Esempio n. 1
  * Test digest authentication.
  * @throws Exception exception
 public void digest() throws Exception {
   // correct credentials
   try (final QueryProcessor qp =
       new QueryProcessor(
               "<http:request xmlns:http='' method='GET' "
                   + "send-authorization='true' auth-method='Digest' username='******' password='******' "
                   + "href='"
                   + REST_ROOT
                   + "'/>"),
           ctx)) {
     checkResponse(qp.value(), 2, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
   // wrong credentials
   try (final QueryProcessor qp =
       new QueryProcessor(
                   "<http:request xmlns:http='' method='GET' "
                       + "send-authorization='true' auth-method='Digest' username='******' password='******' "
                       + "href='"
                       + REST_ROOT
                       + "?query=()'/>")
               + "[. instance of node()][@status = '401']",
           ctx)) {
     checkResponse(qp.value(), 1, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
Esempio n. 2
  * Checks if the constructed base-uri matches the base-uri of added documents.
  * @throws Exception exception
 public void baseUri() throws Exception {
   final String find = "base-uri(collection('" + NAME + '/' + DIR + "xmark.xml'))";
   try (final QueryProcessor qp = new QueryProcessor(find, context)) {
     assertEquals(NAME + '/' + FILES[1], qp.execute().toString());
Esempio n. 3
  * Finds documents in path.
  * @throws Exception exception
 public void findDocs() throws Exception {
   final String find = "collection('" + NAME + "/test/zipped') ";
   try (final QueryProcessor qp = new QueryProcessor(find, context)) {
     assertEquals(4, qp.execute().size());
Esempio n. 4
  * Test query for stripping existing namespaces.
  * @throws Exception exception
 public void stripNS() throws Exception {
   final IO io = IO.get("<a xmlns:a='a'><b><c/><c/><c/></b></a>");
   try (final QueryProcessor qp =
       new QueryProcessor("/*:a/*:b", context).context(new DBNode(io))) {
     final ANode sub = (ANode) qp.iter().next();
     DataBuilder.stripNS(sub, token("a"), context);
Esempio n. 5
  * Tests an erroneous query.
  * @throws Exception exception
 public void error() throws Exception {
   try (final QueryProcessor qp =
       new QueryProcessor(
           _HTTP_SEND_REQUEST.args("<http:request method='get'/>", RESTURL + "unknown")
               + "[1]/@status/data()",
           ctx)) {
     assertEquals("404", qp.value().serialize().toString());
Esempio n. 6
  * Finds single doc.
  * @throws Exception exception
 public void findDoc() throws Exception {
   final String find =
       "for $x in collection('"
           + NAME
           + '/'
           + DIR
           + "xmark.xml') "
           + "where $x//location contains text 'uzbekistan' "
           + "return $x";
   try (final QueryProcessor qp = new QueryProcessor(find, context)) {
     assertEquals(1, qp.execute().size());
Esempio n. 7
  * Test sending of HTTP PUT requests.
  * @throws Exception exception
 public void put() throws Exception {
   try (final QueryProcessor qp =
       new QueryProcessor(
               "<http:request method='put' status-only='true'>"
                   + "<http:body media-type='text/xml'>"
                   + BOOKS
                   + "</http:body>"
                   + "</http:request>",
           ctx)) {
     checkResponse(qp.value(), 1, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED);
Esempio n. 8
 /** Test query. Detects malformed namespace hierarchy. */
 public void xuty0004() {
   final String query =
       "declare variable $input-context external;"
           + "let $source as node()* := ("
           + "    <status>on leave</status>,"
           + "    <!-- for 6 months -->"
           + "  ),"
           + "  $target := $input-context/works[1]/employee[1]"
           + "return insert nodes $source into $target";
   try (final QueryProcessor qp = new QueryProcessor(query, context)) {
   } catch (final QueryException ex) {
     assertEquals("XUTY0004", ex.error().code);
   fail("should throw XUTY0004");
Esempio n. 9
   * Test sending of HTTP GET requests.
   * @throws Exception exception
  public void postGet() throws Exception {
    // GET1 - just send a GET request
    try (final QueryProcessor qp =
        new QueryProcessor(
            _HTTP_SEND_REQUEST.args("<http:request method='get' href='" + REST_ROOT + "'/>"),
            ctx)) {
      final Value v = qp.value();
      checkResponse(v, 2, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);

      assertEquals(NodeType.DOC, v.itemAt(1).type);

    // GET2 - with override-media-type='text/plain'
    try (final QueryProcessor qp =
        new QueryProcessor(
                "<http:request method='get' override-media-type='text/plain'/>", REST_ROOT),
            ctx)) {
      final Value v = qp.value();
      checkResponse(v, 2, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);

      assertEquals(AtomType.STR, v.itemAt(1).type);

    // Get3 - with status-only='true'
    try (final QueryProcessor qp =
        new QueryProcessor(
            _HTTP_SEND_REQUEST.args("<http:request method='get' status-only='true'/>", REST_ROOT),
            ctx)) {
      checkResponse(qp.value(), 1, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
Esempio n. 10
   * Test sending of HTTP DELETE requests.
   * @throws Exception exception
  public void postDelete() throws Exception {
    // add document to be deleted
    try (final QueryProcessor qp =
        new QueryProcessor(
                "<http:request method='put'>"
                    + "<http:body media-type='text/xml'><ToBeDeleted/></http:body>"
                    + "</http:request>",
            ctx)) {

    // DELETE
    try (final QueryProcessor qp =
        new QueryProcessor(
            _HTTP_SEND_REQUEST.args("<http:request method='delete' status-only='true'/>", RESTURL),
            ctx)) {
      checkResponse(qp.value(), 1, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
Esempio n. 11
   * Test sending of HTTP POST requests.
   * @throws Exception exception
  public void putPost() throws Exception {
    // PUT - query
    try (final QueryProcessor qp =
        new QueryProcessor(
                "<http:request method='put' status-only='true'>"
                    + "<http:body media-type='text/xml'>"
                    + BOOKS
                    + "</http:body>"
                    + "</http:request>",
            ctx)) {
      checkResponse(qp.value(), 1, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED);

    // POST - query
    try (final QueryProcessor qp =
        new QueryProcessor(
                "<http:request method='post'>"
                    + "<http:body media-type='application/xml'>"
                    + "<query xmlns='"
                    + Prop.URL
                    + "/rest'>"
                    + "<text><![CDATA[<x>1</x>]]></text>"
                    + "</query>"
                    + "</http:body>"
                    + "</http:request>",
            ctx)) {
      checkResponse(qp.value(), 2, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);

    // Execute the same query but with content set from $bodies
    try (final QueryProcessor qp =
        new QueryProcessor(
                "<http:request method='post'>"
                    + "<http:body media-type='application/xml'/>"
                    + "</http:request>",
                "<query xmlns='"
                    + Prop.URL
                    + "/rest'>"
                    + "<text><![CDATA[<x>1</x>]]></text>"
                    + "</query>"),
            ctx)) {
      checkResponse(qp.value(), 2, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);