public ModelController createController(final ModelNode model, final Setup registration) throws InterruptedException { final ServiceController<?> existingController = serviceContainer.getService(ServiceName.of("ModelController")); if (existingController != null) { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); existingController.addListener( new AbstractServiceListener<Object>() { public void listenerAdded(ServiceController<?> serviceController) { serviceController.setMode(ServiceController.Mode.REMOVE); } public void transition( ServiceController<?> serviceController, ServiceController.Transition transition) { if (transition.equals(ServiceController.Transition.REMOVING_to_REMOVED)) { latch.countDown(); } } }); latch.await(); } ServiceTarget target = serviceContainer.subTarget(); ControlledProcessState processState = new ControlledProcessState(true); ModelControllerService svc = new ModelControllerService(processState, registration, model); ServiceBuilder<ModelController> builder = target.addService(ServiceName.of("ModelController"), svc); builder.install(); svc.latch.await(); ModelController controller = svc.getValue(); ModelNode setup = Util.getEmptyOperation("setup", new ModelNode()); controller.execute(setup, null, null, null); processState.setRunning(); return controller; }
@Test public void test() throws Exception { final ModelController controller = getController(); final ModelNode address = new ModelNode(); address.add("host", "*"); address.add("server", "[one,two]"); address.add("subsystem", "web"); address.add("connector", "*"); final ModelNode read = new ModelNode(); read.get(OP).set("read-resource"); read.get(OP_ADDR).set(address); ModelNode result = controller.execute(read, null, null, null); System.out.println(result); result = result.get("result"); Assert.assertEquals(4, result.asInt()); // A,B one,two final ModelNode describe = new ModelNode(); describe.get(OP).set("describe"); describe.get(OP_ADDR).set(address); result = controller.execute(describe, null, null, null).get("result"); }
/** * Create a new controller with the passed in operations. * * @param additionalInit Additional initialization that should be done to the parsers, controller * and service container before initializing our extension * @param bootOperations the operations */ protected KernelServices installInController( AdditionalInitialization additionalInit, List<ModelNode> bootOperations) throws Exception { if (additionalInit == null) { additionalInit = new AdditionalInitialization(); } ControllerInitializer controllerInitializer = additionalInit.createControllerInitializer(); additionalInit.setupController(controllerInitializer); // Initialize the controller ServiceContainer container = ServiceContainer.Factory.create("test" + counter.incrementAndGet()); ServiceTarget target = container.subTarget(); ControlledProcessState processState = new ControlledProcessState(true); List<ModelNode> extraOps = controllerInitializer.initializeBootOperations(); List<ModelNode> allOps = new ArrayList<ModelNode>(); if (extraOps != null) { allOps.addAll(extraOps); } allOps.addAll(bootOperations); StringConfigurationPersister persister = new StringConfigurationPersister(allOps, testParser); ModelControllerService svc = new ModelControllerService( additionalInit.getType(), mainExtension, controllerInitializer, additionalInit, processState, persister, additionalInit.isValidateOperations()); ServiceBuilder<ModelController> builder = target.addService(ServiceName.of("ModelController"), svc); builder.install(); additionalInit.addExtraServices(target); // sharedState = svc.state; svc.latch.await(); ModelController controller = svc.getValue(); ModelNode setup = Util.getEmptyOperation("setup", new ModelNode()); controller.execute(setup, null, null, null); processState.setRunning(); KernelServices kernelServices = new KernelServices( container, controller, persister, new OperationValidator(svc.rootRegistration)); this.kernelServices.add(kernelServices); if (svc.error != null) { throw svc.error; } return kernelServices; }
private synchronized void establishModelControllerClient(ControlledProcessState.State state) { ModelControllerClient newClient = null; if (state != ControlledProcessState.State.STOPPING && serviceContainer != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Value<ModelController> controllerService = (Value<ModelController>) serviceContainer.getService(Services.JBOSS_SERVER_CONTROLLER); if (controllerService != null) { final ModelController controller = controllerService.getValue(); newClient = controller.createClient(executorService); } // else TODO use some sort of timeout and poll. A non-stopping server should install a // ModelController very quickly } modelControllerClient = newClient; currentProcessState = state; }
private void executeOperations(ModelController controller, List<ModelNode> ops) { for (final ModelNode op : ops) { op.get(OPERATION_HEADERS, ROLLBACK_ON_RUNTIME_FAILURE).set(false); controller.execute(op, null, null, null); } }
private ModelNode execute(ModelNode op) { return controller.execute(op, null, OperationTransactionControl.COMMIT, null); }
private void executeOperations(ModelController controller, List<ModelNode> ops) { for (final ModelNode op : ops) { controller.execute(op, null, null, null); } }
@Override public void handleRequest(final HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception { final FormDataParser parser = formParserFactory.createParser(exchange); if (parser == null) { Common.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE.handleRequest(exchange); } // Prevent CSRF which can occur from standard a multipart/form-data submission from a standard // HTML form. // If the browser sends an Origin header (Chrome / Webkit) then the earlier origin check will // have passed // to reach this point. If the browser doesn't (FireFox), then only requests which came from // Javascript, // which enforces same-origin policy when no Origin header is present, should be allowed. The // presence of // a custom header indicates usage of XHR since simple forms can not set them. HeaderMap headers = exchange.getRequestHeaders(); if (!headers.contains(Headers.ORIGIN) && !headers.contains(CLIENT_NAME)) { ROOT_LOGGER.debug( "HTTP Origin or X-Management-Client-Name header is required for all multipart form data posts."); Common.UNAUTHORIZED.handleRequest(exchange); return; } // Parse the form data final FormData data = parser.parseBlocking(); final OperationParameter.Builder operationParameterBuilder = new OperationParameter.Builder(false); // Process the operation final FormData.FormValue op = data.getFirst(OPERATION); final ModelNode operation; try { String type = op.getHeaders().getFirst(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE); if (Common.APPLICATION_DMR_ENCODED.equals(type)) { try (InputStream stream = convertToStream(op)) { operation = ModelNode.fromBase64(stream); } operationParameterBuilder.encode(true); } else if (Common.APPLICATION_JSON.equals(stripSuffix(type))) { try (InputStream stream = convertToStream(op)) { operation = ModelNode.fromJSONStream(stream); } } else { ROOT_LOGGER.debug("Content-type must be application/dmr-encoded or application/json"); Common.UNAUTHORIZED.handleRequest(exchange); return; } } catch (Exception e) { ROOT_LOGGER.errorf("Unable to construct ModelNode '%s'", e.getMessage()); Common.sendError(exchange, false, e.getLocalizedMessage()); return; } // Process the input streams final OperationBuilder builder = OperationBuilder.create(operation, true); final Iterator<String> i = data.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { final String name =; final Deque<FormData.FormValue> contents = data.get(name); if (contents != null && !contents.isEmpty()) { for (final FormData.FormValue value : contents) { if (value.isFile()) { builder.addFileAsAttachment(value.getPath().toFile()); } } } } operationParameterBuilder.pretty( operation.hasDefined("json.pretty") && operation.get("json.pretty").asBoolean()); // Response callback to handle the :reload operation final OperationParameter opParam =; final ResponseCallback callback = new ResponseCallback() { @Override void doSendResponse(final ModelNode response) { if (response.hasDefined(OUTCOME) && FAILED.equals(response.get(OUTCOME).asString())) { Common.sendError(exchange, opParam.isEncode(), response); return; } writeResponse(exchange, 200, response, opParam); } }; final boolean sendPreparedResponse = sendPreparedResponse(operation); final ModelController.OperationTransactionControl control = sendPreparedResponse ? new ModelController.OperationTransactionControl() { @Override public void operationPrepared( final ModelController.OperationTransaction transaction, final ModelNode result) { transaction.commit(); // Fix prepared result result.get(OUTCOME).set(SUCCESS); result.get(RESULT); callback.sendResponse(result); } } : ModelController.OperationTransactionControl.COMMIT; ModelNode response; final Operation builtOp =; try { ModelNode opheaders = operation.get(OPERATION_HEADERS); opheaders.get(ACCESS_MECHANISM).set(AccessMechanism.HTTP.toString()); opheaders.get(CALLER_TYPE).set(USER); // Don't allow a domain-uuid operation header from a user call if (opheaders.hasDefined(DOMAIN_UUID)) { opheaders.remove(DOMAIN_UUID); } response = modelController.execute(operation, OperationMessageHandler.DISCARD, control, builtOp); } catch (Throwable t) { ROOT_LOGGER.modelRequestError(t); Common.sendError(exchange, opParam.isEncode(), t.getLocalizedMessage()); return; } finally { // Close any input streams that were open if (builtOp.isAutoCloseStreams()) { for (InputStream in : builtOp.getInputStreams()) { IoUtils.safeClose(in); } } } callback.sendResponse(response); }