@Override public void startRow(final String[] row) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!this.isFirstLine) { // For each station of tabular file String strStop = row[0]; Id<Link> stopId = Id.create(strStop, Link.class); String str_cs_id = row[1]; counts.createAndAddCount(stopId, str_cs_id); Count count = counts.getCount(stopId); Coord coord = new CoordImpl(row[2], row[3]); count.setCoord(coord); count.createVolume(1, Double.parseDouble(row[5])); // set the 24 hours volume to volume 1; // count.createVolume(1, Double.parseDouble(row[4])); //boarding; // count.createVolume(1, Double.parseDouble(row[6])); //alighting; } else { boolean equalsHeader = true; int i = 0; for (String s : row) { if (!s.equalsIgnoreCase(HEADER[i])) { equalsHeader = false; break; } i++; } if (!equalsHeader) { log.warn("the structure does not match. The header should be: "); for (String g : HEADER) { System.out.print(g + " "); } System.out.println(); } this.isFirstLine = false; } }
public void writeResultsForSelectedStopIds( final String filename, final Counts occupCounts, final Collection<Id> stopIds) { SimpleWriter writer = new SimpleWriter(filename); final String TAB = "\t"; final String NL = "\n"; // write header writer.write("stopId\t"); for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { writer.write("oc" + i + "-" + (i + 1) + TAB); } for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { writer.write("scalSim" + i + "-" + (i + 1) + TAB); } writer.write("coordinate\tcsId\n"); // write content for (Id stopId : stopIds) { // get count data Count count = occupCounts.getCounts().get(stopId); if (!occupCounts.getCounts().containsKey(stopId)) { continue; } // get sim-Values int[] ocuppancy = this.occupancies.get(stopId); writer.write(stopId.toString() + TAB); for (int i = 0; i < ocuppancy.length; i++) { Volume v = count.getVolume(i + 1); if (v != null) { writer.write(v.getValue() + TAB); } else { writer.write("n/a" + TAB); } } for (int i = 0; i < ocuppancy.length; i++) { writer.write((ocuppancy != null ? ocuppancy[i] : 0) + TAB); } writer.write(count.getCoord().toString() + TAB + count.getCsId() + NL); } writer.write(this.occupancyRecord.toString()); writer.close(); }
@Override public void notifyAfterMobsim(AfterMobsimEvent event) { Network network = event.getServices().getScenario().getNetwork(); DescriptiveStatistics error = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics errorAbs = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptivePiStatistics errorWeighted = new WSMStatsFactory().newInstance(); TDoubleArrayList errorVals = new TDoubleArrayList(); TDoubleArrayList caps = new TDoubleArrayList(); TDoubleArrayList speeds = new TDoubleArrayList(); for (Count count : counts.getCounts().values()) { if (!count.getId().toString().startsWith(ODCalibrator.VIRTUAL_ID_PREFIX)) { double obsVal = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 25; i++) { obsVal += count.getVolume(i).getValue(); } if (obsVal > 0) { double simVal = calculator.getOccupancy(count.getId()); simVal *= factor; double err = (simVal - obsVal) / obsVal; error.addValue(err); errorAbs.addValue(Math.abs(err)); errorWeighted.addValue(Math.abs(err), 1 / obsVal); Link link = network.getLinks().get(count.getId()); errorVals.add(Math.abs(err)); caps.add(link.getCapacity()); speeds.add(link.getFreespeed()); } } } logger.info( String.format( "Relative counts error: mean = %s, var = %s, stderr = %s, min = %s, max = %s", error.getMean(), error.getVariance(), error.getStandardDeviation(), error.getMin(), error.getMax())); logger.info( String.format( "Absolute relative counts error: mean = %s, var = %s, stderr = %s, min = %s, max = %s", errorAbs.getMean(), errorAbs.getVariance(), errorAbs.getStandardDeviation(), errorAbs.getMin(), errorAbs.getMax())); logger.info( String.format( "Absolute weigthed relative counts error: mean = %s, var = %s, stderr = %s, min = %s, max = %s", errorWeighted.getMean(), errorWeighted.getVariance(), errorWeighted.getStandardDeviation(), errorWeighted.getMin(), errorWeighted.getMax())); String outdir = event.getServices().getControlerIO().getIterationPath(event.getIteration()); try { TDoubleDoubleHashMap map = Correlations.mean(caps.toArray(), errorVals.toArray()); StatsWriter.writeHistogram( map, "capacity", "counts", String.format("%s/countsError.capacity.txt", outdir)); map = Correlations.mean(speeds.toArray(), errorVals.toArray()); StatsWriter.writeHistogram( map, "speed", "counts", String.format("%s/countsError.speed.txt", outdir)); StatsWriter.writeHistogram( Histogram.createHistogram(error, new LinearDiscretizer(0.1), false), "Error", "Frequency", String.format("%s/countsError.hist.txt", outdir)); StatsWriter.writeHistogram( Histogram.createHistogram(errorAbs, new LinearDiscretizer(0.1), false), "Error (absolute)", "Frequency", String.format("%s/countsErrorAbs.hist.txt", outdir)); StatsWriter.writeHistogram( Histogram.createHistogram(errorWeighted, new LinearDiscretizer(0.1), true), "Error (weighted)", "Frequency", String.format("%s/countsErrorWeighted.hist.txt", outdir)); CountsCompare2GeoJSON.write(calculator, counts, factor, network, outdir); NetworkLoad2GeoJSON.write( event.getServices().getScenario().getNetwork(), calculator, factor, outdir + "/network.json"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String rootOutDir = event.getServices().getControlerIO().getOutputPath(); boolean append = false; if (event.getIteration() > 0) { append = true; } writeErrorFile(error, String.format("%s/countsError.txt", rootOutDir), append); writeErrorFile(errorAbs, String.format("%s/countsAbsError.txt", rootOutDir), append); }
public static <T> AnalyticalCalibrator<T> buildCalibrator( final Config config, final Counts<T> occupCounts, LookUpItemFromId<T> lookUp, Class<T> idType) { CadytsConfigGroup cadytsConfig = ConfigUtils.addOrGetModule(config, CadytsConfigGroup.GROUP_NAME, CadytsConfigGroup.class); // get timeBinSize_s and validate it int timeBinSize_s = cadytsConfig.getTimeBinSize(); if (timeBinSize_s != 86400) { throw new RuntimeException("Time bin size has to be 86400!"); } if (occupCounts.getCounts().size() == 0) { log.warn("Counts container is empty."); } AnalyticalCalibrator<T> matsimCalibrator = new AnalyticalCalibrator<T>( config.controler().getOutputDirectory() + "/cadyts.log", MatsimRandom.getLocalInstance().nextLong(), timeBinSize_s); matsimCalibrator.setRegressionInertia(cadytsConfig.getRegressionInertia()); matsimCalibrator.setMinStddev(cadytsConfig.getMinFlowStddev_vehPerHour(), TYPE.FLOW_VEH_H); matsimCalibrator.setMinStddev(cadytsConfig.getMinFlowStddev_vehPerHour(), TYPE.COUNT_VEH); matsimCalibrator.setFreezeIteration(cadytsConfig.getFreezeIteration()); matsimCalibrator.setPreparatoryIterations(cadytsConfig.getPreparatoryIterations()); matsimCalibrator.setVarianceScale(cadytsConfig.getVarianceScale()); matsimCalibrator.setBruteForce(cadytsConfig.useBruteForce()); // I don't think this has an influence on any of the variants we are using. (Has an influence // only when plan choice is left // completely to cadyts, rather than just taking the score offsets.) kai, dec'13 // More formally, one would need to use the selectPlan() method of AnalyticalCalibrator which we // are, however, not using. kai, mar'14 if (matsimCalibrator.getBruteForce()) { log.warn( "setting bruteForce==true for calibrator, but this won't do anything in the way the cadyts matsim integration is set up. kai, mar'14"); } matsimCalibrator.setStatisticsFile( config.controler().getOutputDirectory() + "/calibration-stats.txt"); int linkCnt = 0; int odCount = 0; double odWeightFactor = Double.parseDouble( config.getParam(GsvConfigGroup.GSV_CONFIG_MODULE_NAME, "odWeightFactor")); for (Map.Entry<Id<T>, Count<T>> entry : occupCounts.getCounts().entrySet()) { // (loop over all counting "items" (usually locations/stations) T item = lookUp.getItem(Id.create(entry.getKey(), idType)); Count count = entry.getValue(); double value = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 25; i++) { value += count.getVolume(i).getValue(); } if (entry.getKey().toString().startsWith(ODCalibrator.VIRTUAL_ID_PREFIX)) { final double stddev = max( matsimCalibrator.getMinStddev(SingleLinkMeasurement.TYPE.COUNT_VEH), sqrt(matsimCalibrator.getVarianceScale() * value)); matsimCalibrator.addMeasurement( item, 0, 86400, value, stddev / odWeightFactor, SingleLinkMeasurement.TYPE.COUNT_VEH); odCount++; } else { matsimCalibrator.addMeasurement( item, 0, 86400, value, SingleLinkMeasurement.TYPE.COUNT_VEH); linkCnt++; } } log.info(String.format("Added %s link measurements to calibrator.", linkCnt)); log.info(String.format("Added %s OD measurements to calibrator.", odCount)); if (matsimCalibrator.getProportionalAssignment()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Gunnar says that this may not work so do not set to true. kai, sep'14"); } return matsimCalibrator; }
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { String countsInFile = "/Volumes/johannes/sge/prj/fpd/data/counts/counts.2014.net20140909.5.24h.xml"; String countsOutFile = "/Users/johannes/gsv/fpd/telefonica/032016/analysis/20160623/countIds.xml"; String mappingFile = "/Volumes/johannes/sge/prj/fpd/data/counts/counts2014-directions.csv"; Counts<Link> counts = new Counts(); MatsimCountsReader countsReader = new MatsimCountsReader(counts); countsReader.readFile(countsInFile); BufferedReader txtReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(mappingFile)); String line = txtReader.readLine(); Map<String, Record> records = new HashMap<>(); while ((line = txtReader.readLine()) != null) { String[] tokens = line.split("\t"); String id = tokens[1]; String name = tokens[2]; double kfzR1 = parseDouble(tokens[15]); double kfzR2 = parseDouble(tokens[16]); double svR1 = parseDouble(tokens[18]); double svR2 = parseDouble(tokens[19]); Record record = new Record(); record.id = id; record.name = name; record.pkwR1 = kfzR1 - svR1; record.pkwR2 = kfzR2 - svR2; if (records.containsKey(record.name)) { logger.warn(String.format("Entry for %s already exists - removing both.", record.name)); records.remove(record.name); } else { records.put(record.name, record); } } Set<Count> remove = new HashSet<>(); for (Count<Link> count : counts.getCounts().values()) { Record record = records.get(count.getCsLabel()); if (record != null) { double pkwR1_h = record.pkwR1 / 24.0; double pkwR2_h = record.pkwR2 / 24.0; double diffR1 = Math.abs(pkwR1_h - count.getVolume(1).getValue()); double diffR2 = Math.abs(pkwR2_h - count.getVolume(1).getValue()); if (diffR1 < diffR2) { if (diffR1 > 10) { logger.warn(String.format("Difference %s is greater than 10.", diffR1)); } count.setCsId(record.id + "_R1"); } else { if (diffR2 > 10) { logger.warn(String.format("Difference %s is greater than 10.", diffR2)); } count.setCsId(record.id + "_R2"); } } else { logger.warn(String.format("No count station with name %s found.", count.getCsLabel())); remove.add(count); } } for (Count<Link> count : remove) { counts.getCounts().remove(count.getId()); } CountsWriter writer = new CountsWriter(counts); writer.write(countsOutFile); }