   * Gets a set of input splits for a MapReduce job running over a Kiji table. One split is created
   * per region in the input Kiji table.
   * @param configuration of the job using the splits. The configuration should specify the input
   *     Kiji table being used, through the configuration variable {@link
   *     KijiConfKeys#KIJI_INPUT_TABLE_URI}.
   * @param numSplits desired for the job. This framework hint is ignored by this method.
   * @return an array of input splits to be operated on in the MapReduce job.
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while communicating with HBase to determine the
   *     regions in the Kiji table.
  public InputSplit[] getSplits(JobConf configuration, int numSplits) throws IOException {
    final String uriString =
    final KijiURI inputTableURI = KijiURI.newBuilder(uriString).build();
    final Kiji kiji = Kiji.Factory.open(inputTableURI, configuration);
    try {
      final KijiTable table = kiji.openTable(inputTableURI.getTable());
      try {
        final HTableInterface htable = HBaseKijiTable.downcast(table).getHTable();

        final List<InputSplit> splits = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (KijiRegion region : table.getRegions()) {
          final byte[] startKey = region.getStartKey();
          // TODO(KIJIMR-65): For now pick the first available location (ie. region server), if any.
          final String location =
              region.getLocations().isEmpty() ? null : region.getLocations().iterator().next();
          final TableSplit tableSplit =
              new TableSplit(htable.getTableName(), startKey, region.getEndKey(), location);
          splits.add(new KijiTableSplit(tableSplit));
        return splits.toArray(new InputSplit[0]);

      } finally {
    } finally {