public class SHPStoreProvider extends DBFStoreProvider { private static final GeometryManager geomManager = GeometryLocator.getGeometryManager(); private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeometryManager.class); public static String NAME = "SHP"; public static String DESCRIPTION = "SHP file"; private SHPFile shpFile; private ResourceProvider shpResource; private ResourceProvider shxResource; protected static final String GEOMETRY_ATTIBUTE_NAME = "GEOMETRY"; protected static final String DYNFIELD_SRSORIGINALPARAMETERS_NAME = "SRSOriginalParameters"; private static final String DYNCLASS_NAME = "SHPStore"; protected static DynClass DYNCLASS = null; private SHPFeatureWriter writer = null; public SHPStoreProvider(SHPStoreParameters params, DataStoreProviderServices storeServices) throws InitializeException { super(params, storeServices, ToolsLocator.getDynObjectManager().createDynObject(DYNCLASS)); } protected void init(DBFStoreParameters params, DataStoreProviderServices storeServices) throws InitializeException { SHPStoreParameters shpParams = (SHPStoreParameters) params; shpResource = this.createResource(FileResource.NAME, new Object[] {shpParams.getSHPFileName()}); shpResource.addConsumer(this); shxResource = this.createResource(FileResource.NAME, new Object[] {shpParams.getSHXFileName()}); shxResource.addConsumer(this); this.shpFile = new SHPFile(shpParams); super.init(params, storeServices); } protected void resourcesBegin() throws ResourceBeginException { super.resourcesBegin(); this.shpResource.begin(); this.shxResource.begin(); // TODO .prj } protected void resourcesEnd() { super.resourcesEnd(); this.shpResource.end(); this.shxResource.end(); // TODO .prj } /** @throws ResourceNotifyChangesException */ protected void resourcesNotifyChanges() throws ResourceNotifyChangesException { super.resourcesNotifyChanges(); this.shpResource.notifyChanges(); this.shxResource.notifyChanges(); // TODO .prj } /** @throws ResourceNotifyCloseException */ protected void resourcesNotifyClose() throws ResourceNotifyCloseException { super.resourcesNotifyClose(); this.shpResource.notifyClose(); this.shxResource.notifyClose(); // TODO .prj } public void dispose() throws CloseException { super.dispose(); this.shpResource.removeConsumer(this); this.shxResource.removeConsumer(this); this.shpResource = null; this.shxResource = null; this.writer = null; this.shpFile = null; } /** @throws ResourceNotifyOpenException */ protected void resourcesOpen() throws ResourceNotifyOpenException { super.resourcesOpen(); this.shpResource.notifyOpen(); this.shxResource.notifyOpen(); } protected static void registerDynClass() { DynObjectManager dynman = ToolsLocator.getDynObjectManager(); DynClass dynClass; DynField field; if (DYNCLASS == null) { DynClass dbfDynClass = DBFStoreProvider.DYNCLASS; dynClass = dynman.add(DYNCLASS_NAME); field = dynClass.addDynField(DYNFIELD_SRSORIGINALPARAMETERS_NAME); field.setType(DataTypes.STRING); field.setDescription("SRS original parameters"); // The SHP store parameters extend the DBF store parameters dynClass.extend(dbfDynClass); DYNCLASS = dynClass; } } protected static EditableFeatureAttributeDescriptor addGeometryColumn(EditableFeatureType fType) { EditableFeatureAttributeDescriptor attrTmp = null; EditableFeatureAttributeDescriptor attr = null; Iterator iter = fType.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { attrTmp = (EditableFeatureAttributeDescriptor); if (attrTmp.getDataType() == DataTypes.GEOMETRY) { if (attr != null) { // Two geom fields not allowed fType.remove(attrTmp.getName()); } else { attr = attrTmp; attr.setName(GEOMETRY_ATTIBUTE_NAME); } } } if (attr == null) { attr = fType.add(GEOMETRY_ATTIBUTE_NAME, DataTypes.GEOMETRY); try { attr.setDefaultValue(geomManager.createNullGeometry(SUBTYPES.GEOM2D)); } catch (CreateGeometryException e) { logger.error("Error creating the envelope", e); } } fType.setDefaultGeometryAttributeName(attr.getName()); return attr; } protected static FeatureType removeGeometryColumn(EditableFeatureType fType) { Iterator iter = fType.iterator(); FeatureAttributeDescriptor attr; while (iter.hasNext()) { attr = (FeatureAttributeDescriptor); if (attr.getDataType() == DataTypes.GEOMETRY) { iter.remove(); } } fType.setDefaultGeometryAttributeName(null); return fType.getNotEditableCopy(); } protected EditableFeatureType getTheFeatureType() throws InitializeException { EditableFeatureType fType = super.getTheFeatureType(); try {; this.resourcesBegin(); } catch (DataException e) { throw new InitializeException(this.getName(), e); } try { EditableFeatureAttributeDescriptor attr = addGeometryColumn(fType); attr.setGeometryType(this.shpFile.getGeometryType()); attr.setGeometrySubType(this.shpFile.getGeometrySubType()); // String srs = this.getSRSFromPrj(this.shpFile.getSRSParameters()); // if (srs == null){ // // TODO petar ?? // srs = "EPSG:23030"; // } IProjection srs = getShpParameters().getSRS(); if (srs == null) { srs = CRSFactory.getCRS("EPSG:23030"); } attr.setSRS(srs); return fType; } catch (ReadException e) { throw new InitializeException(e); } finally { this.resourcesEnd(); } } private String getSRSFromPrj(String srsParameters) { // TODO identificar que SRS hay que usar, ya sea // el que se recibe de los parametros o el que // conicida con el que se ha encontrado en el // prg... y si ninguna de las dos que? return null; } protected SHPStoreParameters getShpParameters() { return (SHPStoreParameters) getParameters(); } public String getName() { return NAME; } public boolean allowWrite() { return super.allowWrite() && this.shpFile.isEditable(); } /** * @param index * @param featureType * @return * @throws ReadException */ protected FeatureProvider getFeatureProviderByIndex(long index, FeatureType featureType) throws DataException {; this.resourcesBegin(); try { FeatureProvider featureProvider = super.getFeatureProviderByIndex(index, featureType); featureProvider.setDefaultEnvelope(this.shpFile.getBoundingBox(index)); return featureProvider; } catch (DataException e) { throw e; } catch (CreateEnvelopeException e) { throw new org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.exception.CreateGeometryException(e); } finally { this.resourcesEnd(); } } protected void initFeatureProviderByIndex( FeatureProvider featureProvider, long index, FeatureType featureType) throws DataException {; this.resourcesBegin(); try { super.initFeatureProviderByIndex(featureProvider, index, featureType); featureProvider.setDefaultEnvelope(this.shpFile.getBoundingBox(index)); } catch (CreateEnvelopeException e) { throw new org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.exception.CreateGeometryException(e); } finally { this.resourcesEnd(); } } /** * @param featureProvider * @throws DataException */ protected void loadFeatureProviderByIndex(FeatureProvider featureProvider) throws DataException {; this.resourcesBegin(); try { long index = ((Long) featureProvider.getOID()).longValue(); super.loadFeatureProviderByIndex(featureProvider); if (featureProvider .getType() .getIndex(featureProvider.getType().getDefaultGeometryAttributeName()) >= 0) { try { featureProvider.setDefaultGeometry(this.shpFile.getGeometry(index)); } catch (CreateGeometryException e) { throw new ReadException(getName(), e); } } } finally { this.resourcesEnd(); } } protected void loadValue( FeatureProvider featureProvider, int rowIndex, FeatureAttributeDescriptor descriptor) throws ReadException { if (descriptor.getDataType() == DataTypes.GEOMETRY) { return; } else { super.loadValue(featureProvider, rowIndex, descriptor); } } public FeatureProvider createFeatureProvider(FeatureType type) throws DataException { FeatureProvider data = new SHPFeatureProvider(this, type); return data; } protected void openFile() throws IOException, DataException { super.openFile();; } protected void loadMetadataValues() throws DynFieldNotFoundException, ReadException { super.loadMetadataValues(); this.setDynValue(DYNFIELD_SRSORIGINALPARAMETERS_NAME, this.shpFile.getSRSParameters()); this.setDynValue("DefaultSRS", this.getShpParameters().getSRS()); this.setDynValue("Envelope", shpFile.getFullExtent()); } protected void closeFile() throws CloseException { super.closeFile(); if (!this.shpFile.isOpen()) { return; } this.shpFile.close(); } public boolean canWriteGeometry(int geometryType, int geometrySubType) throws DataException {; this.resourcesBegin(); try { return this.shpFile.canWriteGeometry(geometryType); } finally { this.resourcesEnd(); } } public void performChanges( Iterator deleteds, Iterator inserteds, Iterator updateds, Iterator originalFeatureTypesUpdated) throws PerformEditingException { FeatureType fType; try { fType = this.getStoreServices().getDefaultFeatureType(); } catch (DataException e) { throw new PerformEditingException(this.getName(), e); } // TODO Comprobar el campo de geometria EditableFeatureType dbfFtype = fType.getEditable(); removeGeometryColumn(dbfFtype); try { this.resourcesBegin(); } catch (ResourceBeginException e1) { throw new PerformEditingException(this.getName(), e1); } try { FeatureSet set = this.getFeatureStore().getFeatureSet(); writer = new SHPFeatureWriter(this.getName()); SHPStoreParameters shpParams = this.getShpParameters(); SHPStoreParameters tmpParams = (SHPStoreParameters) shpParams.getCopy(); tmpParams.setDBFFileName(tmpParams.getDBFFileName() + ".tmp"); tmpParams.setSHPFileName(tmpParams.getSHPFileName() + ".tmp"); tmpParams.setSHXFileName(tmpParams.getSHXFileName() + ".tmp"); writer.begin(tmpParams, fType, dbfFtype, set.getSize()); DisposableIterator iter = set.fastIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Feature feature = (Feature); writer.append(feature); } writer.end(); this.close(); this.resourceCloseRequest(); if (!shpParams.getDBFFile().delete()) { throw new PerformEditingException( this.getName(), new IOException(shpParams.getDBFFileName())); } if (!shpParams.getSHPFile().delete()) { throw new PerformEditingException( this.getName(), new IOException(shpParams.getSHPFileName())); } if (!shpParams.getSHXFile().delete()) { throw new PerformEditingException( this.getName(), new IOException(shpParams.getSHXFileName())); } if (!tmpParams.getDBFFile().renameTo(shpParams.getDBFFile())) { throw new PerformEditingException( this.getName(), new IOException(shpParams.getSHPFileName())); } if (!tmpParams.getSHPFile().renameTo(shpParams.getSHPFile())) { throw new PerformEditingException( this.getName(), new IOException(shpParams.getSHPFileName())); } if (!tmpParams.getSHXFile().renameTo(shpParams.getSHXFile())) { throw new PerformEditingException( this.getName(), new IOException(shpParams.getSHXFileName())); } this.resourcesNotifyChanges(); this.initFeatureType(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PerformEditingException(this.getName(), e); } finally { this.resourcesEnd(); } } protected void resourceCloseRequest() throws ResourceException { super.resourceCloseRequest(); this.shpResource.closeRequest(); this.shxResource.closeRequest(); } public Envelope getEnvelope() throws DataException {; return (Envelope) this.getDynValue("Envelope"); } public void append(FeatureProvider featureProvider) throws DataException { this.resourcesBegin(); try { writer.append(this.getStoreServices().createFeature(featureProvider)); } finally { this.resourcesEnd(); } } public void beginAppend() throws DataException { this.resourcesBegin(); try { FeatureStore store = this.getFeatureStore(); FeatureType fType = store.getDefaultFeatureType(); // TODO Comprobar el campo de geometria EditableFeatureType dbfFtype = fType.getEditable(); removeGeometryColumn(dbfFtype); FeatureSet set = store.getFeatureSet(); writer = new SHPFeatureWriter(this.getName()); writer.begin(getShpParameters(), fType, dbfFtype, set.getSize()); } finally { this.resourcesEnd(); } } public void endAppend() throws DataException { this.resourcesBegin(); try { writer.end(); this.resourcesNotifyChanges(); } finally { this.resourcesEnd(); } } public Object getSourceId() { return this.getShpParameters().getFile(); } }
/** * LabelingStrategy used when the user wants to use label sizes, rotations, etc. from the values * included in fields of the datasource's table * * @author jaume dominguez faus - [email protected] */ public class AttrInTableLabelingStrategy implements ILabelingStrategy, CartographicSupport { private static final GeometryManager geomManager = GeometryLocator.getGeometryManager(); private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeometryManager.class); public static final double MIN_TEXT_SIZE = 3; private ILabelingMethod method = new DefaultLabelingMethod(); private IZoomConstraints zoom; private FLyrVect layer; // private double unitFactor = 1D; private double fixedSize = 10; private Color fixedColor; private int unit = -1; // (pixel) private boolean useFixedSize; private boolean useFixedColor; private int referenceSystem; private boolean isPrinting; private double printDPI; private String[] usedFields = null; private Font font; private Color colorFont; private String textFieldName; private String rotationFieldName; private String heightFieldName; private String colorFieldName; private PrintAttributes properties; public ILabelingMethod getLabelingMethod() { return this.method; } public void setLabelingMethod(ILabelingMethod method) { this.method = method; } public IPlacementConstraints getPlacementConstraints() { return null; // (automatically handled by the driver) } public void setPlacementConstraints(IPlacementConstraints constraints) { // nothing } public IZoomConstraints getZoomConstraints() { return zoom; } public void setZoomConstraints(IZoomConstraints constraints) { this.zoom = constraints; } public void draw( BufferedImage image, Graphics2D g, ViewPort viewPort, Cancellable cancel, double dpi) throws ReadException { double scale = viewPort.getScale(); // double fontScaleFactor = FConstant.FONT_HEIGHT_SCALE_FACTOR; SimpleTextSymbol sym = new SimpleTextSymbol(); sym.setFont(getFont()); sym.setUnit(unit); sym.setReferenceSystem(referenceSystem); if (zoom == null || (zoom.isUserDefined() && (scale >= zoom.getMaxScale()) && (scale <= zoom.getMinScale()))) { FeatureSet set = null; DisposableIterator iterator = null; try { // limit the labeling to the visible extent ArrayList fields = new ArrayList(); int heightPos = -1; int rotationPos = -1; int textPos = -1; int colorPos = -1; int geomPos = -1; if (!this.usesFixedSize()) { if (getHeightField() != null) { heightPos = fields.size(); fields.add(getHeightField()); } } if (getRotationField() != null) { rotationPos = fields.size(); fields.add(getRotationField()); } if (getTextField() != null) { textPos = fields.size(); fields.add(getTextField()); } if (!this.usesFixedColor() && getColorField() != null) { colorPos = fields.size(); fields.add(getColorField()); } FeatureStore featureStore = layer.getFeatureStore(); geomPos = fields.size(); String geomName = featureStore.getDefaultFeatureType().getDefaultGeometryAttributeName(); fields.add(geomName); FeatureQuery featureQuery = featureStore.createFeatureQuery(); featureQuery.setAttributeNames((String[]) fields.toArray(new String[fields.size()])); // TODO no set filter y layer is contained totaly in viewPort ContainsEnvelopeEvaluator iee = new ContainsEnvelopeEvaluator( viewPort.getAdjustedExtent(), viewPort.getProjection(), featureStore.getDefaultFeatureType(), geomName); featureQuery.setFilter(iee); set = featureStore.getFeatureSet(featureQuery); // ReadableVectorial source = layer.getSource(); // SelectableDataSource recordSet = source.getRecordset(); iterator = set.fastIterator(); CreateLabelsOperationContext cloc = new CreateLabelsOperationContext(); cloc.setDublicates(true); cloc.setPosition(0); while (iterator.hasNext()) { if (cancel.isCanceled()) { return; } Feature feature = (Feature); // for(int i=bs.nextSetBit(0); i>=0 && !cancel.isCanceled(); i=bs.nextSetBit(i+1)) { // Value[] vv = recordSet.getRow(i); double size; Color color = null; if (useFixedSize) { // uses fixed size size = fixedSize; // * fontScaleFactor; // } else if (idHeightField != -1) { } else if (heightFieldName != null) { // text size is defined in the table try { // Object obj=feature.get(idHeightField); Object obj = feature.get(heightPos); if (obj != null) { size = ((Number) obj).doubleValue(); // * fontScaleFactor; } else { size = 0; } } catch (ClassCastException ccEx) { // if (!NullValue.class.equals(feature.get(idHeightField).getClass())) { if (!NullValue.class.equals(feature.get(heightPos).getClass())) { throw new ReadException("Unknown", ccEx); } // a null value // Logger.getAnonymousLogger(). // warning("Null text height value for text // '"+feature.get(idTextField).toString()+"'"); Logger.getAnonymousLogger() .warning( "Null text height value for text '" + feature.get(textPos).toString() + "'"); continue; } } else { // otherwise will use the size in the symbol size = sym.getFont().getSize(); } size = CartographicSupportToolkit.getCartographicLength( this, size, viewPort, MapContext.getScreenDPI()); // dpi); // toScreenUnitYAxis(this, // size, // viewPort // ); if (size <= MIN_TEXT_SIZE) { // label is too small to be readable, will be skipped // this speeds up the rendering in wider zooms continue; } sym.setFontSize(size); if (useFixedColor) { color = fixedColor; // } else if (idColorField != -1) { } else if (colorFieldName != null) { // text size is defined in the table try { // color = new Color(feature.getInt(idColorField)); color = new Color(feature.getInt(colorPos)); } catch (ClassCastException ccEx) { // if (feature.get(idColorField) != null) { if (feature.get(colorPos) != null) { throw new ReadException("Unknown", ccEx); } // a null value // Logger.getAnonymousLogger(). // warning( // "Null color value for text '" // + feature.getString(idTextField) // + "'"); Logger.getAnonymousLogger() .warning("Null color value for text '" + feature.getString(textFieldName) + "'"); continue; } } else { color = sym.getTextColor(); } sym.setTextColor(color); double rotation = 0D; // if (idRotationField!= -1) { if (rotationFieldName != null) { // text rotation is defined in the table // rotation = -Math.toRadians(((Number) // feature.get(idRotationField)).doubleValue()); rotation = -Math.toRadians(((Number) feature.get(rotationPos)).doubleValue()); } Geometry geom = feature.getDefaultGeometry(); // Object obj=feature.get(idTextField); Object obj = feature.get(textPos); if (obj != null) { sym.setText(obj.toString()); } sym.setRotation(rotation); FLabel[] aux = (FLabel[]) geom.invokeOperation(CreateLabels.CODE, cloc); // FLabel[] aux = geom.createLabels(0, true); for (int j = 0; j < aux.length; j++) { Point p = geomManager.createPoint( aux[j].getOrig().getX(), aux[j].getOrig().getY(), SUBTYPES.GEOM2D); p.transform(viewPort.getAffineTransform()); if (properties == null) { sym.draw(g, null, p, cancel); } else { sym.print(g, null, p, properties); } } } } catch (GeometryOperationNotSupportedException e) { throw new ReadException("Could not draw annotation in the layer.", e); } catch (GeometryOperationException e) { throw new ReadException("Could not draw annotation in the layer.", e); } catch (BaseException e) { throw new ReadException("Could not draw annotation in the layer.", e); } finally { if (iterator != null) { iterator.dispose(); } if (set != null) { set.dispose(); } } } } public String getClassName() { return getClass().getName(); } public XMLEntity getXMLEntity() { XMLEntity xml = new XMLEntity(); xml.putProperty("className", getClassName()); xml.putProperty("labelingStrategy", "labelingStrategy"); try { if (getHeightField() != null) { xml.putProperty("HeightField", getHeightField()); } } catch (DataException e) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger() .log(Level.SEVERE, "Acessing TextHeight field.\n" + e.getMessage()); } try { if (getColorField() != null) { xml.putProperty("ColorField", getColorField()); } } catch (DataException e) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger() .log(Level.SEVERE, "Acessing ColorField field.\n" + e.getMessage()); } try { if (getTextField() != null) { xml.putProperty("TextField", getTextField()); } } catch (DataException e) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Acessing TextField field.\n" + e.getMessage()); } try { if (getRotationField() != null) { xml.putProperty("RotationField", getRotationField()); } } catch (DataException e) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger() .log(Level.SEVERE, "Acessing RotationField field.\n" + e.getMessage()); } if (getFont() != null) { xml.putProperty("fontSize", getFont().getSize()); xml.putProperty("fontName", getFont().getName()); xml.putProperty("fontStyle", getFont().getStyle()); } if (getColorFont() != null) { xml.putProperty("Color", StringUtilities.color2String(getColorFont())); } xml.putProperty("useFixedSize", useFixedSize); xml.putProperty("useFixedColor", useFixedColor); xml.putProperty("fixedColor", StringUtilities.color2String(fixedColor)); xml.putProperty("fixedSize", fixedSize); xml.putProperty("Unit", unit); xml.putProperty("referenceSystem", referenceSystem); return xml; } public String getRotationField() throws DataException { return this.rotationFieldName; } public String getTextField() throws DataException { return this.textFieldName; } public String getHeightField() throws DataException { return this.heightFieldName; } public String getColorField() throws DataException { return this.colorFieldName; } public void setXMLEntity(XMLEntity xml) { if (xml.contains("TextField")) { setTextField(xml.getStringProperty("TextField")); } if (xml.contains("HeightField")) { setHeightField(xml.getStringProperty("HeightField")); } if (xml.contains("ColorField")) { setColorField(xml.getStringProperty("ColorField")); } if (xml.contains("RotationField")) { setRotationField(xml.getStringProperty("RotationField")); } if (xml.contains("Unit")) { setUnit(xml.getIntProperty("Unit")); } if (xml.contains("fontName")) { Font font = new Font( xml.getStringProperty("fontName"), xml.getIntProperty("fontStyle"), xml.getIntProperty("fontSize")); setFont(font); } if (xml.contains("useFixedSize")) { useFixedSize = xml.getBooleanProperty("useFixedSize"); fixedSize = xml.getDoubleProperty("fixedSize"); } if (xml.contains("useFixedColor")) { useFixedColor = xml.getBooleanProperty("useFixedColor"); fixedColor = StringUtilities.string2Color(xml.getStringProperty("fixedColor")); } if (xml.contains("referenceSystem")) { referenceSystem = xml.getIntProperty("referenceSystem"); } } public void setTextField(String textFieldName) { this.textFieldName = textFieldName; this.usedFields = null; } public void setRotationField(String rotationFieldName) { this.rotationFieldName = rotationFieldName; this.usedFields = null; } /** * Sets the field that contains the size of the text. The size is computed in meters. To use any * other unit, call setUnit(int) with the scale factor from meters (for centimeters, call * <b>setUnitFactor(0.01))</b>. * * @param heightFieldName */ public void setHeightField(String heightFieldName) { this.heightFieldName = heightFieldName; this.usedFields = null; } public void setColorField(String colorFieldName) { this.colorFieldName = colorFieldName; } public void print(Graphics2D g, ViewPort viewPort, Cancellable cancel, PrintAttributes props) throws ReadException { = props; draw(null, g, viewPort, cancel, printDPI); = null; } public void setUsesFixedSize(boolean b) { useFixedSize = b; this.usedFields = null; } public boolean usesFixedSize() { return useFixedSize; } public double getFixedSize() { return fixedSize; } public void setFixedSize(double fixedSize) { this.fixedSize = fixedSize; this.usedFields = null; } public void setUsesFixedColor(boolean b) { useFixedColor = b; this.usedFields = null; } public boolean usesFixedColor() { return useFixedColor; } public Color getFixedColor() { return fixedColor; } public void setFixedColor(Color fixedColor) { this.fixedColor = fixedColor; } public void setUnit(int unitIndex) { unit = unitIndex; } public int getUnit() { return unit; } public String[] getUsedFields() { if (this.usedFields == null) { List v = new ArrayList(4); try { if (!this.usesFixedSize()) { if (getHeightField() != null) { v.add(getHeightField()); } } if (getRotationField() != null) { v.add(getRotationField()); } if (getTextField() != null) { v.add(getTextField()); } if (!this.usesFixedColor() && getColorField() != null) { v.add(getColorField()); } } catch (DataException e) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage()); } this.usedFields = (String[]) v.toArray(new String[v.size()]); } return this.usedFields; } public int getReferenceSystem() { return referenceSystem; } public void setReferenceSystem(int referenceSystem) { this.referenceSystem = referenceSystem; } public double toCartographicSize(ViewPort viewPort, double dpi, Geometry geom) { // not required here throw new Error("Undefined in this context"); } public void setCartographicSize(double cartographicSize, Geometry geom) { // not required here throw new Error("Undefined in this context"); } public double getCartographicSize(ViewPort viewPort, double dpi, Geometry geom) { // not required here throw new Error("Undefined in this context"); } public void setLayer(FLayer layer) throws ReadException { this.layer = (FLyrVect) layer; FeatureType type; try { type = this.layer.getFeatureStore().getDefaultFeatureType(); } catch (DataException e) { // FIXME Throw DataException throw new ReadException(this.getClass().getName(), e); } if (textFieldName != null) { if (type.getIndex(textFieldName) < 0) { // FIXME exception ?? } } if (rotationFieldName != null) { if (type.getIndex(rotationFieldName) < 0) { // FIXME exception ?? } } if (heightFieldName != null) { if (type.getIndex(heightFieldName) < 0) { // FIXME exception ?? } } if (colorFieldName != null) { if (type.getIndex(colorFieldName) < 0) { // FIXME exception ?? } } } public boolean shouldDrawLabels(double scale) { return layer.isWithinScale(scale); } public Color getColorFont() { return colorFont; } public void setColorFont(Color colorFont) { this.colorFont = colorFont; } public Font getFont() { return font; } public void setFont(Font selFont) { this.font = selFont; } }