Esempio n. 1
  static {
    // uncomment to turn up logging

    java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler handler = new java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler();

Esempio n. 2
  * Returns the URL to the property file that contains CRS definitions. The default implementation
  * performs the following search path:
  * <ul>
  *   <li>If a value is set for the {@value #CRS_DIRECTORY_KEY} system property key, then the
  *       {@value #FILENAME} file will be searched in this directory.
  *   <li>If no value is set for the above-cited system property, or if no {@value #FILENAME} file
  *       was found in that directory, then the first {@value #FILENAME} file found in any {@code
  *       org/geotools/referencing/factory/epsg} directory on the classpath will be used.
  *   <li>If no file was found on the classpath neither, then this factory will be disabled.
  * </ul>
  * @return The URL, or {@code null} if none.
 protected URL getDefinitionsURL() {
   try {
     if (directory != null) {
       final File file = new File(directory, FILENAME);
       if (file.isFile()) {
         return file.toURI().toURL();
   } catch (SecurityException exception) {
     Logging.unexpectedException(LOGGER, exception);
   } catch (MalformedURLException exception) {
     Logging.unexpectedException(LOGGER, exception);
   return FactoryUsingWKT.class.getResource(FILENAME);
 * This utility reads in XML requests and returns them as appropriate request objects.
 * @author Rob Hranac, TOPP
 * @author Chris Holmes, TOPP
 * @author Gabriel Rold?n
 * @version $Id$
public abstract class XmlRequestReader {
  /** Class logger */
  protected static Logger LOGGER =

  /** The service handling the request * */
  private ServiceInfo serviceConfig;

   * @param reader DOCUMENT ME!
   * @return DOCUMENT ME!
   * @throws ServiceException DOCUMENT ME!
  public abstract Request read(Reader reader, HttpServletRequest req) throws ServiceException;

   * This will create a new XmlRequestReader
   * @param service The config of the service handling the request
  public XmlRequestReader(ServiceInfo service) {
    this.serviceConfig = service;

  public ServiceInfo getService() {
    return serviceConfig;
public class ReflectiveRegionatingStrategyFactory implements RegionatingStrategyFactory {
  private static final Logger LOGGER =

  String myName;
  String myClassName;
  Class myStrategyClass;
  GeoServer gs;

  public ReflectiveRegionatingStrategyFactory(String name, String className, GeoServer gs) {
    myName = name;
    myClassName = className; = gs;

  public ReflectiveRegionatingStrategyFactory(String name, Class strategy, GeoServer gs) {
    myName = name;
    myStrategyClass = strategy; = gs;

  public boolean canHandle(String strategyName) {
    return (myName != null) && myName.equalsIgnoreCase(strategyName);

  public String getName() {
    return myName;

  public RegionatingStrategy createStrategy() {
    try {
      Class clazz = getStrategyClass();
      Constructor c = clazz.getConstructor(GeoServer.class);
      if (c != null) {
        return (RegionatingStrategy) c.newInstance(gs);

      return (RegionatingStrategy) clazz.newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ServiceException(e);

  protected Class getStrategyClass() {
    if (myStrategyClass != null) return myStrategyClass;

    try {
      myStrategyClass = Class.forName(myClassName);
    } catch (Exception e) {
          "Failed to find class " + myClassName + " for ReflectiveRegionatingStrategy.",

    return myStrategyClass;
Esempio n. 5
 * Main class used to handle Execute requests
 * @author Lucas Reed, Refractions Research Inc
 * @author Andrea Aime, OpenGeo
public class Execute {

  static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(Execute.class);

  int connectionTimeout;

  WPSInfo wps;

  ApplicationContext context;

  WPSExecutionManager executionManager;

  public Execute(WPSExecutionManager executionManager, ApplicationContext context) {
    this.context = context;
    this.executionManager = executionManager;

   * Main method for performing decoding, execution, and response
   * @param object
   * @param output
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException
  public ExecuteResponseType run(ExecuteType execute) {
    ResponseDocumentType responseDocument = null;
    OutputDefinitionType rawDataOutput = null;
    if (execute.getResponseForm() != null) {
      responseDocument = execute.getResponseForm().getResponseDocument();
      rawDataOutput = execute.getResponseForm().getRawDataOutput();

    if (responseDocument != null && rawDataOutput != null) {
      throw new WPSException(
          "Invalid request, only one of the raw data output or the "
              + "response document should be specified in the request");

    ExecuteRequest request = new ExecuteRequest(execute);

    // TODO: get the startup time from the execution status
    ExecuteResponseBuilder builder = new ExecuteResponseBuilder(execute, context, new Date());
    String executionId = executionManager.submit(request, !request.isAsynchronous());
    if (!request.isAsynchronous()) {
      try {
        Map<String, Object> outputs = executionManager.getOutput(executionId, -1);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Process execution failed", e);

Esempio n. 6
 * An implementation of {@link Format} for the JP2K format based on the MrSID driver.
 * @author Daniele Romagnoli, GeoSolutions
 * @author Simone Giannecchini (simboss), GeoSolutions
 * @since 2.5.x
 * @source $URL$
public final class JP2MrSIDFormat extends BaseGDALGridFormat implements Format {
  /** Logger. */
  private static final Logger LOGGER =

  /** Creates an instance and sets the metadata. */
  public JP2MrSIDFormat() {
    super(new JP2GDALMrSidImageReaderSpi());

    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
      LOGGER.fine("Creating a new JP2KFormat.");


  /** Sets the metadata information. */
  protected void setInfo() {
    HashMap<String, String> info = new HashMap<String, String>();

    info.put("name", "JP2MrSID");
    info.put("description", "JP2K (MrSID) Coverage Format");
    info.put("vendor", "Geotools");
    info.put("docURL", ""); // TODO: set something
    info.put("version", "1.0");
    mInfo = info;

    // writing parameters
    writeParameters = null;

    // reading parameters
    readParameters =
        new ParameterGroup(
            new DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup(
                new GeneralParameterDescriptor[] {

  /** @see, Hints) */
  public JP2MrSIDReader getReader(Object source, Hints hints) {
    try {
      return new JP2MrSIDReader(source, hints);
    } catch (MismatchedDimensionException e) {
      final RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException();
      throw re;
    } catch (DataSourceException e) {
      final RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException();
      throw re;
 * Map response handler for JPEG image format.
 * @author Simone Giannecchini
 * @since 1.4.x
public final class JPEGMapResponse extends RenderedImageMapResponse {

  /** Logger. */
  private static final Logger LOGGER =

  private static final boolean CODEC_LIB_AVAILABLE = PackageUtil.isCodecLibAvailable();

   * Default capabilities for JPEG .
   * <p>
   * <ol>
   *   <li>tiled = supported
   *   <li>multipleValues = unsupported
   *   <li>paletteSupported = false
   *   <li>transparency = false
   * </ol>
   * <p>We should soon support multipage tiff.
  private static MapProducerCapabilities CAPABILITIES =
      new MapProducerCapabilities(true, false, false, false);

  /** the only MIME type this map producer supports */
  private static final String MIME_TYPE = "image/jpeg";

  public JPEGMapResponse(WMS wms) {
    super(MIME_TYPE, wms);

  public void formatImageOutputStream(
      RenderedImage image, OutputStream outStream, WMSMapContext mapContext) throws IOException {
    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
      LOGGER.fine("About to write a JPEG image.");

    boolean JPEGNativeAcc = wms.getJPEGNativeAcceleration() && CODEC_LIB_AVAILABLE;
    float quality = (100 - wms.getJpegCompression()) / 100.0f;
    ImageWorker iw = new ImageWorker(image);
    iw.writeJPEG(outStream, "JPEG", quality, JPEGNativeAcc);

    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
      LOGGER.fine("Writing a JPEG done!!!");

  public MapProducerCapabilities getCapabilities(String outputFormat) {
    return CAPABILITIES;
Esempio n. 8
  * Initializes GeoTools for use. This convenience method performs various tasks (more may be added
  * in the future), including setting up the {@linkplain java.util.logging Java logging framework}
  * in one of the following states:
  * <p>
  * <ul>
  *   <li>If the <A HREF="">Commons-logging</A> framework
  *       is available, then every logging message in the {@code org.geotools} namespace sent to
  *       the Java {@linkplain java.util.logging.Logger logger} are redirected to Commons-logging.
  *   <li>Otherwise if the <A HREF="">Log4J</A> framework is
  *       available, then every logging message in the {@code org.geotools} namespace sent to the
  *       Java {@linkplain java.util.logging.Logger logger} are redirected to Log4J.
  *   <li>Otherwise, the Java logging {@linkplain java.util.logging.Formatter formatter} for
  *       console output is replaced by a {@linkplain org.geotools.util.logging.MonolineFormatter
  *       monoline formatter}.
  * </ul>
  * <p>In addition, the {@linkplain #getDefaultHints default hints} are initialized to the
  * specified {@code hints}.
  * <p>Note that invoking this method is usually <strong>not</strong> needed for proper working of
  * the Geotools library. It is just a convenience method for overwriting some Java and Geotools
  * default settings in a way that seems to be common in server environment. Such overwriting may
  * not be wanted for every situations.
  * <p>Example of typical invocation in a Geoserver environment:
  * <blockquote>
  * <pre>
  * Hints hints = new Hints();
  * hints.put({@linkplain Hints#FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER}, Boolean.TRUE);
  * hints.put({@linkplain Hints#FORCE_AXIS_ORDER_HONORING}, "http");
  * GeoTools.init(hints);
  * </pre>
  * </blockquote>
  * @param hints The hints to use.
  * @see Logging#setLoggerFactory(String)
  * @see Logging#forceMonolineConsoleOutput
  * @see Hints#putSystemDefault
  * @see #getDefaultHints
 public static void init(final Hints hints) {
   final Logging log = Logging.GEOTOOLS;
   try {
   } catch (ClassNotFoundException commonsException) {
     try {
     } catch (ClassNotFoundException log4jException) {
       // Nothing to do, we already tried our best.
   // If java logging is used, force monoline console output.
   if (log.getLoggerFactory() == null) {
   if (hints != null) {
     // fireConfigurationChanged() is invoked in the above method call.
Esempio n. 9
 /** Constructs an input stream for an URL. */
 public ImageInputStream createInputStreamInstance(
     final Object input, final boolean useCache, final File cacheDir) throws IOException {
   final URL url = (URL) input;
   final URLConnection connection =
       url.openConnection(/*proxy*/ ); // TODO: uncomment with J2SE 1.5.
   int retry = RETRY;
   InputStream stream;
   while (true) {
     try {
       stream = connection.getInputStream();
     } catch (SocketException exception) {
       if (--retry < 0) {
         throw exception;
      * Failed to get the connection. After we logged a warning, wait a little bit, run
      * the finalization and try again. Experience suggests that running the finalizers
      * sometime help, but also sometime freeze the system. FinalizationStopper may help
      * to unfreeze the system after a timeout.
     try {
     } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
       // Someone doesn't want to let us sleep. Go back to work...
     Thread.interrupted(); // Clears the interrupted flag.
     final FinalizationStopper stopper = new FinalizationStopper(4000);
     // Thread.interrupted() must be first in order to clear the flag.
     if (Thread.interrupted() || stopper.interrupted) {
       Logging.getLogger(UrlInputSpi.class).warning("System.runFinalization() was blocked.");
   return new FileCacheImageInputStream(stream, cacheDir);
Esempio n. 10
 * DescribeLayer WMS operation default implementation.
 * @author carlo cancellieri
public class DescribeLayer {

  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(DescribeLayerModel.class);

  public DescribeLayer() {}

  private final List<LayerDescription> layerDescriptions = new ArrayList<LayerDescription>();

  @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
  public static DescribeLayerModel run(final DescribeLayerRequest request) throws ServiceException {

    return new DescribeLayerModel(request);
 * A WFS response parser that parses server exception reports into {@link WFSException} objects.
 * @author Gabriel Roldan (OpenGeo)
 * @version $Id$
 * @since 2.6
 * @source $URL$
 *     /wfs/v1_1_0/parsers/ $
@SuppressWarnings({"nls", "unchecked"})
public class ExceptionReportParser implements WFSResponseParser {

  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger("");

   * @param wfs the {@link WFSDataStore} that sent the request
   * @param response a response handle to a service exception report
   * @return a {@link WFSException} containing the server returned exception report messages
   * @see WFSResponseParser#parse(WFSProtocol, WFSResponse)
  public Object parse(WFS_1_1_0_DataStore wfs, WFSResponse response) {
    WFSConfiguration configuration = new WFSConfiguration();
    Parser parser = new Parser(configuration);
    InputStream responseStream = response.getInputStream();
    Charset responseCharset = response.getCharacterEncoding();
    Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(responseStream, responseCharset);
    Object parsed;
    try {
      parsed = parser.parse(reader);
      if (!(parsed instanceof net.opengis.ows10.ExceptionReportType)) {
        return new IOException("Unrecognized server error");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return new WFSException("Exception parsing server exception report", e);
    net.opengis.ows10.ExceptionReportType report = (ExceptionReportType) parsed;
    List<ExceptionType> exceptions = report.getException();

    EObject originatingRequest = response.getOriginatingRequest();
    StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("WFS returned an exception.");
    msg.append(" Target URL: " + response.getTargetUrl());
    if (originatingRequest != null) {
      try {
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        WFS_1_1_0_Protocol.encode(originatingRequest, configuration, out, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
        String requestStr = out.toString("UTF-8");

        msg.append(". Originating request is: \n").append(requestStr).append("\n");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Error encoding request for exception report", e);
    WFSException result = new WFSException(msg.toString());
    for (ExceptionType ex : exceptions) {
    return result;
Esempio n. 12
 * An implementation of {@link Format} for the IDRIS (RST) format.
 * @author Daniele Romagnoli, GeoSolutions
 * @author Simone Giannecchini (simboss), GeoSolutions
 * @since 2.5.x
 * @source $URL:
 *     /geotools/coverageio/gdal/idrisi/ $
public final class IDRISIFormat extends BaseGDALGridFormat implements Format {
  /** Logger. */
  private static final Logger LOGGER =

  /** Creates an instance and sets the metadata. */
  public IDRISIFormat() {
    super(new ArcBinaryGridImageReaderSpi());

    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
      LOGGER.fine("Creating a new IDRISIFormat.");


  /** Sets the metadata information. */
  protected void setInfo() {
    final HashMap<String, String> info = new HashMap<String, String>();
    info.put("name", "RST");
    info.put("description", "IDRIS (RST) Coverage Format");
    info.put("vendor", "Geotools");
    info.put("docURL", ""); // TODO: set something
    info.put("version", "1.0");
    mInfo = Collections.unmodifiableMap(info);

    // writing parameters
    writeParameters = null;

    // reading parameters
    readParameters = getDefaultParameterGroup(info);

  /** @see, Hints) */
  public IDRISIReader getReader(Object source, Hints hints) {
    try {
      return new IDRISIReader(source, hints);
    } catch (MismatchedDimensionException e) {
      final RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException();
      throw re;
    } catch (DataSourceException e) {
      final RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException();
      throw re;
  static class PlacemarkNameDecorator implements KmlDecorator {
    static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(PlacemarkNameDecorator.class);

    public Feature decorate(Feature feature, KmlEncodingContext context) {
      Placemark pm = (Placemark) feature;

      // try with the template
      SimpleFeature sf = context.getCurrentFeature();
      String title = null;
      try {
        title = context.getTemplate().title(sf);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        String msg = "Error occured processing 'title' template.";
        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, msg, e);

      // if we got nothing, set the title to the ID, but also try the text symbolizers
      if (title == null || "".equals(title)) {
        title = sf.getID();
        StringBuffer label = new StringBuffer();

        for (Symbolizer sym : context.getCurrentSymbolizers()) {
          if (sym instanceof TextSymbolizer) {
            Expression e = SLD.textLabel((TextSymbolizer) sym);
            String value = e.evaluate(feature, String.class);

            if ((value != null) && !"".equals(value.trim())) {

        if (label.length() > 0) {
          title = label.toString();

      return pm;
Esempio n. 14
  * Implementation of {@code fixName} method. If the context is {@code null}, then the {@linkplain
  * #getInitialContext GeoTools initial context} will be fetch only when first needed.
 private static String fixName(Context context, final String name, final Hints hints) {
   String fixed = null;
   if (name != null) {
     final StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(name, ":/");
     while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
       final String part = tokens.nextToken();
       if (fixed == null) {
         fixed = part;
       } else
         try {
           if (context == null) {
             context = getInitialContext(hints);
           fixed = context.composeName(fixed, part);
         } catch (NamingException e) {
           Logging.unexpectedException(GeoTools.class, "fixName", e);
           return name;
   return fixed;
  protected void setUpInternal() throws Exception {

    Map<String, String> namespaces = new HashMap<String, String>();
    namespaces.put("xlink", "");
    namespaces.put("xsi", "");
    namespaces.put("wms", "");
    namespaces.put("ows", "");
    namespaces.put("ogc", "");
    namespaces.put("wfs", "");
    namespaces.put("gml", "");
    namespaces.put(WCS_PREFIX, WCS_URI);

    NamespaceContext ctx = new SimpleNamespaceContext(namespaces);

    WMSInfo wmsInfo = getGeoServer().getService(WMSInfo.class);
Esempio n. 16
  protected void computeRect(
      final PlanarImage[] sources, final WritableRaster dest, final Rectangle destRect) {
    final PlanarImage source = sources[0];
    final Rectangle bounds = destRect.intersection(source.getBounds());
    if (!destRect.equals(bounds)) {
      // TODO: Check if this case occurs sometime, and fill pixel values if it does.
      //       If it happen to occurs, we will need to fix other GeoTools operations
      //       as well.
          .warning("Bounds mismatch: " + destRect + " and " + bounds);
    WritableRectIter iterator = RectIterFactory.createWritable(dest, bounds);

    // TODO: Detect if source and destination rasters are the same. If they are
    //       the same, we should skip this block. Iteration will then be faster.
    iterator = TransfertRectIter.create(RectIterFactory.create(source, bounds), iterator);

    if (!iterator.finishedBands()) {
      do {
      } while (!iterator.nextBandDone());
Esempio n. 17
/** @author Lucas Reed, Refractions Research Inc */
public class GetCapabilities {
  public WPSInfo wps;

  ApplicationContext context;

  static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(GetCapabilities.class);

  private static Set<Name> PROCESS_BLACKLIST = Collections.EMPTY_SET;

  public GetCapabilities(WPSInfo wps, ApplicationContext context) {
    this.wps = wps;
    this.context = context;

  public WPSCapabilitiesType run(GetCapabilitiesType request) throws WPSException {
    // do the version negotiation dance
    List<String> provided = Collections.singletonList("1.0.0");
    List<String> accepted = null;
    if (request.getAcceptVersions() != null) accepted = request.getAcceptVersions().getVersion();
    String version = RequestUtils.getVersionOws11(provided, accepted);

    if (!"1.0.0".equals(version)) {
      throw new WPSException("Could not understand version:" + version);

    // TODO: add update sequence negotiation

    // encode the response
    Wps10Factory wpsf = Wps10Factory.eINSTANCE;
    Ows11Factory owsf = Ows11Factory.eINSTANCE;

    WPSCapabilitiesType caps = wpsf.createWPSCapabilitiesType();

    // TODO: make configurable

    // ServiceIdentification
    ServiceIdentificationType si = owsf.createServiceIdentificationType();


    KeywordsType kw = Ows11Util.keywords(wps.keywordValues());
    if (kw != null) {


    if (wps.getAccessConstraints() != null) {

    // ServiceProvider
    ServiceProviderType sp = owsf.createServiceProviderType();

    // TODO: set provder name from context
    GeoServerInfo geoServer = wps.getGeoServer().getGlobal();
    if (geoServer.getContact().getContactOrganization() != null) {
    } else {

    sp.setServiceContact(responsibleParty(geoServer, owsf));

    // OperationsMetadata
    OperationsMetadataType om = owsf.createOperationsMetadataType();

    OperationType gco = owsf.createOperationType();
    gco.getDCP().add(Ows11Util.dcp("wps", request));

    OperationType dpo = owsf.createOperationType();
    dpo.getDCP().add(Ows11Util.dcp("wps", request));

    OperationType eo = owsf.createOperationType();
    eo.getDCP().add(Ows11Util.dcp("wps", request));

    ProcessOfferingsType po = wpsf.createProcessOfferingsType();

    // gather the process list
    for (ProcessFactory pf : Processors.getProcessFactories()) {
      for (Name name : pf.getNames()) {
        if (!getProcessBlacklist().contains(name)) {
          ProcessBriefType p = wpsf.createProcessBriefType();

    // sort it
        new Comparator() {

          public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
            ProcessBriefType pb1 = (ProcessBriefType) o1;
            ProcessBriefType pb2 = (ProcessBriefType) o2;

            final String id1 = pb1.getIdentifier().getValue();
            final String id2 = pb2.getIdentifier().getValue();
            return id1.compareTo(id2);

    LanguagesType1 languages = wpsf.createLanguagesType1();

    DefaultType2 defaultLanguage = wpsf.createDefaultType2();

    LanguagesType supportedLanguages = wpsf.createLanguagesType();

    return caps;
    // Version detection and alternative invocation if being implemented.

   * Checks if our WPS can really handle this process inputs and outputs
   * @param pf
   * @param name
   * @return
  Set<Name> getProcessBlacklist() {
    synchronized (PROCESS_BLACKLIST) {
      if (PROCESS_BLACKLIST == Collections.EMPTY_SET) {

        Set<Name> blacklist = new HashSet<Name>();

        for (ProcessFactory pf : Processors.getProcessFactories()) {
          int count = 0;
          for (Name name : pf.getNames()) {
            try {
              // check inputs
              for (Parameter<?> p : pf.getParameterInfo(name).values()) {
                List<ProcessParameterIO> ppios = ProcessParameterIO.findAll(p, context);
                if (ppios.isEmpty()) {
                      "Blacklisting process "
                          + name.getURI()
                          + " as the input "
                          + p.key
                          + " of type "
                          + p.type
                          + " cannot be handled");

              // check outputs
              for (Parameter<?> p : pf.getResultInfo(name, null).values()) {
                List<ProcessParameterIO> ppios = ProcessParameterIO.findAll(p, context);
                if (ppios.isEmpty()) {
                      "Blacklisting process "
                          + name.getURI()
                          + " as the output "
                          + p.key
                          + " of type "
                          + p.type
                          + " cannot be handled");
            } catch (Throwable t) {

            if (!blacklist.contains(name)) {
"Found " + count + " bindable processes in " + pf.getTitle());

        PROCESS_BLACKLIST = blacklist;


  ResponsiblePartySubsetType responsibleParty(GeoServerInfo global, Ows11Factory f) {
    ResponsiblePartySubsetType rp = f.createResponsiblePartySubsetType();
    return rp;
 * <code>GeoServer</code> users/groups security service, backed by <a
 * href="">CSI</a> <code>IRIDE</code> service <code>JUnit</code> Test.
 * @author "Simone Cornacchia - [email protected], [email protected]
 *     (CSI:71740)"
    locations = {
public final class IrideUserGroupServiceTest {

  /** Logger. */
  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(IrideRoleServiceTest.class);

  private static final String SAMPLE_USER_WITH_NO_ROLES =
      "AAAAAA00A11M000U/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 32/IPA/20161027103359/2/uQ4hHIMEEruA6DGThS3EuA==";

  private File tempFolder;

   * Factory that creates a new, configured, {@link IrideAuthenticationProviderFactory} instance.
  @Autowired private IrideAuthenticationProviderFactory irideAuthenticationProviderFactory;

  /** Factory that creates a new, configured, {@link IrideRoleService} instance. */
  @Autowired private IrideRoleServiceFactory irideRoleServiceFactory;

  /** Factory that creates a new, configured, {@link IrideRoleService} instance. */
  @Autowired private IrideUserGroupServiceFactory irideUserGroupServiceFactory;

  private IrideSecurityProvider securityProvider;

  private IrideUserGroupServiceConfig config;

  /** @throws java.lang.Exception */
  public void setUp() throws Exception {
    this.tempFolder = File.createTempFile("iride", "test");

        new GeoServerSecurityManager(
            new GeoServerDataDirectory(new GeoServerResourceLoader(this.tempFolder))));
    this.securityProvider =
        new IrideSecurityProvider(

    this.config = new IrideUserGroupServiceConfig();

  /** @throws java.lang.Exception */
  public void tearDown() throws Exception {

  // TODO: implement other tests

   * Test method for {@link}.
   * @throws IOException
  public void testCannotCreateStore() throws IOException {
    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testCannotCreateStore");

    assertThat(false, is(this.createUserGroupService().canCreateStore()));

    LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testCannotCreateStore");

   * Test method for {@link}.
   * @throws IOException
  public void testCreateStoreReturnsNull() throws IOException {
    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testCreateStoreReturnsNull");

    assertThat(this.createUserGroupService().createStore(), is(nullValue()));

    LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testCreateStoreReturnsNull");

   * Test method for {@link
   *, boolean)}.
   * @throws IOException
  public void testCreateUserObjectSpecializedForIride() throws IOException {
    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testCreateUserObjectSpecializedForIride");

    final String password = "******";
    final boolean isEnabled = true;

    final GeoServerUser user =
            .createUserObject(SAMPLE_USER_WITH_NO_ROLES, password, isEnabled);"User: "******"testCreateUserObjectSpecializedForIride");

   * Test method for {@link
   * @throws IOException
  @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
  public void testGetUserByUsernameForSampleUserWithInvalidServerURL() throws IOException {
        new Object[] {SAMPLE_USER_WITH_NO_ROLES, this.config});


    try {
      final GeoServerUser user =

      assertThat(user, is(nullValue()));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testGetUserByUsernameForSampleUserWithInvalidServerURL");

   * @param string
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
  private IrideUserGroupService createUserGroupService() throws IOException {
    return (IrideUserGroupService) this.securityProvider.createUserGroupService(this.config);
Esempio n. 19
 * <code>IRIDE</code> Digital Identity utilities <code>JUnit</code> Test Case.
 * @author "Simone Cornacchia - [email protected], [email protected]
 *     (CSI:71740)"
public final class IrideSecurityUtilsTest {

  /** Logger. */
  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(IrideSecurityUtilsTest.class);

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotInvalidIrideIdentity() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotInvalidIrideIdentity", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(false));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotInvalidIrideIdentity");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithNullValue() {
    final String value = null;

    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithNullValue", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithNullValue");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithBlankValue() {
    final String value = BLANK;

    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithBlankValue", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithBlankValue");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithEmptyValue() {
    final String value = EMPTY;

    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithEmptyValue", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithEmptyValue");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithUnrecognizedValue() {
    final String value = "UNRECOGNIZED_VALUE";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithUnrecognizedValue", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithUnrecognizedValue");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingCodiceFiscaleToken() {
    final String value = "AAAAAA00B77B000F";

    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingCodiceFiscaleToken");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingNomeToken() {
    final String value = "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingNomeToken", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingNomeToken");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingCognomeToken() {
    final String value = "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingCognomeToken", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingCognomeToken");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingIdProviderToken() {
    final String value = "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingIdProviderToken", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingIdProviderToken");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingTimestampToken() {
    final String value = "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingTimestampToken", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingTimestampToken");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingLivelloAutenticazioneToken() {
    final String value = "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2";

    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingMacToken() {
    final String value = "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingMacToken", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMissingMacToken");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCodiceFiscaleEmpty() {
    final String value = "/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCodiceFiscaleEmpty", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCodiceFiscaleEmpty");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCodiceFiscaleBlank() {
    final String value =
        BLANK + "/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCodiceFiscaleBlank", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCodiceFiscaleBlank");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCodiceFiscaleWithInvalidFormat() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00011D000L/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithNomeEmpty() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/" + EMPTY + "/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithNomeEmpty", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithNomeEmpty");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithNomeBlank() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/" + BLANK + "/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithNomeBlank", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithNomeBlank");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCognomeEmpty() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/" + EMPTY + "/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCognomeEmpty", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCognomeEmpty");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCognomeBlank() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/" + BLANK + "/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCognomeBlank", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCognomeBlank");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithIdProviderEmpty() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/"
            + EMPTY
            + "/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithIdProviderEmpty", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithIdProviderEmpty");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithIdProviderBlank() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/"
            + BLANK
            + "/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithIdProviderBlank", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithIdProviderBlank");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithTimestampEmpty() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/" + EMPTY + "/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithTimestampEmpty", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithTimestampEmpty");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithTimestampBlank() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/" + BLANK + "/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithTimestampBlank", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithTimestampBlank");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithTimestampWithInvalidFormat() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/201605311139/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithTimestampWithInvalidFormat");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithLivelloAutenticazioneEmpty() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/"
            + EMPTY
            + "/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithLivelloAutenticazioneEmpty");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithLivelloAutenticazioneBlank() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/"
            + BLANK
            + "/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithLivelloAutenticazioneBlank");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithLivelloAutenticazioneWithInvalidFormat() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/A/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithLivelloAutenticazioneValue0NotInRange() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/0/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithLivelloAutenticazioneValue3NotInRange() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/3/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMacEmpty() {
    final String value = "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/" + EMPTY;

    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMacEmpty", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMacEmpty");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMacBlank() {
    final String value = "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/" + BLANK;

    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMacBlank", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMacBlank");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMacOfInvalidLength() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMacOfInvalidLength", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithMacOfInvalidLength");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCodiceFiscaleWithInvalidFormatAndWithNomeEmpty() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00011D000L/" + EMPTY + "/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithCodiceFiscaleWithInvalidFormatAndWithNomeBlank() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00011D000L/" + BLANK + "/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithAllNullTokens() {
    final String value =
        null + "/" + null + "/" + null + "/" + null + "/" + null + "/" + null + "/" + null;

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithAllNullTokens", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithAllNullTokens");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithAllEmptyTokens() {
    final String value =
        EMPTY + "/" + EMPTY + "/" + EMPTY + "/" + EMPTY + "/" + EMPTY + "/" + EMPTY + "/" + EMPTY;

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithAllEmptyTokens", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithAllEmptyTokens");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithAllBlankTokens() {
    final String value =
        BLANK + "/" + BLANK + "/" + BLANK + "/" + BLANK + "/" + BLANK + "/" + BLANK + "/" + BLANK;

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithAllBlankTokens", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isNotValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsNotValidIrideIdentityWithAllBlankTokens");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsValidIrideIdentity() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00B77B000F/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 20/IPA/20160531113948/2/1IQssTaf4vNMa66qU52m7g==";

    LOGGER.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsValidIrideIdentity", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsValidIrideIdentity");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsValidIrideIdentityWithComplexMacToken() {
    final String value =
        "AAAAAA00A11D000L/CSI PIEMONTE/DEMO 23/IPA/20150223095441/2//VZjBdhZTwU+/7AUMNSHjQ==";

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsValidIrideIdentityWithComplexMacToken", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
      LOGGER.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "testIsValidIrideIdentityWithComplexMacToken");

   * Test method for {@link
  public void testIsValidIrideIdentityWithRealisticDigitalIdentity() {
    final String value =

        this.getClass().getName(), "testIsValidIrideIdentityWithRealisticDigitalIdentity", value);
    try {
      final boolean result = IrideSecurityUtils.isValidIrideIdentity(value);

      assertThat(result, is(true));
    } finally {
          this.getClass().getName(), "testIsValidIrideIdentityWithRealisticDigitalIdentity");
Esempio n. 20
 * A driver for the GeoTIFF format.
 * @author Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions
 * @author Jody Garnett
 * @source $URL:
 *     $
public class GeoTiffDriver extends DefaultFileDriver implements FileDriver {

  /** Logger. */
  private static final Logger LOGGER =

  /** {@link Set} of supported extensions for tiff world files. */
  static final Set<String> TIFF_WORLD_FILE_EXT;

  static final boolean JAIAvailable;
  static final boolean TiffAvailable;
  static ImageReaderSpi readerSpi;
  static ImageWriterSpi writerSpi;

  static {
    // check if we have JAI and or ImageIO

    // if these classes are here, then the runtine environment has
    // access to JAI and the JAI ImageI/O toolbox.
    boolean available = true;
    try {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
      available = false;
    JAIAvailable = available;

    available = true;
    try {
      Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("");
      readerSpi = (ImageReaderSpi) clazz.newInstance();
      Class<?> clazz1 = Class.forName("");
      writerSpi = (ImageWriterSpi) clazz1.newInstance();

    } catch (Throwable e) {
      if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
      readerSpi = null;
      writerSpi = null;
      available = false;
    TiffAvailable = available;

    final HashSet<String> tempSet = new HashSet<String>(2);
    TIFF_WORLD_FILE_EXT = Collections.unmodifiableSet(tempSet);

  public GeoTiffDriver() {

  /** Creates a new instance of GeoTiffAccessFactory. */
  public GeoTiffDriver(Hints hints) {
        "Tagged Image File Format with Geographic information",
        "Tagged Image File Format with Geographic information",
        Arrays.asList("tiff", "tif"));

   * Informs the caller whether the libraries required by the GeoTiff reader are installed or not.
   * @return availability of the GeoTiff format.
  public boolean isAvailable() {
    return TiffAvailable;

  protected boolean canConnect(URL url, Map<String, Serializable> params) {
    if (url == null) {
      return false;
    ImageInputStream inputStream = null;
    Object source = null;
    try {
      // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // URL management
      // In case the URL points to a file we need to get to the file
      // directly and avoid caching. In case it points to http or ftp
      // or it is an open stream we have very small to do and we need
      // to enable caching.
      // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      if (url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("file")) {
        File file = urlToFile(url);
        if (file.exists() && file.canRead() && file.isFile()) {
          // setting source
          source = file;
        } else {
          return false;
      } else if (url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("http")
          || url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("ftp")) {
        source = url.openStream();
      } else {
        return false;

      // get a stream
      inputStream =
              ((source instanceof ImageInputStream)
                  ? source
                  : ImageIO.createImageInputStream(source));
      if (inputStream == null) {
        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) LOGGER.fine("Unable to get an ImageInputStream");
        return false;
      // get a reader and check if it is a geotiff

      // tiff
      if (!readerSpi.canDecodeInput(inputStream)) {
        return false;
      return true;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
      return false;
    } finally {
      if (inputStream != null) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
      if (source != null && (source instanceof InputStream)) {
        try {
          ((InputStream) source).close();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

  protected CoverageAccess connect(
      URL source, Map<String, Serializable> params, Hints hints, ProgressListener listener)
      throws IOException {
    final GeoTiffAccess retValue = new GeoTiffAccess(this, source, params, hints, listener, false);
    return retValue;

  protected CoverageAccess create(
      URL source, Map<String, Serializable> params, Hints hints, ProgressListener listener)
      throws IOException {
    return new GeoTiffAccess(this, source, params, hints, listener, true);

  /** GeoTiffDriver supports the creation of new files. */
  protected boolean canCreate(URL url, Map<String, Serializable> params) {
    File file = toFile(url);
    if (file == null) {
      return false; // not a file
    // check if we are trying to create a new geotiff
    if (file.exists()) {
      return false;
    } else {
      // if it does not exist let's see if we could ever create it
      // the best way to check I came up with has been
      final File parent = file.getParentFile();
      return parent != null && parent.isDirectory() && parent.canWrite();

   * Subclass can override to describe the parameters required to create a new Covearge.
   * @return
  protected Map<String, Parameter<?>> defineCreateParameterInfo() {
    HashMap<String, Parameter<?>> info = new HashMap<String, Parameter<?>>();
    info.put(URL.key, URL);
    return info;

  public EnumSet<DriverOperation> getDriverCapabilities() {
    return EnumSet.of(DriverOperation.CONNECT, DriverOperation.CREATE);
Esempio n. 21
 * Initializes GeoServer configuration and catalog on startup.
 * <p>This class post processes the singleton beans {@link Catalog} and {@link GeoServer},
 * populating them from stored configuration.
 * @author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project
public abstract class GeoServerLoader {

  static Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger("org.geoserver");

  protected GeoServerResourceLoader resourceLoader;
  GeoServer geoserver;
  XStreamPersisterFactory xpf = new XStreamPersisterFactory();

  // JD: this is a hack for the moment, it is used only to maintain tests since the test setup
  // relies
  // on the old data directory structure, once the tests have been ported to the new structure
  // this ugly hack can die
  static boolean legacy = false;

  public GeoServerLoader(GeoServerResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
    this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;

  public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
    GeoserverDataDirectory.init((WebApplicationContext) applicationContext);

  public void setXStreamPeristerFactory(XStreamPersisterFactory xpf) {
    this.xpf = xpf;

  public static void setLegacy(boolean legacy) {
    GeoServerLoader.legacy = legacy;

  public final Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
      throws BeansException {
    return bean;

  public final Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
      throws BeansException {
    if (bean instanceof Catalog) {
      // ensure this is not a wrapper but the real deal
      if (bean instanceof Wrapper && ((Wrapper) bean).isWrapperFor(Catalog.class)) {
        return bean;

      // load
      try {
        Catalog catalog = (Catalog) bean;
        XStreamPersister xp = xpf.createXMLPersister();
        loadCatalog(catalog, xp);

        // initialize styles
        initializeStyles(catalog, xp);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    if (bean instanceof GeoServer) {
      geoserver = (GeoServer) bean;
      try {
        XStreamPersister xp = xpf.createXMLPersister();
        loadGeoServer(geoserver, xp);

        // load initializers
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
      // initialize();

    return bean;

  protected abstract void loadCatalog(Catalog catalog, XStreamPersister xp) throws Exception;

  protected abstract void loadGeoServer(final GeoServer geoServer, XStreamPersister xp)
      throws Exception;

  protected void loadInitializers(GeoServer geoServer) throws Exception {
    // load initializer extensions
    List<GeoServerInitializer> initializers =
    for (GeoServerInitializer initer : initializers) {
      try {
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to run initializer " + initer, t);

   * Does some post processing on the catalog to ensure that the "well-known" styles are always
   * around.
  protected void initializeStyles(Catalog catalog, XStreamPersister xp) throws IOException {
    if (catalog.getStyleByName(StyleInfo.DEFAULT_POINT) == null) {
      initializeStyle(catalog, StyleInfo.DEFAULT_POINT, "default_point.sld");
    if (catalog.getStyleByName(StyleInfo.DEFAULT_LINE) == null) {
      initializeStyle(catalog, StyleInfo.DEFAULT_LINE, "default_line.sld");
    if (catalog.getStyleByName(StyleInfo.DEFAULT_POLYGON) == null) {
      initializeStyle(catalog, StyleInfo.DEFAULT_POLYGON, "default_line.sld");
    if (catalog.getStyleByName(StyleInfo.DEFAULT_RASTER) == null) {
      initializeStyle(catalog, StyleInfo.DEFAULT_RASTER, "default_raster.sld");

  /** Copies a well known style out to the data directory and adds a catalog entry for it. */
  void initializeStyle(Catalog catalog, String styleName, String sld) throws IOException {

    // copy the file out to the data directory if necessary
    if (resourceLoader.find("styles", sld) == null) {
          new File(resourceLoader.findOrCreateDirectory("styles"), sld));

    // create a style for it
    StyleInfo s = catalog.getFactory().createStyle();

  public void reload() throws Exception {

    // reload catalog, make sure we reload the underlying catalog, not any wrappers
    Catalog catalog = geoserver.getCatalog();
    if (catalog instanceof Wrapper) {
      catalog = ((Wrapper) geoserver.getCatalog()).unwrap(Catalog.class);

    XStreamPersister xp = xpf.createXMLPersister();

    loadCatalog(catalog, xp);
    loadGeoServer(geoserver, xp);

  protected void readCatalog(Catalog catalog, XStreamPersister xp) throws Exception {
    // we are going to synch up the catalogs and need to preserve listeners,
    // but these two fellas are attached to the new catalog as well
    List<CatalogListener> listeners = new ArrayList<CatalogListener>(catalog.getListeners());

    // look for catalog.xml, if it exists assume we are dealing with
    // an old data directory
    File f = resourceLoader.find("catalog.xml");
    if (f == null) {
      // assume 2.x style data directory
      CatalogImpl catalog2 = (CatalogImpl) readCatalog(xp);
      // make to remove the old resource pool catalog listener
      ((CatalogImpl) catalog).sync(catalog2);
    } else {
      // import old style catalog, register the persister now so that we start
      // with a new version of the catalog
      CatalogImpl catalog2 = (CatalogImpl) readLegacyCatalog(f, xp);
      ((CatalogImpl) catalog).sync(catalog2);

    // attach back the old listeners
    for (CatalogListener listener : listeners) {

  /** Reads the catalog from disk. */
  Catalog readCatalog(XStreamPersister xp) throws Exception {
    CatalogImpl catalog = new CatalogImpl();

    CatalogFactory factory = catalog.getFactory();

    // global styles
    loadStyles(resourceLoader.find("styles"), catalog, xp);

    // workspaces, stores, and resources
    File workspaces = resourceLoader.find("workspaces");
    if (workspaces != null) {
      // do a first quick scan over all workspaces, setting the default
      File dws = new File(workspaces, "default.xml");
      WorkspaceInfo defaultWorkspace = null;
      if (dws.exists()) {
        try {
          defaultWorkspace = depersist(xp, dws, WorkspaceInfo.class);
"Loaded default workspace " + defaultWorkspace.getName());
        } catch (Exception e) {
          LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load default workspace", e);
      } else {
        LOGGER.warning("No default workspace was found.");

      for (File wsd : list(workspaces, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) {
        File f = new File(wsd, "workspace.xml");
        if (!f.exists()) {

        WorkspaceInfo ws = null;
        try {
          ws = depersist(xp, f, WorkspaceInfo.class);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load workspace '" + wsd.getName() + "'", e);
        }"Loaded workspace '" + ws.getName() + "'");

        // load the namespace
        File nsf = new File(wsd, "namespace.xml");
        NamespaceInfo ns = null;
        if (nsf.exists()) {
          try {
            ns = depersist(xp, nsf, NamespaceInfo.class);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load namespace for '" + wsd.getName() + "'", e);

        // set the default workspace, this value might be null in the case of coming from a
        // 2.0.0 data directory. See
        if (defaultWorkspace != null) {
          if (ws.getName().equals(defaultWorkspace.getName())) {
            if (ns != null) {
        } else {
          // create the default.xml file
          defaultWorkspace = catalog.getDefaultWorkspace();
          if (defaultWorkspace != null) {
            try {
              persist(xp, defaultWorkspace, dws);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                  Level.WARNING, "Failed to persist default workspace '" + wsd.getName() + "'", e);

        // load the styles for the workspace
        File styles = resourceLoader.find(wsd, "styles");
        if (styles != null) {
          loadStyles(styles, catalog, xp);

      for (File wsd : list(workspaces, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) {

        // load the stores for this workspace
        for (File sd : list(wsd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) {
          File f = new File(sd, "datastore.xml");
          if (f.exists()) {
            // load as a datastore
            DataStoreInfo ds = null;
            try {
              ds = depersist(xp, f, DataStoreInfo.class);

    "Loaded data store '" + ds.getName() + "'");

              if (ds.isEnabled()) {
                // connect to the datastore to determine if we should disable it
                try {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                  LOGGER.warning("Error connecting to '" + ds.getName() + "'. Disabling.");
                  LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "", t);

            } catch (Exception e) {
              LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load data store '" + sd.getName() + "'", e);

            // load feature types
            for (File ftd : list(sd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) {
              f = new File(ftd, "featuretype.xml");
              if (f.exists()) {
                FeatureTypeInfo ft = null;
                try {
                  ft = depersist(xp, f, FeatureTypeInfo.class);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                      Level.WARNING, "Failed to load feature type '" + ftd.getName() + "'", e);


      "Loaded feature type '" + ds.getName() + "'");

                f = new File(ftd, "layer.xml");
                if (f.exists()) {
                  try {
                    LayerInfo l = depersist(xp, f, LayerInfo.class);

          "Loaded layer '" + l.getName() + "'");
                  } catch (Exception e) {
                        "Failed to load layer for feature type '" + ft.getName() + "'",
              } else {
                LOGGER.warning("Ignoring feature type directory " + ftd.getAbsolutePath());
          } else {
            // look for a coverage store
            f = new File(sd, "coveragestore.xml");
            if (f.exists()) {
              CoverageStoreInfo cs = null;
              try {
                cs = depersist(xp, f, CoverageStoreInfo.class);

      "Loaded coverage store '" + cs.getName() + "'");
              } catch (Exception e) {
                    Level.WARNING, "Failed to load coverage store '" + sd.getName() + "'", e);

              // load coverages
              for (File cd : list(sd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) {
                f = new File(cd, "coverage.xml");
                if (f.exists()) {
                  CoverageInfo c = null;
                  try {
                    c = depersist(xp, f, CoverageInfo.class);

          "Loaded coverage '" + cs.getName() + "'");
                  } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load coverage '" + cd.getName() + "'", e);

                  f = new File(cd, "layer.xml");
                  if (f.exists()) {
                    try {
                      LayerInfo l = depersist(xp, f, LayerInfo.class);

            "Loaded layer '" + l.getName() + "'");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                          Level.WARNING, "Failed to load layer coverage '" + c.getName() + "'", e);
                } else {
                  LOGGER.warning("Ignoring coverage directory " + cd.getAbsolutePath());
            } else {
              f = new File(sd, "wmsstore.xml");
              if (f.exists()) {
                WMSStoreInfo wms = null;
                try {
                  wms = depersist(xp, f, WMSStoreInfo.class);

        "Loaded wmsstore '" + wms.getName() + "'");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                  LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load wms store '" + sd.getName() + "'", e);

                // load wms layers
                for (File cd : list(sd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) {
                  f = new File(cd, "wmslayer.xml");
                  if (f.exists()) {
                    WMSLayerInfo wl = null;
                    try {
                      wl = depersist(xp, f, WMSLayerInfo.class);

            "Loaded wms layer'" + wl.getName() + "'");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                          Level.WARNING, "Failed to load wms layer '" + cd.getName() + "'", e);

                    f = new File(cd, "layer.xml");
                    if (f.exists()) {
                      try {
                        LayerInfo l = depersist(xp, f, LayerInfo.class);

              "Loaded layer '" + l.getName() + "'");
                      } catch (Exception e) {
                            "Failed to load cascaded wms layer '" + wl.getName() + "'",
                  } else {
                    LOGGER.warning("Ignoring coverage directory " + cd.getAbsolutePath());
              } else if (!isConfigDirectory(sd)) {
                LOGGER.warning("Ignoring store directory '" + sd.getName() + "'");

        // load hte layer groups for this workspace
        File layergroups = resourceLoader.find(wsd, "layergroups");
        if (layergroups != null) {
          loadLayerGroups(layergroups, catalog, xp);
    } else {
      LOGGER.warning("No 'workspaces' directory found, unable to load any stores.");

    // namespaces

    // layergroups
    File layergroups = resourceLoader.find("layergroups");
    if (layergroups != null) {
      loadLayerGroups(layergroups, catalog, xp);
    return catalog;

   * Some config directories in GeoServer are used to store workspace specific configurations,
   * identify them so that we don't log complaints about their existence
   * @param f
   * @return
  private boolean isConfigDirectory(File dir) {
    String name = dir.getName();
    boolean result = "styles".equals(name) || "layergroups".equals(name);
    return result;

  /** Reads the legacy (1.x) catalog from disk. */
  Catalog readLegacyCatalog(File f, XStreamPersister xp) throws Exception {
    Catalog catalog2 = new CatalogImpl();

    // add listener now as a converter which will convert from the old style
    // data directory to the new
    GeoServerPersister p = new GeoServerPersister(resourceLoader, xp);
    if (!legacy) {

    LegacyCatalogImporter importer = new LegacyCatalogImporter(catalog2);

    if (!legacy) {

    if (!legacy) {
      // copy files from old feature type directories to new
      File featureTypesDir = resourceLoader.find("featureTypes");
      if (featureTypesDir != null) {
        LegacyCatalogReader creader = new LegacyCatalogReader();;
        Map<String, Map<String, Object>> dataStores = creader.dataStores();

        for (File featureTypeDir : featureTypesDir.listFiles()) {
          if (!featureTypeDir.isDirectory()) {

          File featureTypeInfo = new File(featureTypeDir, "info.xml");
          if (!featureTypeInfo.exists()) {

          LegacyFeatureTypeInfoReader reader = new LegacyFeatureTypeInfoReader();

          Map<String, Object> dataStore = dataStores.get(reader.dataStore());
          if (dataStore == null) {

          String namespace = (String) dataStore.get("namespace");
          File destFeatureTypeDir =
              resourceLoader.find("workspaces", namespace, reader.dataStore(),;
          if (destFeatureTypeDir != null) {
            // copy all the files over
            for (File file : featureTypeDir.listFiles()) {
              if (file.isFile() && !featureTypeInfo.equals(file)) {
                FileUtils.copyFile(file, new File(destFeatureTypeDir, file.getName()));

      // rename catalog.xml
      f.renameTo(new File(f.getParentFile(), "catalog.xml.old"));

    return catalog2;

  protected void readConfiguration(GeoServer geoServer, XStreamPersister xp) throws Exception {
    // look for services.xml, if it exists assume we are dealing with
    // an old data directory
    File f = resourceLoader.find("services.xml");
    if (f == null) {
      // assume 2.x style
      f = resourceLoader.find("global.xml");
      if (f != null) {
        GeoServerInfo global = depersist(xp, f, GeoServerInfo.class);

      // load logging
      f = resourceLoader.find("logging.xml");
      if (f != null) {
        LoggingInfo logging = depersist(xp, f, LoggingInfo.class);

      // load workspace specific settings
      File workspaces = resourceLoader.find("workspaces");
      if (workspaces != null) {
        for (File dir : workspaces.listFiles()) {
          if (!dir.isDirectory() && !dir.isHidden()) continue;

          f = resourceLoader.find(dir, "settings.xml");
          if (f != null) {
            SettingsInfo settings = depersist(xp, f, SettingsInfo.class);

      // load services
      final List<XStreamServiceLoader> loaders =
      loadServices(null, loaders, geoServer);

      // load services specific to workspace
      if (workspaces != null) {
        for (File dir : workspaces.listFiles()) {
          if (!dir.isDirectory() && !dir.isHidden()) continue;

          loadServices(dir, loaders, geoServer);

    } else {
      // add listener now as a converter which will convert from the old style
      // data directory to the new
      GeoServerPersister p = new GeoServerPersister(resourceLoader, xp);

      // import old style services.xml
      new LegacyConfigurationImporter(geoServer).imprt(resourceLoader.getBaseDirectory());


      // rename the services.xml file
      f.renameTo(new File(f.getParentFile(), "services.xml.old"));

  void loadStyles(File styles, Catalog catalog, XStreamPersister xp) {
    for (File sf : list(styles, new SuffixFileFilter(".xml"))) {
      try {
        // handle the .xml.xml case
        if (new File(styles, sf.getName() + ".xml").exists()) {

        StyleInfo s = depersist(xp, sf, StyleInfo.class);
        catalog.add(s);"Loaded style '" + s.getName() + "'");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load style from file '" + sf.getName() + "'", e);

  void loadLayerGroups(File layergroups, Catalog catalog, XStreamPersister xp) {
    for (File lgf : list(layergroups, new SuffixFileFilter(".xml"))) {
      try {
        LayerGroupInfo lg = depersist(xp, lgf, LayerGroupInfo.class);
        if (lg.getLayers() == null || lg.getLayers().size() == 0) {
          LOGGER.warning("Skipping empty layer group '" + lg.getName() + "', it is invalid");
        catalog.add(lg);"Loaded layer group '" + lg.getName() + "'");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load layer group '" + lgf.getName() + "'", e);

  void loadServices(File directory, List<XStreamServiceLoader> loaders, GeoServer geoServer) {
    for (XStreamServiceLoader<ServiceInfo> l : loaders) {
      try {
        ServiceInfo s = l.load(geoServer, directory);
        if (directory != null && s.getWorkspace() == null) continue;

            "Loaded service '" + s.getId() + "', " + (s.isEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
      } catch (Throwable t) {
            "Failed to load the service configuration in directory: " + directory.getPath(),

  /** Helper method which uses xstream to persist an object as xml on disk. */
  void persist(XStreamPersister xp, Object obj, File f) throws Exception {
    BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));, out);

  /** Helper method which uses xstream to depersist an object as xml from disk. */
  <T> T depersist(XStreamPersister xp, File f, Class<T> clazz) throws IOException {
    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
    try {
      return xp.load(in, clazz);
    } finally {

  /** Helper method for listing files in a directory. */
  Collection<File> list(File d, IOFileFilter filter) {
    if (d == null) {
      return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
    ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList();
    for (File f : d.listFiles()) {
      if (filter.accept(f)) {
    return files;

  public void destroy() throws Exception {
    // dispose
Esempio n. 22
 * A registry for factories, organized by categories (usualy by <strong>interface</strong>). For
 * example <code>{@linkplain}.class</code> is a category, and
 * <code>{@linkplain org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransformFactory}.class</code> is an
 * other category.
 * <p>For each category, implementations are registered in a file placed in the {@code
 * META-INF/services/} directory, as specified in the {@link ServiceRegistry} javadoc. Those files
 * are usually bundled into the JAR file distributed by the vendor. If the same {@code
 * META-INF/services/} file appears many time in different JARs, they are processed as if their
 * content were merged.
 * <p>Example use:
 * <blockquote>
 * <code>
 * Set&lt;Class&lt;?&gt;&gt; categories =
 *     Collections.singleton(new Class&lt;?&gt;[] {<br>
 * &npsp;&npsp;&npsp;&npsp;MathTransformProvider.class<br>
 * });<br>
 * FactoryRegistry registry = new FactoryRegistry(categories);<br>
 * <br>
 * // get the providers<br>
 * Filter filter = null;<br>
 * Hints hints = null;<br>
 * Iterator&lt;MathTransform&gt; providers =
 *     registry.getServiceProviders(MathTransformProvider.class, filter, hints);<br>
 * </code>
 * </blockquote>
 * <p><strong>NOTE: This class is not thread safe</strong>. Users are responsable for
 * synchronisation. This is usually done in an utility class wrapping this service registry (e.g.
 * {@link org.geotools.referencing.ReferencingFactoryFinder}).
 * @since 2.1
 * @source $URL$
 * @version $Id$
 * @author Martin Desruisseaux
 * @author Richard Gould
 * @author Jody Garnett
 * @see org.geotools.referencing.ReferencingFactoryFinder
 * @see org.geotools.coverage.CoverageFactoryFinder
public class FactoryRegistry extends ServiceRegistry {
  /** The logger for all events related to factory registry. */
  protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger("org.geotools.factory");

  /** The logger level for debug messages. */
  private static final Level DEBUG_LEVEL = Level.FINEST;

   * A copy of the global configuration defined through {@link FactoryIteratorProviders} static
   * methods. We keep a copy in every {@code FactoryRegistry} instance in order to compare against
   * the master {@link FactoryIteratorProviders#GLOBAL} and detect if the configuration changed
   * since the last time this registry was used.
   * @see #synchronizeIteratorProviders
  private final FactoryIteratorProviders globalConfiguration = new FactoryIteratorProviders();

   * The set of category that need to be scanned for plugins, or {@code null} if none. On
   * initialization, all categories need to be scanned for plugins. After a category has been first
   * used, it is removed from this set so we don't scan for plugins again.
  private Set<Class<?>> needScanForPlugins;

   * Categories under scanning. This is used by {@link #scanForPlugins(Collection,Class)} as a guard
   * against infinite recursivity (i.e. when a factory to be scanned request an other dependency of
   * the same category).
  private final RecursionCheckingHelper scanningCategories = new RecursionCheckingHelper();

   * Factories under testing for availability. This is used by {@link #isAvailable} as a guard
   * against infinite recursivity.
  private final RecursionCheckingHelper testingAvailability = new RecursionCheckingHelper();

   * Factories under testing for hints compatibility. This is used by {@link #usesAcceptableHints}
   * as a guard against infinite recursivity.
  private final RecursionCheckingHelper testingHints = new RecursionCheckingHelper();

   * Constructs a new registry for the specified category.
   * @param category The single category.
   * @since 2.4
  public FactoryRegistry(final Class<?> category) {
    this((Collection) Collections.singleton(category));

   * Constructs a new registry for the specified categories.
   * @param categories The categories.
   * @since 2.4
  public FactoryRegistry(final Class<?>[] categories) {

   * Constructs a new registry for the specified categories.
   * @param categories The categories.
  public FactoryRegistry(final Collection<Class<?>> categories) {
    for (final Iterator<Class<?>> it = getCategories(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      if (needScanForPlugins == null) {
        needScanForPlugins = new HashSet<Class<?>>();

   * Returns the providers in the registry for the specified category, filter and hints. Providers
   * that are not {@linkplain OptionalFactory#isAvailable available} will be ignored. This method
   * will {@linkplain #scanForPlugins() scan for plugins} the first time it is invoked for the given
   * category.
   * @param <T> The class represented by the {@code category} argument.
   * @param category The category to look for. Usually an interface class (not the actual
   *     implementation class).
   * @param filter The optional filter, or {@code null}.
   * @param hints The optional user requirements, or {@code null}.
   * @return Factories ready to use for the specified category, filter and hints.
   * @since 2.3
  public synchronized <T> Iterator<T> getServiceProviders(
      final Class<T> category, final Filter filter, final Hints hints) {
     * The implementation of this method is very similar to the 'getUnfilteredProviders'
     * one except for filter handling. See the comments in 'getUnfilteredProviders' for
     * more implementation details.
    if (scanningCategories.contains(category)) {
      // Please note you will get errors here if you accidentally allow
      // more than one thread to use your FactoryRegistry at a time.
      throw new RecursiveSearchException(category);
    final Filter hintsFilter =
        new Filter() {
          public boolean filter(final Object provider) {
            return isAcceptable(category.cast(provider), category, hints, filter);
    return getServiceProviders(category, hintsFilter, true);

   * Implementation of {@link #getServiceProviders(Class, Filter, Hints)} without the filtering
   * applied by the {@link #isAcceptable(Object, Class, Hints, Filter)} method. If this filtering is
   * not already presents in the filter given to this method, then it must be applied on the
   * elements returned by the iterator. The later is preferrable when:
   * <p>
   * <ul>
   *   <li>There is some cheaper tests to perform before {@code isAcceptable}.
   *   <li>We don't want a restrictive filter in order to avoid trigging a classpath scan if this
   *       method doesn't found any element to iterate.
   * </ul>
   * <p><b>Note:</b> {@link #synchronizeIteratorProviders} should also be invoked once before this
   * method.
   * @todo Use Hints to match Constructor.
  final <T> Iterator<T> getUnfilteredProviders(final Class<T> category) {
     * If the map is not empty, then this mean that a scanning is under progress, i.e.
     * 'scanForPlugins' is currently being executed. This is okay as long as the user
     * is not asking for one of the categories under scanning. Otherwise, the answer
     * returned by 'getServiceProviders' would be incomplete because not all plugins
     * have been found yet. This can lead to some bugs hard to spot because this methoud
     * could complete normally but return the wrong plugin. It is safer to thrown an
     * exception so the user is advised that something is wrong.
    if (scanningCategories.contains(category)) {
      throw new RecursiveSearchException(category);
    return getServiceProviders(category, true);

   * Returns the first provider in the registry for the specified category, using the specified map
   * of hints (if any). This method may {@linkplain #scanForPlugins scan for plugins} the first time
   * it is invoked. Except as a result of this scan, no new provider instance is created by the
   * default implementation of this method. The {@link FactoryCreator} class change this behavior
   * however.
   * @param  <T> The class represented by the {@code category} argument.
   * @param category The category to look for. Must be one of the categories declared to the
   *     constructor. Usually an interface class (not the actual implementation class).
   * @param filter An optional filter, or {@code null} if none. This is used for example in order to
   *     select the first factory for some {@linkplain
   *     org.opengis.referencing.AuthorityFactory#getAuthority authority}.
   * @param hints A {@linkplain Hints map of hints}, or {@code null} if none.
   * @param key The key to use for looking for a user-provided instance in the hints, or {@code
   *     null} if none.
   * @return A factory {@linkplain OptionalFactory#isAvailable available} for use for the specified
   *     category and hints. The returns type is {@code Object} instead of {@link Factory} because
   *     the factory implementation doesn't need to be a Geotools one.
   * @throws FactoryNotFoundException if no factory was found for the specified category, filter and
   *     hints.
   * @throws FactoryRegistryException if a factory can't be returned for some other reason.
   * @see #getServiceProviders(Class, Filter, Hints)
   * @see FactoryCreator#getServiceProvider
  public <T> T getServiceProvider(
      final Class<T> category, final Filter filter, Hints hints, final Hints.Key key)
      throws FactoryRegistryException {
    final boolean debug = LOGGER.isLoggable(DEBUG_LEVEL);
    if (debug) {
       * We are not required to insert the method name ("GetServiceProvider") in the
       * message because it is part of the informations already stored by LogRecord,
       * and formatted by the default java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.
       * Conventions for the message part according java.util.logging.Logger javadoc:
       * - "ENTRY"  at the begining of a method.
       * - "RETURN" at the end of a method, if successful.
       * - "THROW"  in case of failure.
       * - "CHECK"  ... is our own addition to Sun's convention for this method ...
      debug("ENTRY", category, key, null, null);
    Class<?> implementation = null;
    if (key != null) {
       * Sanity check: make sure that the key class is appropriate for the category.
      final Class<?> valueClass = key.getValueClass();
      if (!category.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) {
        if (debug) {
          debug("THROW", category, key, "unexpected type:", valueClass);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.ILLEGAL_KEY_$1, key));
      if (hints != null) {
        final Object hint = hints.get(key);
        if (hint != null) {
          if (debug) {
            debug("CHECK", category, key, "user provided a", hint.getClass());
          if (category.isInstance(hint)) {
             * The factory implementation was given explicitly by the user.
             * Nothing to do; we are done.
            if (debug) {
              debug("RETURN", category, key, "return hint as provided.", null);
            return category.cast(hint);
           * Before to pass the hints to the private 'getServiceImplementation' method,
           * remove the hint for the user-supplied key.  This is because this hint has
           * been processed by this public 'getServiceProvider' method, and the policy
           * is to remove the processed hints before to pass them to child dependencies
           * (see the "Check recursively in factory dependencies" comment elswhere in
           * this class).
           * Use case: DefaultDataSourceTest invokes indirectly 'getServiceProvider'
           * with a "CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY = ThreadedEpsgFactory.class" hint. However
           * ThreadedEpsgFactory (in the org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg package)
           * is a wrapper around DirectEpsgFactory, and defines this dependency through
           * a "CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY = DirectEpsgFactory.class" hint. There is no way
           * to match this hint for both factories in same time. Since we must choose
           * one, we assume that the user is interrested in the most top level one and
           * discart this particular hint for the dependencies.
          hints = new Hints(hints);
          if (hints.remove(key) != hint) {
            // Should never happen except on concurrent modification in an other thread.
            throw new AssertionError(key);
           * If the user accepts many implementation classes, then try all of them in
           * the preference order given by the user. The last class (or the singleton
           * if the hint was not an array) will be tried using the "normal" path
           * (oustide the loop) in order to get the error message in case of failure.
          if (hint instanceof Class<?>[]) {
            final Class<?>[] types = (Class<?>[]) hint;
            final int length = types.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
              final Class<?> type = types[i];
              if (debug) {
                debug("CHECK", category, key, "consider hint[" + i + ']', type);
              final T candidate = getServiceImplementation(category, type, filter, hints);
              if (candidate != null) {
                if (debug) {
                  debug("RETURN", category, key, "found implementation", candidate.getClass());
                return candidate;
            if (length != 0) {
              implementation = types[length - 1]; // Last try to be done below.
          } else {
            implementation = (Class<?>) hint;
    if (debug && implementation != null) {
      debug("CHECK", category, key, "consider hint[last]", implementation);
    final T candidate = getServiceImplementation(category, implementation, filter, hints);
    if (candidate != null) {
      if (debug) {
        debug("RETURN", category, key, "found implementation", candidate.getClass());
      return candidate;
    if (debug) {
      debug("THROW", category, key, "could not find implementation.", null);
    throw new FactoryNotFoundException(
            ErrorKeys.FACTORY_NOT_FOUND_$1, implementation != null ? implementation : category));

   * Logs a debug message for {@link #getServiceProvider} method. Note: we are not required to
   * insert the method name ({@code "GetServiceProvider"}) in the message because it is part of the
   * informations already stored by {@link LogRecord}, and formatted by the default {@link
   * java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter}.
   * @param status {@code "ENTRY"}, {@code "RETURN"} or {@code "THROW"}, according {@link Logger}
   *     conventions.
   * @param category The category given to the {@link #getServiceProvider} method.
   * @param key The key being examined, or {@code null}.
   * @param message Optional message, or {@code null} if none.
   * @param type Optional class to format after the message, or {@code null}.
  private static void debug(
      final String status,
      final Class<?> category,
      final Hints.Key key,
      final String message,
      final Class type) {
    final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(status);
        .append(Utilities.spaces(Math.max(1, 7 - status.length())))
    if (key != null) {
      buffer.append(", ").append(key);
    if (message != null) {
      buffer.append(": ").append(message);
    if (type != null) {
      buffer.append(' ').append(Classes.getShortName(type)).append('.');
    final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(DEBUG_LEVEL, buffer.toString());

   * Searchs the first implementation in the registery matching the specified conditions. This
   * method is invoked only by the {@link #getServiceProvider(Class, Filter, Hints, Hints.Key)}
   * public method above; there is no recursivity there. This method do not creates new instance if
   * no matching factory is found.
   * @param category The category to look for. Usually an interface class.
   * @param implementation The desired class for the implementation, or {@code null} if none.
   * @param filter An optional filter, or {@code null} if none.
   * @param hints A {@linkplain Hints map of hints}, or {@code null} if none.
   * @return A factory for the specified category and hints, or {@code null} if none.
  private <T> T getServiceImplementation(
      final Class<T> category,
      final Class<?> implementation,
      final Filter filter,
      final Hints hints) {
    for (final Iterator<T> it = getUnfilteredProviders(category); it.hasNext(); ) {
      final T candidate =;
      // Implementation class must be tested before 'isAcceptable'
      // in order to avoid StackOverflowError in some situations.
      if (implementation != null && !implementation.isInstance(candidate)) {
      if (!isAcceptable(candidate, category, hints, filter)) {
      return candidate;
    final List<Reference<T>> cached = getCachedProviders(category);
    if (cached != null) {
       * Checks if a factory previously created by FactoryCreator could fit. This
       * block should never be executed if this instance is not a FactoryCreator.
      for (final Iterator<Reference<T>> it = cached.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        final T candidate =;
        if (candidate == null) {
        if (implementation != null && !implementation.isInstance(candidate)) {
        if (!isAcceptable(candidate, category, hints, filter)) {
        return candidate;
    return null;

   * Returns the providers available in the cache, or {@code null} if none. To be overridden by
   * {@link FactoryCreator} only.
  <T> List<Reference<T>> getCachedProviders(final Class<T> category) {
    return null;

   * Returns {@code true} is the specified {@code factory} meets the requirements specified by a map
   * of {@code hints} and the filter. This method is the entry point for the following public
   * methods:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>Singleton {@link #getServiceProvider (Class category, Filter, Hints, Hints.Key)}
   *   <li>Iterator {@link #getServiceProviders(Class category, Filter, Hints)}
   * </ul>
   * @param candidate The factory to checks.
   * @param category The factory category. Usually an interface.
   * @param hints The optional user requirements, or {@code null}.
   * @param filter The optional filter, or {@code null}.
   * @return {@code true} if the {@code factory} meets the user requirements.
  final <T> boolean isAcceptable(
      final T candidate, final Class<T> category, final Hints hints, final Filter filter) {
    if (filter != null && !filter.filter(candidate)) {
      return false;
     * Note: isAvailable(...) must be tested before checking the hints, because in current
     * Geotools implementation (especially DeferredAuthorityFactory), some hints computation
     * are deferred until a connection to the database is etablished (which 'isAvailable'
     * does in order to test the connection).
    if (!isAvailable(candidate)) {
      return false;
    if (hints != null) {
      if (candidate instanceof Factory) {
        if (!usesAcceptableHints((Factory) candidate, category, hints, (Set<Factory>) null)) {
          return false;
     * Checks for optional user conditions supplied in FactoryRegistry subclasses.
    return isAcceptable(candidate, category, hints);

   * Returns {@code true} is the specified {@code factory} meets the requirements specified by a map
   * of {@code hints}. This method checks only the hints; it doesn't check the {@link Filter}, the
   * {@linkplain OptionalFactory#isAvailable availability} or the user-overrideable {@link
   * #isAcceptable(Object, Class, Hints)} method. This method invokes itself recursively.
   * @param factory The factory to checks.
   * @param category The factory category. Usually an interface.
   * @param hints The user requirements ({@code null} not allowed).
   * @param alreadyDone Should be {@code null} except on recursive calls (for internal use only).
   * @return {@code true} if the {@code factory} meets the hints requirements.
  private boolean usesAcceptableHints(
      final Factory factory, final Class<?> category, final Hints hints, Set<Factory> alreadyDone) {
     * Ask for implementation hints with special care against infinite recursivity.
     * Some implementations use deferred algorithms fetching dependencies only when
     * first needed. The call to getImplementationHints() is sometime a trigger for
     * fetching dependencies (in order to return accurate hints).   For example the
     * BufferedCoordinateOperationFactory implementation asks for an other instance
     * of CoordinateOperationFactory, the instance to cache behind a buffer,  which
     * should not be itself. Of course BufferedCoordinateOperation will checks that
     * it is not caching itself, but its test happen too late for preventing a never-
     * ending loop if we don't put a 'testingHints' guard here. It is also a safety
     * against broken factory implementations.
    if (!testingHints.addAndCheck(factory)) {
      return false;
    final Map<RenderingHints.Key, ?> implementationHints;
    try {
      implementationHints = Hints.stripNonKeys(factory.getImplementationHints());
    } finally {
    if (implementationHints == null) {
      // factory was bad and did not meet contract - assume it used no Hints
      return true;
     * We got the implementation hints. Now tests their compatibility.
    Hints remaining = null;
    for (final Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : implementationHints.entrySet()) {
      final Object key = entry.getKey();
      final Object value = entry.getValue();
      final Object expected = hints.get(key);
      if (expected != null) {
         * We have found a hint that matter. Check if the
         * available factory meets the user's criterions.
        if (expected instanceof Class<?>) {
          if (!((Class<?>) expected).isInstance(value)) {
            return false;
        } else if (expected instanceof Class<?>[]) {
          final Class<?>[] types = (Class<?>[]) expected;
          int i = 0;
          do if (i >= types.length) return false;
          while (!types[i++].isInstance(value));
        } else if (!expected.equals(value)) {
          return false;
       * Checks recursively in factory dependencies, if any. Note that the dependencies
       * will be checked against a subset of user's hints. More specifically, all hints
       * processed by the current pass will NOT be passed to the factories dependencies.
       * This is because the same hint may appears in the "parent" factory and a "child"
       * dependency with different value. For example the FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER
       * hint has the value TRUE in OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory, but the later is basically
       * a wrapper around the ThreadedEpsgFactory (typically), which has the value FALSE
       * for the same hint.
       * Additional note: The 'alreadyDone' set is a safety against cyclic dependencies,
       * in order to protect ourself against never-ending loops. This is not the same
       * kind of dependencies than 'testingHints'. It is a "factory A depends on factory
       * B which depends on factory A" loop, which is legal.
      if (value instanceof Factory) {
        final Factory dependency = (Factory) value;
        if (alreadyDone == null) {
          alreadyDone = new HashSet<Factory>();
        if (!alreadyDone.contains(dependency)) {
          if (remaining == null) {
            remaining = new Hints(hints);
          final Class<?> type;
          if (key instanceof Hints.Key) {
            type = ((Hints.Key) key).getValueClass();
          } else {
            type = Factory.class; // Kind of unknown factory type...
          // Recursive call to this method for scanning dependencies.
          if (!usesAcceptableHints(dependency, type, remaining, alreadyDone)) {
            return false;
    return true;

   * Returns {@code true} if the specified {@code provider} meets the requirements specified by a
   * map of {@code hints}. The default implementation always returns {@code true}. There is no need
   * to override this method for {@link AbstractFactory} implementations, since their hints are
   * automatically checked. Override this method for non-Geotools implementations. For example a JTS
   * geometry factory finder may overrides this method in order to check if a {@link
   * com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory} uses the required {@link
   * com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.CoordinateSequenceFactory}. Such method should be implemented as
   * below, since this method may be invoked for various kind of objects:
   * <blockquote>
   * <pre>
   * if (provider instanceof GeometryFactory) {
   *     // ... Check the GeometryFactory state here.
   * }
   * </pre>
   * </blockquote>
   * @param <T> The class represented by the {@code category} argument.
   * @param provider The provider to checks.
   * @param category The factory category. Usually an interface.
   * @param hints The user requirements, or {@code null} if none.
   * @return {@code true} if the {@code provider} meets the user requirements.
  protected <T> boolean isAcceptable(final T provider, final Class<T> category, final Hints hints) {
    return true;

  /** Returns {@code true} if the specified factory is available. */
  private boolean isAvailable(final Object provider) {
    if (!(provider instanceof OptionalFactory)) {
      return true;
    final OptionalFactory factory = (OptionalFactory) provider;
    final Class<? extends OptionalFactory> type = factory.getClass();
    if (!testingAvailability.addAndCheck(type)) {
      throw new RecursiveSearchException(type);
    try {
      return factory.isAvailable();
    } finally {

   * Returns all class loaders to be used for scanning plugins. Current implementation returns the
   * following class loaders:
   * <p>
   * <ul>
   *   <li>{@linkplain Class#getClassLoader This object class loader}
   *   <li>{@linkplain Thread#getContextClassLoader The thread context class loader}
   *   <li>{@linkplain ClassLoader#getSystemClassLoader The system class loader}
   * </ul>
   * The actual number of class loaders may be smaller if redundancies was found. If some more
   * classloaders should be scanned, they shall be added into the code of this method.
   * @return All classloaders to be used for scanning plugins.
  public final Set<ClassLoader> getClassLoaders() {
    final Set<ClassLoader> loaders = new HashSet<ClassLoader>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      final ClassLoader loader;
      try {
        switch (i) {
          case 0:
            loader = getClass().getClassLoader();
          case 1:
            loader = FactoryRegistry.class.getClassLoader();
          case 2:
            loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
          case 3:
            loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
            // Add any supplementary class loaders here, if needed.
            throw new AssertionError(i); // Should never happen.
      } catch (SecurityException exception) {
        // We are not allowed to get a class loader.
        // Continue; some other class loader may be available.

     * We now have a set of class loaders with duplicated object already removed
     * (e.g. system classloader == context classloader). However, we may still
     * have an other form of redundancie. A class loader may be the parent of an
     * other one. Try to remove those dependencies.
    final ClassLoader[] asArray = loaders.toArray(new ClassLoader[loaders.size()]);
    for (int i = 0; i < asArray.length; i++) {
      ClassLoader loader = asArray[i];
      try {
        while ((loader = loader.getParent()) != null) {
      } catch (SecurityException exception) {
        // We are not allowed to fetch the parent class loader.
        // Ignore (some redundancies may remains).
    if (loaders.isEmpty()) {
      LOGGER.warning("No class loaders available.");
    return loaders;

   * Scans for factory plug-ins on the application class path. This method is needed because the
   * application class path can theoretically change, or additional plug-ins may become available.
   * Rather than re-scanning the classpath on every invocation of the API, the class path is scanned
   * automatically only on the first invocation. Clients can call this method to prompt a re-scan.
   * Thus this method need only be invoked by sophisticated applications which dynamically make new
   * plug-ins available at runtime.
  public void scanForPlugins() {
    final Set<ClassLoader> loaders = getClassLoaders();
    for (final Iterator<Class<?>> categories = getCategories(); categories.hasNext(); ) {
      final Class<?> category =;
      scanForPlugins(loaders, category);

   * Scans for factory plug-ins of the given category, with guard against recursivities. The
   * recursivity check make debugging easier than inspecting a {@link StackOverflowError}.
   * @param loader The class loader to use.
   * @param category The category to scan for plug-ins.
  private <T> void scanForPlugins(final Collection<ClassLoader> loaders, final Class<T> category) {
    if (!scanningCategories.addAndCheck(category)) {
      throw new RecursiveSearchException(category);
    try {
      final StringBuilder message = getLogHeader(category);
      boolean newServices = false;
       * First, scan META-INF/services directories (the default mechanism).
      for (final ClassLoader loader : loaders) {
        newServices |= register(lookupProviders(category, loader), category, message);
        newServices |= registerFromSystemProperty(loader, category, message);
       * Next, query the user-provider iterators, if any.
      final FactoryIteratorProvider[] fip = FactoryIteratorProviders.getIteratorProviders();
      for (int i = 0; i < fip.length; i++) {
        final Iterator<T> it = fip[i].iterator(category);
        if (it != null) {
          newServices |= register(it, category, message);
       * Finally, log the list of registered factories.
      if (newServices) {
        log("scanForPlugins", message);
    } finally {

   * Scans the given category for plugins only if needed. After this method has been invoked once
   * for a given category, it will no longer scan for that category.
  private <T> void scanForPluginsIfNeeded(final Class<?> category) {
    if (needScanForPlugins != null && needScanForPlugins.remove(category)) {
      if (needScanForPlugins.isEmpty()) {
        needScanForPlugins = null;
      scanForPlugins(getClassLoaders(), category);

   * {@linkplain #registerServiceProvider Registers} all factories given by the supplied iterator.
   * @param factories The factories (or "service providers") to register.
   * @param category the category under which to register the providers.
   * @param message A buffer where to write the logging message.
   * @return {@code true} if at least one factory has been registered.
  private <T> boolean register(
      final Iterator<T> factories, final Class<T> category, final StringBuilder message) {
    boolean newServices = false;
    final String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n");
    while (factories.hasNext()) {
      T factory;
      try {
        factory =;
      } catch (OutOfMemoryError error) {
        // Makes sure that we don't try to handle this error.
        throw error;
      } catch (NoClassDefFoundError error) {
         * A provider can't be registered because of some missing dependencies.
         * This occurs for example when trying to register the WarpTransform2D
         * math transform on a machine without JAI installation. Since the factory
         * may not be essential (this is the case of WarpTransform2D), just skip it.
        loadingFailure(category, error, false);
      } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError error) {
         * If an exception occured during class initialization, log the cause.
         * The ExceptionInInitializerError alone doesn't help enough.
        final Throwable cause = error.getCause();
        if (cause != null) {
          loadingFailure(category, cause, true);
        throw error;
      } catch (Error error) {
        if (!Classes.getShortClassName(error).equals("ServiceConfigurationError")) {
          // We want to handle sun.misc.ServiceConfigurationError only. Unfortunatly, we
          // need to rely on reflection because this error class is not a commited API.
          // TODO: Check if the error is catchable with JSE 6.
          throw error;
         * Failed to register a factory for a reason probably related to the plugin
         * initialisation. It may be some factory-dependent missing resources.
        loadingFailure(category, error, true);
      if (category.isAssignableFrom(factory.getClass())) {
        final Class<? extends T> factoryClass = factory.getClass().asSubclass(category);
         * If the factory implements more than one interface and an
         * instance were already registered, reuse the same instance
         * instead of duplicating it.
        final T replacement = getServiceProviderByClass(factoryClass);
        if (replacement != null) {
          factory = replacement;
          // Need to register anyway, because the category may not be
          // the same.
        if (registerServiceProvider(factory, category)) {
           * The factory is now registered. Add it to the message to
           * be logged. We will log all factories together in a single
           * log event because some registration (e.g.
           * MathTransformProviders) would be otherwise quite verbose.
          message.append("  ");
          newServices = true;
    return newServices;

   * If a system property was setup, load the class (if not already registered) and move it in front
   * of any other factory. This is done for compatibility with legacy {@code FactoryFinder}
   * implementation.
   * @param loader The class loader to use.
   * @param category The category to scan for plug-ins.
   * @param message A buffer where to write the logging message.
   * @return {@code true} if at least one factory has been registered.
  private <T> boolean registerFromSystemProperty(
      final ClassLoader loader, final Class<T> category, final StringBuilder message) {
    boolean newServices = false;
    try {
      final String classname = System.getProperty(category.getName());
      if (classname != null)
        try {
          final Class<?> candidate = loader.loadClass(classname);
          if (category.isAssignableFrom(candidate)) {
            final Class<? extends T> factoryClass = candidate.asSubclass(category);
            T factory = getServiceProviderByClass(factoryClass);
            if (factory == null)
              try {
                factory = factoryClass.newInstance();
                if (registerServiceProvider(factory, category)) {
                  message.append(System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"));
                  message.append("  ");
                  newServices = true;
              } catch (IllegalAccessException exception) {
                throw new FactoryRegistryException(
                    Errors.format(ErrorKeys.CANT_CREATE_FACTORY_$1, classname), exception);
              } catch (InstantiationException exception) {
                throw new FactoryRegistryException(
                    Errors.format(ErrorKeys.CANT_CREATE_FACTORY_$1, classname), exception);
             * Put this factory in front of every other factories (including the ones loaded
             * in previous class loaders, which is why we don't inline this ordering in the
             * 'register' loop). Note: if some factories were not yet registered, they will
             * not be properly ordered. Since this code exists more for compatibility reasons
             * than as a commited API, we ignore this short comming for now.
            for (final Iterator<T> it = getServiceProviders(category, false); it.hasNext(); ) {
              final T other =;
              if (other != factory) {
                setOrdering(category, factory, other);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) {
          // The class has not been found, maybe because we are not using the appropriate
          // class loader. Ignore (do not thrown an exception), in order to give a chance
          // to the caller to invokes this method again with a different class loader.
    } catch (SecurityException exception) {
      // We are not allowed to read property, probably
      // because we are running in an applet. Ignore...
    return newServices;

  /** Invoked when a factory can't be loaded. Log a warning, but do not stop the process. */
  private static void loadingFailure(
      final Class<?> category, final Throwable error, final boolean showStackTrace) {
    final String name = Classes.getShortName(category);
    final StringBuilder cause = new StringBuilder(Classes.getShortClassName(error));
    final String message = error.getLocalizedMessage();
    if (message != null) {
      cause.append(": ");
    final LogRecord record =
        Loggings.format(Level.WARNING, LoggingKeys.CANT_LOAD_SERVICE_$2, name, cause.toString());
    if (showStackTrace) {

  /** Prepares a message to be logged if any provider has been registered. */
  private static StringBuilder getLogHeader(final Class<?> category) {
    return new StringBuilder(
        Loggings.getResources(null).getString(LoggingKeys.FACTORY_IMPLEMENTATIONS_$1, category));

  /** Log the specified message after all provider for a given category have been registered. */
  private static void log(final String method, final StringBuilder message) {
    final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.CONFIG, message.toString());

   * Synchronizes the content of the {@link #globalConfiguration} with {@link
   * FactoryIteratorProviders#GLOBAL}. New providers are {@linkplain #register registered}
   * immediately. Note that this method is typically invoked in a different thread than {@link
   * FactoryIteratorProviders} method calls.
   * @see FactoryIteratorProviders#addFactoryIteratorProvider
  private void synchronizeIteratorProviders() {
    final FactoryIteratorProvider[] newProviders =
    if (newProviders == null) {
    for (final Iterator<Class<?>> categories = getCategories(); categories.hasNext(); ) {
      final Class<?> category =;
      if (needScanForPlugins == null || !needScanForPlugins.contains(category)) {
         * Register immediately the factories only if some other factories were already
         * registered for this category,  because in such case scanForPlugin() will not
         * be invoked automatically. If no factory are registered for this category, do
         * nothing - we will rely on the lazy invocation of scanForPlugins() when first
         * needed. We perform this check because getServiceProviders(category).hasNext()
         * is the criterion used by FactoryRegistry in order to decide if it should invoke
         * automatically scanForPlugins().
        for (int i = 0; i < newProviders.length; i++) {
          register(newProviders[i], category);

  /** Registers every factories from the specified provider for the given category. */
  private <T> void register(final FactoryIteratorProvider provider, final Class<T> category) {
    final Iterator<T> it = provider.iterator(category);
    if (it != null) {
      final StringBuilder message = getLogHeader(category);
      if (register(it, category, message)) {
        log("synchronizeIteratorProviders", message);

   * Set pairwise ordering between all factories according a comparator. Calls to <code>
   * {@linkplain Comparator#compare compare}(factory1, factory2)</code> should returns:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>{@code -1} if {@code factory1} is preferred to {@code factory2}
   *   <li>{@code +1} if {@code factory2} is preferred to {@code factory1}
   *   <li>{@code 0} if there is no preferred order between {@code factory1} and {@code factory2}
   * </ul>
   * @param  <T> The class represented by the {@code category} argument.
   * @param category The category to set ordering.
   * @param comparator The comparator to use for ordering.
   * @return {@code true} if at least one ordering setting has been modified as a consequence of
   *     this call.
  public <T> boolean setOrdering(final Class<T> category, final Comparator<T> comparator) {
    boolean set = false;
    final List<T> previous = new ArrayList<T>();
    for (final Iterator<T> it = getServiceProviders(category, false); it.hasNext(); ) {
      final T f1 =;
      for (int i = previous.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
        final T f2 = previous.get(i);
        final int c;
        try {
          c =, f2);
        } catch (ClassCastException exception) {
           * This exception is expected if the user-supplied comparator follows strictly
           * the java.util.Comparator specification and has determined that it can't
           * compare the supplied factories. From ServiceRegistry point of view, it just
           * means that the ordering between those factories will stay undeterminated.
        if (c > 0) {
          set |= setOrdering(category, f1, f2);
        } else if (c < 0) {
          set |= setOrdering(category, f2, f1);
    return set;

   * Sets or unsets a pairwise ordering between all factories meeting a criterion. For example in
   * the CRS framework ({@link org.geotools.referencing.FactoryFinder}), this is used for setting
   * ordering between all factories provided by two vendors, or for two authorities. If one or both
   * factories are not currently registered, or if the desired ordering is already set/unset,
   * nothing happens and false is returned.
   * @param <T> The class represented by the {@code base} argument.
   * @param base The base category. Only categories {@linkplain Class#isAssignableFrom assignable}
   *     to {@code base} will be processed.
   * @param set {@code true} for setting the ordering, or {@code false} for unsetting.
   * @param service1 Filter for the preferred factory.
   * @param service2 Filter for the factory to which {@code service1} is preferred.
   * @return {@code true} if the ordering changed as a result of this call.
  public <T> boolean setOrdering(
      final Class<T> base, final boolean set, final Filter service1, final Filter service2) {
    boolean done = false;
    for (final Iterator<Class<?>> categories = getCategories(); categories.hasNext(); ) {
      final Class<?> candidate =;
      if (base.isAssignableFrom(candidate)) {
        final Class<? extends T> category = candidate.asSubclass(base);
        done |= setOrUnsetOrdering(category, set, service1, service2);
    return done;

  /** Helper method for the above. */
  private <T> boolean setOrUnsetOrdering(
      final Class<T> category, final boolean set, final Filter service1, final Filter service2) {
    boolean done = false;
    T impl1 = null;
    T impl2 = null;
    for (final Iterator<? extends T> it = getServiceProviders(category, false); it.hasNext(); ) {
      final T factory =;
      if (service1.filter(factory)) impl1 = factory;
      if (service2.filter(factory)) impl2 = factory;
      if (impl1 != null && impl2 != null && impl1 != impl2) {
        if (set) done |= setOrdering(category, impl1, impl2);
        else done |= unsetOrdering(category, impl1, impl2);
    return done;
   * Returns the backing-store factory for HSQL syntax. If the cached tables are not available, they
   * will be created now from the SQL scripts bundled in this plugin.
   * @param hints A map of hints, including the low-level factories to use for CRS creation.
   * @return The EPSG factory using HSQL syntax.
   * @throws SQLException if connection to the database failed.
  protected AbstractAuthorityFactory createBackingStore(final Hints hints) throws SQLException {
    final DataSource source = getDataSource();
    final File directory = getDirectory(source);
    if (!dataExists(directory)) {
      FileLock lock = null;
      try {
        // get an exclusive lock
        lock = acquireLock(directory);

        // if after getting the lock the database is still incomplete let's work on it
        if (!dataExists(directory)) {
           * HSQL has created automatically an empty database. We need to populate it.
           * Executes the SQL scripts bundled in the JAR. In theory, each line contains
           * a full SQL statement. For this plugin however, we have compressed "INSERT
           * INTO" statements using Compactor class in this package.
          final Logger logger = Logging.getLogger(LOGGER);
          final LogRecord record =
              Loggings.format(Level.INFO, LoggingKeys.CREATING_CACHED_EPSG_DATABASE_$1, VERSION);

          ZipInputStream zin =
              new ZipInputStream(ThreadedH2EpsgFactory.class.getResourceAsStream(ZIP_FILE));
          ZipEntry ze = null;
          byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
          int read = 0;
          while ((ze = zin.getNextEntry()) != null) {
            File file = new File(directory, ze.getName());
            if (file.exists()) {
            FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(file);
            while ((read = > 0) {
              fout.write(buf, 0, read);

          // mark the successful creation
          File marker = new File(directory, MARKER_FILE);
          if (marker.exists()) {

      } catch (IOException exception) {
        SQLException e = new SQLException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.CANT_READ_$1, ZIP_FILE));
        e.initCause(exception); // TODO: inline cause when we will be allowed to target Java 6.
        throw e;
      } finally {
        if (lock != null) {
          try {
            new File(directory, LOCK_FILE).delete();
          } catch (IOException e) {
            // does not matter, was just cleanup
    FactoryUsingAnsiSQL factory = new FactoryUsingAnsiSQL(hints, getDataSource().getConnection());
    factory.setValidationQuery("CALL NOW()");
    return factory;
 * ArcSDEDAtaStore test cases
 * @author Gabriel Roldan, Axios Engineering
 * @source $URL:
 *     /org/geotools/arcsde/data/ $
 * @version $Id$
public class ArcSDEDataStoreTest {
  /** package logger */
  private static Logger LOGGER =

  /** DOCUMENT ME! */
  private static TestData testData;

  /** an ArcSDEDataStore created on setUp() to run tests against */
  private DataStore store;

  /** a filter factory for testing */
  FilterFactory ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory(null);

  public static void oneTimeSetUp() throws Exception {
    testData = new TestData();
    final boolean insertTestData = true;

  public static void oneTimeTearDown() {
    boolean cleanTestTable = false;
    boolean cleanPool = true;
    testData.tearDown(cleanTestTable, cleanPool);

   * loads {@code testData/} into a Properties object, wich is used to obtain
   * test tables names and is used as parameter to find the DataStore
   * @throws Exception DOCUMENT ME!
  public void setUp() throws Exception {
    if (testData == null) {
    } = testData.getDataStore();

  public void tearDown() throws Exception { = null;

  public void testDataStoreFinderFindsIt() throws IOException {
    DataStore sdeDs = null;

    sdeDs = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(testData.getConProps());
    String failMsg = sdeDs + " is not an ArcSDEDataStore";
    assertTrue(failMsg, (sdeDs instanceof ArcSDEDataStore));
    LOGGER.fine("testFinder OK :" + sdeDs.getClass().getName());

  public void testDataAccessFinderFindsIt() throws IOException {

    Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();

    DataAccess<? extends FeatureType, ? extends Feature> dataStore;
    dataStore = DataAccessFinder.getDataStore(params);

    String failMsg = dataStore + " is not an ArcSDEDataStore";
    assertTrue(failMsg, dataStore instanceof ArcSDEDataStore);

  public void testGetInfo() {
    ServiceInfo info = store.getInfo();

  public void testGet() {
    ServiceInfo info = store.getInfo();

   * This test is currently broken. It's a placeholder for some logic that sfarber wrote which tries
   * to guess the SRS of a featureclass, based on connecting to it via an SeLayer.
   * @throws Throwable
  public void testAutoFillSRS() throws Throwable {

    ArcSDEDataStore ds = testData.getDataStore();
    CoordinateReferenceSystem sdeCRS =
        ds.getSchema("GISDATA.TOWNS_POLY").getGeometryDescriptor().getCoordinateReferenceSystem();" ", "").replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll("\"", "\\\""));

    // CoordinateReferenceSystem epsgCRS = CRS.decode("EPSG:26986");

    //"are these two CRS's equal? " +
    // CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(sdeCRS, epsgCRS));

    if (1 == 1) return;

    int epsgCode = -1;
    int[] projcs = PeFactory.projcsCodelist(); + " projections available.");
    for (int i = 0; i < projcs.length; i++) {
      try {
        PeProjectedCS candidate = PeFactory.projcs(projcs[i]);
        // in ArcSDE 9.2, if the PeFactory doesn't support a projection
        // it claimed
        // to support, it returns 'null'. So check for it.
        if (candidate != null && candidate.getName().indexOf("Massachusetts") != -1) {
          //"\n\n" + projcs[i] + " has name " +
          // candidate.getName() + "\ntried to match " + wktName +
          // "\n\n");
          epsgCode = projcs[i];
        } else if (candidate == null) {
          //[i] + " was null");
        } else if (candidate != null) {
          //[i] + " wasn't null");
      } catch (PeProjectionException pe) {
        // Strangely SDE includes codes in the projcsCodeList() that
        // it doesn't actually support.
        // Catch the exception and skip them here.

  public void testDispose() throws IOException {
    try {
      ((ArcSDEDataStore) store).getSession(Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT);
      fail("Expected IllegalStateException when the datastore has been disposed");
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
    } finally {
      // dispose test data so next test does not fail due to pool being
      // closed
      testData.tearDown(false, true);
      testData = null;

   * test that a ArcSDEDataStore that connects to de configured test database contains the tables
   * defined by the parameters "point_table", "line_table" and "polygon_table", wether ot not
   * they're defined as single table names or as full qualified sde table names (i.e.
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws SeException
  public void testGetTypeNames() throws IOException, SeException {
    String[] featureTypes = store.getTypeNames();

    // if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
    // for (int i = 0; i < featureTypes.length; i++)
    // System.out.println(featureTypes[i]);
    // }
    testTypeExists(featureTypes, testData.getTempTableName());

   * tests that the schema for the defined tests tables are returned.
   * @throws IOException DOCUMENT ME!
   * @throws SeException
  public void testGetSchema() throws IOException, SeException {
    SimpleFeatureType schema;

    schema = store.getSchema(testData.getTempTableName());
    // ROW_ID is not included in TEST_TABLE_COLS
    assertEquals(TEST_TABLE_COLS.length, schema.getAttributeCount());

    for (int i = 0; i < TEST_TABLE_COLS.length; i++) {
      assertEquals("at index" + i, TEST_TABLE_COLS[i], schema.getDescriptor(i).getLocalName());

   * Tests the creation of new feature types, with CRS and all.
   * <p>This test also ensures that the arcsde datastore is able of creating schemas where the
   * geometry attribute is not the last one. This is important since to do so, the ArcSDE datastore
   * must break the usual way of creating schemas with the ArcSDE Java API, in which one first
   * creates the (non spatially enabled) "table" with all the non spatial attributes and finally
   * creates the "layer", adding the spatial attribute to the previously created table. So, this
   * test ensures the datastore correctly works arround this limitation.
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws SchemaException
   * @throws SeException
   * @throws UnavailableConnectionException
  public void testCreateSchema()
      throws IOException, SchemaException, SeException, UnavailableConnectionException {
    final String typeName;
      ISessionPool connectionPool = testData.getConnectionPool();
      ISession session = connectionPool.getSession();
      final String user;
      user = session.getUser();
      typeName = user + ".GT_TEST_CREATE";

    SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();

    b.add("FST_COL", String.class);
    b.add("SECOND_COL", String.class);
    b.add("GEOM", Point.class);
    b.add("FOURTH_COL", Integer.class);

    final SimpleFeatureType type = b.buildFeatureType();

    DataStore ds = testData.getDataStore();

    Map hints = new HashMap();
    hints.put("configuration.keyword", testData.getConfigKeyword());
    ((ArcSDEDataStore) ds).createSchema(type, hints);


  public void testCreateNillableShapeSchema()
      throws IOException, SchemaException, SeException, UnavailableConnectionException {
    SimpleFeatureType type;
    final String typeName = "GT_TEST_CREATE";
    SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();

    b.add("OBJECTID", Integer.class);

    b.add("SHAPE", MultiLineString.class);

    type = b.buildFeatureType();

    ArcSDEDataStore ds = testData.getDataStore();

    Map hints = new HashMap();
    hints.put("configuration.keyword", testData.getConfigKeyword());
    ds.createSchema(type, hints);

  // ///////////////// HELPER FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////

   * checks for the existence of <code>table</code> in <code>featureTypes</code>. <code>table</code>
   * must be a full qualified sde feature type name. (i.e "TEST_POINT" == "SDE.SDE.TEST_POINT")
   * @param featureTypes DOCUMENT ME!
   * @param table DOCUMENT ME!
  private void testTypeExists(String[] featureTypes, String table) {
    for (int i = 0; i < featureTypes.length; i++) {
      if (featureTypes[i].equalsIgnoreCase(table.toUpperCase())) {
        LOGGER.fine("testTypeExists OK: " + table);


    fail("table " + table + " not found in getFeatureTypes results");
Esempio n. 25
 * Makes sure the file path for files do start with file:// otherwise stuff like /home/user/file.shp
 * won't be recognized as valid. Also, if a path is inside the data directory it will be turned into
 * a relative path
 * @author Andrea Aime - GeoSolutions
public class FileModel implements IModel<String> {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 3911203737278340528L;

  static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(FileModel.class);

  IModel<String> delegate;
  File rootDir;

  public FileModel(IModel<String> delegate) {
    this(delegate, GeoServerExtensions.bean(GeoServerResourceLoader.class).getBaseDirectory());

  public FileModel(IModel<String> delegate, File rootDir) {
    this.delegate = delegate;
    this.rootDir = rootDir;

  private boolean isSubfile(File root, File selection) {
    if (selection == null || "".equals(selection.getPath())) return false;
    if (selection.equals(root)) return true;

    return isSubfile(root, selection.getParentFile());

  public String getObject() {
    return delegate.getObject();

  public void detach() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


  public void setObject(String location) {

    if (location != null) {
      File dataDirectory = canonicalize(rootDir);
      File file = canonicalize(new File(location));
      if (isSubfile(dataDirectory, file)) {
        File curr = file;
        String path = null;
        // paranoid check to avoid infinite loops
        while (curr != null && !curr.equals(dataDirectory)) {
          if (path == null) {
            path = curr.getName();
          } else {
            path = curr.getName() + "/" + path;
          curr = curr.getParentFile();
        location = "file:" + path;
      } else {
        File dataFile = Files.url(rootDir, location);
        if (dataFile != null && !dataFile.equals(file)) {
          // relative to the data directory, does not need fixing
        } else {
          location = "file://" + file.getAbsolutePath();

   * Turns a file in canonical form if possible
   * @param file
  File canonicalize(File file) {
    try {
      return file.getCanonicalFile();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Could not convert " + file + " into canonical form", e);
      return file;
 * Creates a MultiPoint, MultiLineString, or MultiPolygon geometry as required by the internal
 * functions.
 * @author Ian Turton, CCG
 * @author Rob Hranac, Vision for New York
 * @source $URL$
 * @version $Id$
public class SubHandlerMulti extends SubHandler {
  /** The logger for the GML module. */
  private static final Logger LOGGER =

  /** Remembers the list of all possible sub (base) types for this multi type. */
  private static final Collection BASE_GEOMETRY_TYPES =
      new Vector(java.util.Arrays.asList(new String[] {"Point", "LineString", "Polygon"}));

  /** Geometry factory to return the multi type. */
  private GeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory();

  /** Handler factory to return the sub type. */
  private SubHandlerFactory handlerFactory = new SubHandlerFactory();

  /** Creates a SubHandler for the current sub type. */
  private SubHandler currentHandler;

  /** Stores list of all sub types. */
  private List geometries = new Vector();

  /** Remembers the current sub type (ie. Line, Polygon, Point). */
  private String internalType;

  /** Remembers whether or not the internal type is set already. */
  private boolean internalTypeSet = false;

  /** Empty constructor. */
  public SubHandlerMulti() {}

   * Handles all internal (sub) geometries.
   * @param message The sub geometry type found.
   * @param type Whether or not it is at a start or end.
  public void subGeometry(String message, int type) {
    LOGGER.fine("subGeometry message = " + message + " type = " + type);

    // if the internal type is not yet set, set it
    if (!internalTypeSet) {
      if (BASE_GEOMETRY_TYPES.contains(message)) {
        internalType = message;
        internalTypeSet = true;
        LOGGER.fine("Internal type set to " + message);

    // if the internal type is already set, then either:
    // create a new handler, if at start of geometry, or
    // return the completed geometry, if at the end of it
    if (message.equals(internalType)) {
      if (type == GEOMETRY_START) {
        currentHandler = handlerFactory.create(internalType);
      } else if (type == GEOMETRY_END) {
      } else if (type == GEOMETRY_SUB) {
        currentHandler.subGeometry(message, type);
    } else {
      currentHandler.subGeometry(message, type);
      LOGGER.fine(internalType + " != " + message);

   * Adds a coordinate to the current internal (sub) geometry.
   * @param coordinate The coordinate.
  public void addCoordinate(Coordinate coordinate) {

   * Determines whether or not it is time to return this geometry.
   * @param message The geometry element that prompted this check.
   * @return DOCUMENT ME!
  public boolean isComplete(String message) {
    if (message.equals("Multi" + internalType)) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

   * Returns a completed multi type.
   * @param geometryFactory The factory this method should use to create the multi type.
   * @return Appropriate multi geometry type.
  public Geometry create(GeometryFactory geometryFactory) {
    if (internalType.equals("Point")) {
      Point[] pointArray = geometryFactory.toPointArray(geometries);
      MultiPoint multiPoint = geometryFactory.createMultiPoint(pointArray);
      LOGGER.fine("created " + multiPoint);

      return multiPoint;
    } else if (internalType.equals("LineString")) {
      LineString[] lineStringArray = geometryFactory.toLineStringArray(geometries);
      MultiLineString multiLineString = geometryFactory.createMultiLineString(lineStringArray);
      LOGGER.fine("created " + multiLineString);

      return multiLineString;
    } else if (internalType.equals("Polygon")) {
      Polygon[] polygonArray = geometryFactory.toPolygonArray(geometries);
      MultiPolygon multiPolygon = geometryFactory.createMultiPolygon(polygonArray);
      LOGGER.fine("created " + multiPolygon);

      return multiPolygon;
    } else {
      return null;
 * Oracle specific filter encoder.
 * @author Justin Deoliveira, OpenGEO
 * @author Andrea Aime, OpenGEO
 * @source $URL$
public class OracleFilterToSQL extends PreparedFilterToSQL {

  /** Logger - for logging */
  private static final Logger LOGGER =

  /** Contains filter type to SDO_RELATE mask type mappings */
  private static final Map<Class, String> SDO_RELATE_MASK_MAP =
      new HashMap<Class, String>() {
          put(Contains.class, "contains");
          put(Crosses.class, "overlapbdydisjoint");
          put(Equals.class, "equal");
          put(Overlaps.class, "overlapbdyintersect");
          put(Touches.class, "touch");
          put(Within.class, "inside");
          put(Disjoint.class, "disjoint");
          put(BBOX.class, "anyinteract");
          put(Intersects.class, "anyinteract");

  /** The whole world in WGS84 */
  private static final Envelope WORLD = new Envelope(-179.99, 179.99, -89.99, 89.99);

   * If we have to turn <code>a op b</code> into <code>b op2 a</code>, what's the op2 that returns
   * the same result?
  private static final Map<String, String> INVERSE_OPERATOR_MAP =
      new HashMap<String, String>() {
          // asymmetric operators, op2 = !op
          put("contains", "inside");
          put("inside", "contains");
          // symmetric operators, op2 = op
          put("overlapbdydisjoint", "overlapbdydisjoint");
          put("overlapbdyintersect", "overlapbdyintersect");
          put("touch", "touch");
          put("equal", "equal");
          put("anyinteract", "anyinteract");
          put("disjoint", "disjoint");

  /** Whether BBOX should be encoded as just a primary filter or primary+secondary */
  protected boolean looseBBOXEnabled;

  public OracleFilterToSQL(PreparedStatementSQLDialect dialect) {

  public boolean isLooseBBOXEnabled() {
    return looseBBOXEnabled;

  public void setLooseBBOXEnabled(boolean looseBBOXEnabled) {
    this.looseBBOXEnabled = looseBBOXEnabled;

  protected FilterCapabilities createFilterCapabilities() {
    FilterCapabilities caps = new FilterCapabilities();

    // adding the spatial filters support

    // temporal filters

    return caps;

  protected Object visitBinarySpatialOperator(
      BinarySpatialOperator filter,
      PropertyName property,
      Literal geometry,
      boolean swapped,
      Object extraData) {
    return visitBinarySpatialOperator(
        filter, (Expression) property, (Expression) geometry, swapped, extraData);

  protected Object visitBinarySpatialOperator(
      BinarySpatialOperator filter, Expression e1, Expression e2, Object extraData) {
    return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, e1, e2, false, extraData);

  protected Object visitBinarySpatialOperator(
      BinarySpatialOperator filter,
      Expression e1,
      Expression e2,
      boolean swapped,
      Object extraData) {

    try {
      e1 = clipToWorld(filter, e1);
      e2 = clipToWorld(filter, e2);

      if (filter instanceof Beyond || filter instanceof DWithin)
        doSDODistance(filter, e1, e2, extraData);
      else if (filter instanceof BBOX && looseBBOXEnabled) {
        doSDOFilter(filter, e1, e2, extraData);
      } else doSDORelate(filter, e1, e2, swapped, extraData);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new RuntimeException(IO_ERROR, ioe);
    return extraData;

  Expression clipToWorld(BinarySpatialOperator filter, Expression e) {
    if (e instanceof Literal) {
      Geometry eval = e.evaluate(filter, Geometry.class);
      // Oracle cannot deal with filters using geometries that span beyond the whole world
      // in case the
      if (dialect != null
          && isCurrentGeometryGeodetic()
          && !WORLD.contains(eval.getEnvelopeInternal())) {
        Geometry result = eval.intersection(JTS.toGeometry(WORLD));

        if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) {
          if (result instanceof GeometryCollection) {
            result = distillSameTypeGeometries((GeometryCollection) result, eval);
          e = new FilterFactoryImpl().createLiteralExpression(result);
    return e;

   * Returns true if the current geometry has the geodetic marker raised
   * @return
  boolean isCurrentGeometryGeodetic() {
    if (currentGeometry != null) {
      Boolean geodetic = (Boolean) currentGeometry.getUserData().get(OracleDialect.GEODETIC);
      return geodetic != null && geodetic;
    return false;

  protected Geometry distillSameTypeGeometries(GeometryCollection coll, Geometry original) {
    if (original instanceof Polygon || original instanceof MultiPolygon) {
      List<Polygon> polys = new ArrayList<Polygon>();
      accumulateGeometries(polys, coll, Polygon.class);
      return original
          .createMultiPolygon(((Polygon[]) polys.toArray(new Polygon[polys.size()])));
    } else if (original instanceof LineString || original instanceof MultiLineString) {
      List<LineString> ls = new ArrayList<LineString>();
      accumulateGeometries(ls, coll, LineString.class);
      return original
          .createMultiLineString((LineString[]) ls.toArray(new LineString[ls.size()]));
    } else if (original instanceof Point || original instanceof MultiPoint) {
      List<LineString> points = new ArrayList<LineString>();
      accumulateGeometries(points, coll, LineString.class);
      return original
          .createMultiPoint((Point[]) points.toArray(new Point[points.size()]));
    } else {
      return original;

  protected <T> void accumulateGeometries(
      List<T> collection, Geometry g, Class<? extends T> target) {
    if (target.isInstance(g)) {
      collection.add((T) g);
    } else if (g instanceof GeometryCollection) {
      GeometryCollection coll = (GeometryCollection) g;
      for (int i = 0; i < coll.getNumGeometries(); i++) {
        accumulateGeometries(collection, coll.getGeometryN(i), target);

  protected void doSDOFilter(Filter filter, Expression e1, Expression e2, Object extraData)
      throws IOException {
    e1.accept(this, extraData);
    out.write(", ");
    e2.accept(this, extraData);
    // for backwards compatibility with Oracle 9 we add the mask and querytypes params
    out.write(", 'mask=anyinteract querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE' ");

   * Encodes an SDO relate
   * @param filter
   * @param property
   * @param geometry
   * @param extraData
  protected void doSDORelate(
      Filter filter, Expression e1, Expression e2, boolean swapped, Object extraData)
      throws IOException {
    // grab the operating mask
    String mask = null;
    for (Class filterClass : SDO_RELATE_MASK_MAP.keySet()) {
      if (filterClass.isAssignableFrom(filter.getClass()))
        mask = SDO_RELATE_MASK_MAP.get(filterClass);
    if (mask == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Cannot encode filter " + filter.getClass() + " into a SDO_RELATE");
    if (swapped) mask = INVERSE_OPERATOR_MAP.get(mask);

    // ok, ready to write out the SDO_RELATE
    e1.accept(this, extraData);
    out.write(", ");
    e2.accept(this, extraData);
    // for disjoint we ask for no interaction, anyinteract == false
    if (filter instanceof Disjoint) {
      out.write(", 'mask=ANYINTERACT querytype=WINDOW') <> 'TRUE' ");
    } else {
      out.write(", 'mask=" + mask + " querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE' ");

  protected void doSDODistance(
      BinarySpatialOperator filter, Expression e1, Expression e2, Object extraData)
      throws IOException {
    double distance = ((DistanceBufferOperator) filter).getDistance();
    String unit = ((DistanceBufferOperator) filter).getDistanceUnits();
    String within = filter instanceof DWithin ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";

    e1.accept(this, extraData);
    e2.accept(this, extraData);

    // encode the unit verbatim when available
    if (unit != null && !"".equals(unit.trim()))
      out.write(",'distance=" + distance + " unit=" + unit + "') = '" + within + "' ");
    else out.write(",'distance=" + distance + "') = '" + within + "' ");
 * @author Russell Petty (GeoScience Victoria)
 * @source $URL$
 *     /java/org/geotools/data/complex/ $
public class MappingFeatureIteratorFactory {
  protected static final Logger LOGGER =

  protected static class CheckIfNestedFilterVisitor extends DefaultFilterVisitor {

    public boolean hasNestedAttributes = false;

    public Object visit(PropertyName expression, Object data) {
      if (expression instanceof NestedAttributeExpression) {
        hasNestedAttributes = true;
      return data;

  public static IMappingFeatureIterator getInstance(
      AppSchemaDataAccess store, FeatureTypeMapping mapping, Query query, Filter unrolledFilter)
      throws IOException {

    if (mapping instanceof XmlFeatureTypeMapping) {
      return new XmlMappingFeatureIterator(store, mapping, query);

    if (AppSchemaDataAccessConfigurator.isJoining()) {
      if (!(query instanceof JoiningQuery)) {
        query = new JoiningQuery(query);
      FeatureSource mappedSource = mapping.getSource();
      FilterCapabilities capabilities = getFilterCapabilities(mappedSource);

      IMappingFeatureIterator iterator;
      if (unrolledFilter != null) {
        Query unrolledQuery = store.unrollQuery(query, mapping);
        if (isSimpleType(mapping)) {
          iterator = new MappingAttributeIterator(store, mapping, query, false, unrolledQuery);
        } else {
          iterator =
              new DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator(store, mapping, query, false, unrolledQuery);

      } else {
        Filter filter = query.getFilter();
        ComplexFilterSplitter splitter = new ComplexFilterSplitter(capabilities, mapping);
        filter.accept(splitter, null);

        filter = splitter.getFilterPost();
        int maxFeatures = Query.DEFAULT_MAX;
        if (filter != null && filter != Filter.INCLUDE) {
          maxFeatures = query.getMaxFeatures();
        iterator = new DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator(store, mapping, query, false);
        if (filter != null && filter != Filter.INCLUDE) {
          iterator = new PostFilteringMappingFeatureIterator(iterator, filter, maxFeatures);
      return iterator;
    } else {
      if (query.getFilter() != null) {
        Query unrolledQuery = store.unrollQuery(query, mapping);
        Filter filter = unrolledQuery.getFilter();
        CheckIfNestedFilterVisitor visitor = new CheckIfNestedFilterVisitor();
        filter.accept(visitor, null);
        if (visitor.hasNestedAttributes) {
          FeatureSource mappedSource = mapping.getSource();
          if (mappedSource instanceof JDBCFeatureSource
              || mappedSource instanceof JDBCFeatureStore) {
            FilterCapabilities capabilities = getFilterCapabilities(mappedSource);
            ComplexFilterSplitter splitter = new ComplexFilterSplitter(capabilities, mapping);
            filter.accept(splitter, null);
            filter = splitter.getFilterPost();
          } else {
            // VT:no Filtering capbilities cause source may not be of jdbc type
            // therefore we continue;
            // has nested attribute in the filter expression
          return new FilteringMappingFeatureIterator(store, mapping, query, unrolledQuery, filter);
        } else if (!filter.equals(Filter.INCLUDE)
            && !filter.equals(Filter.EXCLUDE)
            && !(filter instanceof FidFilterImpl)) {
          // normal filters
          if (isSimpleType(mapping)) {
            return new MappingAttributeIterator(store, mapping, query, true, unrolledQuery);
          } else {
            return new DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator(store, mapping, query, true, unrolledQuery);

      return new DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator(store, mapping, query, false);

  private static boolean isSimpleType(FeatureTypeMapping mapping) {
    return Types.isSimpleContentType(mapping.getTargetFeature().getType());

  private static FilterCapabilities getFilterCapabilities(FeatureSource mappedSource)
      throws IllegalArgumentException {
    FilterCapabilities capabilities = null;
    if (mappedSource instanceof JDBCFeatureSource) {
      capabilities = ((JDBCFeatureSource) mappedSource).getDataStore().getFilterCapabilities();
    } else if (mappedSource instanceof JDBCFeatureStore) {
      capabilities = ((JDBCFeatureStore) mappedSource).getDataStore().getFilterCapabilities();
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joining queries are only supported on JDBC data stores");
    return capabilities;
 * Backwards (<= 2.1.3) compatible {@link GeoServerTileLayerInfoImpl} loader.
 * @author groldan
public class LegacyTileLayerInfoLoader {

  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(LegacyTileLayerInfoLoader.class);

  public static final String CONFIG_KEY_ENABLED = "GWC.enabled";

  public static final String CONFIG_KEY_GUTTER = "GWC.gutter";

  public static final String CONFIG_KEY_GRIDSETS = "GWC.gridSets";

  public static final String CONFIG_KEY_METATILING_X = "GWC.metaTilingX";

  public static final String CONFIG_KEY_METATILING_Y = "GWC.metaTilingY";

  public static final String CONFIG_KEY_FORMATS = "GWC.cacheFormats";

  public static final String CONFIG_KEY_AUTO_CACHE_STYLES = "GWC.autoCacheStyles";

  public static final String CONFIG_KEY_CACHED_STYLES = "GWC.cachedNonDefaultStyles";

  public static final String CONFIG_KEY_IN_MEMORY_CACHED = "GWC.inMemoryUncached";

  public static final String[] _ALL_KEYS = {

  public static GeoServerTileLayerInfoImpl load(final LayerInfo layer) {
    MetadataMap metadataMap = layer.getMetadata();

    if (!hasTileLayerDef(metadataMap)) {
      return null;
    GeoServerTileLayerInfoImpl tileLayerInfo = load(metadataMap);

    if (metadataMap.containsKey(CONFIG_KEY_CACHED_STYLES)) {
      final String defaultStyle =
          layer.getDefaultStyle() == null ? "" : layer.getDefaultStyle().prefixedName();
      String cachedStylesStr = metadataMap.get(CONFIG_KEY_CACHED_STYLES, String.class);
      Set<String> cachedStyles = unmarshalSet(cachedStylesStr);
      TileLayerInfoUtil.setCachedStyles(tileLayerInfo, defaultStyle, cachedStyles);

    TileLayerInfoUtil.checkAutomaticStyles(layer, tileLayerInfo);
    return tileLayerInfo;

  public static boolean hasTileLayerDef(MetadataMap metadataMap) {
    return metadataMap.containsKey(CONFIG_KEY_ENABLED);

  public static GeoServerTileLayerInfoImpl load(final LayerGroupInfo layerGroup) {
    MetadataMap metadataMap = layerGroup.getMetadata();
    if (!hasTileLayerDef(metadataMap)) {
      return null;
    GeoServerTileLayerInfoImpl tileLayerInfo = load(metadataMap);
    if (tileLayerInfo != null) {
    TileLayerInfoUtil.checkAutomaticStyles(layerGroup, tileLayerInfo);
    return tileLayerInfo;

  private static GeoServerTileLayerInfoImpl load(final MetadataMap metadataMap) {

    GeoServerTileLayerInfoImpl info = new GeoServerTileLayerInfoImpl();
    // whether the config needs to be saved

    final boolean enabled = metadataMap.get(CONFIG_KEY_ENABLED, Boolean.class).booleanValue();

    int gutter = metadataMap.get(CONFIG_KEY_GUTTER, Integer.class).intValue();

    String gridsets = metadataMap.get(CONFIG_KEY_GRIDSETS, String.class);
    Set<XMLGridSubset> gridSetIds = unmarshalGridSubsets(gridsets);

    int metaTilingX = metadataMap.get(CONFIG_KEY_METATILING_X, Integer.class).intValue();

    int metaTilingY = metadataMap.get(CONFIG_KEY_METATILING_Y, Integer.class).intValue();

    if (metadataMap.containsKey(CONFIG_KEY_FORMATS)) {
      String mimeFormatsStr = metadataMap.get(CONFIG_KEY_FORMATS, String.class);
      Set<String> mimeFormats = unmarshalSet(mimeFormatsStr);

    if (metadataMap.containsKey(CONFIG_KEY_AUTO_CACHE_STYLES)) {
      boolean autoCacheStyles =
          metadataMap.get(CONFIG_KEY_AUTO_CACHE_STYLES, Boolean.class).booleanValue();

    if (metadataMap.containsKey(CONFIG_KEY_IN_MEMORY_CACHED)) {
      boolean inMemoryCached = metadataMap.get(CONFIG_KEY_IN_MEMORY_CACHED, Boolean.class);

    return info;

  private static Set<String> unmarshalSet(final String listStr) {
    Set<String> unmarshalled = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(listStr.split(",")));
    return unmarshalled;

  private static String marshalList(final Collection<String> list) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (Iterator<String> i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      if (i.hasNext()) {

    return sb.toString();

   * @param gridSubsetsStr comma separated list of epsg codes (usually just {@code
   *     EPSG:900913,EPSG:4326}
   * @return the list of parsed grid subsets from the argument JSON array
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code str} can't be parsed to a JSONArray
  private static Set<XMLGridSubset> unmarshalGridSubsets(String gridSubsetsStr)
      throws IllegalArgumentException {

    Set<XMLGridSubset> gridSubsets = new HashSet<XMLGridSubset>();
    // backwards compatibility check for when str comes in as "EPSG:XXX,EPSG:YYY"
    String[] epsgCodes = gridSubsetsStr.split(",");
    for (String code : epsgCodes) {
      if (code.trim().length() == 0) {
      try {
        XMLGridSubset xmlGridSubset = new XMLGridSubset();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid GridSubset list: " + gridSubsetsStr);

    return gridSubsets;

  public static void clear(MetadataMap metadata) {
    if (metadata != null) {
      for (String key : LegacyTileLayerInfoLoader._ALL_KEYS) {

   * Saves a tile layer info into the given metadata map using the old legacy metadata elements. For
   * unit testing only.
   * @param source
   * @param metadata
  public static void save(GeoServerTileLayerInfo source, MetadataMap metadata) {
    final boolean enabled = source.isEnabled();
    final int gutter = source.getGutter();
    final Set<XMLGridSubset> cachedGridSubsets = source.getGridSubsets();
    final int metaTilingX = source.getMetaTilingX();
    final int metaTilingY = source.getMetaTilingY();
    final Set<String> mimeFormats = source.getMimeFormats();
    final Boolean autoCacheStyles = source.isAutoCacheStyles();
    final Set<String> cachedStyles = source.cachedStyles();
    final boolean inMemoryCached = source.isInMemoryCached();

    metadata.put(CONFIG_KEY_ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf(enabled));
    metadata.put(CONFIG_KEY_GUTTER, Integer.valueOf(gutter));
    Collection<String> subsetNames = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (XMLGridSubset s : cachedGridSubsets) {
    metadata.put(CONFIG_KEY_GRIDSETS, marshalList(subsetNames));
    metadata.put(CONFIG_KEY_METATILING_X, Integer.valueOf(metaTilingX));
    metadata.put(CONFIG_KEY_METATILING_Y, Integer.valueOf(metaTilingY));
    metadata.put(CONFIG_KEY_FORMATS, marshalList(mimeFormats));
    metadata.put(CONFIG_KEY_AUTO_CACHE_STYLES, autoCacheStyles);
    metadata.put(CONFIG_KEY_IN_MEMORY_CACHED, inMemoryCached);

    if (cachedStyles.size() > 0) {
      metadata.put(CONFIG_KEY_CACHED_STYLES, marshalList(cachedStyles));
    } else {
Esempio n. 30
public abstract class SolrTestSupport extends OnlineTestCase {

  protected static final Logger LOGGER =

  static {
    // uncomment to turn up logging

    java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler handler = new java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler();


  protected SolrFeatureSource featureSource;

  protected SolrDataStore dataStore;

  protected String testFile = "wifiAccessPoint.xml";

  protected String layerName = "active";

  protected int SOURCE_SRID = 4326;

  protected String pkField;

  private ArrayList<SolrAttribute> attributes;

  private static boolean setUpIsDone = false;

  protected DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-dd-MM HH:mm:ss");

  public void setUpSolrFile(String url) throws Exception {
    if (setUpIsDone) {
    // do the setup
    File testDir = (Paths.get(getClass().getResource("/" + testFile).toURI()).getParent()).toFile();
    ProcessBuilder pb =
        new ProcessBuilder("java", "-Durl=" + url + "/update", "-jar", "post.jar", testFile);;
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Starting SOLR import");
    final Process command = pb.start();
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Started SOLR import");
    String line;
    BufferedReader bri = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(command.getInputStream()));
    BufferedReader bre = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(command.getErrorStream()));
    while ((line = bri.readLine()) != null) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, line);
    while ((line = bre.readLine()) != null) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, line);
    int i = command.waitFor();
    assertTrue(i == 0);
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "SOLR import DONE!");
    setUpIsDone = true;

  protected void connect() throws Exception {
    String url = fixture.getProperty(SolrDataStoreFactory.URL.key);

    Map params = createConnectionParams(url, fixture);

    SolrDataStoreFactory factory = new SolrDataStoreFactory();
    dataStore = (SolrDataStore) factory.createDataStore(params);

    attributes = dataStore.getSolrAttributes(this.layerName);
    for (SolrAttribute at : attributes) {
      if (at.isPk()) {
        this.pkField = at.getName();
      if (Geometry.class.isAssignableFrom(at.getType())) {

  protected Map createConnectionParams(String url, Properties fixture) {
    String field = fixture.getProperty(SolrDataStoreFactory.FIELD.key);

    Map params = new HashMap();
    params.put(SolrDataStoreFactory.URL.key, url);
    params.put(SolrDataStoreFactory.FIELD.key, field);
    params.put(SolrDataStoreFactory.NAMESPACE.key, SolrDataStoreFactory.NAMESPACE.sample);

    return params;

  protected void init() throws Exception {

  protected void init(String layerName) throws Exception {
    init(layerName, "geo");

  protected void init(String layerName, String geometryField) throws Exception {
    this.layerName = layerName;
    SolrLayerConfiguration solrLayerConfiguration =
        new SolrLayerConfiguration(new ArrayList<SolrAttribute>());
    List<SolrAttribute> layerAttributes = new ArrayList<>();
    for (SolrAttribute solrAttribute : attributes) {
      if (geometryField.equals(solrAttribute.getName())) {
        SolrAttribute copy = new SolrAttribute(solrAttribute);
      } else {
    featureSource = (SolrFeatureSource) dataStore.getFeatureSource(this.layerName);

  protected void disconnect() throws Exception {

  protected String getFixtureId() {
    return SolrDataStoreFactory.NAMESPACE.sample.toString();

  protected Date date(String date) throws ParseException {
    return df.parse(date);

  protected Instant instant(String d) throws ParseException {
    return new DefaultInstant(new DefaultPosition(date(d)));

  protected Period period(String d1, String d2) throws ParseException {
    return new DefaultPeriod(instant(d1), instant(d2));