  public void testNot() {
    Var a = new Var("a");

    Formula f = (a.not());
  public void testToCNFDimacsClauses() {
    Formula a = new Var("a");
    Formula b = new Var("b");
    Formula c = new Var("c");

    Formula f = new Formula(a.not());

    List<IVecInt> clauses = f.toCNFDimacsClauses();
    assertTrue(clauses.size() == 1);
    IVecInt literals = clauses.get(0);

    // expect {-1} array
    assertTrue(literals.get(0) == -1);

    f = new Formula(b.or(a.not()).or(c));
    assertTrue("b or !a or c".equals(f.toString()));

    clauses = f.toCNFDimacsClauses();
    assertTrue(clauses.size() == 1);
    literals = clauses.get(0);

    // expect {2, -1, 3} array
    assertTrue(literals.get(0) == 2);
    assertTrue(literals.get(1) == -1);
    assertTrue(literals.get(2) == 3);
  public void testAnd() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");

    Formula f = (a.and(b));
    assertTrue("a and b".equals(f.toString()));
  public void testOr() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");

    Formula f = (a.or(b));
    assertTrue("a or b".equals(f.toString()));
  public void testIsSatisfiedBy_empty() throws ContradictionException, TimeoutException {
    Formula f = Formula.newInstanceforSAT(new Formula()); // emptyFormula

    // emptyFormula formula is not satisfiable - not even by an emptyFormula model
    assertFalse(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {})));
  public void testGetRight() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");

    Formula f = (a.and(b));
  public void testGetOp() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");

    Formula f = (a.and(b));
  public void testIsLeaf() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");

    Formula f = (a.and(b));
    assertTrue(f.getLeft().isLeaf() == true && f.getRight().isLeaf() == true);
  public void testGetModels() throws ContradictionException, TimeoutException {
    Formula instance = Formula.newInstanceforSAT(new Var("a").and(new Var("b")));

    Set<Model> expResult = new HashSet<Model>();
    expResult.add(new Model(new int[] {1, 2}));

    Set<Model> result = instance.getModels();
    assertEquals(expResult, result);
  public void testGetModels_empty() throws ContradictionException, TimeoutException {
    Formula instance = Formula.newInstanceforSAT(new Formula());

    Set<Model> expResult = new HashSet<Model>();

    Set<Model> result = instance.getModels();
    assertEquals(expResult, result);
  public void testIsAtomic() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");

    assertTrue(a.isAtomic()); // a literal is atomic
    assertTrue(a.not().isAtomic()); // a literal and its negation is atomic

    Formula f = (a.and(b));
    assertTrue(f.getLeft().isAtomic() == true && f.getRight().isAtomic() == true);
  public void testEquals() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");

    Formula f = a.and(b);
    Formula g = a.and(b);

    assertFalse(f == g); // two distinct instances
    assertTrue(f.equals(g)); // objects equal

    Formula h = b.and(a);
    assertFalse(f.equals(h)); // logically equivalent but objects not equal
  public void testToString() {
    Formula emptyFormula = new Formula();

    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");
    Var c = new Var("c");
    Var d = new Var("d");

    Formula f = (a.and(b)).or(c.and(d));
    assertTrue("(a and b) or (c and d)".equals(f.toString()));

    f = (a.not().or(b)).and(c);
    assertTrue("(!a or b) and c".equals(f.toString()));
  public void testToCNF() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");
    Var c = new Var("c");
    Var d = new Var("d");

    Formula f = (a.and(b)).or(c.and(d));
    assertTrue("(a or c) and (b or c) and (a or d) and (b or d)".equals(f.toCNF().toString()));

    f = (a.and(b)).or(c).or(d);
    assertTrue("(a or c or d) and (b or c or d)".equals(f.toCNF().toString()));

    f = ((a.and(b)).or(c).or(d)).not();
    assertTrue("(!a or !b) and !c and !d".equals(f.toCNF().toString()));

    f = (a).not().not().not().not().not().not();

    f = (a).not().not().not().not().not();

    f = ((a).and(b)).or((a).not().and(c)).or(((b).not()).and((c).not()));
        "(a or !a or !b) and (b or !a or !b) and (a or c or !b) and (b or c or !b) and (a or !a or !c) and (b or !a or !c) and (a or c or !c) and (b or c or !c)"
  public void testHashCode() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");

    Formula f = a.and(b);
    Formula g = a.and(b);

    assertTrue(f.hashCode() == g.hashCode()); // two distinct instances

    Formula h = b.and(a);
    assertFalse(f.hashCode() == h.hashCode()); // logically equivalent but different hash codes
  public void testIsPhrase() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");
    Var c = new Var("c");


    // if a and b are both phrases, then so is (a and b)
    Formula f = a.and(b);

    // if f is a phrase and c is a phrase, then so is (f and c)

    Formula g = a.or(b);

  public void testIsClause() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");
    Var c = new Var("c");


    // if a and b are both clauses, then so is (a or b)
    Formula f = a.or(b);

    // if f is a literals and c is a literals, then so is (f or c)

    Formula g = a.and(b);

 public void testIsEmpty() {
   Formula f = new Formula();
  public void testIsSatisfiedBy() throws ContradictionException, TimeoutException {
    Var P = new Var("P");
    Var Q = new Var("Q");
    Var R = new Var("R");
    Formula f = Formula.newInstanceforSAT((P.or(Q)).and(P.not().or(R))); // (P or Q) and (~P or R)

    // Possible assignments
    // ~P ~Q ~R
    // ~P ~Q  R
    // ~P  Q ~R (solution)
    // ~P  Q  R (solution
    //  P ~Q ~R
    //  P ~Q  R (solution)
    //  P  Q ~R
    //  P  Q  R (solution)

    BidiMap map = f.getVariableMap();

    // Only complete models, if solutions, should pass
    assertFalse(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {-1, -2, -3})));
    assertFalse(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {-1, -2, 3})));
    assertTrue(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {-1, 2, -3})));
    assertTrue(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {-1, 2, 3})));
    assertFalse(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {1, -2, -3})));
    assertTrue(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {1, -2, 3})));
    assertFalse(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {1, 2, -3})));
    assertTrue(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {1, 2, 3})));

    // Partial models, passing isPossiblySatisfiedBy(), should not pass here
    assertFalse(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {})));
    assertFalse(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {-1})));
    assertFalse(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {1})));
    assertFalse(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {-1, 2})));
    assertFalse(f.isSatisfiedBy(new Model(new int[] {1, 3})));
  public void testToCNFClauses() {
    Var a = new Var("a");
    Var b = new Var("b");
    Var c = new Var("c");
    Var d = new Var("d");

    Formula f = a.or(b).or(c).or(d);
    assertTrue("a or b or c or d".equals(f.toCNF().toString()));
    List<Clause> clauses = f.toCNFClauses();
    assertTrue(clauses.size() == 1);
    assertTrue("a or b or c or d".equals(clauses.get(0).toString()));

    f = (a.and(b)).or(c.and(d));
    assertTrue("(a or c) and (b or c) and (a or d) and (b or d)".equals(f.toCNF().toString()));
    clauses = f.toCNFClauses();
    assertTrue(clauses.size() == 4);
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(a.or(c))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(b.or(c))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(a.or(d))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(b.or(d))));

    f = (a.and(b)).or(c).or(d);
    assertTrue("(a or c or d) and (b or c or d)".equals(f.toCNF().toString()));
    clauses = f.toCNFClauses();
    assertTrue(clauses.size() == 2);
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(a.or(c).or(d))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(b.or(c).or(d))));

    f = ((a.and(b)).or(c).or(d)).not();
    assertTrue("(!a or !b) and !c and !d".equals(f.toCNF().toString()));
    clauses = f.toCNFClauses();
    assertTrue(clauses.size() == 3);
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause((a.not()).or(b.not()))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(c.not())));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(d.not())));

    f = (a).not().not().not().not().not().not();
    clauses = f.toCNFClauses();
    assertTrue(clauses.size() == 1);
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(a)));

    f = (a).not().not().not().not().not();
    clauses = f.toCNFClauses();
    assertTrue(clauses.size() == 1);
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(a.not())));

    f = ((a).and(b)).or((a).not().and(c)).or(((b).not()).and((c).not()));
        "(a or !a or !b) and (b or !a or !b) and (a or c or !b) and (b or c or !b) and (a or !a or !c) and (b or !a or !c) and (a or c or !c) and (b or c or !c)"
    clauses = f.toCNFClauses();
    assertTrue(clauses.size() == 8);
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(a.or(a.not()).or(b.not()))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(b.or(a.not()).or(b.not()))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(a.or(c).or(b.not()))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(b.or(c).or(b.not()))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(a.or(a.not()).or(c.not()))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(b.or(a.not()).or(c.not()))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(a.or(c).or(c.not()))));
    assertTrue(clauses.contains(new Clause(b.or(c).or(c.not()))));
 public void testIsSatisfiable_empty() throws ContradictionException, TimeoutException {
   Formula instance = Formula.newInstanceforSAT(new Formula());
 public void testIsSatisfiable() throws ContradictionException, TimeoutException {
   Formula instance = Formula.newInstanceforSAT(new Var("a").and(new Var("b")));
 @Test(expected = org.sat4j.specs.ContradictionException.class)
 public void testGetModels_contradiction() throws ContradictionException, TimeoutException {
   Formula f = new Var("a");
   Formula g = f.and(f.not());
   Formula instance = Formula.newInstanceforSAT(g);
 public void testToCNFClauses_empty() {
   Formula f = new Formula();
   assertTrue(f.toCNFClauses().isEmpty() == true);
 public void testNewInstanceforSAT_empty() throws Exception {
   Formula instance = Formula.newInstanceforSAT(new Formula());
 public void testNewInstanceforSAT() throws Exception {
   Formula instance = Formula.newInstanceforSAT(new Var("a").and(new Var("b")));
 public void testToCNF_empty() {
   Formula f = new Formula();