void closeMulticastSocket() { if (mcast_sock != null) { try { if (mcast_addr != null) { // by sending a dummy packet the thread will be awakened sendDummyPacket(mcast_addr.getIpAddress(), mcast_addr.getPort()); Util.sleep(300); mcast_sock.leaveGroup(mcast_addr.getIpAddress()); } mcast_sock.close(); // this will cause the mcast receiver thread to break out of its loop mcast_sock = null; if (Trace.trace) { Trace.info("UDP.closeMulticastSocket()", "multicast socket closed"); } } catch (IOException ex) { } mcast_addr = null; } }
public void run() { DatagramPacket packet; byte receive_buf[] = new byte[65535]; int len; byte[] tmp, data; // moved out of loop to avoid excessive object creations (bela March 8 2001) packet = new DatagramPacket(receive_buf, receive_buf.length); while (mcast_receiver != null && mcast_sock != null) { try { packet.setData(receive_buf, 0, receive_buf.length); mcast_sock.receive(packet); len = packet.getLength(); data = packet.getData(); if (len == 1 && data[0] == 0) { if (Trace.debug) { Trace.info("UDP.run()", "received dummy packet"); } continue; } if (len == 4) { // received a diagnostics probe if (data[0] == 'd' && data[1] == 'i' && data[2] == 'a' && data[3] == 'g') { handleDiagnosticProbe(packet.getAddress(), packet.getPort()); continue; } } if (Trace.debug) { Trace.info( "UDP.receive()", "received (mcast) " + packet.getLength() + " bytes from " + packet.getAddress() + ":" + packet.getPort() + " (size=" + len + " bytes)"); } if (len > receive_buf.length) { Trace.error( "UDP.run()", "size of the received packet (" + len + ") is bigger than " + "allocated buffer (" + receive_buf.length + "): will not be able to handle packet. " + "Use the FRAG protocol and make its frag_size lower than " + receive_buf.length); } if (Version.compareTo(data) == false) { Trace.warn( "UDP.run()", "packet from " + packet.getAddress() + ":" + packet.getPort() + " has different version (" + Version.printVersionId(data, Version.version_id.length) + ") from ours (" + Version.printVersionId(Version.version_id) + "). This may cause problems"); } if (use_incoming_packet_handler) { tmp = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(data, 0, tmp, 0, len); incoming_queue.add(tmp); } else { handleIncomingUdpPacket(data); } } catch (SocketException sock_ex) { if (Trace.trace) { Trace.info("UDP.run()", "multicast socket is closed, exception=" + sock_ex); } break; } catch (InterruptedIOException io_ex) { // thread was interrupted ; // go back to top of loop, where we will terminate loop } catch (Throwable ex) { Trace.error("UDP.run()", "exception=" + ex + ", stack trace=" + Util.printStackTrace(ex)); Util.sleep(300); // so we don't get into 100% cpu spinning (should NEVER happen !) } } if (Trace.trace) { Trace.info("UDP.run()", "multicast thread terminated"); } }
public Object down(Event evt) { switch (evt.getType()) { case Event.MSG: // Add UnicastHeader, add to AckSenderWindow and pass down Message msg = (Message) evt.getArg(); Address dst = msg.getDest(); /* only handle unicast messages */ if (dst == null || msg.isFlagSet(Message.NO_RELIABILITY)) break; if (!running) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("discarded message as start() has not yet been called, message: " + msg); return null; } SenderEntry entry = send_table.get(dst); if (entry == null) { entry = new SenderEntry(getNewConnectionId()); SenderEntry existing = send_table.putIfAbsent(dst, entry); if (existing != null) entry = existing; else { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace( local_addr + ": created connection to " + dst + " (conn_id=" + entry.send_conn_id + ")"); if (cache != null && !members.contains(dst)) cache.add(dst); } } short send_conn_id = entry.send_conn_id; long seqno = entry.sent_msgs_seqno.getAndIncrement(); long sleep = 10; while (running) { try { msg.putHeader( this.id, Unicast2Header.createDataHeader(seqno, send_conn_id, seqno == DEFAULT_FIRST_SEQNO)); entry.sent_msgs.add(seqno, msg); // add *including* UnicastHeader, adds to retransmitter if (conn_expiry_timeout > 0) entry.update(); break; } catch (Throwable t) { if (!running) break; if (log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("failed sending message", t); Util.sleep(sleep); sleep = Math.min(5000, sleep * 2); } } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(local_addr) .append(" --> DATA(") .append(dst) .append(": #") .append(seqno) .append(", conn_id=") .append(send_conn_id); if (seqno == DEFAULT_FIRST_SEQNO) sb.append(", first"); sb.append(')'); log.trace(sb); } try { down_prot.down(evt); num_msgs_sent++; } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("failed sending the message", t); } return null; // we already passed the msg down case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: // remove connections to peers that are not members anymore ! View view = (View) evt.getArg(); List<Address> new_members = view.getMembers(); Set<Address> non_members = new HashSet<Address>(send_table.keySet()); non_members.addAll(recv_table.keySet()); members = new_members; non_members.removeAll(new_members); if (cache != null) cache.removeAll(new_members); if (!non_members.isEmpty()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("removing non members " + non_members); for (Address non_mbr : non_members) removeConnection(non_mbr); } break; case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: local_addr = (Address) evt.getArg(); break; } return down_prot.down(evt); // Pass on to the layer below us }