public static Combo createEncodingCombo(Composite parent, String curCharset) { if (curCharset == null) { curCharset = GeneralUtils.getDefaultFileEncoding(); } Combo encodingCombo = new Combo(parent, SWT.DROP_DOWN); encodingCombo.setVisibleItemCount(30); SortedMap<String, Charset> charsetMap = Charset.availableCharsets(); int index = 0; int defIndex = -1; for (String csName : charsetMap.keySet()) { Charset charset = charsetMap.get(csName); encodingCombo.add(charset.displayName()); if (charset.displayName().equalsIgnoreCase(curCharset)) { defIndex = index; } if (defIndex < 0) { for (String alias : charset.aliases()) { if (alias.equalsIgnoreCase(curCharset)) { defIndex = index; } } } index++; } if (defIndex >= 0) {; } else { log.warn("Charset '" + curCharset + "' is not recognized"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } return encodingCombo; }
/** * Eclipse hack. Disables/enabled all key bindings in specified site's part. Works only if host * editor is extender of AbstractTextEditor Uses reflection because setActionActivation is private * method TODO: find better way to disable key bindings or prioritize event handling to widgets * * @param partSite workbench part site * @param enable enable or disable */ @Deprecated public static void enableHostEditorKeyBindings(IWorkbenchPartSite partSite, boolean enable) { IWorkbenchPart part = partSite.getPart(); if (part instanceof AbstractTextEditor) { AbstractTextEditor hostEditor = (AbstractTextEditor) part; if (hostEditor instanceof BaseTextEditor) { StyledText textWidget = ((BaseTextEditor) hostEditor).getTextViewer().getTextWidget(); if (textWidget == null || textWidget.isDisposed()) { return; } } try { Method activatorMethod = AbstractTextEditor.class.getDeclaredMethod("setActionActivation", Boolean.TYPE); activatorMethod.setAccessible(true); activatorMethod.invoke(hostEditor, enable); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof InvocationTargetException) { e = ((InvocationTargetException) e).getTargetException(); } log.warn("Can't disable text editor action activations", e); } // hostEditor.getEditorSite().getActionBarContributor().setActiveEditor(hostEditor); } }
@Override public void contributeProperties( @NotNull DBPPropertyManager propertySource, @NotNull IValueController controller) { super.contributeProperties(propertySource, controller); try { Object value = controller.getValue(); if (value instanceof DBDContent) { propertySource.addProperty( PROP_CATEGORY_CONTENT, "content_type", //$NON-NLS-1$ CoreMessages.model_jdbc_content_type, ((DBDContent) value).getContentType()); final long contentLength = ((DBDContent) value).getContentLength(); if (contentLength >= 0) { propertySource.addProperty( PROP_CATEGORY_CONTENT, "content_length", //$NON-NLS-1$ CoreMessages.model_jdbc_content_length, contentLength); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Can't extract CONTENT value information", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ } }
@Override public void fetchRow(DBCSession session, DBCResultSet resultSet) throws DBCException { Object[] row = new Object[columnsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnsCount; i++) { try { row[i] = metaColumns[i] .getValueHandler() .fetchValueObject( session, resultSet, metaColumns[i].getAttribute(), metaColumns[i].getOrdinalPosition()); } catch (DBCException e) { // Do not reports the same error multiple times // There are a lot of error could occur during result set fetch // We report certain error only once List<DBCException> errorList = errors.get(metaColumns[i].getMetaAttribute()); if (errorList == null) { errorList = new ArrayList<>(); errors.put(metaColumns[i].getMetaAttribute(), errorList); } if (!errorList.contains(e)) { log.warn("Can't read column '" + metaColumns[i].getName() + "' value", e); errorList.add(e); } } } rows.add(row); }
@Override protected ElementInfo createElementInfo(Object element) throws CoreException { if (element instanceof IEditorInput) { IEditorInput input = (IEditorInput) element; IStorage storage = EditorUtils.getStorageFromInput(input); if (storage instanceof IFile) { IFile file = (IFile) storage; try { refreshFile(file); } catch (CoreException x) { log.warn("Can't refresh file", x); } IDocument d; IStatus s = null; try { d = createDocument(element); } catch (CoreException x) { log.warn("Can't create document", x); s = x.getStatus(); d = createEmptyDocument(); } // Set the initial line delimiter String initialLineDelimiter = GeneralUtils.getDefaultLineSeparator(); if (initialLineDelimiter != null) { ((IDocumentExtension4) d).setInitialLineDelimiter(initialLineDelimiter); } IAnnotationModel m = createAnnotationModel(element); FileSynchronizer f = new FileSynchronizer(input); f.install(); FileInfo info = new FileInfo(d, m, f); info.modificationStamp = computeModificationStamp(file); info.fStatus = s; return info; } } return super.createElementInfo(element); }
private boolean matchesContentType(IResultSetContext context) { String documentType = context.getDocumentContentType(); if (contentTypes.isEmpty() || CommonUtils.isEmpty(documentType)) { return false; } for (MimeType mimeType : contentTypes) { try { if (mimeType.match(documentType)) { return true; } } catch (MimeTypeParseException e) { log.warn("Bad document content type: " + documentType, e); } } return false; }
public static CellEditor createCellEditor( Composite parent, Object object, DBPPropertyDescriptor property) { // List if (property instanceof IPropertyValueListProvider) { final IPropertyValueListProvider listProvider = (IPropertyValueListProvider) property; final Object[] items = listProvider.getPossibleValues(object); if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(items)) { final String[] strings = new String[items.length]; for (int i = 0, itemsLength = items.length; i < itemsLength; i++) { strings[i] = items[i] instanceof DBPNamedObject ? ((DBPNamedObject) items[i]).getName() : CommonUtils.toString(items[i]); } final CustomComboBoxCellEditor editor = new CustomComboBoxCellEditor( parent, strings, SWT.DROP_DOWN | (listProvider.allowCustomValue() ? SWT.NONE : SWT.READ_ONLY)); return editor; } } Class<?> propertyType = property.getDataType(); if (propertyType == null || CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { return new CustomTextCellEditor(parent); } else if (BeanUtils.isNumericType(propertyType)) { return new CustomNumberCellEditor(parent, propertyType); } else if (BeanUtils.isBooleanType(propertyType)) { return new CustomCheckboxCellEditor(parent); // return new CheckboxCellEditor(parent); } else if (propertyType.isEnum()) { final Object[] enumConstants = propertyType.getEnumConstants(); final String[] strings = new String[enumConstants.length]; for (int i = 0, itemsLength = enumConstants.length; i < itemsLength; i++) { strings[i] = ((Enum) enumConstants[i]).name(); } return new CustomComboBoxCellEditor(parent, strings, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.READ_ONLY); } else { log.warn("Unsupported property type: " + propertyType.getName()); return null; } }
protected ResultSetPresentationDescriptor(IConfigurationElement config) { super(config); = config.getAttribute(RegistryConstants.ATTR_ID); this.label = config.getAttribute(RegistryConstants.ATTR_LABEL); this.description = config.getAttribute(RegistryConstants.ATTR_DESCRIPTION); this.presentationType = new ObjectType(config.getAttribute(RegistryConstants.ATTR_CLASS)); this.icon = iconToImage(config.getAttribute(RegistryConstants.ATTR_ICON)); this.order = CommonUtils.toInt(config.getAttribute(RegistryConstants.ATTR_ORDER)); for (IConfigurationElement typeCfg : config.getChildren(CONTENT_TYPE)) { String type = typeCfg.getAttribute(RegistryConstants.ATTR_TYPE); try { MimeType contentType = new MimeType(type); contentTypes.add(contentType); } catch (MimeTypeParseException e) { log.warn("Invalid content type: " + type, e); } } }
/** * This method returns a list of completion proposals as ICompletionProposal objects. The * proposals are based on the word at the offset in the document where the cursor is positioned. * In this implementation, we find the word at the document offset and compare it to our list of * SQL reserved words. The list is a subset, of those words that match what the user has entered. * For example, the text or proposes the SQL keywords OR and ORDER. The list is returned as an * array of completion proposals. * * @see * org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.IContentAssistProcessor#computeCompletionProposals(ITextViewer, * int) */ @Override public ICompletionProposal[] computeCompletionProposals(ITextViewer viewer, int documentOffset) { this.documentOffset = documentOffset; this.activeQuery = null; this.wordDetector = new SQLWordPartDetector(viewer.getDocument(), editor.getSyntaxManager(), documentOffset); final String wordPart = wordDetector.getWordPart(); if (lookupTemplates) { return makeTemplateProposals(viewer, documentOffset, wordPart); } final List<SQLCompletionProposal> proposals = new ArrayList<>(); QueryType queryType = null; { final String prevKeyWord = wordDetector.getPrevKeyWord(); if (!CommonUtils.isEmpty(prevKeyWord)) { if (editor.getSyntaxManager().getDialect().isEntityQueryWord(prevKeyWord)) { queryType = QueryType.TABLE; } else if (editor.getSyntaxManager().getDialect().isAttributeQueryWord(prevKeyWord)) { queryType = QueryType.COLUMN; } } } if (queryType != null) { if (editor.getDataSource() != null) { try { final QueryType qt = queryType; DBeaverUI.runInProgressService( new DBRRunnableWithProgress() { @Override public void run(DBRProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { monitor.beginTask("Seeking for completion proposals", 1); try { monitor.subTask("Make structure proposals"); makeStructureProposals(monitor, proposals, wordPart, qt); } finally { monitor.done(); } } }); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.warn("Error while seeking for structure proposals", e.getTargetException()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // interrupted - do nothing } } } if (proposals.isEmpty() || !wordPart.isEmpty()) { // Keyword assist List<String> matchedKeywords = editor.getSyntaxManager().getDialect().getMatchedKeywords(wordPart); for (String keyWord : matchedKeywords) { DBPKeywordType keywordType = editor.getSyntaxManager().getDialect().getKeywordType(keyWord); if (keywordType != null) { proposals.add( createCompletionProposal( keyWord, keyWord, keyWord + " (" + + ")", null, false, null)); } } } // Remove duplications for (int i = 0; i < proposals.size(); i++) { SQLCompletionProposal proposal = proposals.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < proposals.size(); ) { SQLCompletionProposal proposal2 = proposals.get(j); if (proposal.getDisplayString().equals(proposal2.getDisplayString())) { proposals.remove(j); } else { j++; } } } DBSObject selectedObject = getSelectedObject(editor.getDataSource()); boolean hideDups = getPreferences().getBoolean(SQLPreferenceConstants.HIDE_DUPLICATE_PROPOSALS) && selectedObject != null; if (hideDups) { for (int i = 0; i < proposals.size(); i++) { SQLCompletionProposal proposal = proposals.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < proposals.size(); ) { SQLCompletionProposal proposal2 = proposals.get(j); if (i != j && proposal.hasStructObject() && proposal2.hasStructObject() && CommonUtils.equalObjects( proposal.getObject().getName(), proposal2.getObject().getName()) && proposal.getObjectContainer() == selectedObject) { proposals.remove(j); } else { j++; } } } } if (hideDups) { // Remove duplicates from non-active schema if (selectedObject instanceof DBSObjectContainer) { // List<ICompletionProposal> } } return proposals.toArray(new ICompletionProposal[proposals.size()]); }
private boolean executeSingleQuery( @NotNull DBCSession session, @NotNull SQLQuery sqlQuery, boolean fireEvents) { lastError = null; final String originalQueryText = sqlQuery.getQuery(); DBCExecutionContext executionContext = getExecutionContext(); SQLQueryResult curResult = new SQLQueryResult(sqlQuery); if (rsOffset > 0) { curResult.setRowOffset(rsOffset); } SQLQuery originalQuery = sqlQuery; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (fireEvents && listener != null) { // Notify query start listener.onStartQuery(sqlQuery); } try { // Prepare statement closeStatement(); // Check and invalidate connection DBPDataSource dataSource = executionContext.getDataSource(); if (!connectionInvalidated && dataSource .getContainer() .getPreferenceStore() .getBoolean(DBeaverPreferences.STATEMENT_INVALIDATE_BEFORE_EXECUTE)) { executionContext.invalidateContext(session.getProgressMonitor()); connectionInvalidated = true; } try { // Modify query (filters + parameters) if (dataFilter != null && dataFilter.hasFilters() && dataSource instanceof SQLDataSource) { String filteredQueryText = ((SQLDataSource) dataSource) .getSQLDialect() .addFiltersToQuery(dataSource, originalQueryText, dataFilter); sqlQuery = new SQLQuery(filteredQueryText, sqlQuery.getOffset(), sqlQuery.getLength()); } } catch (DBException e) { throw new DBCException("Can't apply query filter", e); } Boolean hasParameters = prepareStatementParameters(sqlQuery); if (hasParameters == null) { return false; } statistics.setQueryText(originalQueryText); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DBCExecutionSource source = new AbstractExecutionSource( dataContainer, executionContext, partSite.getPart(), sqlQuery); curStatement = DBUtils.prepareStatement( source, session, hasParameters ? DBCStatementType.QUERY : DBCStatementType.SCRIPT, sqlQuery, rsOffset, rsMaxRows); if (hasParameters) { bindStatementParameters(session, sqlQuery); } // Execute statement try { boolean hasResultSet = curStatement.executeStatement(); curResult.setHasResultSet(hasResultSet); statistics.addExecuteTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); statistics.addStatementsCount(); long updateCount = -1; while (hasResultSet || resultSetNumber == 0 || updateCount >= 0) { // Fetch data only if we have to fetch all results or if it is rs requested if (fetchResultSetNumber < 0 || fetchResultSetNumber == resultSetNumber) { if (hasResultSet && fetchResultSets) { DBDDataReceiver dataReceiver = resultsConsumer.getDataReceiver(sqlQuery, resultSetNumber); if (dataReceiver != null) { hasResultSet = fetchQueryData( session, curStatement.openResultSet(), curResult, dataReceiver, true); } } } if (!hasResultSet) { try { updateCount = curStatement.getUpdateRowCount(); if (updateCount >= 0) { curResult.setUpdateCount(updateCount); statistics.addRowsUpdated(updateCount); } } catch (DBCException e) { // In some cases we can't read update count // This is bad but we can live with it // Just print a warning log.warn("Can't obtain update count", e); } } if (hasResultSet && fetchResultSets) { resultSetNumber++; fetchResultSetNumber = resultSetNumber; } if (!hasResultSet && updateCount < 0) { // Nothing else to fetch break; } if (dataSource.getInfo().supportsMultipleResults()) { hasResultSet = curStatement.nextResults(); updateCount = hasResultSet ? -1 : 0; } else { break; } } try { curResult.setWarnings(curStatement.getStatementWarnings()); } catch (Throwable e) { log.warn("Can't read execution warnings", e); } } finally { // monitor.subTask("Close query"); if (!keepStatementOpen()) { closeStatement(); } // Release parameters releaseStatementParameters(sqlQuery); } } catch (Throwable ex) { if (!(ex instanceof DBException)) { log.error("Unexpected error while processing SQL", ex); } curResult.setError(ex); lastError = ex; } finally { curResult.setQueryTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); if (fireEvents && listener != null) { // Notify query end listener.onEndQuery(curResult); } } if (curResult.getError() != null && errorHandling != SQLScriptErrorHandling.IGNORE) { return false; } // Success lastGoodQuery = originalQuery; return true; }