public QProfileRuleResult search(ProfileRuleQuery query, Paging paging) { SearchHits ruleHits = searchRules( query, paging, ruleFilterForActiveRuleSearch(query) .must(hasChildFilter(ESActiveRule.TYPE_ACTIVE_RULE, activeRuleFilter(query)))); List<Integer> ruleIds = Lists.newArrayList(); for (SearchHit ruleHit : ruleHits) { ruleIds.add(Integer.valueOf(; } List<QProfileRule> result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (!ruleIds.isEmpty()) { SearchHits activeRuleHits = searchActiveRules(query, ruleIds, FIELD_SOURCE, FIELD_PARENT); Map<String, SearchHit> activeRuleByParent = Maps.newHashMap(); for (SearchHit activeRuleHit : activeRuleHits) { activeRuleByParent.put( (String) activeRuleHit.field(FIELD_PARENT).getValue(), activeRuleHit); } for (SearchHit ruleHit : ruleHits) { result.add( new QProfileRule( ruleHit.sourceAsMap(), activeRuleByParent.get(; } } return new QProfileRuleResult( result, PagingResult.create(paging.pageSize(), paging.pageIndex(), ruleHits.getTotalHits())); }
public Collection<Class<? extends Module>> shardModules() { List<Class<? extends Module>> modules = Lists.newArrayList(); for (App app : moduleApps.values()) { modules.addAll(app.shardModules()); } return modules; }
/** Inject input artifacts in the corresponding nodes. */ public void processInputArtifacts(DeploymentTopology topology) { if (topology.getInputArtifacts() != null && !topology.getInputArtifacts().isEmpty()) { // we'll build a map inputArtifactId -> List<DeploymentArtifact> Map<String, List<DeploymentArtifact>> artifactMap = Maps.newHashMap(); // iterate over nodes in order to remember all nodes referencing an input artifact for (NodeTemplate nodeTemplate : topology.getNodeTemplates().values()) { if (nodeTemplate.getArtifacts() != null && !nodeTemplate.getArtifacts().isEmpty()) { for (DeploymentArtifact da : nodeTemplate.getArtifacts().values()) { String inputArtifactId = InputArtifactUtil.getInputArtifactId(da); if (inputArtifactId != null) { List<DeploymentArtifact> das = artifactMap.get(inputArtifactId); if (das == null) { das = Lists.newArrayList(); artifactMap.put(inputArtifactId, das); } das.add(da); } } } } for (Map.Entry<String, DeploymentArtifact> e : topology.getInputArtifacts().entrySet()) { List<DeploymentArtifact> nodeArtifacts = artifactMap.get(e.getKey()); if (nodeArtifacts != null) { for (DeploymentArtifact nodeArtifact : nodeArtifacts) { nodeArtifact.setArtifactRef(e.getValue().getArtifactRef()); nodeArtifact.setArtifactName(e.getValue().getArtifactName()); } } } } }
public Collection<Class<? extends CloseableIndexComponent>> shardServices() { List<Class<? extends CloseableIndexComponent>> services = Lists.newArrayList(); for (App app : moduleApps.values()) { services.addAll(app.shardServices()); } return services; }
/** Adds a sort builder. */ public SearchSourceBuilder sort(SortBuilder sort) { if (sorts == null) { sorts = Lists.newArrayList(); } sorts.add(sort); return this; }
/** Add a facet to perform as part of the search. */ public SearchSourceBuilder facet(AbstractFacetBuilder facet) { if (facets == null) { facets = Lists.newArrayList(); } facets.add(facet); return this; }
public SearchSourceBuilder scriptField(String name, String script, Map<String, Object> params) { if (scriptFields == null) { scriptFields = Lists.newArrayList(); } scriptFields.add(new ScriptField(name, script, params)); return this; }
/** * Helper method to get the plugin module method hooks, the module references * * @param app the app to invoke * @return an immutable map of the on-module refs of the apps */ private List<OnModuleReference> onModuleRefs(App app) { List<OnModuleReference> list = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Method method : app.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!method.getName().equals("onModule")) { continue; } if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0 || method.getParameterTypes().length > 1) { logger.warn( "plugin {} implementing onModule with no parameters or more than one parameter",; continue; } Class moduleClass = method.getParameterTypes()[0]; if (!Module.class.isAssignableFrom(moduleClass)) { logger.warn( "plugin {} implementing onModule by the type is not of Module type {}",, moduleClass); continue; } method.setAccessible(true); list.add(new OnModuleReference(moduleClass, method)); } return list; }
public Collection<Class<? extends LifecycleComponent>> services() { List<Class<? extends LifecycleComponent>> services = Lists.newArrayList(); for (App app : moduleApps.values()) { services.addAll(; } return services; }
public Collection<Module> shardModules(Settings settings) { List<Module> modules = Lists.newArrayList(); for (App app : moduleApps.values()) { modules.addAll(app.shardModules(settings)); } return modules; }
@Getter @Setter public class ParsedPropertiesDefinitions { private Map<String, PropertyDefinition> definitions = Maps.newHashMap(); private Map<String, List<String>> policies = Maps.newHashMap(); private List<SimpleSuggestionEntry> suggestions = Lists.newArrayList(); }
/* DATAES-82 */ @Test public void shouldFindAllByIdQuery() { // given String documentId = randomNumeric(5); SampleEntity sampleEntity = new SampleEntity(); sampleEntity.setId(documentId); sampleEntity.setMessage("hello world."); sampleEntity.setVersion(System.currentTimeMillis());; String documentId2 = randomNumeric(5); SampleEntity sampleEntity2 = new SampleEntity(); sampleEntity2.setId(documentId2); sampleEntity2.setMessage("hello world."); sampleEntity2.setVersion(System.currentTimeMillis());; // when Iterable<SampleEntity> sampleEntities = repository.findAll(Arrays.asList(documentId, documentId2)); // then assertNotNull("sample entities cant be null..", sampleEntities); List<SampleEntity> entities = Lists.newArrayList(sampleEntities); assertThat(entities.size(), is(2)); }
@Test public void testReaderReturnsEmptyIteratorForNullValue() { Mockito.when(tabixReader.query("13:12-12")).thenReturn(null); Iterable<Entity> actual = tabixRepository.findAll(tabixRepository.query().eq(CHROM, "13").and().eq(POS, 12)); assertEquals(Collections.emptyList(), Lists.newArrayList(actual)); }
@Override public Collection<Class<? extends Module>> modules() { Collection<Class<? extends Module>> modules = Lists.newArrayList(); if (isClient()) { modules.add(SuggestClientModule.class); } else { modules.add(SuggestModule.class); } return modules; }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public Collection<Class<? extends LifecycleComponent>> services() { Collection<Class<? extends LifecycleComponent>> services = Lists.newArrayList(); if (!isClient()) { services.add(SuggestService.class); } return services; }
public QProfileRuleResult searchInactives(ProfileRuleQuery query, Paging paging) { SearchHits hits = searchRules( query, paging, ruleFilterForInactiveRuleSearch(query), FIELD_SOURCE, FIELD_PARENT); List<QProfileRule> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (SearchHit hit : hits.getHits()) { result.add(new QProfileRule(hit.sourceAsMap())); } return new QProfileRuleResult( result, PagingResult.create(paging.pageSize(), paging.pageIndex(), hits.getTotalHits())); }
public static List<Map<String, Object>> createProducts(int count) throws Exception { List<Map<String, Object>> products = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Map<String, Object> product = Maps.newHashMap(); product.put("ProductName", RandomStringGenerator.randomAlphabetic(10)); product.put("ProductId", i + "_" + RandomStringGenerator.randomAlphanumeric(10)); products.add(product); } return products; }
private CommitPoints buildCommitPoints(ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs) { List<CommitPoint> commitPoints = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String name : blobs.keySet()) { if (name.startsWith("commit-")) { try { commitPoints.add(CommitPoints.fromXContent(blobContainer.readBlobFully(name))); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to read commit point [{}]", e, name); } } } return new CommitPoints(commitPoints); }
/** * Get all the relationships in which a given node template is a target * * @param nodeTemplateName the name of the node template which is target for relationship * @param nodeTemplates all topology's node templates * @return all relationships which have nodeTemplateName as target */ public List<RelationshipTemplate> getTargetRelatedRelatonshipsTemplate( String nodeTemplateName, Map<String, NodeTemplate> nodeTemplates) { List<RelationshipTemplate> toReturn = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String key : nodeTemplates.keySet()) { NodeTemplate nodeTemp = nodeTemplates.get(key); if (nodeTemp.getRelationships() == null) { continue; } for (String key2 : nodeTemp.getRelationships().keySet()) { RelationshipTemplate relTemp = nodeTemp.getRelationships().get(key2); if (relTemp == null) { continue; } if (relTemp.getTarget() != null && relTemp.getTarget().equals(nodeTemplateName)) { toReturn.add(relTemp); } } } return toReturn; }
@Test public void testMapAccess() { Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> obj2 = MapBuilder.<String, Object>newMapBuilder().put("prop2", "value2").map(); Map<String, Object> obj1 = MapBuilder.<String, Object>newMapBuilder() .put("prop1", "value1") .put("obj2", obj2) .put("l", Lists.newArrayList("2", "1")) .map(); vars.put("obj1", obj1); Object o = se.execute(se.compile("obj1"), vars); assertThat(o, instanceOf(Map.class)); obj1 = (Map<String, Object>) o; assertThat((String) obj1.get("prop1"), equalTo("value1")); assertThat((String) ((Map<String, Object>) obj1.get("obj2")).get("prop2"), equalTo("value2")); o = se.execute(se.compile("obj1.l[0]"), vars); assertThat(((String) o), equalTo("2")); }
@Test public void testReaderFiltersRows() throws IOException { Mockito.when(tabixReader.query("13:12-12")).thenReturn(iterator); Mockito.when( .thenReturn( "id1\t13\t11\tnope", "id2\t13\t12\tyup", "id3\t13\t12\tyup", "id3\t13\t13\tnope", null); Iterable<Entity> actual = tabixRepository.findAll(tabixRepository.query().eq(CHROM, "13").and().eq(POS, 12)); Entity e1 = new MapEntity(entityMetaData); e1.set("ID", "id2"); e1.set("#CHROM", "13"); e1.set("POS", 12l); e1.set("Description", "yup"); Entity e2 = new MapEntity(entityMetaData); e2.set("ID", "id3"); e2.set("#CHROM", "13"); e2.set("POS", 12l); e2.set("Description", "yup"); assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList(actual), Arrays.asList(e1, e2)); }
@Test public void testAccessListInScript() { Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> obj2 = MapBuilder.<String, Object>newMapBuilder().put("prop2", "value2").map(); Map<String, Object> obj1 = MapBuilder.<String, Object>newMapBuilder().put("prop1", "value1").put("obj2", obj2).map(); vars.put("l", Lists.newArrayList("1", "2", "3", obj1)); Object o = se.execute(se.compile("l.length"), vars); assertThat(((Number) o).intValue(), equalTo(4)); o = se.execute(se.compile("l[0]"), vars); assertThat(((String) o), equalTo("1")); o = se.execute(se.compile("l[3]"), vars); obj1 = (Map<String, Object>) o; assertThat((String) obj1.get("prop1"), equalTo("value1")); assertThat((String) ((Map<String, Object>) obj1.get("obj2")).get("prop2"), equalTo("value2")); o = se.execute(se.compile("l[3].prop1"), vars); assertThat(((String) o), equalTo("value1")); }
/** @author kimchy (shay.banon) */ public class RangeScriptFacetBuilder extends AbstractFacetBuilder { private String keyScript; private String valueScript; private Map<String, Object> params; private List<Entry> entries = Lists.newArrayList(); public RangeScriptFacetBuilder(String name) { super(name); } public RangeScriptFacetBuilder keyScript(String keyScript) { this.keyScript = keyScript; return this; } public RangeScriptFacetBuilder valueScript(String valueScript) { this.valueScript = valueScript; return this; } public RangeScriptFacetBuilder param(String name, Object value) { if (params == null) { params = Maps.newHashMap(); } params.put(name, value); return this; } /** * Adds a range entry with explicit from and to. * * @param from The from range limit * @param to The to range limit */ public RangeScriptFacetBuilder addRange(double from, double to) { entries.add(new Entry(from, to)); return this; } /** * Adds a range entry with explicit from and unbounded to. * * @param from the from range limit, to is unbounded. */ public RangeScriptFacetBuilder addUnboundedTo(double from) { entries.add(new Entry(from, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); return this; } /** * Adds a range entry with explicit to and unbounded from. * * @param to the to range limit, from is unbounded. */ public RangeScriptFacetBuilder addUnboundedFrom(double to) { entries.add(new Entry(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, to)); return this; } public RangeScriptFacetBuilder global(boolean global) { = global; return this; } public RangeScriptFacetBuilder facetFilter(XContentFilterBuilder filter) { this.facetFilter = filter; return this; } @Override public void toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { if (keyScript == null) { throw new SearchSourceBuilderException( "key_script must be set on range script facet for facet [" + name + "]"); } if (valueScript == null) { throw new SearchSourceBuilderException( "value_script must be set on range script facet for facet [" + name + "]"); } if (entries.isEmpty()) { throw new SearchSourceBuilderException( "at least one range must be defined for range facet [" + name + "]"); } builder.startObject(name); builder.startObject(RangeFacetCollectorParser.NAME); builder.field("key_script", keyScript); builder.field("value_script", valueScript); builder.startArray("ranges"); for (Entry entry : entries) { builder.startObject(); if (!Double.isInfinite(entry.from)) { builder.field("from", entry.from); } if (!Double.isInfinite( { builder.field("to",; } builder.endObject(); } builder.endArray(); if (this.params != null) { builder.field("params");; } builder.endObject(); addFilterFacetAndGlobal(builder, params); builder.endObject(); } private static class Entry { final double from; final double to; private Entry(double from, double to) { this.from = from; = to; } } }
@Override public Collection<Class<? extends Module>> shardModules() { Collection<Class<? extends Module>> modules = Lists.newArrayList(); modules.add(ShardSuggestModule.class); return modules; }
@Override public void run() { while (true) { if (closed) { break; } try { connection = connectionFactory.newConnection(rabbitAddresses); channel = connection.createChannel(); } catch (Exception e) { if (!closed) { logger.warn("failed to created a connection / channel", e); } else { continue; } cleanup(0, "failed to connect"); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // ignore, if we are closing, we will exit later } } QueueingConsumer consumer = null; // define the queue try { if (rabbitQueueDeclare) { // only declare the queue if we should channel.queueDeclare( rabbitQueue /*queue*/, rabbitQueueDurable /*durable*/, false /*exclusive*/, rabbitQueueAutoDelete /*autoDelete*/, rabbitQueueArgs /*extra args*/); } if (rabbitExchangeDeclare) { // only declare the exchange if we should channel.exchangeDeclare( rabbitExchange /*exchange*/, rabbitExchangeType /*type*/, rabbitExchangeDurable); } channel.basicQos( rabbitQosPrefetchSize /*qos_prefetch_size*/, rabbitQosPrefetchCount /*qos_prefetch_count*/, false); if (rabbitQueueBind) { // only bind queue if we should channel.queueBind( rabbitQueue /*queue*/, rabbitExchange /*exchange*/, rabbitRoutingKey /*routingKey*/); } consumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel); channel.basicConsume(rabbitQueue /*queue*/, false /*noAck*/, consumer); } catch (Exception e) { if (!closed) { logger.warn("failed to create queue [{}]", e, rabbitQueue); } cleanup(0, "failed to create queue"); continue; } // now use the queue to listen for messages while (true) { if (closed) { break; } QueueingConsumer.Delivery task; try { task = consumer.nextDelivery(); } catch (Exception e) { if (!closed) { logger.error("failed to get next message, reconnecting...", e); } cleanup(0, "failed to get message"); break; } if (task != null && task.getBody() != null) { final List<Long> deliveryTags = Lists.newArrayList(); BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequestBuilder = client.prepareBulk(); try { processBody(task, bulkRequestBuilder); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( "failed to parse request for delivery tag [{}], ack'ing...", e, task.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag()); try { channel.basicAck(task.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); } catch (IOException e1) { logger.warn("failed to ack [{}]", e1, task.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag()); } continue; } deliveryTags.add(task.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag()); if (bulkRequestBuilder.numberOfActions() < bulkSize) { // try and spin some more of those without timeout, so we have a bigger bulk (bounded // by the bulk size) try { while ((task = consumer.nextDelivery(bulkTimeout.millis())) != null) { try { processBody(task, bulkRequestBuilder); deliveryTags.add(task.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag()); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warn( "failed to parse request for delivery tag [{}], ack'ing...", e, task.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag()); try { channel.basicAck(task.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.warn( "failed to ack on failure [{}]", e1, task.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag()); } } if (bulkRequestBuilder.numberOfActions() >= bulkSize) { break; } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (closed) { break; } } catch (ShutdownSignalException sse) { logger.warn( "Received a shutdown signal! initiatedByApplication: [{}], hard error: [{}]", sse, sse.isInitiatedByApplication(), sse.isHardError()); if (!closed && sse.isInitiatedByApplication()) { logger.error("failed to get next message, reconnecting...", sse); } cleanup(0, "failed to get message"); break; } } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace( "executing bulk with [{}] actions", bulkRequestBuilder.numberOfActions()); } // if we have no bulk actions we might have processed custom commands, so ack them if (ordered || bulkRequestBuilder.numberOfActions() == 0) { try { if (bulkRequestBuilder.numberOfActions() > 0) { BulkResponse response = bulkRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet(); if (response.hasFailures()) { // TODO write to exception queue? logger.warn("failed to execute: " + response.buildFailureMessage()); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to execute bulk", e); } for (Long deliveryTag : deliveryTags) { try { channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.warn("failed to ack [{}]", e1, deliveryTag); } } } else { if (bulkRequestBuilder.numberOfActions() > 0) { bulkRequestBuilder.execute( new ActionListener<BulkResponse>() { @Override public void onResponse(BulkResponse response) { if (response.hasFailures()) { // TODO write to exception queue? logger.warn("failed to execute: " + response.buildFailureMessage()); } for (Long deliveryTag : deliveryTags) { try { channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.warn("failed to ack [{}]", e1, deliveryTag); } } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { logger.warn( "failed to execute bulk for delivery tags [{}], not ack'ing", e, deliveryTags); } }); } } } } } cleanup(0, "closing river"); }
@Override public void recover(RecoveryStatus recoveryStatus) throws IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException { this.recoveryStatus = recoveryStatus; final ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs; try { blobs = blobContainer.listBlobs(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException(shardId, "Failed to list content of gateway", e); } List<CommitPoint> commitPointsList = Lists.newArrayList(); boolean atLeastOneCommitPointExists = false; for (String name : blobs.keySet()) { if (name.startsWith("commit-")) { atLeastOneCommitPointExists = true; try { commitPointsList.add(CommitPoints.fromXContent(blobContainer.readBlobFully(name))); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to read commit point [{}]", e, name); } } } if (atLeastOneCommitPointExists && commitPointsList.isEmpty()) { // no commit point managed to load, bail so we won't corrupt the index, will require manual // intervention throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException( shardId, "Commit points exists but none could be loaded", null); } CommitPoints commitPoints = new CommitPoints(commitPointsList); if (commitPoints.commits().isEmpty()) { // no commit points, clean the store just so we won't recover wrong files try {; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("failed to clean store before starting shard", e); } recoveryStatus.index().startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); recoveryStatus.index().time(System.currentTimeMillis() - recoveryStatus.index().startTime()); recoveryStatus.translog().startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); recoveryStatus .translog() .time(System.currentTimeMillis() - recoveryStatus.index().startTime()); return; } for (CommitPoint commitPoint : commitPoints) { if (!commitPointExistsInBlobs(commitPoint, blobs)) { logger.warn( "listed commit_point [{}]/[{}], but not all files exists, ignoring",, commitPoint.version()); continue; } try { recoveryStatus.index().startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); recoveryStatus.updateStage(RecoveryStatus.Stage.INDEX); recoverIndex(commitPoint, blobs); recoveryStatus .index() .time(System.currentTimeMillis() - recoveryStatus.index().startTime()); recoveryStatus.translog().startTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); recoveryStatus.updateStage(RecoveryStatus.Stage.TRANSLOG); recoverTranslog(commitPoint, blobs); recoveryStatus .translog() .time(System.currentTimeMillis() - recoveryStatus.index().startTime()); return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException( shardId, "failed to recover commit_point [" + + "]/[" + commitPoint.version() + "]", e); } } throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException( shardId, "No commit point data is available in gateway", null); }
private void recoverIndex(CommitPoint commitPoint, ImmutableMap<String, BlobMetaData> blobs) throws Exception { int numberOfFiles = 0; long totalSize = 0; int numberOfReusedFiles = 0; long reusedTotalSize = 0; List<CommitPoint.FileInfo> filesToRecover = Lists.newArrayList(); for (CommitPoint.FileInfo fileInfo : commitPoint.indexFiles()) { String fileName = fileInfo.physicalName(); StoreFileMetaData md = null; try { md = store.metaData(fileName); } catch (Exception e) { // no file } // we don't compute checksum for segments, so always recover them if (!fileName.startsWith("segments") && md != null && fileInfo.isSame(md)) { numberOfFiles++; totalSize += md.length(); numberOfReusedFiles++; reusedTotalSize += md.length(); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace( "not_recovering [{}], exists in local store and is same", fileInfo.physicalName()); } } else { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { if (md == null) { logger.trace( "recovering [{}], does not exists in local store", fileInfo.physicalName()); } else { logger.trace( "recovering [{}], exists in local store but is different", fileInfo.physicalName()); } } numberOfFiles++; totalSize += fileInfo.length(); filesToRecover.add(fileInfo); } } recoveryStatus.index().files(numberOfFiles, totalSize, numberOfReusedFiles, reusedTotalSize); if (filesToRecover.isEmpty()) { logger.trace("no files to recover, all exists within the local store"); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace( "recovering_files [{}] with total_size [{}], reusing_files [{}] with reused_size [{}]", numberOfFiles, new ByteSizeValue(totalSize), numberOfReusedFiles, new ByteSizeValue(reusedTotalSize)); } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(filesToRecover.size()); final CopyOnWriteArrayList<Throwable> failures = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Throwable>(); for (final CommitPoint.FileInfo fileToRecover : filesToRecover) { recoverFile(fileToRecover, blobs, latch, failures); } try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException( shardId, "Interrupted while recovering index", e); } if (!failures.isEmpty()) { throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException( shardId, "Failed to recover index", failures.get(0)); } // read the gateway data persisted long version = -1; try { if (IndexReader.indexExists( { version = IndexReader.getCurrentVersion(; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException( shardId(), "Failed to fetch index version after copying it over", e); } recoveryStatus.index().updateVersion(version); /// now, go over and clean files that are in the store, but were not in the gateway try { for (String storeFile : { if (!commitPoint.containPhysicalIndexFile(storeFile)) { try {; } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } }
public void updateSubstitutionType(final Topology topology) { if (!topology.getDelegateType().equalsIgnoreCase(TopologyTemplate.class.getSimpleName())) { return; } if (topology.getSubstitutionMapping() == null || topology.getSubstitutionMapping().getSubstitutionType() == null) { return; } IndexedNodeType nodeType = csarRepoSearchService.getElementInDependencies( IndexedNodeType.class, topology.getSubstitutionMapping().getSubstitutionType().getElementId(), topology.getDependencies()); TopologyTemplate topologyTemplate = alienDAO.findById(TopologyTemplate.class, topology.getDelegateId()); TopologyTemplateVersion topologyTemplateVersion = topologyTemplateVersionService.getByTopologyId(topology.getId()); Set<CSARDependency> inheritanceDependencies = Sets.newHashSet(); inheritanceDependencies.add( new CSARDependency(nodeType.getArchiveName(), nodeType.getArchiveVersion())); // we have to search for the eventually existing CSar to update it' deps // actually, the csar is not renamed when the topology template is renamed (this is not quite // simple to rename a csar if it // is used in topologies ....). So we have to search the csar using the topology id. Csar csar = csarService.getTopologySubstitutionCsar(topology.getId()); if (csar == null) { // the csar can not be found, we create it String archiveName = topologyTemplate.getName(); String archiveVersion = topologyTemplateVersion.getVersion(); csar = new Csar(archiveName, archiveVersion); csar.setSubstitutionTopologyId(topology.getId()); } csar.setDependencies(inheritanceDependencies); csar.getDependencies().addAll(topology.getDependencies());; IndexedNodeType topologyTemplateType = new IndexedNodeType(); topologyTemplateType.setArchiveName(csar.getName()); topologyTemplateType.setArchiveVersion(csar.getVersion()); topologyTemplateType.setElementId(csar.getName()); topologyTemplateType.setDerivedFrom(Lists.newArrayList(nodeType.getElementId())); topologyTemplateType.setSubstitutionTopologyId(topology.getId()); List<CapabilityDefinition> capabilities = Lists.newArrayList(); topologyTemplateType.setCapabilities(capabilities); List<RequirementDefinition> requirements = Lists.newArrayList(); topologyTemplateType.setRequirements(requirements); // inputs from topology become properties of type topologyTemplateType.setProperties(topology.getInputs()); // output attributes become attributes for the type Map<String, IValue> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); topologyTemplateType.setAttributes(attributes); Map<String, Set<String>> outputAttributes = topology.getOutputAttributes(); if (outputAttributes != null) { for (Entry<String, Set<String>> oae : outputAttributes.entrySet()) { String nodeName = oae.getKey(); NodeTemplate nodeTemplate = topology.getNodeTemplates().get(nodeName); IndexedNodeType nodeTemplateType = csarRepoSearchService.getRequiredElementInDependencies( IndexedNodeType.class, nodeTemplate.getType(), topology.getDependencies()); for (String attributeName : oae.getValue()) { IValue ivalue = nodeTemplateType.getAttributes().get(attributeName); // we have an issue here : if several nodes have the same attribute name, there is a // conflict if (ivalue != null && !attributes.containsKey(attributeName)) { attributes.put(attributeName, ivalue); } } } } // output properties become attributes for the type Map<String, Set<String>> outputProperties = topology.getOutputProperties(); if (outputProperties != null) { for (Entry<String, Set<String>> ope : outputProperties.entrySet()) { String nodeName = ope.getKey(); NodeTemplate nodeTemplate = topology.getNodeTemplates().get(nodeName); IndexedNodeType nodeTemplateType = csarRepoSearchService.getRequiredElementInDependencies( IndexedNodeType.class, nodeTemplate.getType(), topology.getDependencies()); for (String propertyName : ope.getValue()) { PropertyDefinition pd = nodeTemplateType.getProperties().get(propertyName); // we have an issue here : if several nodes have the same attribute name, there is a // conflict if (pd != null && !attributes.containsKey(propertyName)) { attributes.put(propertyName, pd); } } } } // output capabilities properties also become attributes for the type Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> outputCapabilityProperties = topology.getOutputCapabilityProperties(); if (outputCapabilityProperties != null) { for (Entry<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> ocpe : outputCapabilityProperties.entrySet()) { String nodeName = ocpe.getKey(); NodeTemplate nodeTemplate = topology.getNodeTemplates().get(nodeName); for (Entry<String, Set<String>> cpe : ocpe.getValue().entrySet()) { String capabilityName = cpe.getKey(); String capabilityTypeName = nodeTemplate.getCapabilities().get(capabilityName).getType(); IndexedCapabilityType capabilityType = csarRepoSearchService.getRequiredElementInDependencies( IndexedCapabilityType.class, capabilityTypeName, topology.getDependencies()); for (String propertyName : cpe.getValue()) { PropertyDefinition pd = capabilityType.getProperties().get(propertyName); // we have an issue here : if several nodes have the same attribute name, there is a // conflict if (pd != null && !attributes.containsKey(propertyName)) { attributes.put(propertyName, pd); } } } } } // capabilities substitution if (topology.getSubstitutionMapping().getCapabilities() != null) { for (Entry<String, SubstitutionTarget> e : topology.getSubstitutionMapping().getCapabilities().entrySet()) { String key = e.getKey(); String nodeName = e.getValue().getNodeTemplateName(); String capabilityName = e.getValue().getTargetId(); NodeTemplate nodeTemplate = topology.getNodeTemplates().get(nodeName); IndexedNodeType nodeTemplateType = csarRepoSearchService.getRequiredElementInDependencies( IndexedNodeType.class, nodeTemplate.getType(), topology.getDependencies()); CapabilityDefinition capabilityDefinition = IndexedModelUtils.getCapabilityDefinitionById( nodeTemplateType.getCapabilities(), capabilityName); capabilityDefinition.setId(key); topologyTemplateType.getCapabilities().add(capabilityDefinition); } } // requirement substitution if (topology.getSubstitutionMapping().getRequirements() != null) { for (Entry<String, SubstitutionTarget> e : topology.getSubstitutionMapping().getRequirements().entrySet()) { String key = e.getKey(); String nodeName = e.getValue().getNodeTemplateName(); String requirementName = e.getValue().getTargetId(); NodeTemplate nodeTemplate = topology.getNodeTemplates().get(nodeName); IndexedNodeType nodeTemplateType = csarRepoSearchService.getRequiredElementInDependencies( IndexedNodeType.class, nodeTemplate.getType(), topology.getDependencies()); RequirementDefinition requirementDefinition = IndexedModelUtils.getRequirementDefinitionById( nodeTemplateType.getRequirements(), requirementName); requirementDefinition.setId(key); topologyTemplateType.getRequirements().add(requirementDefinition); } } indexerService.indexInheritableElement( csar.getName(), csar.getVersion(), topologyTemplateType, inheritanceDependencies); }
/** @author kimchy (shay.banon) */ public class RangeScriptFacetBuilder extends AbstractFacetBuilder { private String lang; private String keyScript; private String valueScript; private Map<String, Object> params; private List<Entry> entries = Lists.newArrayList(); public RangeScriptFacetBuilder(String name) { super(name); } /** The language of the script. */ public RangeScriptFacetBuilder lang(String lang) { this.lang = lang; return this; } public RangeScriptFacetBuilder keyScript(String keyScript) { this.keyScript = keyScript; return this; } public RangeScriptFacetBuilder valueScript(String valueScript) { this.valueScript = valueScript; return this; } public RangeScriptFacetBuilder param(String name, Object value) { if (params == null) { params = Maps.newHashMap(); } params.put(name, value); return this; } /** * Adds a range entry with explicit from and to. * * @param from The from range limit * @param to The to range limit */ public RangeScriptFacetBuilder addRange(double from, double to) { entries.add(new Entry(from, to)); return this; } /** * Adds a range entry with explicit from and unbounded to. * * @param from the from range limit, to is unbounded. */ public RangeScriptFacetBuilder addUnboundedTo(double from) { entries.add(new Entry(from, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); return this; } /** * Adds a range entry with explicit to and unbounded from. * * @param to the to range limit, from is unbounded. */ public RangeScriptFacetBuilder addUnboundedFrom(double to) { entries.add(new Entry(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, to)); return this; } /** * Should the facet run in global mode (not bounded by the search query) or not (bounded by the * search query). Defaults to <tt>false</tt>. */ public RangeScriptFacetBuilder global(boolean global) {; return this; } /** Marks the facet to run in a specific scope. */ @Override public RangeScriptFacetBuilder scope(String scope) { super.scope(scope); return this; } public RangeScriptFacetBuilder facetFilter(FilterBuilder filter) { this.facetFilter = filter; return this; } @Override public XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { if (keyScript == null) { throw new SearchSourceBuilderException( "key_script must be set on range script facet for facet [" + name + "]"); } if (valueScript == null) { throw new SearchSourceBuilderException( "value_script must be set on range script facet for facet [" + name + "]"); } if (entries.isEmpty()) { throw new SearchSourceBuilderException( "at least one range must be defined for range facet [" + name + "]"); } builder.startObject(name); builder.startObject(RangeFacet.TYPE); builder.field("key_script", keyScript); builder.field("value_script", valueScript); if (lang != null) { builder.field("lang", lang); } builder.startArray("ranges"); for (Entry entry : entries) { builder.startObject(); if (!Double.isInfinite(entry.from)) { builder.field("from", entry.from); } if (!Double.isInfinite( { builder.field("to",; } builder.endObject(); } builder.endArray(); if (this.params != null) { builder.field("params", this.params); } builder.endObject(); addFilterFacetAndGlobal(builder, params); builder.endObject(); return builder; } private static class Entry { final double from; final double to; private Entry(double from, double to) { this.from = from; = to; } } }
/** * Helper for loading all plugins into the class path and building a plugin app map. * * @param pluginsFile the base folder for the plugins * @return */ private Map<String, PluginApp> loadPlugins(File pluginsFile) { Map<String, PluginApp> map = newHashMap(); // traverse all legacy plugins in the plugins folder File[] pluginsFiles = pluginsFile.listFiles(); if (pluginsFiles == null) { logger.warn("no files exist in {}", pluginsFile.getAbsolutePath()); return map; } for (File pluginFile : pluginsFiles) { if (pluginFile.isDirectory()) { try { // add the root classLoader.addUri(pluginFile.toURI()); // gather files to add List<File> libFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); if (pluginFile.listFiles() != null) { libFiles.addAll(Arrays.asList(pluginFile.listFiles())); } File libLocation = new File(pluginFile, "lib"); if (libLocation.exists() && libLocation.isDirectory() && libLocation.listFiles() != null) { libFiles.addAll(Arrays.asList(libLocation.listFiles())); } // if there are jars in it, add it as well for (File libFile : libFiles) { if (!(libFile.getName().endsWith(".jar") || libFile.getName().endsWith(".zip"))) { continue; } classLoader.addUri(libFile.toURI()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to add plugin [{}]", pluginFile, e); } } } // now, everything is on the class path, build the plugin app map Enumeration<URL> propUrls = null; try { propUrls = classLoader.getResources(DEFAULT_RESOURCE); } catch (IOException e1) { logger.warn("failed to find resources on classpath", e1); return map; } while (propUrls.hasMoreElements()) { URL propUrl = propUrls.nextElement(); Properties appProps = new Properties(); InputStream is = null; try { // skip jar URLs, they are artifact apps is = propUrl.openStream(); appProps.load(is); String appClassName = appProps.getProperty("plugin"); Plugin plugin = instantiatePluginClass(appClassName); if (isArtifactPlugin(plugin)) { logger.debug("plugin at [{}] is already present as artifact app, skipping", propUrl); } else { PluginApp app = new PluginApp(PluginApp.GROUP_ID, propUrl, plugin); map.put(app.getCanonicalForm(), app); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( "failed to load plugin from [{}], reason: {}", propUrl, ExceptionFormatter.format(e)); } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } } return map; }