Esempio n. 1
   * For Ajax Editing : swap element with sibling ([up] and [down] links).
   * @param dbms
   * @param session
   * @param id
   * @param ref
   * @param down
   * @throws Exception
  public synchronized void swapElementEmbedded(
      Dbms dbms, UserSession session, String id, String ref, boolean down) throws Exception {
    dataManager.getMetadataSchema(dbms, id);

    // --- get metadata from session
    Element md = getMetadataFromSession(session, id);

    // --- get element to swap
    EditLib editLib = dataManager.getEditLib();
    Element elSwap = editLib.findElement(md, ref);

    if (elSwap == null) throw new IllegalStateException(MSG_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_AT_REF + ref);

    // --- swap the elements
    int iSwapIndex = -1;

    List list = ((Element) elSwap.getParent()).getChildren(elSwap.getName(), elSwap.getNamespace());

    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
      if (list.get(i) == elSwap) {
        iSwapIndex = i;

    if (iSwapIndex == -1)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Index not found for element --> " + elSwap);

    if (down) swapElements(elSwap, (Element) list.get(iSwapIndex + 1));
    else swapElements(elSwap, (Element) list.get(iSwapIndex - 1));

    // --- store the metadata in the session again
    setMetadataIntoSession(session, (Element) md.clone(), id);
Esempio n. 2
	public boolean read(String strRoute, String strElement, int flag) {
		//SAXBuilder builder=new SAXBuilder();
		strText = null;
		try {
			String[] route = new String[4];

			String str = null;
			Document doc =;
			Element root = doc.getRootElement();
			Element element = root;

			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strRoute, ":");
			str = st.nextToken();

			while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
				str = st.nextToken();
				element = element.getChild(str);

			element = (Element) element.getParent();
			 * while(flag!=1) { if(element.removeChild(str))
			 * mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP,"deleted "+str);
			 * else mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP,"not
			 * deleted");
			 * flag--; }
			//	mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP,element.getName());
			strText = element.getChild(str).getChild(strElement).getText();

		} catch (JDOMException jdome) {
			mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP, xmlFileName
					+ " is not well-formed");

		} catch (IOException ioe) {
			mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP, ioe);

		} catch (NullPointerException nullpe) {
			mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP, "not founded"
					+ "\n" + nullpe);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP, "read no succeed"
					+ "\n" + e);


		if (strText == null) {
			mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP, "not founded");
			return false;
		} else {
			//	mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP,"strText="+strText);
			return true;

  /** {@inheritDoc } */
  public JdomRepresentation remove(String nodeName) throws XmlException {

    Element candidate = getElement(nodeName);
    assert candidate != null : "getElement should have throw an execption";
    return this;
 protected void generateForeignMarkup(Element e, List foreignMarkup) {
   if (foreignMarkup != null) {
     Iterator elems = (Iterator) foreignMarkup.iterator();
     while (elems.hasNext()) {
       Element elem = (Element);
       Parent parent = elem.getParent();
       if (parent != null) {
Esempio n. 5
  public void generate(Module module, Element element) {
    if (!(module instanceof SSEModule)) {

    SSEModule sseModule = (SSEModule) module;

    if (sseModule instanceof Sharing) {
      Sharing sharing = (Sharing) sseModule;
      // add sse namespace
      Element root = element;
      while ((root.getParent() != null) && root.getParent() instanceof Element) {
        root = (Element) root.getParent();

      generateSharing(sharing, root);
    } else if (sseModule instanceof Sync) {
      generateSync((Sync) sseModule, element);
Esempio n. 6
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    final Document document = new SAXBuilder().build(new File(getTestDataRoot(), "/RETest.xml"));
    final List<Element> list = XPath.selectNodes(document.getRootElement(), "//test");
    new File(getTestDataPath()).mkdirs();

    int i = 0;
    for (Element element : list) {
      final String name;
      final Element parent = (Element) element.getParent();
      final String s = parent.getName();
      final String t =
          parent.getAttribute("id") == null ? "" : parent.getAttribute("id").getValue() + "-";
      if (!"tests".equals(s)) {
        name = s + "/test-" + t + ++i + ".regexp";
      } else {
        name = "test-" + t + ++i + ".regexp";
      final Result result =
          Result.valueOf((String) XPath.selectSingleNode(element, "string(expected)"));
      final boolean warn = !"false".equals(element.getAttributeValue("warning"));
      final boolean info = "true".equals(element.getAttributeValue("info"));
      myMap.put(name, new Test(result, warn, info));

      final File file = new File(getTestDataPath(), name);

      final FileWriter stream = new FileWriter(file);
      final String pattern = (String) XPath.selectSingleNode(element, "string(pattern)");
      if (!"false".equals(element.getAttributeValue("verify")))
        try {
          if (result == Result.ERR) {
            System.out.println("Incorrect FAIL value for " + pattern);
        } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
          if (result == Result.OK) {
            System.out.println("Incorrect OK value for " + pattern);


    myOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    System.setErr(new PrintStream(myOut));
Esempio n. 7
   * Indicates the end of an element (<code>&lt;/[element name]&gt;</code>) is reached. Note that
   * the parser does not distinguish between empty elements and non-empty elements, so this will
   * occur uniformly.
   * @param namespaceURI <code>String</code> URI of namespace this element is associated with
   * @param localName <code>String</code> name of element without prefix
   * @param qName <code>String</code> name of element in XML 1.0 form
   * @throws SAXException when things go wrong
  public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {

    if (suppress) return;


    if (!atRoot) {
      Parent p = currentElement.getParent();
      if (p instanceof Document) {
        atRoot = true;
      } else {
        currentElement = (Element) p;
    } else {
      throw new SAXException("Ill-formed XML document (missing opening tag for " + localName + ")");
Esempio n. 8
   * Detects whether the given element matches the given XPath string.
   * @param element The element which will be checked
   * @param xPathString The XPath expression the element will be checked against
   * @return True if the given element matches the given XPath string
   * @throws AbstractXmlMergeException If an error occurred during the matching process
  private boolean matches(Element element, String xPathString) throws AbstractXmlMergeException {

    if (element == null) {
      return false;

    try {
      JDOMXPath xPath = new JDOMXPath(xPathString);

      boolean result = xPath.selectNodes(element.getParent()).contains(element);

      return result;

    } catch (JaxenException e) {
      throw new MatchException(element, e);
Esempio n. 9
    public void addMessage(SAXParseException exception, String typeOfError) {
      if (errorCount == 0) xpaths = new Element("xsderrors", ns);

      Element elem = (Element) so.getLocator().getNode();
      Element x = new Element("xpath", ns);
      try {
        String xpath = jeeves.utils.XPath.getXPath(elem);
        // -- remove the first element to ensure XPath fits XML passed with
        // -- root element
        if (xpath.startsWith("/")) {
          int ind = xpath.indexOf('/', 1);
          if (ind != -1) {
            xpath = xpath.substring(ind + 1);
          } else {
            xpath = "."; // error to be placed on the root element
      } catch (JDOMException e) {
      String message = exception.getMessage() + " (Element: " + elem.getQualifiedName();
      String parentName;
      if (!elem.isRootElement()) {
        Element parent = (Element) elem.getParent();
        if (parent != null) parentName = parent.getQualifiedName();
        else parentName = "Unknown";
      } else {
        parentName = "/";
      message += " with parent element: " + parentName + ")";

      Element m = new Element("message", ns).setText(message);
      Element errorType = new Element("typeOfError", ns).setText(typeOfError);
      Element errorNumber = new Element("errorNumber", ns).setText(String.valueOf(errorCount));
      Element e = new Element("error", ns);
 private final void breakRepeated(
     final P parent,
     final List<C> children,
     org.jdom.Element element,
     final int indexOfElement,
     int firstIndex,
     int repeat,
     boolean before) {
   if (repeat > 0) {
     final org.jdom.Element newElem = (org.jdom.Element) element.clone();
     assert element.getParent().getContent(indexOfElement) == element;
     element.getParentElement().addContent(indexOfElement + (before ? 0 : 1), newElem);
     setRepeated(newElem, this.attrName, repeat);
     final C preCell = this.create(newElem, parent, firstIndex, false);
     for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
       children.set(firstIndex + i, preCell);
Esempio n. 11
	 *  新增循环节点
	 * @param cycNode 循环节点
	 * @return
	public Element addCycNode(Element cycNode)
		Element node=cycNode;
		Element child=null;
		Element newNode=null;
		Element tmpNode=null;
		String sName="";
			return newNode;
		newNode=new Element(node.getName());
		List cList=node.getChildren();
		for(int i=0;i<cList.size();i++)
			tmpNode=new Element(sName);
		return newNode;
  public final void breakRepeated(final P parent, final List<C> children, final int col) {
    final C c = children.get(col);
    final org.jdom.Element element = c.getElement();
    final String repeatedS = element.getAttributeValue(this.attrName, element.getNamespace());
    if (repeatedS != null) {
      final int repeated = Integer.parseInt(repeatedS);
      // since for repeated elements, the same instance is at multiple index
      final int firstIndex = children.indexOf(c);
      final int lastIndex = firstIndex + repeated - 1;
      assert children.get(lastIndex) == c;
      // not the same as firstIndex as they're can be repeated elements before
      final int indexOfElement = element.getParent().indexOf(element);

      final int preRepeated = col - firstIndex;
      final int postRepeated = lastIndex - col;

      // start from the end to avoid changing indexOfElement
      breakRepeated(parent, children, element, indexOfElement, col + 1, postRepeated, false);
      element.removeAttribute(this.attrName, element.getNamespace());
      breakRepeated(parent, children, element, indexOfElement, firstIndex, preRepeated, true);
    children.set(col, this.create(element, parent, col, true));
Esempio n. 13
	public void write(String strRoute, String strElement, String strSet,
			int flag) {
		//SAXBuilder builder=new SAXBuilder();
		try {
			String str = null;
			Document doc =;
			Element root = doc.getRootElement();
			Element element = root;

			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strRoute, ":");
			str = st.nextToken();

			while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
				str = st.nextToken();
				element = element.getChild(str);


			//	mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP,"test :"+str);
			element = (Element) element.getParent();

			 * if(flag>1) { int j=flag; while(j!=1) {
			 * Element tmp=element.getChild(str);
			 * element.addContent(tmp.detach()); j--; } }
			element = element.getChild(str).getChild(strElement);

			//	mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP,"gettxt
			// "+element.getText());


			 * if(flag!=1) {
			 * java.util.List children=element.getChildren(); Iterator
			 * iterator=children.iterator(); int count=0;
			 * while(iterator.hasNext()) { Element
			 * child=(Element); count++; }
			 * System.out.println("count"+count);
			 * k=(count+1-flag)%count;
			 * while(k!=0) { Element tmp=element.getChild(str);
			 * element.addContent(tmp.detach()); k--; } }
			XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter("", false, "GB2312");
			PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(
					new FileWriter(xmlFileName)));

			Document myDocument = root.getDocument();

			outputter.output(myDocument, out);

		} catch (JDOMException jdome) {
//			mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP, xmlFileName
//					+ " is not well-formed\n");

		} catch (IOException ioe) {
//			mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP, ioe);

		} catch (Exception e) {
//			mypage.FcfeMain.wR(mypage.FcfeMain.SIM_APP_ERP,
//					"write not succeed\n");


 public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) {
   // end element reached.. just go up one parent
   curElem = (Element) curElem.getParent();