protected void loadCollection( Class typeClass, String name, JaWEComponent controller, Properties properties) { String id = ResourceManager.getResourceString(properties, "JaWETypes." + name + ".Id"); if (id == null) { return; } String dispName = ""; ImageIcon icon = null; Color color = Color.DARK_GRAY; try { String langDepName = ResourceManager.getResourceString(properties, "JaWETypes." + name + ".LangDepName"); dispName = controller.getSettings().getLanguageDependentString(langDepName); icon = new ImageIcon(ResourceManager.getResource(properties, "JaWETypes." + name + ".Icon")); color = Utils.getColor( ResourceManager.getResourceString(properties, "JaWETypes." + name + ".Color")); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( "JaWETypes->loadCollection: Failed to load collection " + typeClass + " with name " + name); } JaWEType jtype = new JaWEType(typeClass, id, dispName, icon, color); allTypes.put(id, jtype); allTypesMapping.put("JaWETypes." + name + ".Id", id); }
protected void loadTypes( Class typeClass, String name, List list, JaWEComponent controller, Properties properties) { List types = ResourceManager.getResourceStrings(properties, "JaWETypes." + name + ".Id.", false); String orderStr = properties.getProperty("JaWETypes." + name + ".Order", ""); String[] order = Utils.tokenize(orderStr, ","); for (int i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { order[i] = order[i].trim(); } if (order.length > 0) { List types2 = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { if (types.contains(order[i])) { types2.add(order[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) { if (!types2.contains(types.get(i))) { types2.add(types.get(i)); } } types = types2; } for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) { String id = ResourceManager.getResourceString( properties, "JaWETypes." + name + ".Id." + types.get(i)); if (id.trim().equals("")) { if (allTypesMapping.containsKey("JaWETypes." + name + ".Id." + types.get(i))) { String defId = (String) allTypesMapping.get("JaWETypes." + name + ".Id." + types.get(i)); JaWEType jtype = (JaWEType) allTypes.get(defId); if (list.contains(jtype)) { list.remove(jtype); } allTypes.remove(defId); } continue; } String dispName = null; ImageIcon icon = null; Color color = null; try { String langDepName = ResourceManager.getResourceString( properties, "JaWETypes." + name + ".LangDepName." + types.get(i)); dispName = controller.getSettings().getLanguageDependentString(langDepName); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( "JaWETypes->locaTypes: Failed to load type " + typeClass + " for name " + name); } try { icon = new ImageIcon( ResourceManager.getResource( properties, "JaWETypes." + name + ".Icon." + types.get(i))); } catch (Exception e) { } try { color = Utils.getColor( ResourceManager.getResourceString( properties, "JaWETypes." + name + ".Color." + types.get(i))); } catch (Exception e) { } JaWEType jtype; if (allTypes.containsKey(id)) { jtype = (JaWEType) allTypes.get(id); if (list.contains(jtype)) { list.remove(jtype); } } else { jtype = new JaWEType(typeClass, id); if (color == null) { color = Color.DARK_GRAY; } } if (dispName != null) { jtype.setDisplayName(dispName); } if (icon != null) { jtype.setIcon(icon); } if (color != null) { jtype.setColor(color); } list.add(jtype); allTypes.put(id, jtype); allTypesMapping.put("JaWETypes." + name + ".Id." + types.get(i), id); try { String templateXML = ResourceManager.getResourceString( properties, "JaWETypes." + name + "." + XPDL_TEMPLATE + "." + types.get(i)); if (templateXML != null && !templateXML.equals("")) { Document doc = parseDocument(templateXML, true); XMLElement tmpl = createTemplateElement(doc); templateMap.put(id, tmpl); } } catch (Exception e) { } } }