/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see cn.tinder.fuego.dao.AssetsQuotaDao#delete(cn.tinder.fuego.domain.po. AssetsQuota) */ @Override public void delete(AssetsQuota quota) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub log.debug("[DAO] Delete the DiscardPlan:" + quota.toString()); Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; String hql = null; // SystemUser user = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); hql = "delete from AssetsQuota where ASSETS_NAME =? and DUTY = ?"; Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setString(0, quota.getAssetsName()); query.setString(1, quota.getDuty()); query.executeUpdate(); tx.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; } finally { if (null != session) { session.close(); } } log.debug("[DAO] Success!Delete the DiscardPlan:" + quota.toString()); }
public Boolean loginResult(String loginId, String password) { Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; Boolean loginResult = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createQuery("select count(*) from User where id=:id and password=:password"); query.setString("id", loginId); query.setString("password", password); Long count = (Long) query.uniqueResult(); if (1 == count) { // 중복 Id 존재 loginResult = true; } else { loginResult = false; } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } } finally { session.close(); } return loginResult; }
public void update(NormalDiscount normalDiscount, int normalId) { try { System.out.println("更新daoimpl"); System.out.println("normId" + normalDiscount.getNormalId()); String hql = "update NormalDiscount cu set cu.discountName=?,cu.type=?,cu.discountBase=?,cu.baseQty=?,cu.discountRate=?,cu.activity=? where cu.normalId=?"; Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setString(0, normalDiscount.getDiscountName()); query.setString(1, normalDiscount.getType()); query.setString(2, normalDiscount.getDiscountBase()); if (normalDiscount.getBaseQty() == null) { query.setInteger(3, 0); } else { query.setInteger(3, normalDiscount.getBaseQty()); } query.setDouble(4, normalDiscount.getDiscountRate()); query.setString(5, normalDiscount.getActivity()); query.setInteger(6, normalId); query.executeUpdate(); } catch (HibernateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * @param code * @param parentCode * @param description * @return list of EgPartytype filtered by optional conditions */ public List<EgPartytype> getPartyTypeDetailFilterBy( final String code, final String parentCode, final String description) { final StringBuffer qryStr = new StringBuffer(); qryStr.append( "select distinct ptype From EgPartytype ptype where ptype.createdby is not null "); Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(qryStr.toString()); if (code != null && !code.equals("")) { qryStr.append(" and (upper(ptype.code) like :code)"); qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(qryStr.toString()); } if (parentCode != null && !parentCode.equals("")) { qryStr.append(" and (upper(ptype.egPartytype.code) like :parentCode)"); qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(qryStr.toString()); } if (description != null && !description.equals("")) { qryStr.append(" and (upper(ptype.description) like :description)"); qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(qryStr.toString()); } if (code != null && !code.equals("")) { qry.setString("code", "%" + code.toUpperCase().trim() + "%"); } if (parentCode != null && !parentCode.equals("")) { qry.setString("parentCode", "%" + parentCode.toUpperCase().trim() + "%"); } if (description != null && !description.equals("")) { qry.setString("description", "%" + description.toUpperCase().trim() + "%"); } return qry.list(); }
@Override public Customer getByLoginAndPassword(final String login, final String password) { Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; Customer customer = null; try { session = sf.openSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createQuery("from Customer where login = "******":login and password = :password"); query.setString("login", login); query.setString("password", PASSWORD_ENCRYPTOR.getCryptString(password)); customer = (Customer) query.uniqueResult(); transaction.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.error(ROLLBACK_EXC_MSG, re); } throw e; } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } return customer; }
public void updatepwd(String adminid, String adminpwd) throws Exception { String hql = "UPDATE Admin SET adminpwd=? WHERE adminid=?"; Query q = super.getSession().createQuery(hql); q.setString(0, adminpwd); q.setString(1, adminid); q.executeUpdate(); }
@Override public Customer getByName(final String firstName, final String lastName) { Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; Customer customer = null; try { session = sf.openSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createQuery( "from Customer where firstName = " + ":firstName and lastName = :lastName"); query.setString("firstName", firstName); query.setString("lastName", lastName); customer = (Customer) query.uniqueResult(); transaction.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOGGER.error(ROLLBACK_EXC_MSG, re); } throw e; } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } return customer; }
@Override public List getShipmentHeader(String orderId, String mailId, int index, int size) { Session session = getSession(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("select a.senddt,a.shipment_id,a.mail_id,f.dsc,a.prod_price,"); sb.append("e.address,c.name,a.order_id,a.mail_price from acoapp_oms.shipment_header a"); sb.append(" inner join iagent.orderhist b on a.order_id = b.orderid"); sb.append(" inner join iagent.contact c on b.contactid = c.contactid"); sb.append(" inner join iagent.address e on b.addressid = e.addressid"); sb.append(" left join iagent.names f on b.ordertype = f.id and f.tid = 'ORDERTYPE'"); sb.append( " where CAST(a.logistics_status_id as NUMBER) >= 2 and CAST(a.logistics_status_id as NUMBER) not in (5,6)"); sb.append(" and NVL(a.RECONCIL_FLAG,0)=0 and a.account_type = 1"); if (!"".equals(orderId)) { sb.append(" and a.order_id = :orderId"); } if (!"".equals(mailId)) { sb.append(" and a.mail_id = :mailId"); } Query q = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString()); if (!"".equals(orderId) && orderId != null) { q.setString("orderId", orderId); } if (!"".equals(mailId) && mailId != null) { q.setString("mailId", mailId); } q.setFirstResult(index); q.setMaxResults(size); return q.list(); }
@Override public Long getShipmentHeaderCount(String orderId, String mailId) { Session session = getSession(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("select count(a.id) from acoapp_oms.shipment_header a"); sb.append(" inner join iagent.orderhist b on a.order_id = b.orderid"); sb.append(" inner join iagent.contact c on b.contactid = c.contactid"); sb.append(" inner join iagent.address e on b.addressid = e.addressid"); sb.append(" left join iagent.names f on b.ordertype = f.id and f.tid = 'ORDERTYPE'"); sb.append( " where CAST(a.logistics_status_id as NUMBER) >= 2 and NVL(a.RECONCIL_FLAG,0)=0 and a.account_type = 1"); if (!"".equals(orderId)) { sb.append(" and a.order_id = :orderId"); } if (!"".equals(mailId)) { sb.append(" and a.mail_id = :mailId"); } Query q = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString()); if (!"".equals(orderId) && orderId != null) { q.setString("orderId", orderId); } if (!"".equals(mailId) && mailId != null) { q.setString("mailId", mailId); } return ((BigDecimal) q.uniqueResult()).longValue(); }
@Override public User findByNameAndPassword(String name, String password) { Query query = session.createQuery(BY_NAME_AND_PASSWORD_QUERY); query.setString("name", name); query.setString("password", password); return (User) query.uniqueResult(); }
public Object execute(Environment environment) throws Exception { Session session = environment.get(Session.class); Query query = session.createQuery( "select distinct hai.activityName " + "from " + HistoryActivityInstanceImpl.class.getName() + " as hai " + "where hai.historyProcessInstance.processDefinitionId = :processDefinitionId"); query.setString("processDefinitionId", processDefinitionId); Map<String, Long> avgDuration = new HashMap<String, Long>(); List<String> activityNames = query.list(); for (String activityName : activityNames) { query = session.createQuery( "select avg(hai.duration) " + "from " + HistoryActivityInstanceImpl.class.getName() + " as hai " + "where hai.historyProcessInstance.processDefinitionId = :processDefinitionId " + " and hai.activityName = :activityName"); query.setString("processDefinitionId", processDefinitionId); query.setString("activityName", activityName); Number number = (Number) query.uniqueResult(); avgDuration.put(activityName, new Long(number.longValue())); } return avgDuration; }
public void updateOwnerByFolderIdList(List<String> folderIdList, String ownerAccountId) { if ((ownerAccountId == null) || (ownerAccountId.isEmpty())) { return; } if ((folderIdList == null) || (folderIdList.size() == 0)) { return; } String updateQuery = "update" + " dm_folder" + " set" + " da_id_owner = :ownerAccountId" + " where" + " (1 = 1)"; updateQuery = updateQuery + " and ("; int i = 0; for (String folderId : folderIdList) { if (i > 0) { updateQuery = updateQuery + " or"; } updateQuery = updateQuery + " (df_id = :folderId" + i + ")"; i++; } updateQuery = updateQuery + ")"; Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery(updateQuery); query.setString("ownerAccountId", ownerAccountId); i = 0; for (String folderId : folderIdList) { query.setString("folderId" + i, folderId); i++; } query.executeUpdate(); }
@Override public Member memberLogin(String login, String password) throws Exception { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Transaction tx = null; Member member = null; try { String hql = "SELECT a FROM Member AS a WHERE a.login=:login AND a.password=:password"; Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setString("login", login.trim()); query.setString("password", password.trim()); query.setMaxResults(1); tx = session.beginTransaction(); member = (Member) query.uniqueResult(); if (member != null && ("y").equals(member.getActivated().toLowerCase())) { member.setLoginTimes(Integer.valueOf(member.getLoginTimes() + 1)); member.setLastLogin(new Date()); session.update(member); } tx.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); logger.info("In class MemberServiceImpl:memberLogin()\n"); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { HibernateUtil.closeSession(); } return member; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see cn.tinder.fuego.dao.CheckPlanDao#delete(cn.tinder.fuego.domain.po.CheckPlan ) */ @Override public void delete(CheckPlan plan) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub log.debug("[DAO] Delete the CheckPlan:" + plan.toString()); Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; String hql = null; // SystemUser user = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); hql = "delete from CheckPlan where trans_id=? and dept_id=? "; Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setString(0, plan.getTransID()); query.setString(1, plan.getDeptID()); query.executeUpdate(); tx.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; } finally { if (null != session) { session.close(); } } log.debug("[DAO] Success!Delete the CheckPlan:" + plan.toString()); }
public void testCachedQuery() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); Simple simple = new Simple(); simple.setName("Simple 1"); s.save(simple, new Long(10)); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); Query q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name=?"); q.setCacheable(true); q.setString(0, "Simple 1"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name=:name"); q.setCacheable(true); q.setString("name", "Simple 1"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); simple = (Simple) q.list().get(0); q.setString("name", "Simple 2"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 0); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 0); simple.setName("Simple 2"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name=:name"); q.setString("name", "Simple 2"); q.setCacheable(true); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); s.update(simple, new Long(10)); s.delete(simple); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name=?"); q.setCacheable(true); q.setString(0, "Simple 1"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 0); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 0); t.commit(); s.close(); }
public boolean updateUser(User user) { String hql = "update User u set u.userName = ?,u.age=? where u.id = ?"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); query.setString(0, user.getUserName()); query.setString(1, user.getAge()); query.setString(2, user.getId()); return (query.executeUpdate() > 0); }
public EgNumbers getEgNumberByFiscalPeriodAndVouchertype( final String fiscialperiodid, final String vouchertype) { final Query qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery( "from EgNumbers egnum where egnum.fiscialperiodid=:fiscialperiodid and vouchertype=:vouchertype"); qry.setString("fiscialperiodid", fiscialperiodid); qry.setString("vouchertype", vouchertype); return (EgNumbers) qry.uniqueResult(); }
@Override public City getByCityAndCountryCode(String city, String countryCode) { String sql = "SELECT citys.* FROM countrys LEFT JOIN citys on citys.countryid=countrys.id WHERE " + "countrys.countrycode=UPPER(:country) AND citys.city=:city"; Query q = HibernateUtil.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql).addEntity(City.class); q.setString("country", countryCode); q.setString("city", city); return (City) q.uniqueResult(); }
public VWebwloEve findById(String factNo, String factCode, String yymm) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String hql = "from VWebwloEve where id.factNo=? and id.factCode=? and id.yymm=?"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setString(0, factNo); query.setString(1, factCode); query.setString(2, yymm); VWebwloEve eve = (VWebwloEve) query.uniqueResult(); return eve; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean checkForCampaignIDExist( final Session session, final BatchCampaignAssociationModel batchCampaignAssociationModel) throws HibernateException { // Session session = null; List<BatchCampaignAssociationModel> list = Collections.emptyList(); boolean campIdExist = true; final String campId = batchCampaignAssociationModel.getCampaignId(); try { // session = sessionFactory.openSession(); final String hql = "from BatchCampaignAssociationModel where campaignId =:cmpid and campaignType =:cmpType"; // QC-1257 (change from Prelink to Targeted) list = session.createQuery(hql).setString("cmpid", campId).setString("cmpType", "T").list(); if (list.size() > 0) { campIdExist = false; // session = null; // session = sessionFactory.openSession(); final String uhql = "update BatchCampaignAssociationModel set campaignId = :cid, batchFileNo = :bfN, campaignStartDate = :csD, " + "campaignEndDate = :ceD, registrationStartDate = :rsD, registrationEndDate = :reD, " + "registrationRequired = :rReq, campaignType = :cT, commentsRequired = :cR, campaignDescription = :cD where id = :d"; for (BatchCampaignAssociationModel b : list) { Query query = session.createQuery(uhql); query.setString("cid", batchCampaignAssociationModel.getCampaignId()); query.setString("bfN", batchCampaignAssociationModel.getBatchFileNo()); query.setDate("csD", batchCampaignAssociationModel.getCampaignStartDate()); query.setDate("ceD", batchCampaignAssociationModel.getCampaignEndDate()); query.setDate("rsD", batchCampaignAssociationModel.getRegistrationStartDate()); query.setDate("reD", batchCampaignAssociationModel.getRegistrationEndDate()); query.setParameter("rReq", batchCampaignAssociationModel.getRegistrationRequired()); query.setString("cT", batchCampaignAssociationModel.getCampaignType()); query.setParameter("cR", batchCampaignAssociationModel.getCommentsRequired()); query.setString("cD", batchCampaignAssociationModel.getCampaignDescription()); query.setInteger("d", b.getId()); int rowCount = query.executeUpdate(); LOGGER.info( rowCount > 0 ? "Update BatchCampaignAssociation table is successful with campaignid : " + campId : "Failed to update BatchCampaignAssociation table with campaignid : " + campId); } } } catch (HibernateException e) { LOGGER.error("Error in checking and updating campaign details with id : " + campId); throw e; } finally { // session.close(); // batchCampaignAssociationModel = null; } return campIdExist; }
public List queryByLike(String cond) throws Exception { List all = null; String hql = "From Dept As d WHERE d.dname LIKE ? OR d.loc LIKE ? OR d.business LIKE ?"; Query query = this.session.createQuery(hql); query.setString(0, "%" + cond + "%"); query.setString(1, "%" + cond + "%"); query.setString(2, "%" + cond + "%"); all = query.list(); this.session.close(); return all; }
public RecepcionMx getRecepcionMxByCodUnicoMx(String codigoUnicoMx, String codLaboratorio) { String query = "select a from RecepcionMx as a inner join a.tomaMx as t where (t.codigoUnicoMx= :codigoUnicoMx or t.codigoLab = :codigoUnicoMx) " + "and a.labRecepcion.codigo = :codLaboratorio"; Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(query); q.setString("codigoUnicoMx", codigoUnicoMx); q.setString("codLaboratorio", codLaboratorio); return (RecepcionMx) q.uniqueResult(); }
public List getVerificationCode(String phoneNum, String project) { Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); String hql = "from VerificationCode verificationCode where verificationCode.toPhone = :toPhone" + " and verificationCode.site = :site"; Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setString("toPhone", phoneNum); query.setString("site", project); List list = query.list(); return list; }
public EgActiondetails getEgActiondetailsByWorksdetailId( final String moduleId, final String actionType, final String moduleType) { final Query qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery( "from EgActiondetails ad where ad.moduleid =:moduleId and ad.actiontype =:actionType and ad.moduletype=:moduleType order by lastmodifieddate"); qry.setString("moduleId", moduleId); qry.setString("actionType", actionType); qry.setString("moduleType", moduleType); return (EgActiondetails) qry.uniqueResult(); }
public List<EgActiondetails> getEgActiondetailsFilterBy( final String moduleId, final ArrayList<String> actionType, final String moduleType) { final Query qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery( "from EgActiondetails ad where ad.moduleid =:moduleId and ad.actiontype in (:actionType) and ad.moduletype=:moduleType order by lastmodifieddate"); qry.setString("moduleId", moduleId); qry.setParameterList("actionType", actionType); qry.setString("moduleType", moduleType); return qry.list(); }
/** * Finds objects for an object type (like User, Group) for a ManagedSystem definition * * @param managedSystemId * @param objectType * @return */ public List<ManagedSystemObjectMatch> findBySystemId(String managedSystemId, String objectType) { Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); Query qry = session.createQuery( "from org.openiam.idm.srvc.mngsys.dto.ManagedSystemObjectMatch sys " + " where sys.managedSys = :managedSystemId and sys.objectType = :objectType"); qry.setString("managedSystemId", managedSystemId); qry.setString("objectType", objectType); List<ManagedSystemObjectMatch> result = (List<ManagedSystemObjectMatch>) qry.list(); if (result == null || result.size() == 0) return null; return result; }
public boolean login(Admin admin) throws Exception { boolean flag = false; String hql = "FROM Admin AS a WHERE a.adminid=? AND a.adminpwd=?"; Query q = super.getSession().createQuery(hql); q.setString(0, admin.getAdminid()); q.setString(1, admin.getAdminpwd()); List all = q.list(); if (all.size() > 0) { flag = true; } return flag; }
/** 引数で指定したdateとmarketTypeのレコードを取得。 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<StockPrice> getStockPrices(String date, String marketTypeCode) { String strQuery = "FROM mylib.hibernate.entity.StockPrice sp " + "WHERE sp.marketTypeCode = :marketTypeCode AND sp.date = :date"; Query query = session.createQuery(strQuery); query.setString("marketTypeCode", marketTypeCode); query.setString("date", date); List<StockPrice> records = (List<StockPrice>) query.list(); if (records.size() == 0) return null; return records; }
public void removeAllUsersInRole(String domainId, String roleId) { log.debug("removeUserFromRole: roleId=" + roleId); Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); Query qry = session.createQuery( "delete org.openiam.idm.srvc.role.dto.UserRole ur " + " where ur.roleId = :roleId and ur.serviceId = :domainId "); qry.setString("roleId", roleId); qry.setString("domainId", domainId); qry.executeUpdate(); }
public FacturaAlmacen cierra(FacturaAlmacen factura, Usuario usuario) throws NoSePuedeCerrarException, NoSePuedeCerrarEnCeroException, NoEstaAbiertaException { if (factura != null) { if (factura.getEstatus().getNombre().equals(Constantes.ABIERTA)) { if (usuario != null) { factura.setAlmacen(usuario.getAlmacen()); } Date fecha = new Date(); factura.setIva(BigDecimal.ZERO); factura.setTotal(BigDecimal.ZERO); Query query = currentSession().createQuery("select e from Estatus e where e.nombre = :nombre"); query.setString("nombre", Constantes.FACTURADA); Estatus facturada = (Estatus) query.uniqueResult(); for (Salida salida : factura.getSalidas()) { salida.setEstatus(facturada); salida.setFechaModificacion(fecha); currentSession().update(salida); audita(salida, usuario, Constantes.FACTURADA, fecha); factura.setIva(factura.getIva().add(salida.getIva())); factura.setTotal(factura.getTotal().add(salida.getTotal())); } for (Entrada entrada : factura.getEntradas()) { entrada.setEstatus(facturada); entrada.setFechaModificacion(fecha); currentSession().update(entrada); audita(entrada, usuario, Constantes.FACTURADA, fecha); factura.setIva(factura.getIva().subtract(entrada.getIva())); factura.setTotal(factura.getTotal().subtract(entrada.getTotal())); } query.setString("nombre", Constantes.CERRADA); Estatus estatus = (Estatus) query.uniqueResult(); factura.setEstatus(estatus); factura.setFolio(getFolio(factura.getAlmacen())); factura.setFechaModificacion(fecha); currentSession().update(factura); audita(factura, usuario, Constantes.ACTUALIZAR, fecha); currentSession().flush(); return factura; } else { throw new NoEstaAbiertaException("No se puede actualizar una factura que no este abierta"); } } else { throw new NoSePuedeCerrarException("No se puede cerrar la factura pues no existe"); } }