndHandleBranchedStore( BranchedDataPolicy.keep_none ); final MasterClient copyMaster = newMasterClient(masterUri, null, life); life.start(); // This will move the copied db to the graphdb location console.log("Copying store from master"); new StoreCopyClient(config, kernelExtensions, console, fs) .copyStore( new StoreCopyClient.StoreCopyRequester() { @Override public Response<?> copyStore(StoreWriter writer) { return copyMaster.copyStore( new RequestContext( 0, config.get(ClusterSettings.server_id).toIntegerIndex(), 0, 0, 0, 0), writer); } @Override public void done() { // Nothing to clean up here } }); startServicesAgain(); console.log("Finished copying store from master"); } finally { life.stop(); } }
private URI startHaCommunication( LifeSupport haCommunicationLife, NeoStoreXaDataSource nioneoDataSource, URI me, URI masterUri) { MasterClient master = newMasterClient(masterUri, nioneoDataSource.getStoreId(), haCommunicationLife); Slave slaveImpl = new SlaveImpl( nioneoDataSource.getStoreId(), resolver.resolveDependency(UpdatePuller.class)); SlaveServer server = new SlaveServer( slaveImpl, serverConfig(), logging, resolver.resolveDependency(Monitors.class)); masterDelegateHandler.setDelegate(master); haCommunicationLife.add(slaveImpl); haCommunicationLife.add(server); haCommunicationLife.start(); URI slaveHaURI = createHaURI(me, server); clusterMemberAvailability.memberIsAvailable(HighAvailabilityModeSwitcher.SLAVE, slaveHaURI); return slaveHaURI; }
public BatchingNeoStore( FileSystemAbstraction fileSystem, String storeDir, Configuration config, Monitor writeMonitor, Logging logging, WriterFactory writerFactory, Monitors monitors) { this.config = config; this.writeMonitor = writeMonitor; this.writerFactory = writerFactory; this.monitors = monitors; this.fileSystem = life.add(new ChannelReusingFileSystemAbstraction(fileSystem)); this.logger = logging.getMessagesLog(getClass()); this.neo4jConfig = configForStoreDir( new Config( stringMap(, valueOf(config.denseNodeThreshold())), GraphDatabaseSettings.class), new File(storeDir)); this.neoStore = newBatchWritingNeoStore(); this.propertyKeyRepository = new BatchingPropertyKeyTokenRepository(neoStore.getPropertyKeyTokenStore()); this.labelRepository = new BatchingLabelTokenRepository(neoStore.getLabelTokenStore()); this.relationshipTypeRepository = new BatchingRelationshipTypeTokenRepository(neoStore.getRelationshipTypeTokenStore()); life.start(); }
/** * WARNING: beware of hacks. * * <p>Fails a member of this cluster by making it not respond to heart beats. A {@link * RepairKit} is returned which is able to repair the instance (i.e start the network) again. * * @param db the {@link HighlyAvailableGraphDatabase} to fail. * @return a {@link RepairKit} which can repair the failure. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given db isn't a member of this cluster. */ public RepairKit fail(HighlyAvailableGraphDatabase db) throws Throwable { assertMember(db); ClusterClient clusterClient = db.getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency(ClusterClient.class); LifeSupport clusterClientLife = (LifeSupport) accessible(clusterClient.getClass().getDeclaredField("life")).get(clusterClient); NetworkReceiver receiver = instance(NetworkReceiver.class, clusterClientLife.getLifecycleInstances()); receiver.stop(); ExecutorLifecycleAdapter statemachineExecutor = instance(ExecutorLifecycleAdapter.class, clusterClientLife.getLifecycleInstances()); statemachineExecutor.stop(); NetworkSender sender = instance(NetworkSender.class, clusterClientLife.getLifecycleInstances()); sender.stop(); List<Lifecycle> stoppedServices = new ArrayList<>(); stoppedServices.add(sender); stoppedServices.add(statemachineExecutor); stoppedServices.add(receiver); return new StartNetworkAgainKit(db, stoppedServices); }
@Override public void init() throws Throwable { client = new ZooClient(logger.getLogger(ZooClient.class), config); life.add(client); client.addZooListener(new ZooHaEventListener()); client.addCompatibilityModeListener(new ZooCompatibilityModeListener()); life.init(); }
private IndexingModule buildIndexing( Config config, JobScheduler scheduler, SchemaIndexProvider indexProvider, LockService lockService, TokenNameLookup tokenNameLookup, Logging logging, IndexingService.Monitor indexingServiceMonitor, NeoStore neoStore, UpdateableSchemaState updateableSchemaState) { final DefaultSchemaIndexProviderMap providerMap = new DefaultSchemaIndexProviderMap(indexProvider); final IndexingService indexingService = IndexingService.create( new IndexSamplingConfig(config), scheduler, providerMap, new NeoStoreIndexStoreView(lockService, neoStore), tokenNameLookup, updateableSchemaState, toList(new SchemaStorage(neoStore.getSchemaStore()).allIndexRules()), logging, indexingServiceMonitor); final IntegrityValidator integrityValidator = new IntegrityValidator(neoStore, indexingService); // TODO Move to constructor final LabelScanStore labelScanStore = dependencyResolver .resolveDependency( LabelScanStoreProvider.class, LabelScanStoreProvider.HIGHEST_PRIORITIZED) .getLabelScanStore(); life.add(indexingService); life.add(labelScanStore); return new IndexingModule() { @Override public IndexingService indexingService() { return indexingService; } @Override public LabelScanStore labelScanStore() { return labelScanStore; } @Override public IntegrityValidator integrityValidator() { return integrityValidator; } @Override public SchemaIndexProviderMap schemaIndexProviderMap() { return providerMap; } }; }
@Override public void init() { luceneDataSource = life.add(new LuceneDataSource(config, indexStore, fileSystemAbstraction)); // TODO Don't do this here, do proper life cycle management life.start(); LuceneIndexImplementation indexImplementation = new LuceneIndexImplementation(luceneDataSource); indexProviders.registerIndexProvider( LuceneIndexImplementation.SERVICE_NAME, indexImplementation); }
@Test public void shouldSendAMessageFromAClientWhichIsReceivedByAServer() throws Exception { // given CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); LifeSupport life = new LifeSupport(); Server server1 = new Server( latch, MapUtil.stringMap(, "localhost:1234",, "1",, "localhost:1234,localhost:1235")); life.add(server1); Server server2 = new Server( latch, MapUtil.stringMap(, "localhost:1235",, "2",, "localhost:1234,localhost:1235")); life.add(server2); life.start(); // when server1.process(, URI.create("cluster://"), "Hello World")); // then latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertTrue("server1 should have processed the message", server1.processedMessage()); assertTrue("server2 should have processed the message", server2.processedMessage()); life.shutdown(); }
@Override public void start() throws Throwable { Clusters clusters = clustersProvider.clusters(); life = new LifeSupport(); for (int i = 0; i < clusters.getClusters().size(); i++) { Clusters.Cluster cluster = clusters.getClusters().get(i); ManagedCluster managedCluster = new ManagedCluster(cluster); clusterMap.put(cluster.getName(), managedCluster); life.add(managedCluster); } life.start(); }
private NeoStoreModule buildNeoStore( StoreFactory storeFactory, final LabelTokenHolder labelTokens, final RelationshipTypeTokenHolder relationshipTypeTokens, final PropertyKeyTokenHolder propertyKeyTokenHolder) { final NeoStore neoStore = storeFactory.newNeoStore(false, true); life.add( new LifecycleAdapter() { @Override public void start() { if (startupStatistics.numberOfRecoveredTransactions() > 0) { neoStore.rebuildIdGenerators(); } neoStoreModule.neoStore().makeStoreOk(); propertyKeyTokenHolder.addTokens( neoStoreModule.neoStore().getPropertyKeyTokenStore().getTokens(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); relationshipTypeTokens.addTokens( neoStoreModule .neoStore() .getRelationshipTypeTokenStore() .getTokens(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); labelTokens.addTokens( neoStoreModule.neoStore().getLabelTokenStore().getTokens(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); } }); return new NeoStoreModule() { @Override public NeoStore neoStore() { return neoStore; } }; }
/** Public for testing purpose. Do not use. */ public synchronized void registerDataSource(final XaDataSource dataSource) { dataSources.put(dataSource.getName(), dataSource); branchIdMapping.put(UTF8.decode(dataSource.getBranchId()), dataSource); sourceIdMapping.put(dataSource.getName(), dataSource.getBranchId()); life.add(dataSource); if (life.getStatus().equals(LifecycleStatus.STARTED)) { Listeners.notifyListeners( dsRegistrationListeners, new Listeners.Notification<DataSourceRegistrationListener>() { @Override public void notify(DataSourceRegistrationListener listener) { listener.registeredDataSource(dataSource); } }); } }
@Override protected IdGeneratorFactory createIdGeneratorFactory() { idGeneratorFactory = new HaIdGeneratorFactory(master, logging); highAvailabilityModeSwitcher = new HighAvailabilityModeSwitcher( clusterClient, masterDelegateInvocationHandler, clusterMemberAvailability, memberStateMachine, this, (HaIdGeneratorFactory) idGeneratorFactory, config, logging, updateableSchemaState, kernelExtensions.listFactories(), monitors); /* * We always need the mode switcher and we need it to restart on switchover. */ paxosLife.add(highAvailabilityModeSwitcher); /* * We don't really switch to master here. We just need to initialize the idGenerator so the initial store * can be started (if required). In any case, the rest of the database is in pending state, so nothing will * happen until events start arriving and that will set us to the proper state anyway. */ ((HaIdGeneratorFactory) idGeneratorFactory).switchToMaster(); return idGeneratorFactory; }
/** * WARNING: beware of hacks. * * <p>Fails a member of this cluster by making it not respond to heart beats. A {@link * RepairKit} is returned which is able to repair the instance (i.e start the network) again. * * @param db the {@link HighlyAvailableGraphDatabase} to fail. * @return a {@link RepairKit} which can repair the failure. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given db isn't a member of this cluster. */ public RepairKit fail(HighlyAvailableGraphDatabase db) throws Throwable { assertMember(db); ClusterClient clusterClient = db.getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency(ClusterClient.class); LifeSupport clusterClientLife = (LifeSupport) accessible(clusterClient.getClass().getDeclaredField("life")).get(clusterClient); NetworkInstance network = instance(NetworkInstance.class, clusterClientLife.getLifecycleInstances()); network.stop(); int serverId = db.getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency(Config.class).get(HaSettings.server_id); db.shutdown(); return new StartDatabaseAgainKit(this, serverId); }
@Override public void shutdown() { recordAccess.close(); if (isShutdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Batch inserter already has shutdown"); } isShutdown = true; try { repopulateAllIndexes(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } neoStore.close(); try { storeLocker.release(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Could not release store lock", e); } msgLog.logMessage( Thread.currentThread() + " Clean shutdown on BatchInserter(" + this + ")", true); msgLog.close(); life.shutdown(); }
@Override protected IdGeneratorFactory createIdGeneratorFactory() { idGeneratorFactory = new HaIdGeneratorFactory(master, memberStateMachine, logging); highAvailabilityModeSwitcher = new HighAvailabilityModeSwitcher( masterDelegateInvocationHandler, clusterMemberAvailability, memberStateMachine, this, (HaIdGeneratorFactory) idGeneratorFactory, config, logging); /* * We always need the mode switcher and we need it to restart on switchover. So: * 1) if in compatibility mode, it must be added in all 3 - to start on start and restart on switchover * 2) if not in compatibility mode it must be added in paxosLife, which is started anyway. */ paxosLife.add(highAvailabilityModeSwitcher); if (compatibilityMode) { compatibilityLifecycle.add(1, highAvailabilityModeSwitcher); life.add(highAvailabilityModeSwitcher); } return idGeneratorFactory; }
@Override public void start() throws Throwable { life.start(); // Binds ZooClient so we have a local address to use next Listeners.notifyListeners( bindingListeners, new Listeners.Notification<BindingListener>() { @Override public void notify(BindingListener listener) { listener.listeningAt(URI.create(client.getClusterServer())); } }); client.refreshMasterFromZooKeeper(); Listeners.notifyListeners( haListeners, new Listeners.Notification<ClusterMemberListener>() { @Override public void notify(ClusterMemberListener listener) { listener.coordinatorIsElected(new InstanceId(client.getCachedMaster().getMachineId())); } }); Listeners.notifyListeners( haListeners, new Listeners.Notification<ClusterMemberListener>() { @Override public void notify(ClusterMemberListener listener) { listener.memberIsAvailable( HighAvailabilityModeSwitcher.MASTER, new InstanceId(client.getCachedMaster().getMachineId()), URI.create("ha://" + client.getCachedMaster().getServerAsString())); } }); }
private Server(final CountDownLatch latch, final Map<String, String> config) { final Config conf = new Config(config, ClusterSettings.class); networkReceiver = life.add( new NetworkReceiver( new NetworkReceiver.Configuration() { @Override public HostnamePort clusterServer() { return conf.get(ClusterSettings.cluster_server); } }, new DevNullLoggingService())); networkSender = life.add( new NetworkSender( new NetworkSender.Configuration() { @Override public int defaultPort() { return 5001; } @Override public int port() { return conf.get(ClusterSettings.cluster_server).getPort(); } }, networkReceiver, new DevNullLoggingService())); life.add( new LifecycleAdapter() { @Override public void start() throws Throwable { networkReceiver.addMessageProcessor( new MessageProcessor() { @Override public boolean process(Message<? extends MessageType> message) { // server receives a message processedMessage.set(true); latch.countDown(); return true; } }); } }); }
@Override public void start() throws Throwable { life = new LifeSupport(); for (XaDataSource ds : dataSources.values()) { life.add(ds); } life.start(); for (DataSourceRegistrationListener listener : dsRegistrationListeners) { try { for (XaDataSource ds : dataSources.values()) { listener.registeredDataSource(ds); } } catch (Throwable t) { msgLog.logMessage("Failed when notifying registering listener", t); } } }
@Override public void close() { if (neoStore != null) { neoStore.close(); neoStore = null; } life.shutdown(); }
@Override public void shutdown() throws Throwable { dsRegistrationListeners = null; life.shutdown(); dataSources.clear(); branchIdMapping.clear(); sourceIdMapping.clear(); isShutdown = true; }
@Override public void start() throws Throwable { Clusters clusters = clustersProvider.clusters(); life = new LifeSupport(); // Started so instances added here will be started immediately, and in case of exceptions they // can be // shutdown() or stop()ped properly life.start(); for (int i = 0; i < clusters.getClusters().size(); i++) { Clusters.Cluster cluster = clusters.getClusters().get(i); ManagedCluster managedCluster = new ManagedCluster(cluster); clusterMap.put(cluster.getName(), managedCluster); life.add(managedCluster); } }
@Override public void stop() { if (!readOnly) { forceEverything(); } life.shutdown(); neoStore.close();"NeoStore closed"); }
@Override public synchronized void shutdown() throws Throwable { modeSwitcherExecutor.shutdown(); modeSwitcherExecutor.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); haCommunicationLife.shutdown(); switchToMaster.close(); switchToMaster = null; switchToSlave = null; }
public void addDataSourceRegistrationListener(DataSourceRegistrationListener listener) { if (life.getStatus().equals(LifecycleStatus.STARTED)) { try { for (XaDataSource ds : dataSources.values()) { listener.registeredDataSource(ds); } } catch (Throwable t) { msgLog.logMessage("Failed when notifying registering listener", t); } } dsRegistrationListeners = Listeners.addListener(listener, dsRegistrationListeners); }
@Override public void stop() { super.stop(); if (!readOnly) { forceEverything(); } life.shutdown(); xaContainer.close(); if (logApplied) { neoStore.rebuildIdGenerators(); logApplied = false; } neoStore.close();"NeoStore closed"); }
@Override public void stop() { transactionLogModule.logRotationControl().awaitAllTransactionsClosed(); transactionLogModule.logRotationControl().forceEverything(); /* * We simply increment the version, essentially "rotating" away * the current active log file, to avoid having a recovery on * next startup. Not necessary, simply speeds up the startup * process. */ neoStoreModule.neoStore().incrementAndGetVersion(); life.shutdown(); neoStoreModule.neoStore().close();"NeoStore closed"); }
/** Public for testing purpose. Do not use. */ public synchronized void unregisterDataSource(String name) { final XaDataSource dataSource = dataSources.get(name); if (dataSource == null) { return; } byte branchId[] = getBranchId(dataSource.getXaConnection().getXaResource()); dataSources.remove(name); branchIdMapping.remove(UTF8.decode(branchId)); sourceIdMapping.remove(name); Listeners.notifyListeners( dsRegistrationListeners, new Listeners.Notification<DataSourceRegistrationListener>() { @Override public void notify(DataSourceRegistrationListener listener) { listener.unregisteredDataSource(dataSource); } }); life.remove(dataSource); // No need for shutdown, removing does that }
@Override public void stop() throws Throwable { life.stop(); }
@Override public synchronized void stop() throws Throwable { haCommunicationLife.stop(); }
@Override public synchronized void init() throws Throwable { modeSwitcherExecutor = createExecutor(); haCommunicationLife.init(); }