public void create(Long altId, Vote vote) throws RollbackFailureException, Exception { vote.setId(null); Alternative alternative = em.find(Alternative.class, altId); if (alternative == null) { throw new NonExistingEntityException("Alternative with Id = " + altId + " does not exist"); } vote.setAlternative(alternative); em.persist(vote); if (alternative != null) { alternative.getVotes().add(vote); alternative = em.merge(alternative); } }
public void destroy(Long id) throws NonExistingEntityException, RollbackFailureException, Exception { Vote vote; try { vote = em.getReference(Vote.class, id); vote.getId(); } catch (EntityNotFoundException enfe) { throw new NonExistingEntityException("The vote with id " + id + " no longer exists.", enfe); } Alternative alternative = vote.getAlternative(); if (alternative != null) { alternative.getVotes().remove(vote); alternative = em.merge(alternative); } em.remove(vote); }
public void edit(Long altId, Vote vote) throws NonExistingEntityException, RollbackFailureException, Exception { Alternative alternative = em.find(Alternative.class, altId); if (alternative == null) { throw new NonExistingEntityException("Alternative with Id = " + altId + " does not exist"); } vote.setAlternative(alternative); Vote persistentVote = em.find(Vote.class, vote.getId()); Alternative alternativeOld = persistentVote.getAlternative(); Alternative alternativeNew = vote.getAlternative(); if (alternativeNew != null) { alternativeNew = em.getReference(alternativeNew.getClass(), alternativeNew.getId()); vote.setAlternative(alternativeNew); } vote = em.merge(vote); if (alternativeOld != null && !alternativeOld.equals(alternativeNew)) { alternativeOld.getVotes().remove(vote); alternativeOld = em.merge(alternativeOld); } if (alternativeNew != null && !alternativeNew.equals(alternativeOld)) { alternativeNew.getVotes().add(vote); alternativeNew = em.merge(alternativeNew); } }