public void eventHandler( ThreadContext context, String event, String file, int line, String name, IRubyObject type) { // Line numbers are 1s based. Arrays are zero based. We need to compensate for that. line -= 1; // Make sure that we have SCRIPT_LINES__ and it's a hash RubyHash scriptLines = getScriptLines(context.getRuntime()); if (scriptLines == null || !scriptLines.containsKey(file)) { return; } // make sure the file's source lines are in SCRIPT_LINES__ cover = getCover(context.getRuntime()); RubyArray lines = (RubyArray) scriptLines.get(file); if (lines == null || cover == null) { return; } // make sure file's counts are in COVER and set to zero RubyArray counts = (RubyArray) cover.get(file); if (counts == null) { counts = context.getRuntime().newArray(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { counts.add(Long.valueOf(0)); } cover.put(file, counts); } // in the case of code generation (one example is instance_eval for routes optimization) // We could get here and see that we are not matched up with what we expect if (counts.size() <= line) { for (int i = counts.size(); i <= line; i++) { counts.add(Long.valueOf(0)); } } if (!context.isWithinTrace()) { try { context.setWithinTrace(true); // update counts in COVER Long count = (Long) counts.get(line); if (count == null) { count = Long.valueOf(0); } count = Long.valueOf(count.longValue() + 1); counts.set(line, count); } finally { context.setWithinTrace(false); } } }
public static RubyArray safeArrayToRubyArray(ThreadContext context, SafeArray sa) { Variant[] variants = sa.toVariantArray(); RubyArray ary = RubyArray.newArray(context.getRuntime(), variants.length); for (int i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) { ary.add(jacobToRuby(context, variants[i])); } return ary; }
@JRubyMethod public synchronized IRubyObject select( ThreadContext context, IRubyObject timeout, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime(); if (!this.selector.isOpen()) { throw context.getRuntime().newIOError("selector is closed"); } int ready = doSelect(runtime, context, timeout); /* Timeout or wakeup */ if (ready <= 0) return context.nil; RubyArray array = null; if (!block.isGiven()) { array = runtime.newArray(this.selector.selectedKeys().size()); } Iterator selectedKeys = this.selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while (selectedKeys.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey); processKey(key); selectedKeys.remove(); if (block.isGiven()) {, (IRubyObject) key.attachment()); } else { array.add(key.attachment()); } } if (block.isGiven()) { return RubyNumeric.int2fix(runtime, ready); } else { return array; } }