@Test public void testScriptSig() throws Exception { byte[] sigProgBytes = Hex.decode(sigProg); Script script = new Script(sigProgBytes); // Test we can extract the from address. byte[] hash160 = Utils.sha256hash160(script.getPubKey()); Address a = new Address(params, hash160); assertEquals("mkFQohBpy2HDXrCwyMrYL5RtfrmeiuuPY2", a.toString()); }
@Test public void testGetOpenTransactionOutputs() throws Exception { final int UNDOABLE_BLOCKS_STORED = 10; store = createStore(params, UNDOABLE_BLOCKS_STORED); chain = new FullPrunedBlockChain(params, store); // Check that we aren't accidentally leaving any references // to the full StoredUndoableBlock's lying around (ie memory leaks) ECKey outKey = new ECKey(); int height = 1; // Build some blocks on genesis block to create a spendable output Block rollingBlock = params .getGenesisBlock() .createNextBlockWithCoinbase(Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS, outKey.getPubKey(), height++); chain.add(rollingBlock); Transaction transaction = rollingBlock.getTransactions().get(0); TransactionOutPoint spendableOutput = new TransactionOutPoint(params, 0, transaction.getHash()); byte[] spendableOutputScriptPubKey = transaction.getOutputs().get(0).getScriptBytes(); for (int i = 1; i < params.getSpendableCoinbaseDepth(); i++) { rollingBlock = rollingBlock.createNextBlockWithCoinbase( Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS, outKey.getPubKey(), height++); chain.add(rollingBlock); } rollingBlock = rollingBlock.createNextBlock(null); // Create bitcoin spend of 1 BTC. ECKey toKey = new ECKey(); Coin amount = Coin.valueOf(100000000); Address address = new Address(params, toKey.getPubKeyHash()); Coin totalAmount = Coin.ZERO; Transaction t = new Transaction(params); t.addOutput(new TransactionOutput(params, t, amount, toKey)); t.addSignedInput(spendableOutput, new Script(spendableOutputScriptPubKey), outKey); rollingBlock.addTransaction(t); rollingBlock.solve(); chain.add(rollingBlock); totalAmount = totalAmount.add(amount); List<UTXO> outputs = store.getOpenTransactionOutputs(Lists.newArrayList(address)); assertNotNull(outputs); assertEquals("Wrong Number of Outputs", 1, outputs.size()); UTXO output = outputs.get(0); assertEquals("The address is not equal", address.toString(), output.getAddress()); assertEquals("The amount is not equal", totalAmount, output.getValue()); outputs = null; output = null; try { store.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } }
@Test public void testScriptPubKey() throws Exception { // Check we can extract the to address byte[] pubkeyBytes = Hex.decode(pubkeyProg); Script pubkey = new Script(pubkeyBytes); assertEquals( "DUP HASH160 [33e81a941e64cda12c6a299ed322ddbdd03f8d0e] EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG", pubkey.toString()); Address toAddr = new Address(params, pubkey.getPubKeyHash()); assertEquals("mkFQohBpy2HDXrCwyMrYL5RtfrmeiuuPY2", toAddr.toString()); }