  public CloseableIterator<GeoWaveData<GridCoverage>> toGeoWaveData(
      final File input,
      final Collection<ByteArrayId> primaryIndexIds,
      final String globalVisibility) {

    final AbstractGridFormat format = GridFormatFinder.findFormat(input);
    final GridCoverage2DReader reader = format.getReader(input);
    if (reader == null) {
      LOGGER.error("Unable to get reader instance, getReader returned null");
      return new Wrapper(Collections.emptyIterator());
    try {
      final GridCoverage2D coverage = reader.read(null);
      if (coverage != null) {
        final Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<String, String>();
        final String coverageName = coverage.getName().toString();
        final String[] mdNames = reader.getMetadataNames(coverageName);
        if ((mdNames != null) && (mdNames.length > 0)) {
          for (final String mdName : mdNames) {
            metadata.put(mdName, reader.getMetadataValue(coverageName, mdName));
        final RasterDataAdapter adapter =
            new RasterDataAdapter(
        final List<GeoWaveData<GridCoverage>> coverages =
            new ArrayList<GeoWaveData<GridCoverage>>();
        coverages.add(new GeoWaveData<GridCoverage>(adapter, primaryIndexIds, coverage));
        return new Wrapper(coverages.iterator()) {

          public void close() throws IOException {
      } else {
            "Null grid coverage from file '"
                + input.getAbsolutePath()
                + "' for discovered geotools format '"
                + format.getName()
                + "'");
    } catch (final IOException e) {
          "Unable to read grid coverage of file '"
              + input.getAbsolutePath()
              + "' for discovered geotools format '"
              + format.getName()
              + "'",
    return new Wrapper(Collections.emptyIterator());
   * Creates a {@link SimpleFeatureType} that exposes a coverage as a collections of feature points,
   * mapping the centre of each pixel as a point plus all the bands as attributes.
   * <p>The FID is the long that combines x+y*width.
   * @param gc2d the {@link GridCoverage2D} to wrap.
   * @param geometryClass the class for the geometry.
   * @return a {@link SimpleFeatureType} or <code>null</code> in case we are unable to wrap the
   *     coverage
  public static SimpleFeatureType createFeatureType(
      final GridCoverage2D gc2d, final Class<? extends Geometry> geometryClass) {

    // checks
    Utilities.ensureNonNull("gc2d", gc2d);

    // building a feature type for this coverage
    final SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder ftBuilder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();

    // CRS
    //		ftBuilder.setCRS(DefaultEngineeringCRS.GENERIC_2D);

    // TYPE is as follows the_geom | band
    ftBuilder.add("the_geom", geometryClass);
    if (!geometryClass.equals(Point.class)) {
      ftBuilder.add("value", Double.class);
    } else {

      // get sample type on bands
      final GridSampleDimension[] sampleDimensions = gc2d.getSampleDimensions();
      for (GridSampleDimension sd : sampleDimensions) {
        final SampleDimensionType sdType = sd.getSampleDimensionType();
        final int dataBuffType = TypeMap.getDataBufferType(sdType);

        // TODO I think this should be a public utility inside the FeatureUtilities class
        final Class bandClass;
        switch (dataBuffType) {
          case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
            bandClass = Byte.class;
          case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
            bandClass = Double.class;
          case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
            bandClass = Float.class;
          case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
            bandClass = Integer.class;
          case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
          case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
            bandClass = Short.class;
          case DataBuffer.TYPE_UNDEFINED:
            return null;
        ftBuilder.add(sd.getDescription().toString(), bandClass);
    return ftBuilder.buildFeatureType();
Esempio n. 3
   * Applies the band select operation to a grid coverage.
   * @param cropEnvelope the target envelope; always not null
   * @param cropROI the target ROI shape; nullable
   * @param roiTolerance; as read from op's params
   * @param sourceCoverage is the source {@link GridCoverage2D} that we want to crop.
   * @param hints A set of rendering hints, or {@code null} if none.
   * @param sourceGridToWorldTransform is the 2d grid-to-world transform for the source coverage.
   * @return The result as a grid coverage.
  private static GridCoverage2D buildResult(
      final GeneralEnvelope cropEnvelope,
      final Geometry cropROI,
      final double roiTolerance,
      final boolean forceMosaic,
      final Hints hints,
      final GridCoverage2D sourceCoverage,
      final AffineTransform sourceGridToWorldTransform) {

    // Getting the source coverage and its child geolocation objects
    final RenderedImage sourceImage = sourceCoverage.getRenderedImage();
    final GridGeometry2D sourceGridGeometry = ((GridGeometry2D) sourceCoverage.getGridGeometry());
    final GridEnvelope2D sourceGridRange = sourceGridGeometry.getGridRange2D();

    // Now we try to understand if we have a simple scale and translate or a
    // more elaborated grid-to-world transformation n which case a simple
    // crop could not be enough, but we may need a more elaborated chain of
    // operation in order to do a good job. As an instance if we
    // have a rotation which is not multiple of PI/2 we have to use
    // the mosaic with a ROI
    final boolean isSimpleTransform =
        CoverageUtilities.isSimpleGridToWorldTransform(sourceGridToWorldTransform, EPS);

    // Do we need to explode the Palette to RGB(A)?
    int actionTaken = 0;

    // //
    // Layout
    // //
    final RenderingHints targetHints = new RenderingHints(null);
    if (hints != null) targetHints.add(hints);
    final ImageLayout layout = initLayout(sourceImage, targetHints);
    targetHints.put(JAI.KEY_IMAGE_LAYOUT, layout);

    // prepare the processor to use for this operation
    final JAI processor = OperationJAI.getJAI(targetHints);
    final boolean useProvidedProcessor = !processor.equals(JAI.getDefaultInstance());

    try {

      if (cropROI != null) {
        // replace the cropEnvelope with the envelope of the intersection
        // of the ROI and the cropEnvelope.
        // Remember that envelope(intersection(roi,cropEnvelope)) != intersection(cropEnvelope,
        // envelope(roi))
        final Polygon modelSpaceROI = FeatureUtilities.getPolygon(cropEnvelope, GFACTORY);
        Geometry intersection = IntersectUtils.intersection(cropROI, modelSpaceROI);
        Envelope2D e2d =
                intersection.getEnvelopeInternal(), cropEnvelope.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
        GeneralEnvelope ge = new GeneralEnvelope((org.opengis.geometry.Envelope) e2d);

      // //
      // Build the new range by keeping into
      // account translation of grid geometry constructor for respecting
      // OGC PIXEL-IS-CENTER ImageDatum assumption.
      // //
      final AffineTransform sourceWorldToGridTransform = sourceGridToWorldTransform.createInverse();

      // //
      // finalRasterArea will hold the smallest rectangular integer raster area that contains the
      // floating point raster
      // area which we obtain when applying the world-to-grid transform to the cropEnvelope. Note
      // that we need to intersect
      // such an area with the area covered by the source coverage in order to be sure we do not try
      // to crop outside the
      // bounds of the source raster.
      // //
      final Rectangle2D finalRasterAreaDouble =
              sourceWorldToGridTransform, cropEnvelope.toRectangle2D(), null);
      final Rectangle finalRasterArea = finalRasterAreaDouble.getBounds();

      // intersection with the original range in order to not try to crop outside the image bounds
      Rectangle.intersect(finalRasterArea, sourceGridRange, finalRasterArea);
      if (finalRasterArea.isEmpty())
        throw new CannotCropException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.CANT_CROP));

      // //
      // It is worth to point out that doing a crop the G2W transform
      // should not change while the envelope might change as
      // a consequence of the rounding of the underlying image datum
      // which uses integer factors or in case the G2W is very
      // complex. Note that we will always strive to
      // conserve the original grid-to-world transform.
      // //

      // we do not have to crop in this case (should not really happen at
      // this time)
      if (finalRasterArea.equals(sourceGridRange) && isSimpleTransform && cropROI == null)
        return sourceCoverage;

      // //
      // if I get here I have something to crop
      // using the world-to-grid transform for going from envelope to the
      // new grid range.
      // //
      final double minX = finalRasterArea.getMinX();
      final double minY = finalRasterArea.getMinY();
      final double width = finalRasterArea.getWidth();
      final double height = finalRasterArea.getHeight();

      // //
      // Check if we need to use mosaic or crop
      // //
      final PlanarImage croppedImage;
      final ParameterBlock pbj = new ParameterBlock();
      java.awt.Polygon rasterSpaceROI = null;
      String operatioName = null;
      if (!isSimpleTransform || cropROI != null) {
        // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // We don't have a simple scale and translate transform, JAI
        // crop MAY NOT suffice. Let's decide whether or not we'll use
        // the Mosaic.
        // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        Polygon modelSpaceROI = FeatureUtilities.getPolygon(cropEnvelope, GFACTORY);

        // //
        // Now convert this polygon back into a shape for the source
        // raster space.
        // //
        final List<Point2D> points = new ArrayList<Point2D>(5);
        rasterSpaceROI =
                modelSpaceROI, ProjectiveTransform.create(sourceWorldToGridTransform), points);
        if (rasterSpaceROI == null || rasterSpaceROI.getBounds().isEmpty())
          if (finalRasterArea.isEmpty())
            throw new CannotCropException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.CANT_CROP));
        final boolean doMosaic =
                ? true
                : decideJAIOperation(roiTolerance, rasterSpaceROI.getBounds2D(), points);
        if (doMosaic || cropROI != null) {
          // prepare the params for the mosaic
          final ROI[] roiarr;
          try {
            if (cropROI != null) {
              final LiteShape2 cropRoiLS2 =
                  new LiteShape2(
                      cropROI, ProjectiveTransform.create(sourceWorldToGridTransform), null, false);
              ROI cropRS = new ROIShape(cropRoiLS2);
              Rectangle2D rt = cropRoiLS2.getBounds2D();
              if (!hasIntegerBounds(rt)) {
                // Approximate Geometry
                Geometry geo = (Geometry) cropRoiLS2.getGeometry().clone();
                cropRS = new ROIShape(new LiteShape2(geo, null, null, false));
              roiarr = new ROI[] {cropRS};
            } else {
              final ROIShape roi = new ROIShape(rasterSpaceROI);
              roiarr = new ROI[] {roi};
          } catch (FactoryException ex) {
            throw new CannotCropException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.CANT_CROP), ex);

          // prepare the final layout
          final Rectangle bounds = rasterSpaceROI.getBounds2D().getBounds();
          Rectangle.intersect(bounds, sourceGridRange, bounds);
          if (bounds.isEmpty()) throw new CannotCropException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.CANT_CROP));

          // we do not have to crop in this case (should not really happen at
          // this time)
          if (!doMosaic && bounds.getBounds().equals(sourceGridRange) && isSimpleTransform)
            return sourceCoverage;

          // nice trick, we use the layout to do the actual crop
          final Rectangle boundsInt = bounds.getBounds();
          operatioName = "Mosaic";

      // do we still have to set the operation name? If so that means we have to go for crop.
      if (operatioName == null) {
        // executing the crop
        pbj.add((float) minX);
        pbj.add((float) minY);
        pbj.add((float) width);
        pbj.add((float) height);
        operatioName = "GTCrop";
      // //
      // Apply operation
      // //
      if (!useProvidedProcessor) {
        croppedImage = JAI.create(operatioName, pbj, targetHints);
      } else {
        croppedImage = processor.createNS(operatioName, pbj, targetHints);

      // conserve the input grid to world transformation
      Map sourceProperties = sourceCoverage.getProperties();
      Map properties = null;
      if (sourceProperties != null && !sourceProperties.isEmpty()) {
        properties = new HashMap(sourceProperties);
      if (rasterSpaceROI != null) {
        if (properties != null) {
          properties.put("GC_ROI", rasterSpaceROI);
        } else {
          properties = Collections.singletonMap("GC_ROI", rasterSpaceROI);

      return new GridCoverageFactory(hints)
              new GridGeometry2D(
                  new GridEnvelope2D(croppedImage.getBounds()),
                  (actionTaken == 1 ? null : sourceCoverage.getSampleDimensions().clone()),
              new GridCoverage[] {sourceCoverage},

    } catch (TransformException e) {
      throw new CannotCropException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.CANT_CROP), e);
    } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
      throw new CannotCropException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.CANT_CROP), e);
Esempio n. 4
  @DescribeResult(name = "layerName", description = "Name of the new featuretype, with workspace")
  public String execute(
      @DescribeParameter(name = "features", min = 0, description = "Input feature collection")
          SimpleFeatureCollection features,
      @DescribeParameter(name = "coverage", min = 0, description = "Input raster")
          GridCoverage2D coverage,
              name = "workspace",
              min = 0,
              description = "Target workspace (default is the system default)")
          String workspace,
              name = "store",
              min = 0,
              description = "Target store (default is the workspace default)")
          String store,
              name = "name",
              min = 0,
              description =
                  "Name of the new featuretype/coverage (default is the name of the features in the collection)")
          String name,
              name = "srs",
              min = 0,
              description =
                  "Target coordinate reference system (default is based on source when possible)")
          CoordinateReferenceSystem srs,
              name = "srsHandling",
              min = 0,
              description =
                  "Desired SRS handling (default is FORCE_DECLARED, others are REPROJECT_TO_DECLARED or NONE)")
          ProjectionPolicy srsHandling,
              name = "styleName",
              min = 0,
              description =
                  "Name of the style to be associated with the layer (default is a standard geometry-specific style)")
          String styleName)
      throws ProcessException {

    // first off, decide what is the target store
    WorkspaceInfo ws;
    if (workspace != null) {
      ws = catalog.getWorkspaceByName(workspace);
      if (ws == null) {
        throw new ProcessException("Could not find workspace " + workspace);
    } else {
      ws = catalog.getDefaultWorkspace();
      if (ws == null) {
        throw new ProcessException("The catalog is empty, could not find a default workspace");

    // create a builder to help build catalog objects
    CatalogBuilder cb = new CatalogBuilder(catalog);

    // ok, find the target store
    StoreInfo storeInfo = null;
    boolean add = false;
    if (store != null) {
      if (features != null) {
        storeInfo = catalog.getDataStoreByName(ws.getName(), store);
      } else if (coverage != null) {
        storeInfo = catalog.getCoverageStoreByName(ws.getName(), store);
      if (storeInfo == null) {
        throw new ProcessException("Could not find store " + store + " in workspace " + workspace);
        // TODO: support store creation
    } else if (features != null) {
      storeInfo = catalog.getDefaultDataStore(ws);
      if (storeInfo == null) {
        throw new ProcessException("Could not find a default store in workspace " + ws.getName());
    } else if (coverage != null) {
      // create a new coverage store
          "Auto-configuring coverage store: "
              + (name != null ? name : coverage.getName().toString()));

      storeInfo = cb.buildCoverageStore((name != null ? name : coverage.getName().toString()));
      add = true;
      store = (name != null ? name : coverage.getName().toString());

      if (storeInfo == null) {
        throw new ProcessException("Could not find a default store in workspace " + ws.getName());

    // check the target style if any
    StyleInfo targetStyle = null;
    if (styleName != null) {
      targetStyle = catalog.getStyleByName(styleName);
      if (targetStyle == null) {
        throw new ProcessException("Could not find style " + styleName);

    if (features != null) {
      // check if the target layer and the target feature type are not
      // already there (this is a half-assed attempt as we don't have
      // an API telling us how the feature type name will be changed
      // by DataStore.createSchema(...), but better than fully importing
      // the data into the target store to find out we cannot create the layer...)
      String tentativeTargetName = null;
      if (name != null) {
        tentativeTargetName = ws.getName() + ":" + name;
      } else {
        tentativeTargetName = ws.getName() + ":" + features.getSchema().getTypeName();
      if (catalog.getLayer(tentativeTargetName) != null) {
        throw new ProcessException("Target layer " + tentativeTargetName + " already exists");

      // check the target crs
      String targetSRSCode = null;
      if (srs != null) {
        try {
          Integer code = CRS.lookupEpsgCode(srs, true);
          if (code == null) {
            throw new WPSException("Could not find a EPSG code for " + srs);
          targetSRSCode = "EPSG:" + code;
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new ProcessException("Could not lookup the EPSG code for the provided srs", e);
      } else {
        // check we can extract a code from the original data
        GeometryDescriptor gd = features.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor();
        if (gd == null) {
          // data is geometryless, we need a fake SRS
          targetSRSCode = "EPSG:4326";
          srsHandling = ProjectionPolicy.FORCE_DECLARED;
        } else {
          CoordinateReferenceSystem nativeCrs = gd.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
          if (nativeCrs == null) {
            throw new ProcessException(
                "The original data has no native CRS, " + "you need to specify the srs parameter");
          } else {
            try {
              Integer code = CRS.lookupEpsgCode(nativeCrs, true);
              if (code == null) {
                throw new ProcessException(
                    "Could not find an EPSG code for data "
                        + "native spatial reference system: "
                        + nativeCrs);
              } else {
                targetSRSCode = "EPSG:" + code;
            } catch (Exception e) {
              throw new ProcessException(
                  "Failed to loookup an official EPSG code for "
                      + "the source data native "
                      + "spatial reference system",

      // import the data into the target store
      SimpleFeatureType targetType;
      try {
        targetType = importDataIntoStore(features, name, (DataStoreInfo) storeInfo);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ProcessException("Failed to import data into the target store", e);

      // now import the newly created layer into GeoServer
      try {

        // build the typeInfo and set CRS if necessary
        FeatureTypeInfo typeInfo = cb.buildFeatureType(targetType.getName());
        if (targetSRSCode != null) {
        if (srsHandling != null) {
        // compute the bounds

        // build the layer and set a style
        LayerInfo layerInfo = cb.buildLayer(typeInfo);
        if (targetStyle != null) {


        return layerInfo.prefixedName();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ProcessException("Failed to complete the import inside the GeoServer catalog", e);
    } else if (coverage != null) {
      try {
        final File directory =
            catalog.getResourceLoader().findOrCreateDirectory("data", workspace, store);
        final File file = File.createTempFile(store, ".tif", directory);
        ((CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo).setURL(file.toURL().toExternalForm());
        ((CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo).setType("GeoTIFF");

        // check the target crs
        CoordinateReferenceSystem cvCrs = coverage.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
        String targetSRSCode = null;
        if (srs != null) {
          try {
            Integer code = CRS.lookupEpsgCode(srs, true);
            if (code == null) {
              throw new WPSException("Could not find a EPSG code for " + srs);
            targetSRSCode = "EPSG:" + code;
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ProcessException("Could not lookup the EPSG code for the provided srs", e);
        } else {
          // check we can extract a code from the original data
          if (cvCrs == null) {
            // data is geometryless, we need a fake SRS
            targetSRSCode = "EPSG:4326";
            srsHandling = ProjectionPolicy.FORCE_DECLARED;
            srs = DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84;
          } else {
            CoordinateReferenceSystem nativeCrs = cvCrs;
            if (nativeCrs == null) {
              throw new ProcessException(
                  "The original data has no native CRS, "
                      + "you need to specify the srs parameter");
            } else {
              try {
                Integer code = CRS.lookupEpsgCode(nativeCrs, true);
                if (code == null) {
                  throw new ProcessException(
                      "Could not find an EPSG code for data "
                          + "native spatial reference system: "
                          + nativeCrs);
                } else {
                  targetSRSCode = "EPSG:" + code;
                  srs = CRS.decode(targetSRSCode, true);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ProcessException(
                    "Failed to loookup an official EPSG code for "
                        + "the source data native "
                        + "spatial reference system",

        MathTransform tx = CRS.findMathTransform(cvCrs, srs);

        if (!tx.isIdentity() || !CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(cvCrs, srs)) {
          coverage =

        GeoTiffWriter writer = new GeoTiffWriter(file);

        // setting the write parameters for this geotiff
        final ParameterValueGroup params = new GeoTiffFormat().getWriteParameters();
        final GeneralParameterValue[] wps =
            (GeneralParameterValue[]) params.values().toArray(new GeneralParameterValue[1]);

        try {
          writer.write(coverage, wps);
        } finally {
          try {
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // we tried, no need to fuss around this one

        // add or update the datastore info
        if (add) {
          catalog.add((CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo);
        } else {
          catalog.save((CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo);

        cb.setStore((CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo);

        AbstractGridCoverage2DReader reader = new GeoTiffReader(file);
        if (reader == null) {
          throw new ProcessException("Could not aquire reader for coverage.");

        // coverage read params
        final Map customParameters = new HashMap();
        /*String useJAIImageReadParam = "USE_JAI_IMAGEREAD";
        if (useJAIImageReadParam != null) {
        	customParameters.put(AbstractGridFormat.USE_JAI_IMAGEREAD.getName().toString(), Boolean.valueOf(useJAIImageReadParam));

        CoverageInfo cinfo = cb.buildCoverage(reader, customParameters);

        // check if the name of the coverage was specified
        if (name != null) {

        if (!add) {
          // update the existing
          CoverageInfo existing =
                  (CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo,
                  name != null ? name : coverage.getName().toString());
          if (existing == null) {
            // grab the first if there is only one
            List<CoverageInfo> coverages =
                catalog.getCoveragesByCoverageStore((CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo);
            if (coverages.size() == 1) {
              existing = coverages.get(0);
            if (coverages.size() == 0) {
              // no coverages yet configured, change add flag and continue on
              add = true;
            } else {
              // multiple coverages, and one to configure not specified
              throw new ProcessException("Unable to determine coverage to configure.");

          if (existing != null) {
            cb.updateCoverage(existing, cinfo);
            cinfo = existing;

        // do some post configuration, if srs is not known or unset, transform to 4326
        if ("UNKNOWN".equals(cinfo.getSRS())) {
          // CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS =
          // cinfo.getBoundingBox().getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
          // CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326", true);
          // ReferencedEnvelope re = cinfo.getBoundingBox().transform(targetCRS, true);
          // cinfo.setCRS( targetCRS );
          // cinfo.setBoundingBox( re );

        // add/save
        if (add) {

          LayerInfo layerInfo = cb.buildLayer(cinfo);
          if (styleName != null && targetStyle != null) {
          // JD: commenting this out, these sorts of edits should be handled
          // with a second PUT request on the created coverage
          String styleName = form.getFirstValue("style");
          if ( styleName != null ) {
              StyleInfo style = catalog.getStyleByName( styleName );
              if ( style != null ) {
                  layerInfo.setDefaultStyle( style );
                  if ( !layerInfo.getStyles().contains( style ) ) {
                      layerInfo.getStyles().add( style );
              else {
                  LOGGER.warning( "Client specified style '" + styleName + "'but no such style exists.");

          String path = form.getFirstValue( "path");
          if ( path != null ) {
              layerInfo.setPath( path );

          boolean valid = true;
          try {
            if (!catalog.validate(layerInfo, true).isEmpty()) {
              valid = false;
          } catch (Exception e) {
            valid = false;


          return layerInfo.prefixedName();
        } else {

          LayerInfo layerInfo = catalog.getLayerByName(cinfo.getName());
          if (styleName != null && targetStyle != null) {

          return layerInfo.prefixedName();

      } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        throw new ProcessException("URL Error", e);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ProcessException("I/O Exception", e);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ProcessException("Exception", e);

    return null;
    public void encode(Object o) throws IllegalArgumentException {
      // register namespaces provided by extended capabilities
      NamespaceSupport namespaces = getNamespaceSupport();
      namespaces.declarePrefix("wcscrs", "http://www.opengis.net/wcs/service-extension/crs/1.0");
          "int", "http://www.opengis.net/WCS_service-extension_interpolation/1.0");
      namespaces.declarePrefix("gml", "http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2");
      namespaces.declarePrefix("gmlcov", "http://www.opengis.net/gmlcov/1.0");
      namespaces.declarePrefix("swe", "http://www.opengis.net/swe/2.0");
      namespaces.declarePrefix("xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");
      namespaces.declarePrefix("xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");

      for (WCS20CoverageMetadataProvider cp : extensions) {

      // is this a GridCoverage?
      if (!(o instanceof GridCoverage2D)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Provided object is not a GridCoverage2D:"
                + (o != null ? o.getClass().toString() : "null"));
      final GridCoverage2D gc2d = (GridCoverage2D) o;
      // we are going to use this name as an ID
      final String gcName = gc2d.getName().toString(Locale.getDefault());

      // get the crs and look for an EPSG code
      final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = gc2d.getCoordinateReferenceSystem2D();
      List<String> axesNames =
          GMLTransformer.this.envelopeDimensionsMapper.getAxesNames(gc2d.getEnvelope2D(), true);

      // lookup EPSG code
      Integer EPSGCode = null;
      try {
        EPSGCode = CRS.lookupEpsgCode(crs, false);
      } catch (FactoryException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to lookup epsg code for this CRS:" + crs, e);
      if (EPSGCode == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to lookup epsg code for this CRS:" + crs);
      final String srsName = GetCoverage.SRS_STARTER + EPSGCode;
      // handle axes swap for geographic crs
      final boolean axisSwap = CRS.getAxisOrder(crs).equals(AxisOrder.EAST_NORTH);

      final AttributesImpl attributes = new AttributesImpl();
      helper.registerNamespaces(getNamespaceSupport(), attributes);

      // using Name as the ID
          "", "gml:id", "gml:id", "", gc2d.getName().toString(Locale.getDefault()));
      start("gml:RectifiedGridCoverage", attributes);

      // handle domain
      final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
      for (String axisName : axesNames) {
        builder.append(axisName).append(" ");
      String axesLabel = builder.substring(0, builder.length() - 1);
      try {
        GeneralEnvelope envelope = new GeneralEnvelope(gc2d.getEnvelope());
        handleBoundedBy(envelope, axisSwap, srsName, axesLabel, null);
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new WCS20Exception(ex);

      // handle domain
      axesNames =
          GMLTransformer.this.envelopeDimensionsMapper.getAxesNames(gc2d.getEnvelope2D(), false);
      for (String axisName : axesNames) {
        builder.append(axisName).append(" ");
      axesLabel = builder.substring(0, builder.length() - 1);
      handleDomainSet(gc2d.getGridGeometry(), gc2d.getDimension(), gcName, srsName, axisSwap);

      // handle rangetype

      // handle coverage function
      final GridEnvelope2D ge2D = gc2d.getGridGeometry().getGridRange2D();
      handleCoverageFunction(ge2D, axisSwap);

      // handle range

      // handle metadata OPTIONAL
      try {
        handleMetadata(null, null);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
