public boolean authenticate() { log.debug("testing: " + isTesting()); try { username = credentials.getUsername(); String password = credentials.getPassword(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(username)) { messages.error("login", "User name must be specified."); return false; } if (username.equals("admin")) { identity.addRole("admin"); } principal = userService.getUserByName(username); if (principal != null && principal.getPassword().equals(password)) { log.debug("authenticated: " + username); raiseUserAuthenticatedEvent(); return true; } messages.error("login", "Invalid user name or password."); log.debug("not-authenticated"); return false; } catch (Throwable e) { messages.error("login", e.getMessage()); log.error("not-authenticated: " + e); return false; } }
private void processBasicAuth( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { Context ctx = new SessionContext(new ServletRequestSessionMap(request)); Identity identity = (Identity) ctx.get(Identity.class); if (identity == null) { throw new ServletException( "Identity not found - please ensure that the Identity component is created on startup."); } Credentials credentials = (Credentials) ctx.get(Credentials.class); boolean requireAuth = false; String header = request.getHeader("Authorization"); if (header != null && header.startsWith("Basic ")) { String base64Token = header.substring(6); String token = new String(Base64.decode(base64Token)); String username = ""; String password = ""; int delim = token.indexOf(":"); if (delim != -1) { username = token.substring(0, delim); password = token.substring(delim + 1); } // Only reauthenticate if username doesn't match Identity.username and user isn't // authenticated if (!username.equals(credentials.getUsername()) || !identity.isLoggedIn()) { try { credentials.setPassword(password); authenticate(request, username); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Error authenticating: " + ex.getMessage()); requireAuth = true; } } } if (!identity.isLoggedIn() && !credentials.isSet()) { requireAuth = true; } try { if (!requireAuth) { chain.doFilter(request, response); return; } } catch (NotLoggedInException ex) { requireAuth = true; } if ((requireAuth && !identity.isLoggedIn())) { response.addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + realm + "\""); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "Not authorized"); } }
public boolean authenticate() {"authenticating {0}", credentials.getUsername()); // write your authentication logic here, // return true if the authentication was // successful, false otherwise if ("admin".equals(credentials.getUsername())) { identity.addRole("admin"); return true; } return false; }
@Override public void authenticate() { if ("test".equals(creds.getUsername())) { this.setStatus(AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS); this.setUser(new SimpleUser("test")); } }
@Override public void authenticate() { String username = credentials.getUsername(); if (username != null && !username.isEmpty()) { setStatus(AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS); setUser(new SimpleUser(username)); } }
/** * Authenticate jpa. * * @throws ClientException the client exception */ protected void authenticateJPA() throws ClientException { User user = userDAO.getUserByLogin(credentials.getUsername()); boolean hasNoError = true; hasNoError = authorizeUser(user); String password = null; if (hasNoError) { if (credentials != null && credentials.getCredential() instanceof PasswordCredential) { password = ((PasswordCredential) credentials.getCredential()).getValue(); } if (password == null) { messages.error(new YoutestitMSG("error.login.password.require")); hasNoError = false; } } if (hasNoError) { final String cryptedPassword = Sha1Encryption.getInstance().encryptToSha1(password); if (user.getPassword().equals(cryptedPassword)) {; setUser(new SimpleUser(user.getLogin())); identity.getUser(); } else { messages.error(new YoutestitMSG("error.login.password.wrong")); hasNoError = false; } } if (hasNoError) { setStatus(AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS); } else { setStatus(AuthenticationStatus.FAILURE); } }
// @Create public void inicializar() {"personaHome.getInstance() == null:" + personaHome.getInstance() == null); if (personaHome.getInstance().getIdPersona() == 0) { Persona persona = personaDAO.obtenerPersonaXUsuario(credentials.getUsername()); // personaHome = new PersonaHome(); personaHome.setInstance(persona); alumnoHome.setInstance(personaHome.getInstance().getAlumno()); periodoAcademicoHome.setInstance( periodoAcademicoDAO.obtenerPeriodoAcademicoEnCurso( alumnoHome.getInstance().getColegio().getIdColegio())); subPeriodoAcademicoHome.setInstance( periodoAcademicoDAO.obtenerSubPeriodoAcademicoEnCurso( alumnoHome.getInstance().getColegio().getIdColegio())); resumenAlumnoHome.setInstance( alumnoDAO.obtenerResumenPeriodo( alumnoHome.getInstance().getIdPersona(), periodoAcademicoHome.getInstance().getIdPeriodoAcademico()));"Inicializando Datos:" + personaHome.getInstance().getIdPersona()); } }
private void processDigestAuth( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { Context ctx = new SessionContext(new ServletRequestSessionMap(request)); Identity identity = (Identity) ctx.get(Identity.class); if (identity == null) { throw new ServletException( "Identity not found - please ensure that the Identity component is created on startup."); } Credentials credentials = (Credentials) ctx.get(Credentials.class); boolean requireAuth = false; boolean nonceExpired = false; String header = request.getHeader("Authorization"); if (header != null && header.startsWith("Digest ")) { String section212response = header.substring(7); String[] headerEntries = section212response.split(","); Map<String, String> headerMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String entry : headerEntries) { String[] vals = split(entry, "="); headerMap.put(vals[0].trim(), vals[1].replace("\"", "").trim()); } DigestRequest digestRequest = new DigestRequest(); digestRequest.setHttpMethod(request.getMethod()); digestRequest.setSystemRealm(realm); digestRequest.setRealm(headerMap.get("realm")); digestRequest.setKey(key); digestRequest.setNonce(headerMap.get("nonce")); digestRequest.setUri(headerMap.get("uri")); digestRequest.setClientDigest(headerMap.get("response")); digestRequest.setQop(headerMap.get("qop")); digestRequest.setNonceCount(headerMap.get("nc")); digestRequest.setClientNonce(headerMap.get("cnonce")); try { digestRequest.validate(); request.getSession().setAttribute(DigestRequest.DIGEST_REQUEST, digestRequest); authenticate(request, headerMap.get("username")); } catch (DigestValidationException ex) { log.warn( String.format( "Digest validation failed, header [%s]: %s", section212response, ex.getMessage())); requireAuth = true; if (ex.isNonceExpired()) nonceExpired = true; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Error authenticating: " + ex.getMessage()); requireAuth = true; } } if (!identity.isLoggedIn() && !credentials.isSet()) { requireAuth = true; } try { if (!requireAuth) { chain.doFilter(request, response); return; } } catch (NotLoggedInException ex) { requireAuth = true; } if ((requireAuth && !identity.isLoggedIn())) { long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (nonceValiditySeconds * 1000); String signatureValue = DigestUtils.md5Hex(expiryTime + ":" + key); String nonceValue = expiryTime + ":" + signatureValue; String nonceValueBase64 = Base64.encodeBytes(nonceValue.getBytes()); // qop is quality of protection, as defined by RFC 2617. // we do not use opaque due to IE violation of RFC 2617 in not // representing opaque on subsequent requests in same session. String authenticateHeader = "Digest realm=\"" + realm + "\", " + "qop=\"auth\", nonce=\"" + nonceValueBase64 + "\""; if (nonceExpired) authenticateHeader = authenticateHeader + ", stale=\"true\""; response.addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticateHeader); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); } }