protected MuleMessage doSend(MuleEvent event) throws MuleException { MuleMessage result = null; try { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(this + " : got proxy for " + event.getId() + " = " + component); } result = (MuleMessage) component.onCall(event); // TODO MULE-3113 // 1) Invoke component.onCall(event) // 2) Forward result to outbound routers ideally via a SEDA queue (MULE-3077) // 3) Process response router // 4) Process async reply-to } catch (MuleException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceException(event.getMessage(), this, e); } return result; }
protected MuleMessage doSend(MuleEvent event) throws MuleException { MuleMessage result = null; try { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( MessageFormat.format("{0} : got proxy for {1} = {2}", this, event.getId(), component)); } Object replyTo = event.getMessage().getReplyTo(); ReplyToHandler replyToHandler = getReplyToHandler(event.getMessage(), (InboundEndpoint) event.getEndpoint()); result = invokeComponent(event); result = sendToOutboundRouter(event, result); result = processAsyncReplyRouter(result); processReplyTo(event, result, replyToHandler, replyTo); } catch (Exception e) { event.getSession().setValid(false); if (e instanceof MessagingException) { handleException(e); } else { handleException( new MessagingException( CoreMessages.eventProcessingFailedFor(getName()), event.getMessage(), e)); } if (result == null) { // important that we pull event from request context here as it may // have been modified // (necessary to avoid scribbling between threads) result = new DefaultMuleMessage( NullPayload.getInstance(), RequestContext.getEvent().getMessage()); } ExceptionPayload exceptionPayload = result.getExceptionPayload(); if (exceptionPayload == null) { exceptionPayload = new DefaultExceptionPayload(e); } result.setExceptionPayload(exceptionPayload); } return result; }
private MuleMessage dispatchMessage(MuleEvent event) throws Exception { Session session = null; MessageProducer producer = null; MessageConsumer consumer = null; Destination replyTo = null; boolean transacted = false; boolean cached = false; boolean useReplyToDestination; final Transaction muleTx = TransactionCoordination.getInstance().getTransaction(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "dispatching on endpoint: " + event.getEndpoint().getEndpointURI() + ". MuleEvent id is: " + event.getId() + ". Outbound transformers are: " + event.getEndpoint().getTransformers()); } // assume session is transacted first, and thus, managed boolean sessionManaged = true; try { session = connector.getSessionFromTransaction(); if (session != null) { transacted = true; } // Should we be caching sessions? Note this is not part of the JMS spec. // and is turned off by default. else if (event .getMessage() .getBooleanProperty( JmsConstants.CACHE_JMS_SESSIONS_PROPERTY, connector.isCacheJmsSessions())) { sessionManaged = false; cached = true; if (cachedSession != null) { session = cachedSession; } else { session = connector.getSession(event.getEndpoint()); cachedSession = session; } } else { // by now we're running with a different connector and connection sessionManaged = muleTx != null && muleTx.isXA(); session = connector.getSession(event.getEndpoint()); if (event.getEndpoint().getTransactionConfig().isTransacted()) { transacted = true; } } // If a transaction is running, we can not receive any messages // in the same transaction using a replyTo destination useReplyToDestination = returnResponse(event) && !transacted; boolean topic = connector.getTopicResolver().isTopic(event.getEndpoint(), true); Destination dest = connector.getJmsSupport().createDestination(session, endpoint); producer = connector.getJmsSupport().createProducer(session, dest, topic); preTransformMessage(event.getMessage()); Object message = event.transformMessage(); if (!(message instanceof Message)) { throw new DispatchException( JmsMessages.checkTransformer("JMS message", message.getClass(), connector.getName()), event.getMessage(), event.getEndpoint()); } Message msg = (Message) message; MuleMessage eventMsg = event.getMessage(); replyTo = getReplyToDestination(msg, session, event, useReplyToDestination, topic); // Set the replyTo property if (replyTo != null) { msg.setJMSReplyTo(replyTo); } // Allow overrides to alter the message if necessary processMessage(msg, event); // QoS support String ttlString = (String) eventMsg.removeProperty(JmsConstants.TIME_TO_LIVE_PROPERTY); String priorityString = (String) eventMsg.removeProperty(JmsConstants.PRIORITY_PROPERTY); String persistentDeliveryString = (String) eventMsg.removeProperty(JmsConstants.PERSISTENT_DELIVERY_PROPERTY); long ttl = StringUtils.isNotBlank(ttlString) ? NumberUtils.toLong(ttlString) : Message.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE; int priority = StringUtils.isNotBlank(priorityString) ? NumberUtils.toInt(priorityString) : Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY; boolean persistent = StringUtils.isNotBlank(persistentDeliveryString) ? BooleanUtils.toBoolean(persistentDeliveryString) : connector.isPersistentDelivery(); // If we are honouring the current QoS message headers we need to use the ones set on the // current message if (connector.isHonorQosHeaders()) { Object priorityProp = eventMsg.getProperty(JmsConstants.JMS_PRIORITY); Object deliveryModeProp = eventMsg.getProperty(JmsConstants.JMS_DELIVERY_MODE); if (priorityProp != null) { priority = NumberUtils.toInt(priorityProp); } if (deliveryModeProp != null) { persistent = NumberUtils.toInt(deliveryModeProp) == DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT; } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Sending message of type " + ClassUtils.getSimpleName(msg.getClass())); logger.debug( "Sending JMS Message type " + msg.getJMSType() + "\n JMSMessageID=" + msg.getJMSMessageID() + "\n JMSCorrelationID=" + msg.getJMSCorrelationID() + "\n JMSDeliveryMode=" + (persistent ? DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT : DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT) + "\n JMSPriority=" + priority + "\n JMSReplyTo=" + msg.getJMSReplyTo()); } connector.getJmsSupport().send(producer, msg, persistent, priority, ttl, topic, endpoint); if (useReplyToDestination && replyTo != null) { consumer = createReplyToConsumer(msg, event, session, replyTo, topic); if (topic) { // need to register a listener for a topic Latch l = new Latch(); ReplyToListener listener = new ReplyToListener(l); consumer.setMessageListener(listener); connector.getJmsSupport().send(producer, msg, persistent, priority, ttl, topic, endpoint); int timeout = event.getTimeout(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Waiting for return event for: " + timeout + " ms on " + replyTo); } l.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); consumer.setMessageListener(null); listener.release(); Message result = listener.getMessage(); if (result == null) { logger.debug("No message was returned via replyTo destination"); return new DefaultMuleMessage(NullPayload.getInstance(), connector.getMuleContext()); } else { MessageAdapter adapter = connector.getMessageAdapter(result); return new DefaultMuleMessage( JmsMessageUtils.toObject( result, connector.getSpecification(), endpoint.getEncoding()), adapter, connector.getMuleContext()); } } else { int timeout = event.getTimeout(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Waiting for return event for: " + timeout + " ms on " + replyTo); } Message result = consumer.receive(timeout); if (result == null) { logger.debug("No message was returned via replyTo destination " + replyTo); return new DefaultMuleMessage(NullPayload.getInstance(), connector.getMuleContext()); } else { MessageAdapter adapter = connector.getMessageAdapter(result); return new DefaultMuleMessage( JmsMessageUtils.toObject( result, connector.getSpecification(), endpoint.getEncoding()), adapter, connector.getMuleContext()); } } } return new DefaultMuleMessage( returnOriginalMessageAsReply ? msg : NullPayload.getInstance(), connector.getMuleContext()); } finally { connector.closeQuietly(producer); connector.closeQuietly(consumer); // TODO AP check if TopicResolver is to be utilized for temp destinations as well if (replyTo != null && (replyTo instanceof TemporaryQueue || replyTo instanceof TemporaryTopic)) { if (replyTo instanceof TemporaryQueue) { connector.closeQuietly((TemporaryQueue) replyTo); } else { // hope there are no more non-standard tricks from JMS vendors // here ;) connector.closeQuietly((TemporaryTopic) replyTo); } } if (!sessionManaged && transacted && muleTx instanceof TransactionCollection) { handleMultiTx(session); } // If the session is from the current transaction, it is up to the // transaction to close it. if (session != null && !cached && !transacted) { connector.closeQuietly(session); } } }
private MuleMessage dispatchMessage(MuleEvent event) throws Exception { Session session = null; MessageProducer producer = null; MessageConsumer consumer = null; Destination replyTo = null; boolean transacted = false; boolean cached = false; boolean remoteSync = useRemoteSync(event); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "dispatching on endpoint: " + event.getEndpoint().getEndpointURI() + ". MuleEvent id is: " + event.getId() + ". Outbound transformers are: " + event.getEndpoint().getTransformers()); } try { session = connector.getSessionFromTransaction(); if (session != null) { transacted = true; // If a transaction is running, we can not receive any messages // in the same transaction. if (remoteSync) { throw new IllegalTransactionStateException( JmsMessages.connectorDoesNotSupportSyncReceiveWhenTransacted()); } } // Should we be caching sessions? Note this is not part of the JMS spec. // and is turned off by default. else if (event .getMessage() .getBooleanProperty( JmsConstants.CACHE_JMS_SESSIONS_PROPERTY, connector.isCacheJmsSessions())) { cached = true; if (cachedSession != null) { session = cachedSession; } else { session = connector.getSession(event.getEndpoint()); cachedSession = session; } } else { session = connector.getSession(event.getEndpoint()); if (event.getEndpoint().getTransactionConfig().isTransacted()) { transacted = true; } } boolean topic = connector.getTopicResolver().isTopic(event.getEndpoint(), true); Destination dest = connector.createDestinationMule3858Backport(session, endpoint); producer = connector.getJmsSupport().createProducer(session, dest, topic); Object message = event.transformMessage(); if (!(message instanceof Message)) { throw new DispatchException( JmsMessages.checkTransformer("JMS message", message.getClass(), connector.getName()), event.getMessage(), event.getEndpoint()); } Message msg = (Message) message; if (event.getMessage().getCorrelationId() != null) { msg.setJMSCorrelationID(event.getMessage().getCorrelationId()); } MuleMessage eventMsg = event.getMessage(); // Some JMS implementations might not support the ReplyTo property. if (connector.supportsProperty(JmsConstants.JMS_REPLY_TO)) { Object tempReplyTo = eventMsg.removeProperty(JmsConstants.JMS_REPLY_TO); if (tempReplyTo == null) { // It may be a Mule URI or global endpoint Ref tempReplyTo = eventMsg.removeProperty(MuleProperties.MULE_REPLY_TO_PROPERTY); if (tempReplyTo != null) { if (tempReplyTo.toString().startsWith("jms://")) { tempReplyTo = tempReplyTo.toString().substring(6); } else { EndpointBuilder epb = event .getMuleContext() .getRegistry() .lookupEndpointBuilder(tempReplyTo.toString()); if (epb != null) { tempReplyTo = epb.buildOutboundEndpoint().getEndpointURI().getAddress(); } } } } if (tempReplyTo != null) { if (tempReplyTo instanceof Destination) { replyTo = (Destination) tempReplyTo; } else { // TODO AP should this drill-down be moved into the resolver as well? boolean replyToTopic = false; String reply = tempReplyTo.toString(); int i = reply.indexOf(":"); if (i > -1) { // TODO MULE-1409 this check will not work for ActiveMQ 4.x, // as they have temp-queue://<destination> and temp-topic://<destination> URIs // Extract to a custom resolver for ActiveMQ4.x // The code path can be exercised, e.g. by a LoanBrokerESBTestCase String qtype = reply.substring(0, i); replyToTopic = JmsConstants.TOPIC_PROPERTY.equalsIgnoreCase(qtype); reply = reply.substring(i + 1); } replyTo = connector.getJmsSupport().createDestination(session, reply, replyToTopic); } } // Are we going to wait for a return event ? if (remoteSync && replyTo == null) { replyTo = connector.getJmsSupport().createTemporaryDestination(session, topic); } // Set the replyTo property if (replyTo != null) { msg.setJMSReplyTo(replyTo); } // Are we going to wait for a return event ? if (remoteSync) { try { consumer = connector.getJmsSupport().createConsumer(session, replyTo, topic); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e); } } } // QoS support String ttlString = (String) eventMsg.removeProperty(JmsConstants.TIME_TO_LIVE_PROPERTY); String priorityString = (String) eventMsg.removeProperty(JmsConstants.PRIORITY_PROPERTY); String persistentDeliveryString = (String) eventMsg.removeProperty(JmsConstants.PERSISTENT_DELIVERY_PROPERTY); long ttl = StringUtils.isNotBlank(ttlString) ? NumberUtils.toLong(ttlString) : Message.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE; int priority = StringUtils.isNotBlank(priorityString) ? NumberUtils.toInt(priorityString) : Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY; boolean persistent = StringUtils.isNotBlank(persistentDeliveryString) ? BooleanUtils.toBoolean(persistentDeliveryString) : connector.isPersistentDelivery(); if (connector.isHonorQosHeaders()) { int priorityProp = eventMsg.getIntProperty(JmsConstants.JMS_PRIORITY, Connector.INT_VALUE_NOT_SET); int deliveryModeProp = eventMsg.getIntProperty(JmsConstants.JMS_DELIVERY_MODE, Connector.INT_VALUE_NOT_SET); if (priorityProp != Connector.INT_VALUE_NOT_SET) { priority = priorityProp; } if (deliveryModeProp != Connector.INT_VALUE_NOT_SET) { persistent = deliveryModeProp == DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT; } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Sending message of type " + ClassUtils.getSimpleName(msg.getClass())); } if (consumer != null && topic) { // need to register a listener for a topic Latch l = new Latch(); ReplyToListener listener = new ReplyToListener(l); consumer.setMessageListener(listener); connector.getJmsSupport().send(producer, msg, persistent, priority, ttl, topic); int timeout = event.getTimeout(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Waiting for return event for: " + timeout + " ms on " + replyTo); } l.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); consumer.setMessageListener(null); listener.release(); Message result = listener.getMessage(); if (result == null) { logger.debug("No message was returned via replyTo destination"); return null; } else { MessageAdapter adapter = connector.getMessageAdapter(result); return new DefaultMuleMessage( JmsMessageUtils.toObject( result, connector.getSpecification(), endpoint.getEncoding()), adapter); } } else { connector.getJmsSupport().send(producer, msg, persistent, priority, ttl, topic); if (consumer != null) { int timeout = event.getTimeout(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Waiting for return event for: " + timeout + " ms on " + replyTo); } Message result = consumer.receive(timeout); if (result == null) { logger.debug("No message was returned via replyTo destination"); return null; } else { MessageAdapter adapter = connector.getMessageAdapter(result); return new DefaultMuleMessage( JmsMessageUtils.toObject( result, connector.getSpecification(), endpoint.getEncoding()), adapter); } } } return null; } finally { connector.closeQuietly(producer); connector.closeQuietly(consumer); // TODO AP check if TopicResolver is to be utilized for temp destinations as well if (replyTo != null && (replyTo instanceof TemporaryQueue || replyTo instanceof TemporaryTopic)) { if (replyTo instanceof TemporaryQueue) { connector.closeQuietly((TemporaryQueue) replyTo); } else { // hope there are no more non-standard tricks from JMS vendors // here ;) connector.closeQuietly((TemporaryTopic) replyTo); } } // If the session is from the current transaction, it is up to the // transaction to close it. if (session != null && !cached && !transacted) { connector.closeQuietly(session); } } }
protected String getId(Object obj) { MuleEvent event = (MuleEvent) obj; return event.getId(); }