Esempio n. 1
  public static void test() throws Exception {
    AutoTestCase.testName = "PlaceOrder";
    AutoTestCase.tester = "Subha Srinivasan";

    WebDriver driver = GeneralMethods.startDriver();

    BufferedWriter artifact =
        Artifact.OpenArtifact(GeneralMethods.getArtifactName(), testName + "  ", timeStamp);

    // Objects used
    OrderPage lp = new OrderPage(driver, "orderpage");
    AccountPage ap = new AccountPage(driver, "accountpage");

    Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
    System.out.println("* * * * * Start of " + testName + " test * * * * *");
    int localStressLoop = AutomationSettings.getLocalStressLoopIterations();

    // Test case infrastructure
    String currStepResult = null;
    String prevStepResult = null;
    String iterationStamp = "";
    String preReq = null;
    AutoTestCase.testData =
        "site=" + deployment + "  browser=" + AutomationSettings.getTestDataItem("ChromeVersion");

    //  System.out.println("* * * * * *  Local stress loop iteration # " +iterationStamp);
    // Validate the purchase price

    currStepResult = lp.searchProduct("Apple iphone 4s") ? "Pass" : "Fail";
        artifact, "Check the product link is displayed ", currStepResult);
    String totalpurchaseprice = lp.getPurchasePrice(lp.totalPrice);
    System.out.println(" the total purchase Price" + totalpurchaseprice);
    Assert.assertEquals("$282.00", totalpurchaseprice);
    Artifact.VerifyWriteToArtifactS(artifact, "Validate the purchase price ", currStepResult);

    driver = null;
