<DataType> void paint() {
    Canvas c = Canvas.get();

    CellStamp<DataType> stamp;
    int y = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(Section.SCROLLABLE); i++) {
      RowAddress address = viewport.createAddress(i, Section.SCROLLABLE);
      DataType datum = (DataType) model.get(address);
      stamp = stampFactory.getStamp(address, datum);

      Axis.Span stampSpan = new Axis.Span(Axis.V, y, stamp.getSpan(Axis.V, datum));
      if (viewport
          .isRowVisible(stampSpan, RowVisibilityType.ACKNOWLEDGE_PARTIAL)) {
        // WIP: BG such as highlight needs to paint outside this inset I just pushed
            ListModelPainter.CELL_TEXT_INSET, y, viewport.getBounds().width, stampSpan.span);
        stamp.paint(c, address, datum);

      y += stampSpan.span;
    public void paint() {
       * @JTourBusStop 2, Stack-based properties for java.awt.Graphics, Obtaining the canvas
       * automatically creates a stack frame:
       * <p>Client code need not be concerned about when to create a stack frame for the Canvas. The
       * only way to get a Canvas instance is by calling Canvas.get(), and this method automatically
       * creates a stack frame and associates it with the method (if none has yet been associated).
      Canvas c = Canvas.get();

      DataType datum = (DataType) model.get(address);
      CellStamp<DataType> stamp = stampFactory.getStamp(address, datum);

       * @JTourBusStop 3, Stack-based properties for java.awt.Graphics, Changes to the clip bounds
       * are exclusively narrowing:
       * <p>Bounds changes in the Graphics object are absolute, allowing a delegated paint() method
       * to expand the bounds. This is almost never necessary, and when it occurs, most often it is
       * by arithmetic error in the client code. Pushing a bounds change to the Canvas exclusively
       * narrows the clip, so each paint() method need only concern itself with the clip bounds that
       * are logically meaningful within its context. If any paintable areas were clipped off by a
       * previous method on the call stack, those areas will remain clipped off no matter what the
       * current method requests. Here, the clip is set to the scrollable region of the scroll pane,
       * guaranteeing that no component will accidentally paint on the scroll bars and beyond.
       * <p>each bounds frame represents something meaningful about the visual construct; here the
       * visible area of the scroll pane

       * @JTourBusStop 4, Stack-based properties for java.awt.Graphics, Changes to the clip bounds
       * occur in logical units to avoid messy arithmetic::
       * <p>The process of cumulative narrowing for clip bounds lends itself naturally to simple
       * arithmetic, because each set of logical bounds changes can simply be pushed in sequence. In
       * this sequence of translation and narrowing, the y position is relevant to the cell bounds,
       * but the x position is not. This requires the y position to be pushed before narrowing and
       * the x position after, which is easy to do and easy to read in these stack-based semantics.
      c.pushBoundsPosition(0, -viewport.getComponent().yViewport());
          stamp.getSpan(Axis.V, datum));
      c.pushBoundsPosition(-viewport.getComponent().xViewport(), 0);

      c.g.fillRect(0, 0, viewport.getBounds().width, c.span().height);

       * @JTourBusStop 5, Stack-based properties for java.awt.Graphics, Delegate painting to the
       * list cell stamp with no risk of context corruption:
       * <p>At this point the clip bounds have been set correctly for the cell to be repainted. The
       * cell stamp is now free to paint the cell according to its best understanding, knowing that
       * it cannot accidentally paint outside the scrollable area, and that all its Graphics
       * property change will be popped off the stack on method return.
      stamp.paint(c, address, datum);