private String getEvidence() throws ObjectStoreException { if (evidenceRefId == null) { Item item = createItem("OrthologueEvidenceCode"); item.setAttribute("abbreviation", EVIDENCE_CODE_ABBR); item.setAttribute("name", EVIDENCE_CODE_NAME); try { store(item); } catch (ObjectStoreException e) { throw new ObjectStoreException(e); } String refId = item.getIdentifier(); item = createItem("OrthologueEvidence"); item.setReference("evidenceCode", refId); try { store(item); } catch (ObjectStoreException e) { throw new ObjectStoreException(e); } evidenceRefId = item.getIdentifier(); } return evidenceRefId; }
private Integer createGoAnnotation( String productIdentifier, String productType, String termIdentifier, Item organism, String qualifier, String withText, String dataSourceCode) throws ObjectStoreException { Item goAnnotation = createItem(annotationClassName); goAnnotation.setReference("subject", productIdentifier); goAnnotation.setReference("ontologyTerm", termIdentifier); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(qualifier)) { goAnnotation.setAttribute("qualifier", qualifier); } // with objects if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(withText)) { goAnnotation.setAttribute("withText", withText); List<String> with = createWithObjects(withText, organism, dataSourceCode); if (!with.isEmpty()) { goAnnotation.addCollection(new ReferenceList("with", with)); } } goAnnotation.addToCollection("dataSets", getDataset(dataSourceCode)); if ("gene".equals(productType)) { addProductCollection(productIdentifier, goAnnotation.getIdentifier()); } Integer storedAnnotationId = store(goAnnotation); return storedAnnotationId; }
private String getGene(String identifierType, String id, String taxonId) throws ObjectStoreException { String identifier = id; if (rslv != null && rslv.hasTaxon(taxonId)) { identifier = resolveGene(identifier, taxonId); if (identifier == null) { return null; } } String refId = identifiersToGenes.get(identifier); if (refId == null) { Item gene = createItem("Gene"); refId = gene.getIdentifier(); gene.setAttribute(identifierType, identifier); gene.setReference("organism", getOrganism(taxonId)); identifiersToGenes.put(identifier, refId); try { store(gene); } catch (ObjectStoreException e) { throw new ObjectStoreException(e); } } return refId; }
/** * Produce random data. * * <p>{@inheritDoc} */ public void process(Reader inputFile) throws Exception { Random random = new Random(); Set doneValues = new HashSet(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < count / 2; i++) { Item itemTo = createItem("ReferenceTo2"); Item itemFrom = createItem("ReferenceFrom2"); Integer firstInt; do { firstInt = new Integer(random.nextInt()); } while (doneValues.contains(firstInt)); doneValues.add(firstInt); itemTo.setAttribute("att", "" + firstInt); itemFrom.setReference("ref", itemTo.getIdentifier()); getItemWriter().store(ItemHelper.convert(itemFrom)); getItemWriter().store(ItemHelper.convert(itemTo)); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); "Finished generating " + count + " objects at " + ((60000L * count) / (now - time)) + " objects per minute (" + (now - time) + " ms total)"); }
private void setImage(Item result, String img) { if (!imgs.containsKey(img)) { Item item = createItem("Image"); item.setAttribute("url", img); imgs.put(img, item); result.addToCollection("images", item.getIdentifier()); } }
private void storeEvidenceCode(String code) throws ObjectStoreException { if (evidenceCodes.get(code) == null) { Item item = createItem("DOEvidenceCode"); item.setAttribute("code", code); evidenceCodes.put(code, item.getIdentifier()); store(item); } }
/** * Create and store a BioEntity item on the first time called. * * @param type gene * @param primaryId the gene primaryIdentifier * @param symbol the gene symbol * @throws ObjectStoreException */ private void createBioEntity(String type, String primaryId, String symbol) throws ObjectStoreException { Item bioentity = null; bioentity = createItem("Gene"); bioentity.setAttribute("primaryIdentifier", primaryId); bioentity.setAttribute("symbol", symbol); store(bioentity); geneItems.put(primaryId, bioentity.getIdentifier()); }
private String makeProductKey( String identifier, String type, Item organism, boolean createOrganism) { if (type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No type provided when creating " + organism + ": " + identifier); } else if (identifier == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No identifier provided when creating " + organism + ": " + type); } return identifier + type.toLowerCase() + ((createOrganism) ? organism.getIdentifier() : ""); }
private void setStages() throws ObjectStoreException { Item item = createItem("Ontology"); item.setAttribute("name", "Fly Development"); store(item); stages = new String[17]; for (int i = 1; i <= 16; i++) { Item stage = createItem("DevelopmentTerm"); stage.setAttribute("name", "embryonic stage " + i); stage.setReference("ontology", item); stages[i] = stage.getIdentifier(); store(stage); } }
/** * For a collection of items return the count of given class name. * * @param items the Item collection to count * @return the count for a given classname in the collection */ public static int countItemByClass(Collection<Item> items, String className) { Map<String, List> counts = new TreeMap<String, List>(); for (Item item : items) { List<String> clsItems = counts.get(item.getClassName()); if (clsItems == null) { clsItems = new ArrayList<String>(); counts.put(item.getClassName(), clsItems); } clsItems.add(item.getIdentifier()); } return counts.get(className).size(); }
/** * @param proteinId * @param modSite * @param modType * @param source * @param pmid * @throws ObjectStoreException * @throws Exception */ private void newProduct( String experiment, String proteinId, String value, String units, String pmid) throws ObjectStoreException, Exception { Item protein = getProteinItem(proteinId); Item pmods = getProteinHalfLife(experiment, value, units, pmid); protein.addToCollection("proteinHalfLife", pmods.getIdentifier()); // Item pmods2 = getProteinHalfLife(experiment, valueMins, stringMinutes, pmid); // protein.addToCollection("proteinHalfLife", pmods2.getIdentifier()); }
private String getDataset(String code) throws ObjectStoreException { String dataSetIdentifier = dataSets.get(code); if (dataSetIdentifier == null) { String dataSourceName = getDataSourceName(code); String title = "DO Annotation from " + dataSourceName; Item item = createItem("DataSet"); item.setAttribute("name", title); item.setReference("dataSource", getDataSource(dataSourceName)); dataSetIdentifier = item.getIdentifier(); dataSets.put(code, dataSetIdentifier); store(item); } return dataSetIdentifier; }
/** * Constructor * * @param writer ItemWriter * @param seqClsName The class of the coordinate system for this GFF3 file (generally Chromosome) * @param orgTaxonId The taxon ID of the organism we are loading * @param dataSourceName name for dataSource * @param dataSetTitle title for dataSet * @param tgtModel the model to create items in * @param handler object to perform optional additional operations per GFF3 line * @param sequenceHandler the GFF3SeqHandler use to create sequence Items * @throws ObjectStoreException if something goes wrong */ public GFF3Converter( ItemWriter writer, String seqClsName, String orgTaxonId, String dataSourceName, String dataSetTitle, Model tgtModel, GFF3RecordHandler handler, GFF3SeqHandler sequenceHandler) throws ObjectStoreException { super(writer, tgtModel); this.seqClsName = seqClsName; this.orgTaxonId = orgTaxonId; this.tgtModel = tgtModel; this.handler = handler; this.sequenceHandler = sequenceHandler; organism = getOrganism(); dataSource = getDataSourceItem(dataSourceName); dataSet = getDataSetItem(dataSetTitle, null, null, dataSource); if (sequenceHandler == null) { this.sequenceHandler = new GFF3SeqHandler(); } setStoreHook( new BioStoreHook( tgtModel, dataSet.getIdentifier(), dataSource.getIdentifier(), BioConverterUtil.getOntology(this))); handler.setConverter(this); handler.setIdentifierMap(identifierMap); handler.setOrganism(organism); readConfig(); }
/** * For a collection of items return a string containing counts of each item classname - useful for * degugging tests. * * @param items the Item collection to count * @return a formatted string with counts for each classname in the collection */ public static String countItemClasses(Collection<Item> items) { Map<String, List> counts = new TreeMap<String, List>(); for (Item item : items) { List<String> clsItems = counts.get(item.getClassName()); if (clsItems == null) { clsItems = new ArrayList<String>(); counts.put(item.getClassName(), clsItems); } clsItems.add(item.getIdentifier()); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (Map.Entry<String, List> entry : counts.entrySet()) { sb.append(entry.getKey() + " - " + entry.getValue().size() + " " + entry.getValue() + ENDL); } return sb.toString(); }
private void setRefsAndCollections(List<String> parents, Item feature) { String clsName = feature.getClassName(); Map<String, String> refsAndCollections = handler.getRefsAndCollections(); if (refsAndCollections != null && refsAndCollections.containsKey(clsName) && parents != null && !parents.isEmpty()) { ClassDescriptor cld = tgtModel.getClassDescriptorByName(tgtModel.getPackageName() + "." + clsName); String refName = refsAndCollections.get(clsName); Iterator<String> parentIter = parents.iterator(); if (cld.getReferenceDescriptorByName(refName, true) != null) { String parent =; feature.setReference(refName, getRefId(parent)); if (parentIter.hasNext()) { String primaryIdent = feature.getAttribute("primaryIdentifier").getValue(); throw new RuntimeException( "Feature has multiple relations for reference: " + refName + " for feature: " + feature.getClassName() + ", " + feature.getIdentifier() + ", " + primaryIdent); } } else if (cld.getCollectionDescriptorByName(refName, true) != null) { List<String> refIds = new ArrayList<String>(); while (parentIter.hasNext()) { refIds.add(getRefId(; } feature.setCollection(refName, refIds); } else if (parentIter.hasNext()) { throw new RuntimeException( "No '" + refName + "' reference/collection found in " + "class: " + clsName + " - is map configured correctly?"); } } }
private void storeEvidence() throws ObjectStoreException { for (Set<Evidence> annotationEvidence : goTermGeneToEvidence.values()) { List<String> evidenceRefIds = new ArrayList<String>(); Integer goAnnotationRefId = null; for (Evidence evidence : annotationEvidence) { Item goevidence = createItem("DOEvidence"); goevidence.setReference("code", evidenceCodes.get(evidence.getEvidenceCode())); List<String> publicationEvidence = evidence.getPublications(); if (!publicationEvidence.isEmpty()) { goevidence.setCollection("publications", publicationEvidence); } store(goevidence); evidenceRefIds.add(goevidence.getIdentifier()); goAnnotationRefId = evidence.getStoredAnnotationId(); } ReferenceList refIds = new ReferenceList("evidence", new ArrayList<String>(evidenceRefIds)); store(refIds, goAnnotationRefId); } }
private String newGoTerm(String identifier, String dataSourceCode) throws ObjectStoreException { String goId = resolveTerm(identifier); if (goId == null) { return null; } String goTermIdentifier = goTerms.get(goId); if (goTermIdentifier == null) { Item item = createItem(termClassName); item.setAttribute("identifier", goId); item.addToCollection("dataSets", getDataset(dataSourceCode)); store(item); goTermIdentifier = item.getIdentifier(); goTerms.put(goId, goTermIdentifier); } return goTermIdentifier; }
private String newPublication(String codes) throws ObjectStoreException { String pubRefId = null; String[] array = codes.split("[|]"); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i].startsWith("PMID:")) { String pubMedId = array[i].substring(5); if (StringUtil.allDigits(pubMedId)) { pubRefId = publications.get(pubMedId); if (pubRefId == null) { Item item = createItem("Publication"); item.setAttribute("pubMedId", pubMedId); pubRefId = item.getIdentifier(); publications.put(pubMedId, pubRefId); store(item); } return pubRefId; } } } return null; }
private Item getLocation(GFF3Record record, String refId, Item seq, ClassDescriptor cd) { Item location = createItem("Location"); int start = record.getStart(); int end = record.getEnd(); if (record.getStart() < record.getEnd()) { location.setAttribute("start", String.valueOf(start)); location.setAttribute("end", String.valueOf(end)); } else { location.setAttribute("start", String.valueOf(end)); location.setAttribute("end", String.valueOf(start)); } if (record.getStrand() != null && "+".equals(record.getStrand())) { location.setAttribute("strand", "1"); } else if (record.getStrand() != null && "-".equals(record.getStrand())) { location.setAttribute("strand", "-1"); } else { location.setAttribute("strand", "0"); } location.setReference("locatedOn", seq.getIdentifier()); location.setReference("feature", refId); location.addToCollection("dataSets", dataSet); return location; }
/** * process GFF3 record and give a xml presentation * * @param record GFF3Record * @throws ObjectStoreException if an error occurs storing items * @throws IOException */ public void process(GFF3Record record) throws ObjectStoreException { String term = record.getType(); if (config_exclude != null && !config_exclude.isEmpty()) { // don't process terms in the exclude list if (config_exclude.containsKey(this.orgTaxonId)) { if (config_exclude.get(this.orgTaxonId).contains(term)) { return; } } } if (config_term != null && !config_term.isEmpty()) { // otherwise all terms are processed if (config_term.containsKey(this.orgTaxonId)) { if (!config_term.get(this.orgTaxonId).contains(term)) { return; } } } // By default, use ID field in attributes String primaryIdentifier = record.getId(); // If pid set in gff_config.propeties, look for the attribute field, e.g. locus_tag if (config_attr.containsKey(this.orgTaxonId)) { if (config_attr.get(this.orgTaxonId).containsKey("primaryIdentifier")) { String cls = config_attr_class.get(this.orgTaxonId).get("primaryIdentifier"); if ("all".equals(cls) || term.equals(cls)) { String pidAttr = config_attr.get(this.orgTaxonId).get("primaryIdentifier"); if (pidAttr.contains("Dbxref") && record.getDbxrefs() != null) { String pidAttrPrefix = pidAttr.split("\\.")[1]; for (Iterator<?> i = record.getDbxrefs().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String xref = (String); if (xref.contains(pidAttrPrefix)) { primaryIdentifier = xref.split(":")[1]; break; } } } else { if (record.getAttributes().get(pidAttr) != null) { primaryIdentifier = record.getAttributes().get(pidAttr).get(0); } } } } } String refId = identifierMap.get(primaryIdentifier); // get rid of previous record Items from handler handler.clear(); Item seq = getSeq(record.getSequenceID()); String className = TypeUtil.javaiseClassName(term); String fullClassName = tgtModel.getPackageName() + "." + className; ClassDescriptor cd = tgtModel.getClassDescriptorByName(fullClassName); if (cd == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no class found in model for: " + className + " (original GFF record type: " + term + ") for " + "record: " + record); } Set<Item> synonymsToAdd = new HashSet<Item>(); Item feature = null; // new feature if (refId == null) { feature = createItem(className); refId = feature.getIdentifier(); } if (!"chromosome".equals(term) && seq != null) { boolean makeLocation = record.getStart() >= 1 && record.getEnd() >= 1 && !dontCreateLocations && handler.createLocations(record); if (makeLocation) { Item location = getLocation(record, refId, seq, cd); if (feature == null) { // this feature has already been created and stored // we only wanted the location, we're done here. store(location); return; } int length = getLength(record); feature.setAttribute("length", String.valueOf(length)); handler.setLocation(location); if ("Chromosome".equals(seqClsName) && (cd.getFieldDescriptorByName("chromosome") != null)) { feature.setReference("chromosome", seq.getIdentifier()); feature.setReference("chromosomeLocation", location); } } } if (feature == null) { // this feature has already been created and stored // feature with discontinous location, this location wasn't valid for some reason return; } if (primaryIdentifier != null) { feature.setAttribute("primaryIdentifier", primaryIdentifier); } handler.setFeature(feature); identifierMap.put(primaryIdentifier, feature.getIdentifier()); List<?> names = record.getNames(); String symbol = null; List<String> synonyms = new ArrayList<String>(); // get the attribute set for symbol if (config_attr.containsKey(this.orgTaxonId)) { if (config_attr.get(this.orgTaxonId).containsKey("symbol")) { String cls = config_attr_class.get(this.orgTaxonId).get("symbol"); if ("all".equals(cls) || term.equals(cls)) { String symbolAttr = config_attr.get(this.orgTaxonId).get("symbol"); if (symbolAttr.contains("Dbxref") && record.getDbxrefs() != null) { String symbolAttrPrefix = symbolAttr.split("\\.")[1]; for (Iterator<?> i = record.getDbxrefs().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String xref = (String); if (xref.contains(symbolAttrPrefix)) { symbol = xref.split(":")[1]; break; } } } else { if (record.getAttributes().get(symbolAttr) != null) { symbol = record.getAttributes().get(symbolAttr).get(0); } } } } } // get the attribute set for synonym if (config_attr.containsKey(this.orgTaxonId)) { if (config_attr.get(this.orgTaxonId).containsKey("synonym")) { String cls = config_attr_class.get(this.orgTaxonId).get("synonym"); if ("all".equals(cls) || term.equals(cls)) { String synonymAttr = config_attr.get(this.orgTaxonId).get("synonym"); if (synonymAttr.contains("Dbxref") && record.getDbxrefs() != null) { String synonymAttrPrefix = synonymAttr.split("\\.")[1]; Set<String> synSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (Iterator<?> i = record.getDbxrefs().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String xref = (String); if (xref.contains(synonymAttrPrefix)) { synSet.add(xref.split(":")[1]); } } synonyms.addAll(synSet); } else { synonyms = record.getAttributes().get(synonymAttr); } // synonyms.removeAll(Collections.singleton(null)); } } } if (names != null) { setNames(names, symbol, synonyms, synonymsToAdd, primaryIdentifier, feature, cd); } // Other attributes List<String> primeAttrList = Arrays.asList("primaryIdentifier", "symbol", "synonym"); if (config_attr.containsKey(this.orgTaxonId)) { Map<String, String> attrMapOrg = config_attr.get(this.orgTaxonId); Map<String, String> attrMapClone = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Deep copy of a map for (Entry<String, String> e : attrMapOrg.entrySet()) { attrMapClone.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } for (String pa : primeAttrList) { attrMapClone.remove(pa); } for (Entry<String, String> e : attrMapClone.entrySet()) { String cls = config_attr_class.get(this.orgTaxonId).get(e.getKey()); if ("all".equals(cls) || term.equals(cls)) { String attr = e.getValue(); if (attr.contains("Dbxref") && record.getDbxrefs() != null) { String attrPrefix = attr.split("\\.")[1]; for (Iterator<?> i = record.getDbxrefs().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String xref = (String); if (xref.contains(attrPrefix)) { if (feature.checkAttribute(e.getKey())) { feature.setAttribute(e.getKey(), xref.split(":")[1]); } break; } } } else { if (record.getAttributes().get(attr) != null) { String attrVal = record.getAttributes().get(attr).get(0); if (attrVal != null) { if (feature.checkAttribute(e.getKey())) { feature.setAttribute(e.getKey(), attrVal); } } } } } } } List<String> parents = record.getParents(); if (parents != null && !parents.isEmpty()) { setRefsAndCollections(parents, feature); } feature.addReference(getOrgRef()); feature.addToCollection("dataSets", dataSet); handler.addDataSet(dataSet); Double score = record.getScore(); if (score != null && !"".equals(String.valueOf(score))) { feature.setAttribute("score", String.valueOf(score)); feature.setAttribute("scoreType", record.getSource()); } for (Item synonym : synonymsToAdd) { handler.addItem(synonym); } handler.process(record); if (handler.getDataSetReferenceList().getRefIds().size() > 0) { feature.addCollection(handler.getDataSetReferenceList()); } handler.clearDataSetReferenceList(); if (handler.getPublicationReferenceList().getRefIds().size() > 0) { feature.addCollection(handler.getPublicationReferenceList()); } handler.clearPublicationReferenceList(); try { Iterator<Item> iter = handler.getItems().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { store(; } } catch (ObjectStoreException e) { LOG.error("Problem writing item to the itemwriter"); throw e; } }
/** * Process the csv file * * @param reader the Reader * @see DataConverter#process * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ @Override public void process(Reader reader) throws Exception { if (rslv == null) { rslv = IdResolverService.getFlyIdResolver(); } Iterator<String[]> it = FormattedTextParser.parseTabDelimitedReader(reader); while (it.hasNext()) { String[] lineBits =; String geneCG = lineBits[0]; if (!geneCG.startsWith("CG")) { // ignore clones for now continue; } // Try to create/fetch gene, if null the IdResolver failed so do nothing for this row Item gene = getGene(geneCG); if (gene == null) { continue; } String stage = lineBits[1]; String resultKey = geneCG + stage; Item result = getResult(resultKey, gene.getIdentifier(), pub.getIdentifier(), stage); Integer stageNumber = null; try { stageNumber = new Integer(stage); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // bad line in file, just keep going continue; } result.setAttribute("stageRange", STAGE_LABELS[stageNumber.intValue()] + " (BDGP in situ)"); if (lineBits.length > 2) { String image = lineBits[2]; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(image)) { setImage(result, URL + image); } } if (lineBits.length > 3) { String term = lineBits[3]; Item termItem = getTerm(term); if (termItem != null) { result.addToCollection("mRNAExpressionTerms", termItem); } if ("no staining".equals(term)) { result.setAttribute("expressed", "false"); } } } for (Item result : results.values()) { if (!result.hasCollection("mRNAExpressionTerms") || result.getCollection("mRNAExpressionTerms").getRefIds().isEmpty()) { result.setAttribute("expressed", "false"); } } storeAll(imgs); storeAll(results); }
private String newProduct( String identifier, String type, Item organism, String dataSourceCode, boolean createOrganism, String field) throws ObjectStoreException { String idField = field; String accession = identifier; String clsName = null; // find gene attribute first to see if organism should be part of key if ("gene".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { clsName = "Gene"; String taxonId = organism.getAttribute("taxonId").getValue(); if (idField == null) { idField = configs.get(taxonId).identifier; if (idField == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not find a identifier property for taxon: " + taxonId + " check properties file: " + PROP_FILE); } } // if a Dmel gene we need to use FlyBaseIdResolver to find a current id if ("7227".equals(taxonId)) { IdResolver resolver = flybaseResolverFactory.getIdResolver(false); if (resolver != null) { int resCount = resolver.countResolutions(taxonId, accession); if (resCount != 1) { "RESOLVER: failed to resolve gene to one identifier, " + "ignoring gene: " + accession + " count: " + resCount + " FBgn: " + resolver.resolveId(taxonId, accession)); return null; } accession = resolver.resolveId(taxonId, accession).iterator().next(); } } } else if ("protein".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { // TODO use values in config clsName = "Protein"; idField = "primaryAccession"; } else { String typeCls = TypeUtil.javaiseClassName(type); if (getModel().getClassDescriptorByName(typeCls) != null) { Class<?> cls = getModel().getClassDescriptorByName(typeCls).getType(); if (BioEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { clsName = typeCls; } } if (clsName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised annotation type '" + type + "'"); } } boolean includeOrganism; if ("primaryIdentifier".equals(idField) || "protein".equals(type)) { includeOrganism = false; } else { includeOrganism = createOrganism; } String key = makeProductKey(accession, type, organism, includeOrganism); // Have we already seen this product somewhere before? // if so, return the product rather than creating a new one... if (productMap.containsKey(key)) { return productMap.get(key); } // if a Dmel gene we need to use FlyBaseIdResolver to find a current id Item product = createItem(clsName); if (organism != null && createOrganism) { product.setReference("organism", organism.getIdentifier()); } product.setAttribute(idField, accession); String dataSetIdentifier = getDataset(dataSourceCode); product.addToCollection("dataSets", dataSetIdentifier); Integer storedProductId = store(product); storedProductIds.put(product.getIdentifier(), storedProductId); productMap.put(key, product.getIdentifier()); return product.getIdentifier(); }
/** * Create and add a synonym Item from the given information. * * @param subject the subject of the new Synonym * @param value the Synonym value * @return the new Synonym Item */ public Item getSynonym(Item subject, String value) { Item synonym = createItem("Synonym"); synonym.setAttribute("value", value); synonym.setReference("subject", subject.getIdentifier()); return synonym; }
/** * process GFF3 record and give a xml presentation * * @param record GFF3Record * @throws ObjectStoreException if an error occurs storing items */ public void process(GFF3Record record) throws ObjectStoreException { String identifier = record.getId(); String refId = identifierMap.get(identifier); // get rid of previous record Items from handler handler.clear(); List<?> names = record.getNames(); Item seq = getSeq(record.getSequenceID()); String term = record.getType(); String className = TypeUtil.javaiseClassName(term); String fullClassName = tgtModel.getPackageName() + "." + className; ClassDescriptor cd = tgtModel.getClassDescriptorByName(fullClassName); if (cd == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no class found in model for: " + className + " (original GFF record type: " + term + ") for " + "record: " + record); } Set<Item> synonymsToAdd = new HashSet<Item>(); Item feature = null; // new feature if (refId == null) { feature = createItem(className); refId = feature.getIdentifier(); } if (!"chromosome".equals(record.getType()) && seq != null) { boolean makeLocation = record.getStart() >= 1 && record.getEnd() >= 1 && !dontCreateLocations && handler.createLocations(record); if (makeLocation) { Item location = getLocation(record, refId, seq, cd); if (feature == null) { // this feature has already been created and stored // we only wanted the location, we're done here. store(location); return; } int length = getLength(record); feature.setAttribute("length", String.valueOf(length)); handler.setLocation(location); if ("Chromosome".equals(seqClsName) && (cd.getFieldDescriptorByName("chromosome") != null)) { feature.setReference("chromosome", seq.getIdentifier()); feature.setReference("chromosomeLocation", location); } } } if (feature == null) { // this feature has already been created and stored // feature with discontinous location, this location wasn't valid for some reason return; } if (identifier != null) { feature.setAttribute("primaryIdentifier", identifier); } handler.setFeature(feature); identifierMap.put(identifier, feature.getIdentifier()); if (names != null) { setNames(names, synonymsToAdd, record.getId(), feature, cd); } List<String> parents = record.getParents(); if (parents != null && !parents.isEmpty()) { setRefsAndCollections(parents, feature); } feature.addReference(getOrgRef()); feature.addToCollection("dataSets", dataSet); handler.addDataSet(dataSet); Double score = record.getScore(); if (score != null && !"".equals(String.valueOf(score))) { feature.setAttribute("score", String.valueOf(score)); feature.setAttribute("scoreType", record.getSource()); } for (Item synonym : synonymsToAdd) { handler.addItem(synonym); } handler.process(record); if (handler.getDataSetReferenceList().getRefIds().size() > 0) { feature.addCollection(handler.getDataSetReferenceList()); } handler.clearDataSetReferenceList(); if (handler.getPublicationReferenceList().getRefIds().size() > 0) { feature.addCollection(handler.getPublicationReferenceList()); } handler.clearPublicationReferenceList(); try { Iterator<Item> iter = handler.getItems().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { store(; } } catch (ObjectStoreException e) { LOG.error("Problem writing item to the itemwriter"); throw e; } }