private HttpRequest signForTemporaryAccess(HttpRequest request, long timeInSeconds) {
   // Update the 'DATE' header
   String dateString = request.getFirstHeaderOrNull(HttpHeaders.DATE);
   if (dateString == null) {
     dateString = timeStampProvider.get();
   Date date = dateService.rfc1123DateParse(dateString);
   String expiration =
       String.valueOf(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(date.getTime()) + timeInSeconds);
   HttpRequest.Builder<?> builder =
       request.toBuilder().replaceHeader(HttpHeaders.DATE, expiration);
   String stringToSign = authSigner.createStringToSign(;
   // We MUST encode the signature because addQueryParam internally _always_ decodes values
   // and if we don't encode the signature here, the decoding may change the signature. For e.g.
   // any '+' characters in the signature will be converted to space ' ' on decoding.
   String signature = authSigner.sign(stringToSign);
   try {
     signature = URLEncoder.encode(signature,;
   } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
     throw new IllegalStateException("Bad encoding on input: " + signature, e);
   HttpRequest ret =
           .addQueryParam(HttpHeaders.EXPIRES, expiration)
           .addQueryParam("AWSAccessKeyId", identity)
           // Signature MUST be the last parameter because if it isn't, even encoded '+' values in
           // the
           // signature will be converted to a space by a subsequent addQueryParameter.
           // See HttpRequestTest.testAddBase64AndUrlEncodedQueryParams for more details.
           .addQueryParam(TEMPORARY_SIGNATURE_PARAM, signature)
   return ret;