@Override public void addChargePoint(List<String> chargeBoxIdList) { BatchBindStep batch = ctx.batch(ctx.insertInto(CHARGE_BOX).set(CHARGE_BOX.CHARGE_BOX_ID, "")); for (String s : chargeBoxIdList) { batch.bind(s); } batch.execute(); }
private final int[] executePrepared() { Map<String, List<Query>> queries = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<Query>>(); QueryCollector collector = new QueryCollector(); // Add the QueryCollector to intercept query execution after rendering Configuration local = configuration.derive( Utils.combine( configuration.executeListenerProviders(), new DefaultExecuteListenerProvider(collector))); // [#1537] Communicate with UpdatableRecordImpl local.data(Utils.DATA_OMIT_RETURNING_CLAUSE, true); // [#1529] Avoid DEBUG logging of single INSERT / UPDATE statements local.settings().setExecuteLogging(false); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { Configuration previous = ((AttachableInternal) records[i]).configuration(); try { records[i].attach(local); executeAction(i); } catch (QueryCollectorSignal e) { Query query = e.getQuery(); String sql = e.getSQL(); // Aggregate executable queries by identical SQL if (query.isExecutable()) { List<Query> list = queries.get(sql); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<Query>(); queries.put(sql, list); } list.add(query); } } finally { records[i].attach(previous); } } // Execute one batch statement for each identical SQL statement. Every // SQL statement may have several queries with different bind values. // The order is preserved as much as possible List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Entry<String, List<Query>> entry : queries.entrySet()) { BatchBindStep batch = create.batch(entry.getValue().get(0)); for (Query query : entry.getValue()) { batch.bind(query.getBindValues().toArray()); } int[] array = batch.execute(); for (int i : array) { result.add(i); } } int[] array = new int[result.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { array[i] = result.get(i); } updateChangedFlag(); return array; }