@Test public void testExecuteSuccess() throws Exception { entry.arguments = new String[] {existingFile1, existingFile2}; Result res = entry.execute(new Result(), 0); assertTrue("Entry failed", res.getResult()); }
@Test public void testExecuteFail() throws Exception { entry.arguments = new String[] {existingFile1, existingFile2, "nonExistingFile1.ext", "nonExistingFile2.ext"}; Result res = entry.execute(new Result(), 0); assertFalse("Entry should fail", res.getResult()); }
@Test public void testExecuteWithException() throws Exception { entry.arguments = new String[] {null}; Result res = entry.execute(new Result(), 0); assertFalse("Entry should fail", res.getResult()); assertEquals( "File with wrong name was specified. One error should be reported", 1, res.getNrErrors()); }
@Test public void testSetNrErrorsNewBehaviorFalseResult() throws Exception { // this tests fix for PDI-10270 entry.arguments = new String[] {"nonExistingFile.ext"}; Result res = entry.execute(new Result(), 0); assertFalse("Entry should fail", res.getResult()); assertEquals( "Files not found. Result is false. But... No of errors should be zero", 0, res.getNrErrors()); }
@Test public void testSetNrErrorsOldBehaviorFalseResult() throws Exception { // this tests backward compatibility settings for PDI-10270 entry.arguments = new String[] {"nonExistingFile1.ext", "nonExistingFile2.ext"}; entry.setVariable(Const.KETTLE_COMPATIBILITY_SET_ERROR_ON_SPECIFIC_JOB_ENTRIES, "Y"); Result res = entry.execute(new Result(), 0); assertFalse("Entry should fail", res.getResult()); assertEquals( "Files not found. Result is false. And... Number of errors should be the same as number of not found files", entry.arguments.length, res.getNrErrors()); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { job = new Job(null, new JobMeta()); entry = new JobEntryFilesExist(); job.getJobMeta().addJobEntry(new JobEntryCopy(entry)); entry.setParentJob(job); job.setStopped(false); File f = File.createTempFile("existingFile", "ext"); f.deleteOnExit(); existingFile1 = f.getPath(); f = File.createTempFile("existingFile", "ext"); f.deleteOnExit(); existingFile2 = f.getPath(); }