Esempio n. 1
  * Utility method used when redirecting to a login page.
  * @param request The servlet request object.
  * @param pageInfo The current WikiPageInfo object, which contains information needed for
  *     rendering the final JSP page.
  * @param topic The topic to be redirected to. Valid examples are "Special:Admin",
  *     "StartingPoints", etc.
  * @param messageObject A WikiMessage object to be displayed on the login page.
  * @return Returns a ModelAndView object corresponding to the login page display.
  * @throws Exception Thrown if any error occurs during processing.
 protected static ModelAndView viewLogin(
     HttpServletRequest request, WikiPageInfo pageInfo, String topic, WikiMessage messageObject)
     throws Exception {
   ModelAndView next = new ModelAndView("wiki");
   String virtualWikiName = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request);
   String target = request.getParameter("target");
   if (!StringUtils.hasText(target)) {
     if (!StringUtils.hasText(topic)) {
       VirtualWiki virtualWiki = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupVirtualWiki(virtualWikiName);
       topic = virtualWiki.getDefaultTopicName();
     target = topic;
     if (StringUtils.hasText(request.getQueryString())) {
       target += "?" + request.getQueryString();
   next.addObject("target", target);
   pageInfo.setPageTitle(new WikiMessage("login.title"));
   if (messageObject != null) {
     next.addObject("messageObject", messageObject);
   return next;
Esempio n. 2
  * FIXME - override the parent method to determine if processing should occur. Needed due to the
  * fact that different virtual wikis may be used.
 protected boolean requiresLogout(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
   String uri = request.getRequestURI();
   int pathParamIndex = uri.indexOf(';');
   if (pathParamIndex > 0) {
     // strip everything after the first semi-colon
     uri = uri.substring(0, pathParamIndex);
   String virtualWiki = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request);
   return uri.endsWith(
       request.getContextPath() + "/" + virtualWiki + this.getFilterProcessesUrl());
Esempio n. 3
 private void jumpTo(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo)
     throws Exception {
   String virtualWiki = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request);
   String topic = request.getParameter("text");
   if (WikiBase.exists(virtualWiki, topic)) {
     ServletUtil.redirect(next, virtualWiki, topic);
   } else {
     next.addObject("notopic", new WikiMessage("topic.notcreated", topic));, next, pageInfo);
Esempio n. 4
  * Allow subclasses to modify the redirection message.
  * @param request the request
  * @param response the response
  * @param url the URL to redirect to
  * @throws IOException in the event of any failure
 protected void sendRedirect(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String url)
     throws IOException {
   String targetUrl = url;
   if ("/DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_WIKI".equals(url)) {
     // ugly, but a hard-coded constant seems to be the only way to
     // allow a dynamic url value
     String virtualWikiName = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request);
     if (!StringUtils.hasText(virtualWikiName)) {
       virtualWikiName = WikiBase.DEFAULT_VWIKI;
     String topicName = Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_BASE_DEFAULT_TOPIC);
     try {
       VirtualWiki virtualWiki = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupVirtualWiki(virtualWikiName);
       topicName = virtualWiki.getDefaultTopicName();
     } catch (Exception e) {
       logger.warning("Unable to retrieve default topic for virtual wiki", e);
     targetUrl = request.getContextPath() + "/" + virtualWikiName + "/" + topicName;
   } else if (url != null && !url.startsWith("http://") && !url.startsWith("https://")) {
     String virtualWiki = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request);
     targetUrl = request.getContextPath() + "/" + virtualWiki + url;
Esempio n. 5
  * Utility method used when viewing a topic.
  * @param request The current servlet request object.
  * @param next The current Spring ModelAndView object.
  * @param pageInfo The current WikiPageInfo object, which contains information needed for
  *     rendering the final JSP page.
  * @param topicName The topic being viewed. This value must be a valid topic that can be loaded as
  *     a org.jamwiki.model.Topic object.
  * @throws Exception Thrown if any error occurs during processing.
 protected static void viewTopic(
     HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo, String topicName)
     throws Exception {
   String virtualWiki = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request);
   if (!StringUtils.hasText(virtualWiki)) {
     virtualWiki = WikiBase.DEFAULT_VWIKI;
   Topic topic = ServletUtil.initializeTopic(virtualWiki, topicName);
   if (topic.getTopicId() <= 0) {
     // topic does not exist, display empty page
     next.addObject("notopic", new WikiMessage("topic.notcreated", topicName));
   WikiMessage pageTitle = new WikiMessage("topic.title", topicName);
   viewTopic(request, next, pageInfo, pageTitle, topic, true);
Esempio n. 6
 protected void writeTopic(HttpServletRequest request, String editComment) throws Exception {
   String virtualWiki = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request);
   String topicName =
           + NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR
           + Utilities.decodeFromRequest(filename(request));
   String contents =
       "<pre><nowiki>\n" + Utilities.readFile(filename(request)) + "\n</nowiki></pre>";
   Topic topic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null);
   if (topic == null) {
     topic = new Topic();
   WikiUser user = Utilities.currentUser();
   TopicVersion topicVersion =
       new TopicVersion(user, request.getRemoteAddr(), editComment, contents);
   WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeTopic(topic, topicVersion, null, true, null);
Esempio n. 7
 private void search(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo)
     throws Exception {
   String virtualWiki = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request);
   String searchField = request.getParameter("text");
   if (request.getParameter("text") == null) {
     pageInfo.setPageTitle(new WikiMessage("search.title"));
   } else {
     pageInfo.setPageTitle(new WikiMessage("searchresult.title", searchField));
   // forward back to the search page if the request is blank or null
   if (!StringUtils.hasText(searchField)) {
   // grab search engine instance and find
   Collection results = WikiBase.getSearchEngine().findResults(virtualWiki, searchField);
   next.addObject("searchField", searchField);
   next.addObject("results", results);
Esempio n. 8
  * This method ensures that the left menu, logo, and other required values have been loaded into
  * the session object.
  * @param request The servlet request object.
  * @param next A ModelAndView object corresponding to the page being constructed.
 private static void buildLayout(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next) {
   String virtualWikiName = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request);
   if (virtualWikiName == null) {
     logger.severe("No virtual wiki available for page request " + request.getRequestURI());
     virtualWikiName = WikiBase.DEFAULT_VWIKI;
   VirtualWiki virtualWiki = retrieveVirtualWiki(virtualWikiName);
   // build the layout contents
   String leftMenu =
   next.addObject("leftMenu", leftMenu);
   next.addObject("defaultTopic", virtualWiki.getDefaultTopicName());
   next.addObject("virtualWiki", virtualWiki.getName());
   next.addObject("logo", Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_BASE_LOGO_IMAGE));
   String bottomArea =
   next.addObject("bottomArea", bottomArea);
   next.addObject(ServletUtil.PARAMETER_VIRTUAL_WIKI, virtualWiki.getName());
   Integer cssRevision = new Integer(0);
   try {
     cssRevision =
             .lookupTopic(virtualWiki.getName(), WikiBase.SPECIAL_PAGE_STYLESHEET, false, null)
   } catch (Exception e) {
   next.addObject("cssRevision", cssRevision);
Esempio n. 9
  * Build a map of links and the corresponding link text to be used as the tab menu links for the
  * WikiPageInfo object.
 private static LinkedHashMap buildTabMenu(HttpServletRequest request, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) {
   LinkedHashMap links = new LinkedHashMap();
   WikiUser user = Utilities.currentUser();
   String pageName = pageInfo.getTopicName();
   String virtualWiki = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request);
   try {
     if (pageInfo.getAdmin()) {
       if (user.hasRole(Role.ROLE_SYSADMIN)) {
         links.put("Special:Admin", new WikiMessage("tab.admin.configuration"));
         links.put("Special:Maintenance", new WikiMessage("tab.admin.maintenance"));
         links.put("Special:Roles", new WikiMessage("tab.admin.roles"));
       if (user.hasRole(Role.ROLE_TRANSLATE)) {
         links.put("Special:Translation", new WikiMessage("tab.admin.translations"));
     } else if (pageInfo.getSpecial()) {
       links.put(pageName, new WikiMessage("tab.common.special"));
     } else {
       String article = Utilities.extractTopicLink(pageName);
       String comments = Utilities.extractCommentsLink(pageName);
       links.put(article, new WikiMessage("tab.common.article"));
       links.put(comments, new WikiMessage("tab.common.comments"));
       if (ServletUtil.isEditable(virtualWiki, pageName, user)) {
         String editLink = "Special:Edit?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName);
         if (StringUtils.hasText(request.getParameter("topicVersionId"))) {
           editLink += "&topicVersionId=" + request.getParameter("topicVersionId");
         links.put(editLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.edit"));
       String historyLink = "Special:History?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName);
       links.put(historyLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.history"));
       if (ServletUtil.isMoveable(virtualWiki, pageName, user)) {
         String moveLink = "Special:Move?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName);
         links.put(moveLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.move"));
       if (user.hasRole(Role.ROLE_USER)) {
         Watchlist watchlist = WikiUtil.currentWatchlist(request, virtualWiki);
         boolean watched = (watchlist.containsTopic(pageName));
         String watchlistLabel = (watched) ? "tab.common.unwatch" : "";
         String watchlistLink = "Special:Watchlist?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName);
         links.put(watchlistLink, new WikiMessage(watchlistLabel));
       if (pageInfo.isUserPage()) {
         WikiLink wikiLink = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(pageName);
         String contributionsLink =
             "Special:Contributions?contributor=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(wikiLink.getArticle());
         links.put(contributionsLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.contributions"));
       String linkToLink = "Special:LinkTo?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName);
       links.put(linkToLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.links"));
       if (user.hasRole(Role.ROLE_ADMIN)) {
         String manageLink = "Special:Manage?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName);
         links.put(manageLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.manage"));
       String printLink = "Special:Print?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName);
       links.put(printLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.print"));
   } catch (Exception e) {
     logger.severe("Unable to build tabbed menu links", e);
   return links;