public void testStartProcessWithLinking() {, ">>> testStartProcessWithLinking");

    // start and get instant id of 1st process
    String packageVersion = workflowManager.getCurrentPackageVersion(packageId);
    WorkflowProcessResult result =
        workflowManager.processStart(packageId + "#" + packageVersion + "#" + processId);
    String process1Id = result.getProcess().getInstanceId();
        getClass().getName(), "-------------  process one id : " + process1Id + "  -------------");

    // start 2nd process with 1st process instant id and get 2nd process instant id
    WorkflowProcessResult nextResult =
            packageId + "#" + packageVersion + "#" + processId, null, null, process1Id);
    String process2Id = nextResult.getProcess().getInstanceId();
        getClass().getName(), "-------------  process two id : " + process2Id + "  -------------");

    // check process linking data is correct or not
    WorkflowProcessLink link = workflowManager.getWorkflowProcessLink(process2Id);
        "-------------  origin process id : " + link.getOriginProcessId() + "  -------------");
            && process1Id.equals(link.getParentProcessId()));
Esempio n. 2
  public FormRowSet store(Element element, FormRowSet rows, FormData formData) {
    FormRowSet result = rows;
    if (rows != null && !rows.isEmpty()) {
      // store form data to DB
      result =, rows, formData);

      // handle workflow variables
      if (!rows.isMultiRow()) {
        String activityId = formData.getActivityId();
        String processId = formData.getProcessId();
        if (activityId != null || processId != null) {
          WorkflowManager workflowManager =
              (WorkflowManager) WorkflowUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("workflowManager");

          // recursively find element(s) mapped to workflow variable
          FormRow row = rows.iterator().next();
          Map<String, String> variableMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
          variableMap = storeWorkflowVariables(element, row, variableMap);

          if (activityId != null) {
            workflowManager.activityVariables(activityId, variableMap);
          } else {
            workflowManager.processVariables(processId, variableMap);
    return result;
  public void testStartActivityC() {, ">>> testStartActivityC");

    String currentActivityDef = "B";
    String desiredActivityDef = "C";

    // get process instance
    Map runningActivities =
        workflowManager.getActivityInstanceByProcessIdAndStatus(processId, null);
    String activityId = String.valueOf(runningActivities.get(currentActivityDef));
    WorkflowActivity wa = workflowManager.getActivityById(activityId);
    String processInstanceId = wa.getProcessId();

    // abort running activities and start activity C
    boolean started = workflowManager.activityStart(processInstanceId, desiredActivityDef, true);

    // check running activities
    runningActivities = workflowManager.getActivityInstanceByProcessIdAndStatus(processId, null);
    String abortedActivity = (String) runningActivities.get(currentActivityDef);
    String runningActivity = (String) runningActivities.get(desiredActivityDef);
        getClass().getName(), "Running activities: " + runningActivities + "; Result: " + started);

    Assert.assertTrue(abortedActivity == null && runningActivity != null);
  public void testCloseAndRemovePackage() {, ">>> testCloseAndRemovePackage");
    Collection<WorkflowProcess> processList =
        workflowManager.getRunningProcessList(packageId, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 100);

    for (WorkflowProcess process : processList)

 public void testAssignment() {, ">>> testAssignment");
   Map activityInstance = workflowManager.getActivityInstanceByProcessIdAndStatus(processId, true);
   String activityId = String.valueOf(activityInstance.get("A"));
   WorkflowActivity wa = workflowManager.getActivityById(activityId);
   String processInstanceId = wa.getProcessId();
   WorkflowAssignment ass = workflowManager.getAssignmentByProcess(processInstanceId);
   WorkflowAssignment ass2 = workflowManager.getAssignment(activityId);
       ass != null && ass2 != null && ass.getActivityId().equals(ass2.getActivityId()));
Esempio n. 6
  public String clientAssignmentView(
      HttpServletRequest request,
      ModelMap model,
      @RequestParam(required = false) String appId,
      @RequestParam(required = false) String version,
      @RequestParam("activityId") String activityId) {
    // check assignment
    WorkflowAssignment assignment = workflowManager.getAssignment(activityId);
    if (assignment == null) {
      return "client/app/assignmentUnavailable";

    try {
      // get app
      AppDefinition appDef = null;
      if (appId != null && !appId.isEmpty()) {
        appDef = appService.getAppDefinition(appId, version);
      } else {
        appDef = appService.getAppDefinitionForWorkflowActivity(activityId);
        if (appDef != null) {
          appId = appDef.getId();

      FormData formData = new FormData();
      formData = formService.retrieveFormDataFromRequest(formData, request);

      // get form
      Long appVersion = (appDef != null) ? appDef.getVersion() : null;
      String formUrl =
              + "/web/client/app/"
              + appId
              + "/"
              + appVersion
              + "/assignment/"
              + activityId
              + "/submit";
      PackageActivityForm activityForm =
          appService.viewAssignmentForm(appId, version, activityId, formData, formUrl);
      Form form = activityForm.getForm();

      // generate form HTML
      String formHtml = formService.retrieveFormHtml(form, formData);
      String formJson = formService.generateElementJson(form);

      model.addAttribute("appDef", appDef);
      model.addAttribute("assignment", assignment);
      model.addAttribute("activityForm", activityForm);
      model.addAttribute("form", form);
      model.addAttribute("formHtml", formHtml);
      model.addAttribute("formJson", formJson);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.getLogger(AppWebController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);

    return "client/app/assignmentView";
Esempio n. 7
  protected void storeToWorkflowVariable(
      WorkflowAssignment wfAssignment, Map properties, Map object) {
    Object[] wfVariableMapping = (Object[]) properties.get("wfVariableMapping");
    if (wfVariableMapping != null && wfVariableMapping.length > 0) {
      ApplicationContext ac = AppUtil.getApplicationContext();
      WorkflowManager workflowManager = (WorkflowManager) ac.getBean("workflowManager");

      for (Object o : wfVariableMapping) {
        Map mapping = (HashMap) o;
        String variable = mapping.get("variable").toString();
        String jsonObjectName = mapping.get("jsonObjectName").toString();

        String value = (String) getObjectFromMap(jsonObjectName, object);

        if (value != null) {
          workflowManager.activityVariable(wfAssignment.getActivityId(), variable, value);
Esempio n. 8
  public FormRowSet load(Element element, String primaryKey, FormData formData) {
    // load form data from DB
    FormRowSet rows = super.load(element, primaryKey, formData);
    if (rows != null) {
      // handle workflow variables
      String activityId = formData.getActivityId();
      String processId = formData.getProcessId();
      WorkflowManager workflowManager =
          (WorkflowManager) WorkflowUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("workflowManager");
      Collection<WorkflowVariable> variableList = null;
      if (activityId != null && !activityId.isEmpty()) {
        variableList = workflowManager.getActivityVariableList(activityId);
      } else if (processId != null && !processId.isEmpty()) {
        variableList = workflowManager.getProcessVariableList(processId);
      } else {
        variableList = new ArrayList<WorkflowVariable>();

      if (variableList != null && !variableList.isEmpty()) {
        FormRow row = null;
        if (rows.isEmpty()) {
          row = new FormRow();
        } else {
          row = rows.iterator().next();

        Map<String, String> variableMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (WorkflowVariable variable : variableList) {
          Object val = variable.getVal();
          if (val != null) {
            variableMap.put(variable.getId(), val.toString());
        loadWorkflowVariables(element, row, variableMap);
    return rows;
  public void testCopyProcess() {, ">>> testCopyProcess");

    boolean valid = false;

    // start and get instance id of the 1st process
    String packageVersion = workflowManager.getCurrentPackageVersion(packageId);
    WorkflowProcessResult result =
        workflowManager.processStart(packageId + "#" + packageVersion + "#" + processId);
    String processInstanceId = result.getProcess().getInstanceId();
        "-------------  process one id : " + processInstanceId + "  -------------");

    // abort running activities and start activity B
    String firstActivityDef = "A";
    String desiredActivityDef = "B";
    boolean started = workflowManager.activityStart(processInstanceId, desiredActivityDef, true);

    if (started) {
      // start 2nd process from the 1st process instance id
      WorkflowProcessResult nextResult =
              processInstanceId, packageId + "#" + packageVersion + "#" + processId, true);
      WorkflowProcess processStarted = nextResult.getProcess();

      if (processStarted != null) {
        // check for the aborted and running activities
        String newProcessId = processStarted.getInstanceId();
        Collection<WorkflowActivity> activityList =
            workflowManager.getActivityList(newProcessId, 0, 1000, null, null);
        for (WorkflowActivity act : activityList) {
          if (act.getState().startsWith("open")) {
            if (firstActivityDef.equals(act.getActivityDefId())) {
              valid = false;
            if (desiredActivityDef.equals(act.getActivityDefId())) {
              valid = true;
            "-------------  new process id : " + newProcessId + "  ------------- " + valid);

        // cleanup
        WorkflowProcessLink link = workflowManager.getWorkflowProcessLink(newProcessId);

Esempio n. 10
  public void testUploadProcess() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, Exception {, ">>> testUploadProcess");

    BufferedReader reader = null;
    String fileContents = "";
    String line;

    try {
      reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream(xpdl)));
      while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        fileContents += line + "\n";
    } finally {
      if (reader != null) {
    byte[] processDefinitionData = fileContents.getBytes();
    workflowManager.processUpload(null, processDefinitionData);
Esempio n. 11
  public String clientProcessView(
      HttpServletRequest request,
      ModelMap model,
      @RequestParam("appId") String appId,
      @RequestParam(required = false) String version,
      @RequestParam String processDefId,
      @RequestParam(required = false) String recordId,
      @RequestParam(required = false) String start) {

    // clean process def
    processDefId = WorkflowUtil.getProcessDefIdWithoutVersion(processDefId);

    AppDefinition appDef = appService.getAppDefinition(appId, version);
    WorkflowProcess processDef =
        appService.getWorkflowProcessForApp(appId, appDef.getVersion().toString(), processDefId);

    // check for permission
    if (!workflowManager.isUserInWhiteList(processDef.getId())) {
      return "client/app/processUnauthorized";

    // set app and process details
    model.addAttribute("appId", appId);
    model.addAttribute("appVersion", appDef.getVersion());
    model.addAttribute("appDefinition", appDef);
    model.addAttribute("process", processDef);
    model.addAttribute("queryString", request.getQueryString());

    // check for start mapped form
    FormData formData = new FormData();
    String formUrl =
            + appId
            + "/"
            + appDef.getVersion()
            + "/process/"
            + processDefId
            + "/start";
    if (recordId != null) {
      formUrl += "?recordId=" + recordId;
    String formUrlWithContextPath = AppUtil.getRequestContextPath() + formUrl;
    PackageActivityForm startFormDef =
            appId, appDef.getVersion().toString(), processDefId, formData, formUrlWithContextPath);
    if (startFormDef != null && startFormDef.getForm() != null) {
      Form startForm = startFormDef.getForm();

      // generate form HTML
      String formHtml = formService.retrieveFormHtml(startForm, formData);
      String formJson = formService.generateElementJson(startForm);

      // show form
      model.addAttribute("form", startForm);
      model.addAttribute("formJson", formJson);
      model.addAttribute("formHtml", formHtml);
      return "client/app/processFormStart";
    } else {
      if (Boolean.valueOf(start).booleanValue()) {
        // redirect to start URL
        return "redirect:" + formUrl;
      } else {
        // empty start page
        return "client/app/processStart";
Esempio n. 12
  public String clientAssignmentSubmit(
      HttpServletRequest request,
      ModelMap model,
      @RequestParam(required = false) String appId,
      @RequestParam(required = false) String version,
      @RequestParam("activityId") String activityId) {
    // check assignment
    WorkflowAssignment assignment = workflowManager.getAssignment(activityId);
    if (assignment == null) {
      return "client/app/assignmentUnavailable";

    // get app
    AppDefinition appDef = null;
    if (appId != null && !appId.isEmpty()) {
      appDef = appService.getAppDefinition(appId, version);
    } else {
      appDef = appService.getAppDefinitionForWorkflowActivity(activityId);

    // extract form values from request
    FormData formData = new FormData();
    formData = formService.retrieveFormDataFromRequest(formData, request);

    // set process instance ID as primary key
    String processId = assignment.getProcessId();

    // load form
    Long appVersion = (appDef != null) ? appDef.getVersion() : null;
    String formUrl =
            + "/web/client/app/"
            + appId
            + "/"
            + appVersion
            + "/assignment/"
            + activityId
            + "/submit";
    PackageActivityForm activityForm =
        appService.viewAssignmentForm(appId, version, activityId, formData, formUrl);
    Form form = activityForm.getForm();

    // submit form
    FormData formResult = formService.executeFormActions(form, formData);

    if (formResult.getFormResult(AssignmentWithdrawButton.DEFAULT_ID) != null) {
      // withdraw assignment
      return "client/app/dialogClose";

    } else if (formResult.getFormResult(AssignmentCompleteButton.DEFAULT_ID) != null) {
      // complete assignment
      Map<String, String> variableMap = AppUtil.retrieveVariableDataFromRequest(request);
      formResult =
          appService.completeAssignmentForm(appId, version, activityId, formData, variableMap);

      Map<String, String> errors = formResult.getFormErrors();
      if (errors.isEmpty() && activityForm.isAutoContinue()) {
        // redirect to next activity if available
        WorkflowAssignment nextActivity = workflowManager.getAssignmentByProcess(processId);
        if (nextActivity != null) {
          String assignmentUrl =
                  + appId
                  + "/"
                  + appVersion
                  + "/assignment/"
                  + nextActivity.getActivityId();
          return "redirect:" + assignmentUrl;

    String html = null;

    // check for validation errors
    Map<String, String> errors = formResult.getFormErrors();
    int errorCount = 0;
    if (errors == null || errors.isEmpty()) {
      // render normal template
      html = formService.generateElementHtml(form, formResult);
    } else {
      // render error template
      html = formService.generateElementErrorHtml(form, formResult);
      errorCount = errors.size();
    String formJson = formService.generateElementJson(form);

    model.addAttribute("assignment", assignment);
    model.addAttribute("form", form);
    model.addAttribute("formHtml", html);
    model.addAttribute("formJson", formJson);
    model.addAttribute("formResult", formResult);
    model.addAttribute("errorCount", errorCount);
    model.addAttribute("submitted", Boolean.TRUE);
    model.addAttribute("closeDialog", Boolean.TRUE);

    return "client/app/assignmentView";
Esempio n. 13
  public String clientProcessStart(
      HttpServletRequest request,
      ModelMap model,
      @RequestParam("appId") String appId,
      @RequestParam(required = false) String version,
      @RequestParam(required = false) String recordId,
      @RequestParam String processDefId) {

    // clean process def
    processDefId = WorkflowUtil.getProcessDefIdWithoutVersion(processDefId);

    // set app and process details
    AppDefinition appDef = appService.getAppDefinition(appId, version);
    WorkflowProcess processDef =
        appService.getWorkflowProcessForApp(appId, appDef.getVersion().toString(), processDefId);
    String processDefIdWithVersion = processDef.getId();
    model.addAttribute("appId", appId);
    model.addAttribute("appVersion", appDef.getVersion());
    model.addAttribute("appDefinition", appDef);
    model.addAttribute("process", processDef);

    // check for permission
    if (!workflowManager.isUserInWhiteList(processDef.getId())) {
      return "client/app/processUnauthorized";

    // extract form values from request
    FormData formData = new FormData();
    formData = formService.retrieveFormDataFromRequest(formData, request);

    // get workflow variables
    Map<String, String> variableMap = AppUtil.retrieveVariableDataFromRequest(request);
    String formUrl =
            + "/web/client/app/"
            + appId
            + "/"
            + appDef.getVersion()
            + "/process/"
            + processDefId
            + "/start";
    if (recordId != null) {
      formUrl += "?recordId=" + recordId;
    PackageActivityForm startFormDef =
            appId, appDef.getVersion().toString(), processDefId, formData, formUrl);
    WorkflowProcessResult result =
            appId, version, processDefId, formData, variableMap, recordId, formUrl);
    if (startFormDef != null
        && (startFormDef.getForm() != null
            || PackageActivityForm.ACTIVITY_FORM_TYPE_EXTERNAL.equals(startFormDef.getType()))) {
      if (result == null) {
        // validation error, get form
        Form startForm = startFormDef.getForm();

        // generate form HTML
        String formHtml = formService.retrieveFormErrorHtml(startForm, formData);
        String formJson = formService.generateElementJson(startForm);

        // show form
        model.addAttribute("form", startForm);
        model.addAttribute("formJson", formJson);
        model.addAttribute("formHtml", formHtml);
        model.addAttribute("activityForm", startFormDef);
        return "client/app/processFormStart";
    } else {
      // start process - TODO: handle process linking
      result =
              processDefIdWithVersion, null, variableMap, null, recordId, false);

    // set result
    if (result != null) {
      WorkflowProcess process = result.getProcess();
      model.addAttribute("process", process);

      // redirect to next activity if available
      Collection<WorkflowActivity> activities = result.getActivities();
      if (activities != null && !activities.isEmpty()) {
        WorkflowActivity nextActivity = activities.iterator().next();
        String assignmentUrl =
                + appId
                + "/"
                + appDef.getVersion()
                + "/assignment/"
                + nextActivity.getId()
                + "?"
                + request.getQueryString();
        return "redirect:" + assignmentUrl;

    return "client/app/processStarted";
Esempio n. 14
 public void testAcceptedA() {, ">>> testAcceptedA");
   Map activityInstance = workflowManager.getActivityInstanceByProcessIdAndStatus(processId, true);
Esempio n. 15
 public void testStartProcess() {, ">>> testStartProcess");
   String packageVersion = workflowManager.getCurrentPackageVersion(packageId);
   workflowManager.processStart(packageId + "#" + packageVersion + "#" + processId);