@Test public void testGetEntityWithNameChangeDate() { String principalName = "testuser7"; Entity info = identityService.getEntityByPrincipalName(principalName); List<EntityName> names = info.getNames(); for (EntityName name : names) { assertNotNull( "nameChangeDate should have been set for PrincipalName " + principalName, name.getNameChangedDate()); } }
@Test public void testLookupEntityInfo() { String principalIdToTest = "p1"; List<Entity> results = identityService.findEntities(setUpEntityLookupCriteria(principalIdToTest)).getResults(); assertNotNull("Lookup results should never be null", results); assertEquals("Lookup result count is invalid", 1, results.size()); for (Entity kimEntityInfo : results) { assertEquals( "Entity should have only one principal for this test", 1, kimEntityInfo.getPrincipals().size()); assertEquals( "Principal Ids should match", principalIdToTest, kimEntityInfo.getPrincipals().get(0).getPrincipalId()); } }
@Test public void testGetEntityByPrincipalName() { String principalName = "kuluser"; Entity info = identityService.getEntityByPrincipalName(principalName); assertNotNull("entity must not be null", info); assertNotNull("entity principals must not be null", info.getPrincipals()); assertEquals("entity must have exactly 1 principal", 1, info.getPrincipals().size()); for (Principal principalInfo : info.getPrincipals()) { assertEquals("Wrong principal name", principalName, principalInfo.getPrincipalName()); } assertTrue( "entity external identifiers must not be null", (info.getExternalIdentifiers() == null) || info.getExternalIdentifiers().isEmpty()); assertTrue( "entity residencies must not be null", (info.getResidencies() == null) || info.getResidencies().isEmpty()); }