public ArrayList<TraceSequenceAnalysis> getTraceSequences(String userId, long entryId) { Entry entry = dao.get(entryId); if (entry == null) return null; authorization.expectRead(userId, entry); List<TraceSequence> sequences = DAOFactory.getTraceSequenceDAO().getByEntry(entry); ArrayList<TraceSequenceAnalysis> analysisArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); if (sequences == null) return analysisArrayList; AccountController accountController = new AccountController(); for (TraceSequence traceSequence : sequences) { TraceSequenceAnalysis analysis = traceSequence.toDataTransferObject(); AccountTransfer accountTransfer = new AccountTransfer(); String depositor = traceSequence.getDepositor(); boolean canEdit = canEdit(userId, depositor, entry); analysis.setCanEdit(canEdit); Account account = accountController.getByEmail(traceSequence.getDepositor()); if (account != null) { accountTransfer.setFirstName(account.getFirstName()); accountTransfer.setLastName(account.getLastName()); accountTransfer.setEmail(account.getEmail()); accountTransfer.setId(account.getId()); } analysis.setDepositor(accountTransfer); analysisArrayList.add(analysis); } return analysisArrayList; }
public FolderDetails retrieveVisibleEntries( String userId, ColumnField field, boolean asc, int start, int limit) { Set<Entry> results; FolderDetails details = new FolderDetails(); Account account = accountController.getByEmail(userId); if (authorization.isAdmin(userId)) { // no filters results = dao.retrieveAllEntries(field, asc, start, limit); } else { // retrieve groups for account and filter by permission Set<Group> accountGroups = new HashSet<>(account.getGroups()); GroupController controller = new GroupController(); Group everybodyGroup = controller.createOrRetrievePublicGroup(); accountGroups.add(everybodyGroup); results = dao.retrieveVisibleEntries(account, accountGroups, field, asc, start, limit); } for (Entry entry : results) { PartData info = ModelToInfoFactory.createTableViewData(userId, entry, false); details.getEntries().add(info); } return details; }
public UserComment createEntryComment(String userId, long partId, UserComment newComment) { Entry entry = dao.get(partId); if (entry == null) return null; authorization.canRead(userId, entry); Account account = accountController.getByEmail(userId); Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.setAccount(account); comment.setEntry(entry); comment.setBody(newComment.getMessage()); comment.setCreationTime(new Date()); comment = commentDAO.create(comment); if (newComment.getSamples() != null) { SampleDAO sampleDAO = DAOFactory.getSampleDAO(); for (PartSample partSample : newComment.getSamples()) { Sample sample = sampleDAO.get(partSample.getId()); if (sample == null) continue; comment.getSamples().add(sample); sample.getComments().add(comment); } } comment = commentDAO.update(comment); return comment.toDataTransferObject(); }
/** * Retrieves and sets the default values for the entry. Some of these values (e.g. PI, and Funding * Source) are set by individual users as part of their personal preferences * * @param userId Unique identifier for user requesting the values. * @param type entry type * @return PartData object with the retrieve part defaults */ public PartData getPartDefaults(String userId, EntryType type) { PartData partData = new PartData(type); PreferencesController preferencesController = new PreferencesController(); // pi defaults String value = preferencesController.getPreferenceValue( userId,; if (value != null) { Account piAccount = accountController.getByEmail(value); if (piAccount == null) { partData.setPrincipalInvestigator(value); } else { partData.setPrincipalInvestigator(piAccount.getFullName()); partData.setPrincipalInvestigatorEmail(piAccount.getEmail()); partData.setPrincipalInvestigatorId(piAccount.getId()); } } // funding source defaults value = preferencesController.getPreferenceValue(userId,; if (value != null) { partData.setFundingSource(value); } // owner and creator details Account account = accountController.getByEmail(userId); if (account != null) { partData.setOwner(account.getFullName()); partData.setOwnerEmail(account.getEmail()); partData.setCreator(partData.getOwner()); partData.setCreatorEmail(partData.getOwnerEmail()); } // set the entry type defaults return EntryUtil.setPartDefaults(partData); }
/** * Retrieve the number of entries that is visible to a particular user * * @param userId user account unique identifier * @return Number of entries that user with account referenced in the parameter can read. */ public long getNumberOfVisibleEntries(String userId) { Account account = accountController.getByEmail(userId); if (account == null) return -1; if (authorization.isAdmin(userId)) { return dao.getAllEntryCount(); } Set<Group> accountGroups = new HashSet<>(account.getGroups()); GroupController controller = new GroupController(); Group everybodyGroup = controller.createOrRetrievePublicGroup(); accountGroups.add(everybodyGroup); return dao.visibleEntryCount(account, accountGroups); }
public ArrayList<History> getHistory(String userId, long entryId) { Entry entry = dao.get(entryId); if (entry == null) return null; authorization.expectWrite(userId, entry); List<Audit> list = auditDAO.getAuditsForEntry(entry); ArrayList<History> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Audit audit : list) { History history = audit.toDataTransferObject(); if (history.isLocalUser()) { history.setAccount( accountController.getByEmail(history.getUserId()).toDataTransferObject()); } result.add(history); } return result; }