public abstract class Impl implements GlobalBomModel, JavaHandlerContext<Vertex> { private static final Logger LOG = Logging.get(MavenizeRuleProvider.class); @Override public void addNewerDependency(final ArchiveCoordinateModel newCoord) {"Adding: " + newCoord.toString()); Vertex v =; final Iterable<ArchiveCoordinateModel> existingDeps = this.getDependencies(); for (ArchiveCoordinateModel dep : existingDeps) {" ---- Dep: " + dep.toString()); if (!StringUtils.equals(newCoord.getGroupId(), dep.getGroupId())) continue; if (!StringUtils.equals(newCoord.getArtifactId(), dep.getArtifactId())) continue; if (!StringUtils.equals(newCoord.getClassifier(), dep.getClassifier())) continue; if (!StringUtils.equals(newCoord.getPackaging(), dep.getPackaging())) continue; if (0 < compareVersions(newCoord.getVersion(), dep.getVersion())) dep.setVersion(newCoord.getVersion()); return; } this.addDependency(newCoord);"Added: " + newCoord.toString()); } /** Uses Forge's comprehension of version strings. */ private static int compareVersions(String aS, String bS) { ComparableVersion a = new ComparableVersion(aS); ComparableVersion b = new ComparableVersion(bS); return b.compareTo(a); } }
class XmlFileEvaluateXPathFunction implements XPathFunction { private static final Logger LOG = Logging.get(XmlFileEvaluateXPathFunction.class); private final EvaluationStrategy evaluationStrategy; XmlFileEvaluateXPathFunction(EvaluationStrategy evaluationStrategy) { this.evaluationStrategy = evaluationStrategy; } @Override public Object evaluate(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") List args) throws XPathFunctionException { int frameIdx = ((Double) args.get(0)).intValue(); boolean expressionResult = (Boolean) args.get(1); LOG.fine("evaluate(" + frameIdx + ", " + expressionResult + ")"); return expressionResult; } }
/** Contains utility methods for interacting with XML files. */ public class XmlUtil { private static Logger LOG = Logging.get(XmlUtil.class); protected static final Map<String, String> objs; static { objs = new HashMap<String, String>(); objs.put("xsi", ""); } /** Converts the given {@link NodeList} to a {@link String}. */ public static String nodeListToString(NodeList nodeList) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodeList.item(i); sb.append(nodeToString(node)); } return sb.toString(); } /** Converts the given {@link Node} to a {@link String}. */ public static String nodeToString(Node node) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); if (node instanceof Attr) { Attr attr = (Attr) node; return attr.getValue(); } try { Transformer t = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); t.transform(new DOMSource(node), new StreamResult(sw)); } catch (TransformerException te) { LOG.warning("Transformer Exception: " + te.getMessage()); } return sw.toString(); } /** Returns the names and locations defined in this {@link Document}. */ public static Map<String, String> getSchemaLocations(Document doc) { Set<String> namespaces = new HashSet<String>(); namespaces.addAll(LocationAwareXmlReader.getNamespaces(doc)); String schemaLocation; try { schemaLocation = XmlUtil.xpathExtract(doc, "//@xsi:schemaLocation", objs); } catch (MarshallingException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Exception extracting xpath.", e); } Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(schemaLocation)) { schemaLocation = StringUtils.trim(schemaLocation); String[] locations = schemaLocation.split("\\s+"); for (int i = 0, j = locations.length - 1; i < j; i++) { if (namespaces.contains(locations[i])) { result.put(locations[i], locations[i + 1]); } } } for (String r : result.keySet()) { namespaces.remove(r); } // if there are namespaces without namespace locations, load here. if (namespaces.size() > 0) { for (String namespace : namespaces) { result.put(namespace, null); } } return result; } /** Runs the given xpath and returns a boolean result. */ public static boolean xpathExists( Node document, String xpathExpression, Map<String, String> namespaceMapping) throws XPathException, MarshallingException { Boolean result = (Boolean) executeXPath(document, xpathExpression, namespaceMapping, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN); return result != null && result; } /** Runs the given xpath and returns a {@link String} result. */ public static String xpathExtract( Node document, String xpathExpression, Map<String, String> namespaceMapping) throws XPathException, MarshallingException { return (String) executeXPath(document, xpathExpression, namespaceMapping, XPathConstants.STRING); } /** Runs the given xpath and returns a {@link NodeList} result. */ public static NodeList xpathNodeList( Node document, String xpathExpression, Map<String, String> namespaceMapping) throws XPathException, MarshallingException { return (NodeList) executeXPath(document, xpathExpression, namespaceMapping, XPathConstants.NODESET); } /** Runs the given xpath and returns a {@link NodeList} result. */ public static NodeList xpathNodeList(Node document, XPathExpression xpathExpression) throws XPathException, MarshallingException { return (NodeList) executeXPath(document, xpathExpression, XPathConstants.NODESET); } /** Executes the given xpath and returns the result with the type specified. */ public static Object executeXPath( Node document, String xpathExpression, Map<String, String> namespaceMapping, QName result) throws XPathException, MarshallingException { NamespaceMapContext mapContext = new NamespaceMapContext(namespaceMapping); try { XPathFactory xPathfactory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = xPathfactory.newXPath(); xpath.setNamespaceContext(mapContext); XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile(xpathExpression); return executeXPath(document, expr, result); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { throw new XPathException("Xpath(" + xpathExpression + ") cannot be compiled", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MarshallingException("Exception unmarshalling XML.", e); } } /** Executes the given {@link XPathExpression} and returns the result with the type specified. */ public static Object executeXPath(Node document, XPathExpression expr, QName result) throws XPathException, MarshallingException { try { return expr.evaluate(document, result); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MarshallingException("Exception unmarshalling XML.", e); } } }