/** Create LockssKeystores from config subtree below {@link #PARAM_KEYSTORE} */ void configureKeyStores(Configuration config) { Configuration allKs = config.getConfigTree(PARAM_KEYSTORE); for (Iterator iter = allKs.nodeIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String id = (String) iter.next(); Configuration oneKs = allKs.getConfigTree(id); try { LockssKeyStore lk = createLockssKeyStore(oneKs); String name = lk.getName(); if (name == null) { log.error("KeyStore definition missing name: " + oneKs); continue; } LockssKeyStore old = keystoreMap.get(name); if (old != null && !lk.equals(old)) { log.warning( "Keystore " + name + " redefined. " + "New definition may not take effect until daemon restart"); } log.debug("Adding keystore " + name); keystoreMap.put(name, lk); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Couldn't create keystore: " + oneKs, e); } } }
/** * Return a TitleConfig for the AU. Returns matching entry from the title db if found, else * creates one */ TitleConfig titleConfigFromAu(InactiveAuProxy au) { PluginProxy plugin = au.getPlugin(); String auname = au.getName(); Configuration auConfig = au.getConfiguration(); TitleConfig tc = AuUtil.findTitleConfig(auConfig, plugin.getPlugin()); if (tc != null) { return tc; } tc = new TitleConfig(auname, plugin.getPluginId()); ArrayList<ConfigParamAssignment> params = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = auConfig.keyIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String) iter.next(); if (!ConfigParamDescr.isReservedParam(key)) { String val = auConfig.get(key); ConfigParamDescr descr = plugin.findAuConfigDescr(key); if (descr != null) { ConfigParamAssignment cpa = new ConfigParamAssignment(descr, val); params.add(cpa); } else { log.warning("Unknown parameter key: " + key + " in au: " + auname); } } } params.trimToSize(); tc.setParams(params); return tc; }
private V3LcapMessage makeTestVoteMessage(Collection voteBlocks) throws IOException { mPollMgr.setStateDir("key", tempDir); V3LcapMessage msg = new V3LcapMessage( "ArchivalID_2", "key", "Plug42", m_testBytes, m_testBytes, V3LcapMessage.MSG_VOTE, 987654321, m_testID, tempDir, theDaemon); // Set msg vote blocks. for (Iterator ix = voteBlocks.iterator(); ix.hasNext(); ) { msg.addVoteBlock((VoteBlock) ix.next()); } msg.setHashAlgorithm(LcapMessage.getDefaultHashAlgorithm()); msg.setArchivalId(m_archivalID); msg.setPluginVersion("PlugVer42"); return msg; }
/** * Return the titles in the set. * * @return a collection of TitleConfig */ public Collection<TitleConfig> getTitles() { Collection aus = daemon.getRemoteApi().getInactiveAus(); ArrayList<TitleConfig> res = new ArrayList<TitleConfig>(aus.size()); for (Iterator iter = aus.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { InactiveAuProxy aup = (InactiveAuProxy) iter.next(); res.add(titleConfigFromAu(aup)); } res.trimToSize(); return res; }
/** Concatenate params for URL string */ String concatParams(Properties props) { if (props == null) { return null; } java.util.List list = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = props.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String) iter.next(); String val = props.getProperty(key); if (!StringUtil.isNullString(val)) { list.add(key + "=" + urlEncode(val)); } } return StringUtil.separatedString(list, "&"); }
public List findExistingRepositoriesFor(String auid) { List res = null; for (Iterator iter = getRepositoryList().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String repoName = (String) iter.next(); String path = LockssRepositoryImpl.getLocalRepositoryPath(repoName); if (LockssRepositoryImpl.doesAuDirExist(auid, path)) { if (res == null) { res = new ArrayList(); } res.add(repoName); } } return res == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : res; }
/** * Checks the consistency of the node, and continues with its children if it's consistent. * * @param node RepositoryNodeImpl the node to check */ private void recurseConsistencyCheck(RepositoryNodeImpl node) { logger.debug2("Checking node '" + node.getNodeUrl() + "'..."); // check consistency at each node // correct/deactivate as necessary // 'checkNodeConsistency()' will repair if possible if (node.checkNodeConsistency()) { logger.debug3("Node consistent; recursing on children..."); List children = node.getNodeList(null, false); Iterator iter = children.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RepositoryNodeImpl child = (RepositoryNodeImpl) iter.next(); recurseConsistencyCheck(child); } } else { logger.debug3("Node inconsistent; deactivating..."); deactivateInconsistentNode(node); } }
public void testRequestMessageCreation() throws Exception { V3LcapMessage reqMsg = new V3LcapMessage( "ArchivalID_2", "key", "Plug42", m_testBytes, m_testBytes, V3LcapMessage.MSG_REPAIR_REQ, 987654321, m_testID, tempDir, theDaemon); reqMsg.setTargetUrl("http://foo.com/"); for (Iterator ix = m_testVoteBlocks.iterator(); ix.hasNext(); ) { reqMsg.addVoteBlock((VoteBlock) ix.next()); } assertEquals(3, reqMsg.getProtocolVersion()); assertEquals("Plug42", reqMsg.getPluginVersion()); assertTrue(m_testID == reqMsg.getOriginatorId()); assertEquals(V3LcapMessage.MSG_REPAIR_REQ, reqMsg.getOpcode()); assertEquals("ArchivalID_2", reqMsg.getArchivalId()); assertEquals("http://foo.com/", reqMsg.getTargetUrl()); assertEquals(m_testBytes, reqMsg.getPollerNonce()); assertEquals(m_testBytes, reqMsg.getVoterNonce()); assertEquals(null, reqMsg.getVoterNonce2()); List aBlocks = new ArrayList(); List bBlocks = new ArrayList(); for (VoteBlocksIterator iter = m_testMsg.getVoteBlockIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { aBlocks.add(iter.next()); } for (VoteBlocksIterator iter = reqMsg.getVoteBlockIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { bBlocks.add(iter.next()); } assertEquals(aBlocks, bBlocks); // Actual size of test vote blocks is unpredictable assertTrue(reqMsg.getEstimatedEncodedLength() > V3LcapMessage.EST_ENCODED_HEADER_LENGTH); }
public void setConfig( Configuration config, Configuration oldConfig, Configuration.Differences changedKeys) { // Build list of repositories from list of disk (fs) paths). Needs to // be generalized if ever another repository implementation. if (changedKeys.contains(ConfigManager.PARAM_PLATFORM_DISK_SPACE_LIST)) { List lst = new ArrayList(); String dspace = config.get(ConfigManager.PARAM_PLATFORM_DISK_SPACE_LIST, ""); List paths = StringUtil.breakAt(dspace, ';'); if (paths != null) { for (Iterator iter = paths.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { lst.add("local:" + (String) iter.next()); } } repoList = lst; } if (changedKeys.contains(PARAM_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE)) { paramNodeCacheSize = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE); for (Iterator iter = getDaemon().getAllLockssRepositories().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { LockssRepository repo = (LockssRepository) iter.next(); if (repo instanceof LockssRepositoryImpl) { LockssRepositoryImpl repoImpl = (LockssRepositoryImpl) repo; repoImpl.setNodeCacheSize(paramNodeCacheSize); } } } if (changedKeys.contains(PARAM_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE)) { paramSuspectVersionsCacheSize = config.getInt( PARAM_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE); suspectVersionsCache.setMaxSize(paramSuspectVersionsCacheSize); } if (changedKeys.contains(GLOBAL_CACHE_PREFIX)) { paramIsGlobalNodeCache = config.getBoolean(PARAM_GLOBAL_CACHE_ENABLED, DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CACHE_ENABLED); if (paramIsGlobalNodeCache) { paramGlobalNodeCacheSize = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_GLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_GLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE); log.debug("global node cache size: " + paramGlobalNodeCacheSize); globalNodeCache.setMaxSize(paramGlobalNodeCacheSize); } } if (changedKeys.contains(DISK_PREFIX)) { int minMB = config.getInt(PARAM_DISK_WARN_FRRE_MB, DEFAULT_DISK_WARN_FRRE_MB); double minPer = config.getPercentage(PARAM_DISK_WARN_FRRE_PERCENT, DEFAULT_DISK_WARN_FRRE_PERCENT); paramDFWarn = PlatformUtil.DF.makeThreshold(minMB, minPer); minMB = config.getInt(PARAM_DISK_FULL_FRRE_MB, DEFAULT_DISK_FULL_FRRE_MB); minPer = config.getPercentage(PARAM_DISK_FULL_FRRE_PERCENT, DEFAULT_DISK_FULL_FRRE_PERCENT); paramDFFull = PlatformUtil.DF.makeThreshold(minMB, minPer); } if (changedKeys.contains(PARAM_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD)) { sizeCalcMaxLoad = config.getPercentage(PARAM_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD, DEFAULT_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD); } if (changedKeys.contains(PREFIX)) { maxUnusedDirSearch = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH, DEFAULT_MAX_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH); isStatefulUnusedDirSearch = config.getBoolean( PARAM_IS_STATEFUL_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH, DEFAULT_IS_STATEFUL_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH); enableLongComponents = config.getBoolean(PARAM_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS, DEFAULT_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS); enableLongComponentsCompatibility = config.getBoolean( PARAM_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS_COMPATIBILITY, DEFAULT_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS_COMPATIBILITY); maxComponentLength = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_COMPONENT_LENGTH, DEFAULT_MAX_COMPONENT_LENGTH); checkUnnormalized = (CheckUnnormalizedMode) config.getEnum( CheckUnnormalizedMode.class, PARAM_CHECK_UNNORMALIZED, DEFAULT_CHECK_UNNORMALIZED); } }
protected void initMimeMap() throws PluginException.InvalidDefinition { for (Iterator iter = definitionMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry ent = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); String key = (String) ent.getKey(); Object val = ent.getValue(); if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_LINK_EXTRACTOR_FACTORY)) { String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_LINK_EXTRACTOR_FACTORY); if (val instanceof String) { String factName = (String) val; log.debug(mime + " link extractor: " + factName); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); LinkExtractorFactory fact = (LinkExtractorFactory) newAuxClass(factName, LinkExtractorFactory.class); mti.setLinkExtractorFactory(fact); } } else if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_CRAWL_FILTER_FACTORY)) { // XXX This clause must precede the one for SUFFIX_HASH_FILTER_FACTORY // XXX unless/until that key is changed to not be a terminal substring // XXX of this one String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_CRAWL_FILTER_FACTORY); if (val instanceof String) { String factName = (String) val; log.debug(mime + " crawl filter: " + factName); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); FilterFactory fact = (FilterFactory) newAuxClass(factName, FilterFactory.class); mti.setCrawlFilterFactory(fact); } } else if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_HASH_FILTER_FACTORY)) { String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_HASH_FILTER_FACTORY); if (val instanceof String) { String factName = (String) val; log.debug(mime + " filter: " + factName); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); FilterFactory fact = (FilterFactory) newAuxClass(factName, FilterFactory.class); mti.setHashFilterFactory(fact); } } else if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_FETCH_RATE_LIMIT)) { String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_FETCH_RATE_LIMIT); if (val instanceof String) { String rate = (String) val; log.debug(mime + " fetch rate: " + rate); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); RateLimiter limit = mti.getFetchRateLimiter(); if (limit != null) { limit.setRate(rate); } else { mti.setFetchRateLimiter(new RateLimiter(rate)); } } } else if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_LINK_REWRITER_FACTORY)) { String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_LINK_REWRITER_FACTORY); String factName = (String) val; log.debug(mime + " link rewriter: " + factName); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); LinkRewriterFactory fact = (LinkRewriterFactory) newAuxClass(factName, LinkRewriterFactory.class); mti.setLinkRewriterFactory(fact); } else if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_METADATA_EXTRACTOR_FACTORY_MAP)) { String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_METADATA_EXTRACTOR_FACTORY_MAP); Map factNameMap = (Map) val; Map factClassMap = new HashMap(); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); for (Iterator it = factNameMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String mdTypes = (String) it.next(); String factName = (String) factNameMap.get(mdTypes); log.debug(mime + " (" + mdTypes + ") metadata extractor: " + factName); for (String mdType : (List<String>) StringUtil.breakAt(mdTypes, ";")) { setMdTypeFact(factClassMap, mdType, factName); } } mti.setFileMetadataExtractorFactoryMap(factClassMap); } } }