public OnLineResource getOnlineResource() {
   if (online == null) {
     OnLineResourceImpl impl = new OnLineResourceImpl();
     try {
       impl.setLinkage(new URI(uri));
     } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
     online = impl;
   return online;
Esempio n. 2
  private void styleFactoryExample() throws Exception {
    // styleFactoryExample start
    // We are using the GeoTools styleFactory that allows access to get/set methods
    org.geotools.styling.StyleFactory sf = CommonFactoryFinder.getStyleFactory();
    FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2();

    StyledLayerDescriptor sld = sf.createStyledLayerDescriptor();
    sld.setAbstract("Example Style Layer Descriptor");

    UserLayer layer = sf.createUserLayer();

    // define constraint limited what features the sld applies to
    FeatureTypeConstraint constraint =
        sf.createFeatureTypeConstraint("Feature", Filter.INCLUDE, null);


    // create a "user defined" style
    Style style = sf.createStyle();
    style.getDescription().setTitle("User Style");
    style.getDescription().setAbstract("Definition of Style");

    // define feature type styles used to actually define how features are rendered
    FeatureTypeStyle featureTypeStyle = sf.createFeatureTypeStyle();

    // RULE 1
    // first rule to draw cities
    Rule rule1 = sf.createRule();
    rule1.getDescription().setAbstract("Rule for drawing cities");
    rule1.setFilter(ff.less("POPULATION"), ff.literal(50000)));

    // create the graphical mark used to represent a city
    Stroke stroke = sf.stroke(ff.literal("#000000"), null, null, null, null, null, null);
    Fill fill = sf.fill(null, ff.literal(Color.BLUE), ff.literal(1.0));

    // OnLineResource implemented by gt-metadata - so no factory!
    OnLineResourceImpl svg = new OnLineResourceImpl(new URI("file:city.svg"));
    svg.freeze(); // freeze to prevent modification at runtime

    OnLineResourceImpl png = new OnLineResourceImpl(new URI("file:city.png"));
    png.freeze(); // freeze to prevent modification at runtime

    // List of symbols is considered in order with the rendering engine choosing
    // the first one it can handle. Allowing for svg, png, mark order
    List<GraphicalSymbol> symbols = new ArrayList<GraphicalSymbol>();
    symbols.add(sf.externalGraphic(svg, "svg", null)); // svg preferred
    symbols.add(sf.externalGraphic(png, "png", null)); // png preferred
    symbols.add(sf.mark(ff.literal("circle"), fill, stroke)); // simple circle backup plan

    Expression opacity = null; // use default
    Expression size = ff.literal(10);
    Expression rotation = null; // use default
    AnchorPoint anchor = null; // use default
    Displacement displacement = null; // use default

    // define a point symbolizer of a small circle
    Graphic city = sf.graphic(symbols, opacity, size, rotation, anchor, displacement);
    PointSymbolizer pointSymbolizer =
        sf.pointSymbolizer("point","the_geom"), null, null, city);



    // RULE 2 Default

    List<GraphicalSymbol> dotSymbols = new ArrayList<GraphicalSymbol>();
    dotSymbols.add(sf.mark(ff.literal("circle"), null, null));
    Graphic dotGraphic = sf.graphic(dotSymbols, null, ff.literal(3), null, null, null);
    PointSymbolizer dotSymbolizer = sf.pointSymbolizer("dot", null, null, null, dotGraphic);
    List<> symbolizers = new ArrayList<>();
    Filter other = null; // null will mark this rule as "other" accepting all remaining features
    Rule rule2 =
        sf.rule("default", null, null, Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, symbolizers, other);



    // styleFactoryExample end