Esempio n. 1
   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @param format unused, since this implementation records multiple streams using potentially
   *     different formats.
   * @param dirname the path to the directory into which this <tt>Recorder</tt> will store the
   *     recorded media files.
  public void start(String format, String dirname) throws IOException, MediaException {
    if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Starting, format=" + format + " " + hashCode());
    path = dirname;

    MediaService mediaService = LibJitsi.getMediaService();

     * Note that we use only one RTPConnector for both the RTPTranslator
     * and the RTPManager instances. The this.translator will write to its
     * output streams, and this.rtpManager will read from its input streams.
    rtpConnector = new RTPConnectorImpl(redPayloadType, ulpfecPayloadType);

    rtpManager = RTPManager.newInstance();

     * Add the formats that we know about.
    rtpManager.addFormat(vp8RtpFormat, vp8PayloadType);
    rtpManager.addFormat(opusFormat, opusPayloadType);

     * Note: When this.rtpManager sends RTCP sender/receiver reports, they
     * will end up being written to its own input stream. This is not
     * expected to cause problems, but might be something to keep an eye on.

     * Register a fake call participant.
     * TODO: can we use a more generic MediaStream here?
    streamRTPManager =
        new StreamRTPManager(
                new MediaDeviceImpl(new CaptureDeviceInfo(), MediaType.VIDEO)),


    rtcpFeedbackSender = translator.getRtcpFeedbackMessageSender();

    translator.addFormat(streamRTPManager, opusFormat, opusPayloadType);

    // ((RTPTranslatorImpl)videoRTPTranslator).addFormat(streamRTPManager, redFormat,
    // redPayloadType);
    // ((RTPTranslatorImpl)videoRTPTranslator).addFormat(streamRTPManager, ulpfecFormat,
    // ulpfecPayloadType);
    // ((RTPTranslatorImpl)videoRTPTranslator).addFormat(streamRTPManager,
    // mediaFormatImpl.getFormat(), vp8PayloadType);

    started = true;
   * Checks whether RTP packets from {@code sourceChannel} should be forwarded to {@link #channel}.
   * @param sourceChannel the channel.
   * @return {@code true} iff RTP packets from {@code sourceChannel} should be forwarded to {@link
   *     #channel}.
  public boolean isForwarded(Channel sourceChannel) {
    if (lastN < 0 && currentLastN < 0) {
      // If Last-N is disabled, we forward everything.
      return true;

    if (sourceChannel == null) {
      logger.warn("Invalid sourceChannel: null.");
      return false;

    Endpoint channelEndpoint = sourceChannel.getEndpoint();
    if (channelEndpoint == null) {
      logger.warn("sourceChannel has no endpoint.");
      return false;

    if (forwardedEndpoints == INITIAL_EMPTY_LIST) {
      // LastN is enabled, but we haven't yet initialized the list of
      // endpoints in the conference.

    // This may look like a place to optimize, because we query an unordered
    // list (in O(n)) and it executes on each video packet if lastN is
    // enabled. However, the size of  forwardedEndpoints is restricted to
    // lastN and so small enough that it is not worth optimizing.
    return forwardedEndpoints.contains(channelEndpoint.getID());
Esempio n. 3
  private void removeReceiveStream(ReceiveStreamDesc receiveStream, boolean emptyJB) {
    if (receiveStream.format instanceof VideoFormat) {

    if (receiveStream.dataSink != null) {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Failed to stop DataSink " + e);


    if (receiveStream.processor != null) {

    DataSource dataSource = receiveStream.receiveStream.getDataSource();
    if (dataSource != null) {
      try {
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        logger.warn("Failed to stop DataSource");

    synchronized (receiveStreams) {
  /** Implements notification in order to track socket state. */
  public synchronized void onSctpNotification(SctpSocket socket, SctpNotification notification) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("socket=" + socket + "; notification=" + notification);
    switch (notification.sn_type) {
      case SctpNotification.SCTP_ASSOC_CHANGE:
        SctpNotification.AssociationChange assocChange =
            (SctpNotification.AssociationChange) notification;

        switch (assocChange.state) {
          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_COMM_UP:
            if (!assocIsUp) {
              boolean wasReady = isReady();

              assocIsUp = true;
              if (isReady() && !wasReady) notifySctpConnectionReady();

          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_COMM_LOST:
          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_SHUTDOWN_COMP:
          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_CANT_STR_ASSOC:
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
              logger.error("Error closing SCTP socket", e);
   * Makes an <tt>RTCPREMBPacket</tt> that provides receiver feedback to the endpoint from which we
   * receive.
   * @return an <tt>RTCPREMBPacket</tt> that provides receiver feedback to the endpoint from which
   *     we receive.
  private RTCPREMBPacket makeRTCPREMBPacket() {
    // TODO we should only make REMBs if REMB support has been advertised.
    // Destination
    RemoteBitrateEstimator remoteBitrateEstimator =
        ((VideoMediaStream) getStream()).getRemoteBitrateEstimator();

    Collection<Integer> ssrcs = remoteBitrateEstimator.getSsrcs();

    // TODO(gp) intersect with SSRCs from signaled simulcast layers
    // NOTE(gp) The Google Congestion Control algorithm (sender side)
    // doesn't seem to care about the SSRCs in the dest field.
    long[] dest = new long[ssrcs.size()];
    int i = 0;

    for (Integer ssrc : ssrcs) dest[i++] = ssrc & 0xFFFFFFFFL;

    // Exp & mantissa
    long bitrate = remoteBitrateEstimator.getLatestEstimate();

    if (bitrate == -1) return null;

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Estimated bitrate: " + bitrate);

    // Create and return the packet.
    // We use the stream's local source ID (SSRC) as the SSRC of packet
    // sender.
    long streamSSRC = getLocalSSRC();

    return new RTCPREMBPacket(streamSSRC, /* mediaSSRC */ 0L, bitrate, dest);
   * Gets the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s among the specified <tt>mediaFormats</tt> which have the
   * specified <tt>encoding</tt> and, optionally, <tt>clockRate</tt>.
   * @param mediaFormats the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s from which to filter out only the ones which have
   *     the specified <tt>encoding</tt> and, optionally, <tt>clockRate</tt>
   * @param encoding the well-known encoding (name) of the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s to be retrieved
   * @param clockRate the clock rate of the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s to be retrieved; {@link
   *     #CLOCK_RATE_NOT_SPECIFIED} if any clock rate is acceptable
   * @return a <tt>List</tt> of the <tt>MediaFormat</tt>s among <tt>mediaFormats</tt> which have the
   *     specified <tt>encoding</tt> and, optionally, <tt>clockRate</tt>
  private List<MediaFormat> getMatchingMediaFormats(
      MediaFormat[] mediaFormats, String encoding, double clockRate) {
     * XXX Use String#equalsIgnoreCase(String) because some clients transmit
     * some of the codecs starting with capital letters.

     * As per RFC 3551.4.5.2, because of a mistake in RFC 1890 and for
     * backward compatibility, G.722 should always be announced as 8000 even
     * though it is wideband. So, if someone is looking for G722/16000,
     * then: Forgive them, for they know not what they do!
    if ("G722".equalsIgnoreCase(encoding) && (16000 == clockRate)) {
      clockRate = 8000;
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Suppressing erroneous 16000 announcement for G.722");

    List<MediaFormat> supportedMediaFormats = new ArrayList<MediaFormat>();

    for (MediaFormat mediaFormat : mediaFormats) {
      if (mediaFormat.getEncoding().equalsIgnoreCase(encoding)
          && ((CLOCK_RATE_NOT_SPECIFIED == clockRate)
              || (mediaFormat.getClockRate() == clockRate))) {
    return supportedMediaFormats;
   * Retransmits a packet to {@link #channel}. If the destination supports the RTX format, the
   * packet will be encapsulated in RTX, otherwise, the packet will be retransmitted as-is.
   * @param pkt the packet to retransmit.
   * @param after the {@code TransformEngine} in the chain of {@code TransformEngine}s of the
   *     associated {@code MediaStream} after which the injection of {@code pkt} is to begin
   * @return {@code true} if the packet was successfully retransmitted, {@code false} otherwise.
  public boolean retransmit(RawPacket pkt, TransformEngine after) {
    boolean destinationSupportsRtx = channel.getRtxPayloadType() != -1;
    boolean retransmitPlain;

    if (destinationSupportsRtx) {
      long rtxSsrc = getPairedSsrc(pkt.getSSRC());

      if (rtxSsrc == -1) {
        logger.warn("Cannot find SSRC for RTX, retransmitting plain.");
        retransmitPlain = true;
      } else {
        retransmitPlain = !encapsulateInRtxAndTransmit(pkt, rtxSsrc);
    } else {
      retransmitPlain = true;

    if (retransmitPlain) {
      MediaStream mediaStream = channel.getStream();

      if (mediaStream != null) {
        try {
          mediaStream.injectPacket(pkt, /* data */ true, after);
        } catch (TransmissionFailedException tfe) {
          logger.warn("Failed to retransmit a packet.");
          return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 8
   * Jirecon packets processing logic.
   * <p>{@inheritDoc}
  public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
    JireconIq recording = (JireconIq) packet;

    if (JireconIq.Action.INFO != recording.getAction() && IQ.Type.RESULT == recording.getType()
        || StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(recording.getRid())) {
      logger.warn("Discarded: " + recording.toXML());

    if (!recording.getRid().equals(recordingId)) {
      logger.warn("Received IQ for unknown session: " + recording.toXML());

    if (status != recording.getStatus()) {
      status = recording.getStatus();"Recording " + recordingId + " status: " + status);

      if (status == JireconIq.Status.STOPPED) {"Recording STOPPED: " + recordingId);
        recordingId = null;
    } else {"Ignored status change: " + recording.toXML());
Esempio n. 9
   * Handles a specific <tt>IOException</tt> which was thrown during the execution of {@link
   * #runInConnectThread(DTLSProtocol, TlsPeer, DatagramTransport)} while trying to establish a DTLS
   * connection
   * @param ioe the <tt>IOException</tt> to handle
   * @param msg the human-readable message to log about the specified <tt>ioe</tt>
   * @param i the number of tries remaining after the current one
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified <tt>ioe</tt> was successfully handled; <tt>false</tt>,
   *     otherwise
  private boolean handleRunInConnectThreadException(IOException ioe, String msg, int i) {
    // SrtpControl.start(MediaType) starts its associated TransformEngine.
    // We will use that mediaType to signal the normal stop then as well
    // i.e. we will ignore exception after the procedure to stop this
    // PacketTransformer has begun.
    if (mediaType == null) return false;

    if (ioe instanceof TlsFatalAlert) {
      TlsFatalAlert tfa = (TlsFatalAlert) ioe;
      short alertDescription = tfa.getAlertDescription();

      if (alertDescription == AlertDescription.unexpected_message) {
        msg += " Received fatal unexpected message.";
        if (i == 0
            || !Thread.currentThread().equals(connectThread)
            || connector == null
            || mediaType == null) {
          msg += " Giving up after " + (CONNECT_TRIES - i) + " retries.";
        } else {
          msg += " Will retry.";
          logger.error(msg, ioe);

          return true;
      } else {
        msg += " Received fatal alert " + alertDescription + ".";

    logger.error(msg, ioe);
    return false;
   * Sets the value of {@code lastN}, that is, the maximum number of endpoints whose video streams
   * will be forwarded to the endpoint. A value of {@code -1} means that there is no limit.
   * @param lastN the value to set.
  public void setLastN(int lastN) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Setting lastN=" + lastN);

    List<String> endpointsToAskForKeyframe = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      // Since we have the lock anyway, call update() inside, so it
      // doesn't have to obtain it again. But keep the call to
      // askForKeyframes() outside.

      if (this.lastN != lastN) {
        // If we're just now enabling lastN, we don't need to ask for
        // keyframes as all streams were being forwarded already.
        boolean update = this.lastN != -1;

        this.lastN = lastN;

        if (lastN >= 0 && (currentLastN < 0 || currentLastN > lastN)) {
          currentLastN = lastN;

        if (update) {
          endpointsToAskForKeyframe = update();

   * Initializes the local list of endpoints ({@link #speechActivityEndpointsChanged(List)}) with
   * the current endpoints from the conference.
  public synchronized void initializeConferenceEndpoints() {

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "Initialized the list of endpoints: " + conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints.toString());
Esempio n. 12
   * Stop desktop capture stream.
   * @see AbstractPullBufferStream#stop()
  public void stop() throws IOException {
    try {
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Stop stream");
    } finally {

  * Write the overall stats of the <tt>MediaStream</tt> this <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt> keep track
  * in its file.
 public void writeOverallStats() {
   try {"Writing overall stats to file");
     PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(overallStatsFile, "UTF-8");
     writer.print(getOverallStatsJSON() + '\n');
   } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
     logger.fatal("Overall stats file opening error", e);
   } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
     logger.fatal("Overall stats file opening error", e);
Esempio n. 14
   * Returns {@code true} if a specific RED packet contains multiple blocks;
   * {@code false}, otherwise.
   * @param buffer the byte buffer that contains the RED payload.
   * @param offset the offset in the buffer where the RED payload begins.
   * @param length the length of the RED payload.
   * @return {@code true if {@pkt} contains multiple RED blocks; otherwise,
   * {@code false}
  public static boolean isMultiBlock(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) {
    if (buffer == null || buffer.length == 0) {
      logger.warn("The buffer appears to be empty.");
      return false;

    if (offset < 0 || buffer.length <= offset) {
      logger.warn("Prevented array out of bounds exception.");
      return false;

    return (buffer[offset] & 0x80) != 0;
  protected void doInitialize() throws Exception {
    DSCaptureDevice devices[] = DSManager.getInstance().getCaptureDevices();
    boolean captureDeviceInfoIsAdded = false;

    for (int i = 0, count = (devices == null) ? 0 : devices.length; i < count; i++) {
      long pixelFormat = devices[i].getFormat().getPixelFormat();
      int ffmpegPixFmt = (int) DataSource.getFFmpegPixFmt(pixelFormat);
      Format format = null;

      if (ffmpegPixFmt != FFmpeg.PIX_FMT_NONE) {
        format = new AVFrameFormat(ffmpegPixFmt, (int) pixelFormat);
      } else {
            "No support for this webcam: "
                + devices[i].getName()
                + "(format "
                + pixelFormat
                + " not supported)");

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        for (DSFormat f : devices[i].getSupportedFormats()) {
          if (f.getWidth() != 0 && f.getHeight() != 0)
                "Webcam available resolution for "
                    + devices[i].getName()
                    + ":"
                    + f.getWidth()
                    + "x"
                    + f.getHeight());

      CaptureDeviceInfo device =
          new CaptureDeviceInfo(
              new MediaLocator(LOCATOR_PROTOCOL + ':' + devices[i].getName()),
              new Format[] {format});

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Found[" + i + "]: " + device.getName());

      captureDeviceInfoIsAdded = true;

    if (captureDeviceInfoIsAdded && !MediaServiceImpl.isJmfRegistryDisableLoad())

Esempio n. 16
   * Restarts the recording for a specific SSRC.
   * @param ssrc the SSRC for which to restart recording. RTP packet of the new recording).
  private void resetRecording(long ssrc, long timestamp) {
    ReceiveStreamDesc receiveStream = findReceiveStream(ssrc);

    // we only restart audio recordings
    if (receiveStream != null && receiveStream.format instanceof AudioFormat) {
      String newFilename = getNextFilename(path + "/" + ssrc, AUDIO_FILENAME_SUFFIX);

      // flush the buffer contained in the MP3 encoder
      String s = "trying to flush ssrc=" + ssrc;
      Processor p = receiveStream.processor;
      if (p != null) {
        s += " p!=null";
        for (TrackControl tc : p.getTrackControls()) {
          Object o = tc.getControl(FlushableControl.class.getName());
          if (o != null) ((FlushableControl) o).flush();

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Restarting recording for SSRC=" + ssrc + ". New filename: " + newFilename);

      receiveStream.dataSink = null;

      // flush the FMJ jitter buffer
      // DataSource ds = receiveStream.receiveStream.getDataSource();
      // if (ds instanceof
      //    ((;

      receiveStream.filename = newFilename;
      try {
        receiveStream.dataSink =
                receiveStream.dataSource, new MediaLocator("file:" + newFilename));
      } catch (NoDataSinkException ndse) {
        logger.warn("Could not reset recording for SSRC=" + ssrc + ": " + ndse);
        removeReceiveStream(receiveStream, false);

      try {;
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        logger.warn("Could not reset recording for SSRC=" + ssrc + ": " + ioe);
        removeReceiveStream(receiveStream, false);

      audioRecordingStarted(ssrc, timestamp);
Esempio n. 17
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean setRecording(String from, String token, State doRecord, String path) {
    if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(this.token) && !this.token.equals(token)) {
      return false;

    if (!isRecording() && doRecord.equals(State.ON)) {
      // Send start recording IQ
      JireconIq recording = new JireconIq();



      Packet reply = xmpp.getXmppConnection().sendPacketAndGetReply(recording);
      if (reply instanceof JireconIq) {
        JireconIq recResponse = (JireconIq) reply;
        if (JireconIq.Status.INITIATING.equals(recResponse.getStatus())) {
          recordingId = recResponse.getRid();
"Received recording ID: " + recordingId);
          status = JireconIq.Status.INITIATING;
        } else {
          logger.error("Unexpected status received: " + recResponse.toXML());
      } else {
        logger.error("Unexpected response: " + IQUtils.responseToXML(reply));
    } else if (isRecording() && doRecord.equals(State.OFF)) {
      // Send stop recording IQ
      JireconIq recording = new JireconIq();




      status = JireconIq.Status.STOPPING;

    return true;
Esempio n. 18
   * Stops the <tt>msofficecomm</tt> bundle in a specific {@link BundleContext}.
   * @param bundleContext the <tt>BundleContext</tt> in which the <tt>msofficecomm</tt> bundle is to
   *     be stopped
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong while stopping the <tt>msofficecomm</tt> bundle in the
   *     specified <tt>BundleContext</tt>
  public void stop(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception {
    // The msofficecomm bundle is available on Windows only.
    if (!OSUtils.IS_WINDOWS) return;

    try {
      int hresult = OutOfProcessServer.stop();

      if (hresult < 0) throw new RuntimeException("HRESULT " + hresult);
    } finally {

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"MsOfficeComm plugin ... [UNREGISTERED]");
   * Notifies this instance that the ordered list of endpoints (specified as a list of endpoint IDs)
   * in the conference has changed.
   * @param endpointIds the new ordered list of endpoints (specified as a list of endpoint IDs) in
   *     the conference.
   * @return the list of IDs of endpoints which were added to the list of forwarded endpoints as a
   *     result of the call.
  private synchronized List<String> speechActivityEndpointIdsChanged(List<String> endpointIds) {
    if (conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints.equals(endpointIds)) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Conference endpoints have not changed.");
      return null;
    } else {
      List<String> newEndpoints = new LinkedList<>(endpointIds);

      conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints = endpointIds;

      return update(newEndpoints);
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public RawPacket transform(RawPacket pkt) {
          if (pkt == null) {
            return pkt;

          RTCPCompoundPacket inPacket;
          try {
            inPacket =
                    parser.parse(pkt.getBuffer(), pkt.getOffset(), pkt.getLength());
          } catch (BadFormatException e) {
            logger.warn("Failed to terminate an RTCP packet. " + "Dropping packet.");
            return null;

          // Update our RTCP stats map (timestamps). This operation is
          // read-only.


          // Remove SRs and RRs from the RTCP packet.
          pkt = feedbackGateway.gateway(inPacket);

          return pkt;
Esempio n. 21
   * Returns the cached recent messages history.
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
  private History getHistory() throws IOException {
    synchronized (historyID) {
      HistoryService historyService =

      if (history == null) {
        history = historyService.createHistory(historyID, recordStructure);

        // lets check the version if not our version, re-create
        // history (delete it)
        HistoryReader reader = history.getReader();
        boolean delete = false;
        QueryResultSet<HistoryRecord> res = reader.findLast(1);
        if (res != null && res.hasNext()) {
          HistoryRecord hr =;
          if (hr.getPropertyValues().length >= 4) {
            if (!hr.getPropertyValues()[3].equals(RECENT_MSGS_VER)) delete = true;
          } else delete = true;

        if (delete) {
          // delete it
          try {

            history = historyService.createHistory(historyID, recordStructure);
          } catch (IOException ex) {
            logger.error("Cannot delete recent_messages history", ex);

      return history;
   * Capture a part of the desktop screen using <tt>java.awt.Robot</tt>.
   * @param x x position to start capture
   * @param y y position to start capture
   * @param width capture width
   * @param height capture height
   * @return <tt>BufferedImage</tt> of a part of the desktop screen or null if Robot problem
  public BufferedImage captureScreen(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
    BufferedImage img = null;
    Rectangle rect = null;

    if (robot == null) {
      /* Robot has not been created so abort */
      return null;

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Begin capture: " + System.nanoTime());
    rect = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
    img = robot.createScreenCapture(rect);
    if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"End capture: " + System.nanoTime());

    return img;
Esempio n. 23
   * Tries to find an SSRC paired with {@code ssrc} in an FID group in one of the channels from
   * {@link #channel}'s {@code Content}. Returns -1 on failure.
   * @param pkt the {@code RawPacket} that holds the RTP packet for which to find a paired SSRC.
   * @return An SSRC paired with {@code ssrc} in an FID group, or -1.
  private long getRtxSsrc(RawPacket pkt) {
    StreamRTPManager receiveRTPManager =

    MediaStreamTrackReceiver receiver = null;
    if (receiveRTPManager != null) {
      MediaStream receiveStream = receiveRTPManager.getMediaStream();
      if (receiveStream != null) {
        receiver = receiveStream.getMediaStreamTrackReceiver();

    if (receiver == null) {
      return -1;

    RTPEncoding encoding = receiver.resolveRTPEncoding(pkt);
    if (encoding == null) {
              + ",stream_hash="
              + channel.getStream().hashCode()
              + " ssrc="
              + pkt.getSSRCAsLong());
      return -1;

    return encoding.getRTXSSRC();
   * Closes given {@link #transportManagers} of this <tt>Conference</tt> and removes corresponding
   * channel bundle.
  void closeTransportManager(TransportManager transportManager) {
    synchronized (transportManagers) {
      for (Iterator<IceUdpTransportManager> i = transportManagers.values().iterator();
          i.hasNext(); ) {
        if ( == transportManager) {
          // Presumably, we have a single association for
          // transportManager.

      // Close manager
      try {
      } catch (Throwable t) {
            "Failed to close an IceUdpTransportManager of" + " conference " + getID() + "!", t);
        // The whole point of explicitly closing the
        // transportManagers of this Conference is to prevent memory
        // leaks. Hence, it does not make sense to possibly leave
        // TransportManagers open because a TransportManager has
        // failed to close.
        if (t instanceof InterruptedException) Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
        else if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) t;
Esempio n. 25
 /** Stops this <tt>PacketTransformer</tt>. */
 private synchronized void stop() {
   if (connectThread != null) connectThread = null;
   try {
     // The dtlsTransport and _srtpTransformer SHOULD be closed, of
     // course. The datagramTransport MUST be closed.
     if (dtlsTransport != null) {
       try {
       } catch (IOException ioe) {
         logger.error("Failed to (properly) close " + dtlsTransport.getClass(), ioe);
       dtlsTransport = null;
     if (_srtpTransformer != null) {
       _srtpTransformer = null;
   } finally {
     try {
     } finally {
Esempio n. 26
   * Starts the configuration service
   * @param bundleContext the <tt>BundleContext</tt> as provided by the OSGi framework.
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong
  public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception {
    FileAccessService fas = ServiceUtils.getService(bundleContext, FileAccessService.class);

    if (fas != null) {
      File usePropFileConfig;
      try {
        usePropFileConfig =
            fas.getPrivatePersistentFile(".usepropfileconfig", FileCategory.PROFILE);
      } catch (Exception ise) {
        // There is somewhat of a chicken-and-egg dependency between
        // FileConfigurationServiceImpl and ConfigurationServiceImpl:
        // FileConfigurationServiceImpl throws IllegalStateException if
        // certain System properties are not set,
        // ConfigurationServiceImpl will make sure that these properties
        // are set but it will do that later.
        // A SecurityException is thrown when the destination
        // is not writable or we do not have access to that folder
        usePropFileConfig = null;

      if (usePropFileConfig != null && usePropFileConfig.exists()) {"Using properties file configuration store.");
        this.cs = LibJitsi.getConfigurationService();

    if (this.cs == null) {
      this.cs = new JdbcConfigService(fas);

    bundleContext.registerService(ConfigurationService.class.getName(), this.cs, null);

   * Expires this <tt>Conference</tt>, its <tt>Content</tt>s and their respective <tt>Channel</tt>s.
   * Releases the resources acquired by this instance throughout its life time and prepares it to be
   * garbage collected.
  public void expire() {
    synchronized (this) {
      if (expired) return;
      else expired = true;

    EventAdmin eventAdmin = videobridge.getEventAdmin();
    if (eventAdmin != null) eventAdmin.sendEvent(EventFactory.conferenceExpired(this));

    if (recorderEventHandler != null) {
      recorderEventHandler = null;

    Videobridge videobridge = getVideobridge();

    try {
    } finally {
      // Expire the Contents of this Conference.
      for (Content content : getContents()) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
              "Failed to expire content " + content.getName() + " of conference " + getID() + "!",
          if (t instanceof InterruptedException) Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
          else if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) t;

      // Close the transportManagers of this Conference. Normally, there
      // will be no TransportManager left to close at this point because
      // all Channels have expired and the last Channel to be removed from
      // a TransportManager closes the TransportManager. However, a
      // Channel may have expired before it has learned of its
      // TransportManager and then the TransportManager will not close.

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            "Expired conference " + getID() + ". " + videobridge.getConferenceCountString());
   * Provoke the stop of the method run(). The method run() won't be stopped right away : but the
   * loop will be broken at the next iteration.
   * <p>If the method run() is not running, calling this method won't do anything
  public synchronized void stop() {
    if (!threadStop) {"Stopping the main loop");

      System.out.println("Stopping the HammerStats stop.\n");
      threadStop = true;
   * Sends acknowledgment for open channel request on given SCTP stream ID.
   * @param sid SCTP stream identifier to be used for sending ack.
  private void sendOpenChannelAck(int sid) throws IOException {
    // Send ACK
    byte[] ack = MSG_CHANNEL_ACK_BYTES;
    int sendAck = sctpSocket.send(ack, true, sid, WEB_RTC_PPID_CTRL);

    if (sendAck != ack.length) {
      logger.error("Failed to send open channel confirmation");
  * Ctor.
  * @param videoChannel The <tt>VideoChannel</tt> associated to this <tt>SimulcastEngine</tt>.
 public SimulcastEngine(VideoChannel videoChannel) {
   this.videoChannel = videoChannel;
   simulcastReceiver =
       new SimulcastReceiver(
           ServiceUtils.getService(videoChannel.getBundleContext(), ConfigurationService.class));
   this.logger =
       Logger.getLogger(classLogger, videoChannel.getContent().getConference().getLogger());