Esempio n. 1
   * Writes the HTTP response to the output stream.
   * @param http The HttpExchange object that allows access to the request and response.
   * @param isGet Flag indicating whether or not the request was a GET request or POST request.
   * @param pretty Flag indicating whether or not the output, if JSON, should be pretty printed or
   *     not.
   * @param response The DMR response from the operation.
   * @param status The HTTP status code to be included in the response.
   * @param encode Flag indicating whether or not to Base64 encode the response payload.
   * @throws IOException if an error occurs while attempting to generate the HTTP response.
  private void writeResponse(
      final HttpExchange http,
      boolean isGet,
      boolean pretty,
      ModelNode response,
      int status,
      boolean encode,
      String contentType)
      throws IOException {
    final Headers responseHeaders = http.getResponseHeaders();
    responseHeaders.add(CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
    http.sendResponseHeaders(status, 0);

    final OutputStream out = http.getResponseBody();
    final PrintWriter print = new PrintWriter(out);

    // GET (read) operations will never have a compensating update, and the status is already
    // available via the http response status code, so unwrap them.
    if (isGet && status == OK) response = response.get("result");

    try {
      if (encode) {
      } else {
        response.writeJSONString(print, !pretty);
    } finally {