Esempio n. 1
 // Temporary
 // Returns comma if it's an enum entry without following comma (entry is not last in enum),
 // or semicolon if it's an enum entry without following semicolon, may be after comma (entry is
 // last in enum),
 // or empty string if an enum entry has the necessary following delimiter
 private static String enumEntryExpectedDelimiter(@NotNull JetEnumEntry enumEntry) {
   PsiElement next = enumEntry.getNextSibling();
   while (next != null) {
     if (next instanceof JetDeclaration) break;
     next = next.getNextSibling();
   JetDeclaration nextDeclaration = (JetDeclaration) next;
   next = PsiUtilPackage.getNextSiblingIgnoringWhitespaceAndComments(enumEntry);
   IElementType nextType = next != null ? next.getNode().getElementType() : null;
   if (nextDeclaration instanceof JetEnumEntry) {
     // Not last
     return nextType != JetTokens.COMMA ? "," : "";
   } else {
     // Last: after it we can have semicolon, just closing brace, or comma followed by semicolon /
     // closing brace
     if (nextType == JetTokens.COMMA) {
       next = PsiUtilPackage.getNextSiblingIgnoringWhitespaceAndComments(next);
       nextType = next != null ? next.getNode().getElementType() : null;
     return nextType != JetTokens.SEMICOLON && nextType != JetTokens.RBRACE ? ";" : "";