public void init(PluginManager manager) throws PluginException { super.init(manager); final String prop = "sigar.mirror.procnet"; final String enable = manager.getProperty(prop); getLog().debug(prop + "=" + enable); if (!"true".equals(enable)) { return; } // intended for use on systems with very large connection tables // where processing /proc/net/tcp may block or otherwise take much longer // than reading a plain 'ol text file // should only happen agent-side String dir = manager.getProperty(AgentConfig.PROP_TMPDIR[0]); ProcFileMirror mirror = null; final String[] procnet = {"/proc/net/tcp", "/proc/net/tcp6"}; for (int i = 0; i < procnet.length; i++) { File file = new File(procnet[i]); if (!file.exists()) { continue; } if (mirror == null) { mirror = new ProcFileMirror(new Sigar(), dir); } try { mirror.add(file); getLog().debug("mirroring " + procnet[i]); } catch (SigarException e) { getLog().warn(e.getMessage()); } } if (mirror != null) { FileWatcherThread.getInstance().add(mirror); FileWatcherThread.getInstance().doStart(); } }
public void init(PluginManager manager) throws PluginException { super.init(manager); this.props = manager.getProperties(); this.defaultIp = this.props.getProperty("apache.listenAddress", "localhost"); this.httpRange = new PortRange(this.props.getProperty("apache.http.ports")); this.httpsRange = new PortRange(this.props.getProperty("apache.https.ports")); // true == force discovery of mod_snmp based types when snmpd.conf does not exist this.discoverModSnmp = "true".equals(this.props.getProperty("")); // false == skip discovery of mod_status based types when snmpd.conf does not exist, // neither type will be reported. this.discoverModStatus = !"false".equals(this.props.getProperty("")) && !this.discoverModSnmp; }