public static Object getRuntimeAdapter( org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.runtime.IRuntime facetRuntime, Class<?> adapterClass) { String runtimeId = facetRuntime.getProperty("id"); for (org.eclipse.wst.server.core.IRuntime runtime : ServerCore.getRuntimes()) { if (runtime.getId().equals(runtimeId)) { if (IRuntime.class.equals(adapterClass)) { return runtime; } IRuntimeWorkingCopy runtimeWC = null; if (!runtime.isWorkingCopy()) { runtimeWC = runtime.createWorkingCopy(); } else { runtimeWC = (IRuntimeWorkingCopy) runtime; } return (ILiferayRuntime) runtimeWC.loadAdapter(adapterClass, null); } } return null; }
public void executeRemoteCommand( String initialWorkingDirectory, String command, String[] environment, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { IServer s = ServerCore.findServer(serverId); IShellService service = findShellService(s); try { if (singleUseShell == null || !singleUseShell.isActive()) { singleUseShell = service.launchShell(initialWorkingDirectory, environment, monitor); } else if (initialWorkingDirectory != null) { // allow for a null working directory to ensure no command is run here singleUseShell.writeToShell("cd " + initialWorkingDirectory); } singleUseShell.writeToShell(command); } catch (RuntimeException re) { String className = service.getClass().getName(); if (className.endsWith(".DStoreShellService")) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR,, "no remote daemon installed. Please install a remote daemon or use an RSE server configured for ssh rather than dstore")); } } catch (SystemMessageException sme) { Status s2 = new Status( IStatus.ERROR,, sme.getMessage(), sme); throw new CoreException(s2); } }
@Override public Change createChange(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException, OperationCanceledException { CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange(getName()); ArrayList<IModule> tmpList; IServer[] allServers = ServerCore.getServers(); for (int i = 0; i < allServers.length; i++) { IModule[] serversMods = allServers[i].getModules(); tmpList = new ArrayList<IModule>(); for (int j = 0; j < serversMods.length; j++) { if (serversMods[j].getProject() != null && serversMods[j].getProject().equals(projectToDelete)) { tmpList.add(serversMods[j]); } } IModule[] modsToRemove = tmpList.toArray(new IModule[tmpList.size()]); // If modsToRemove is empty, that means that the server does not have the affected project // deployed, or // the affected project is not a top-level module (for example, and EAR, or stand-alone WAR), // but we // need to check if the affected project is a child of a top-level module. if (modsToRemove.length > 0) change.add(new RemoveProjectFromServersChange(modsToRemove, allServers[i])); else if (hasParentInServer(projectToDelete, allServers[i], pm)) { change.add(new RefreshServerChange(allServers[i])); } } return change; }
@Test public void testServerHomeSet() { assertNotNull(typeId); IServerType type = ServerCore.findServerType(typeId); if (type != null) { if (type.getRuntimeType() == null) fail("Server type " + typeId + " does not have an associated runtime"); String rtType = type.getRuntimeType().getId(); if (rtType == null) { fail("Runtime type for servertype " + typeId + " has a null id."); } assertTrue(Arrays.asList(IJBossToolingConstants.ALL_JBOSS_RUNTIMES).contains(rtType)); } else { IRuntimeType t = ServerCore.findRuntimeType(typeId); assertNotNull(t); assertTrue(Arrays.asList(IJBossToolingConstants.ALL_JBOSS_RUNTIMES).contains(typeId)); } }
public static IServerWorkingCopy createServerForRuntime(IRuntime runtime) { for (IServerType serverType : ServerCore.getServerTypes()) { if (serverType.getRuntimeType().equals(runtime.getRuntimeType())) { try { return serverType.createServer("server", null, runtime, null); } catch (CoreException e) { } } } return null; }
public static boolean isLiferayRuntime(BridgedRuntime bridgedRuntime) { if (bridgedRuntime != null) { String id = bridgedRuntime.getProperty("id"); if (id != null) { IRuntime runtime = ServerCore.findRuntime(id); return isLiferayRuntime(runtime); } } return false; }
protected void createInfoGroup(Composite parent) { new Label(parent, SWT.LEFT).setText(Msgs.liferayPluginTypeLabel); final Text pluginTypeLabel = new Text(parent, SWT.READ_ONLY | SWT.BORDER); pluginTypeLabel.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP, true, false, 1, 1)); final IProjectFacet liferayFacet = ProjectUtil.getLiferayFacet(getFacetedProject()); if (liferayFacet != null) { pluginTypeLabel.setText(liferayFacet.getLabel()); } new Label(parent, SWT.LEFT).setText(Msgs.liferayRuntimeLabel); this.runtimeCombo = new Combo(parent, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.READ_ONLY); this.runtimeCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP, true, false, 1, 1)); String currentRuntimeName = null; try { ILiferayRuntime liferayRuntime = ServerUtil.getLiferayRuntime(getProject()); currentRuntimeName = liferayRuntime.getRuntime().getName(); } catch (Exception e) { ProjectUIPlugin.logError("Could not determine liferay runtime", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ } final List<String> runtimeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); int selectionIndex = -1; for (IRuntime runtime : ServerCore.getRuntimes()) { if (ServerUtil.isLiferayRuntime(runtime)) { runtimeNames.add(runtime.getName()); if (runtime.getName().equals(currentRuntimeName)) { selectionIndex = runtimeNames.size() - 1; } } } if (runtimeNames.size() == 0) { runtimeNames.add("No Liferay runtimes available."); // $NON-NLS-1$ } this.runtimeCombo.setItems(runtimeNames.toArray(new String[0])); if (selectionIndex > -1) {; } }
@Parameters public static Collection<Object[]> data() { IServerType[] servers = ServerCore.getServerTypes(); IRuntimeType[] rtTypes = ServerCore.getRuntimeTypes(); // add all server / runtime type id's ArrayList<String> collector = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { if (servers[i].getId().startsWith(IJBossToolingConstants.EAP_SERVER_PREFIX) || servers[i].getId().startsWith(IJBossToolingConstants.SERVER_AS_PREFIX)) collector.add(servers[i].getId()); } for (int i = 0; i < rtTypes.length; i++) { if (rtTypes[i].getId().startsWith(IJBossToolingConstants.RUNTIME_PREFIX)) collector.add(rtTypes[i].getId()); } // exclude deploy-only items collector.remove(IJBossToolingConstants.DEPLOY_ONLY_RUNTIME); collector.remove(IJBossToolingConstants.DEPLOY_ONLY_SERVER); String[] allTypes = (String[]) collector.toArray(new String[collector.size()]); return ServerParameterUtils.asCollection(allTypes); }
/** * Returns list of cloud foundry server instances. May be emtpy, but not null. * * @return returns a non-null list of cloud foundry server instances. May be empty. */ public static List<CloudFoundryServer> getCloudServers() { IServer[] servers = ServerCore.getServers(); Set<CloudFoundryServer> matchedServers = new HashSet<CloudFoundryServer>(); if (servers != null) { for (IServer server : servers) { CloudFoundryServer cfServer = (CloudFoundryServer) server.loadAdapter(CloudFoundryServer.class, null); if (cfServer != null) { matchedServers.add(cfServer); } } } return new ArrayList<CloudFoundryServer>(matchedServers); }
/** * @param serverID unique ID of the server. This should not just be the name of the server, but * the full id (e.g. for V2, it should include the space name) * @return CloudFoundry server that corresponds to the given ID, or null if not found */ public static CloudFoundryServer getCloudServer(String serverID) { IServer[] servers = ServerCore.getServers(); if (servers == null) { return null; } CloudFoundryServer cfServer = null; for (IServer server : servers) { cfServer = (CloudFoundryServer) server.loadAdapter(CloudFoundryServer.class, null); if (cfServer != null && cfServer.getServerId().equals(serverID)) { break; } } return cfServer; }
public static IRuntimeWorkingCopy getRuntime(String runtimeTypeId, IPath location) { IRuntimeType runtimeType = ServerCore.findRuntimeType(runtimeTypeId); try { IRuntime runtime = runtimeType.createRuntime("runtime", null); IRuntimeWorkingCopy runtimeWC = runtime.createWorkingCopy(); runtimeWC.setName("Runtime"); runtimeWC.setLocation(location); return runtimeWC; } catch (CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
@Override public void performFinish(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { ServerLifecycleAdapter listener = new ServerLifecycleAdapter() { @Override public void serverAdded(IServer server) { ServerCore.removeServerLifecycleListener(this); Job job = new ConnectJob(cfServer, server); // this is getting called before // CloudFoundryServer.saveConfiguration() has flushed the // configuration therefore delay job job.schedule(500L); } }; ServerCore.addServerLifecycleListener(listener); }
@Override public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { try { Liferay7UpgradeAssistantSettings settings = UpgradeAssistantSettingsUtil.getObjectFromStore(Liferay7UpgradeAssistantSettings.class); final String portalName = settings.getPortalSettings().getNewName(); IServer server = ServerCore.findServer(portalName); server.start("run", new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (IOException | CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public static IServer[] getServersForRuntime(IRuntime runtime) { List<IServer> serverList = new ArrayList<IServer>(); if (runtime != null) { IServer[] servers = ServerCore.getServers(); if (!CoreUtil.isNullOrEmpty(servers)) { for (IServer server : servers) { if (runtime.equals(server.getRuntime())) { serverList.add(server); } } } } return serverList.toArray(new IServer[0]); }
@Before public void setup() throws IOException, CoreException { // remove all servers for (final IServer server : ServerCore.getServers()) { server.stop(true); TaskMonitor monitor = new TaskMonitor() { @Override public boolean isComplete() { return !(server.canStop().isOK()); } }; TimeoutUtils.timeout(monitor, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); server.delete(); } // EventService.getInstance().resetSubscribers(); liveReloadServerPort = SocketUtil.findUnusedPort(50000, 55000); }
public static IServer getServer(String serverId) { IServer server = null; for (IServer s : getServers()) { if (s.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(serverId)) { server = s; break; } } if (server == null) { IServer[] s = ServerCore.getServers(); for (IServer aserver : s) { if (aserver.getId().equals(serverId)) { server = aserver; break; } } } return server; }
public IHostShell createStartupShell( String initialWorkingDirectory, String command, String[] environment, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, SystemMessageException { resetStartupShell(); IServer s = ServerCore.findServer(serverId); IShellService service = findShellService(s); try { IHostShell hs = service.runCommand(initialWorkingDirectory, command, environment, monitor); listener = new IHostShellOutputListener() { public void shellOutputChanged(IHostShellChangeEvent event) { IHostOutput[] lines = event.getLines(); String[] lines2 = new String[lines.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { lines2[i] = lines[i].getString(); } writeToConsole(lines2); } }; startupShell = hs; startupShell.addOutputListener(listener); return hs; } catch (SystemMessageException sme) { throw sme; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR,, re.getMessage(), re)); } }
/** listen to all lifecycle events from servers, ie, when a server is started and stopped */ private void addServerLifeCycleListener() { this.serverLifeCycleListener = new ServerLifeCycleListener(); ServerCore.addServerLifecycleListener(serverLifeCycleListener); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogPage#createControl(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite) */ @Override public void createControl(Composite parent) { Composite container = new Composite(parent, SWT.NULL); container.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, false)); Group runtimeGrp = new Group(container, SWT.NONE); GridData runtimeGrpData = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 3, 1); runtimeGrp.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, false)); runtimeGrp.setLayoutData(runtimeGrpData); runtimeGrp.setText(Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageRuntimeGroupLabel); Label runtimeLabel = new Label(runtimeGrp, SWT.NONE); GridData runtimeLabelData = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 3, 1); runtimeLabel.setLayoutData(runtimeLabelData); runtimeLabel.setText(Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageRuntimeLabel); runtimeComboViewer = new ComboViewer(runtimeGrp, SWT.NONE | SWT.READ_ONLY); runtimeComboViewer.setComparator( new ViewerComparator( new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { if (Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageNoRuntimeSelectedLabel.equals(o1)) { return -1; } return o1.compareTo(o2); } })); GridData runtimeComboData = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 2, 1); runtimeComboViewer.getCombo().setLayoutData(runtimeComboData); runtimeComboViewer .getCombo() .setToolTipText(Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageRuntimeDescription); runtimeComboViewer.setContentProvider(ArrayContentProvider.getInstance()); runtimeComboViewer .getCombo() .addModifyListener( new ModifyListener() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) { lastSelectedRuntime = runtimeComboViewer.getSelection().toString(); preselectCamelVersionForRuntime(determineRuntimeCamelVersion(getSelectedRuntime())); validate(); } }); try { configureRuntimeCombo(); } catch (CoreException ex) { ProjectTemplatesActivator.pluginLog().logError(ex); } Button runtimeNewButton = new Button(runtimeGrp, SWT.NONE); GridData runtimeNewButtonData = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, false, false); runtimeNewButton.setLayoutData(runtimeNewButtonData); runtimeNewButton.setText(Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageRuntimeNewButtonLabel); runtimeNewButton.setToolTipText( Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageRuntimeNewButtonDescription); runtimeNewButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { String[] oldRuntimes = runtimeComboViewer.getCombo().getItems(); boolean created = ServerUIUtil.showNewRuntimeWizard(getShell(), null, null); if (created) { String[] newRuntimes = runtimeComboViewer.getCombo().getItems(); String newRuntime = getNewRuntime(oldRuntimes, newRuntimes); if (newRuntime != null) { runtimeComboViewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(newRuntime)); } } } }); new Label(runtimeGrp, SWT.None); Group camelGrp = new Group(container, SWT.NONE); GridData camelGrpData = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 3, 20); camelGrp.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, false)); camelGrp.setLayoutData(camelGrpData); camelGrp.setText(Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageCamelGroupLabel); Label camelVersionLabel = new Label(camelGrp, SWT.NONE); GridData camelLabelData = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 3, 1); camelVersionLabel.setLayoutData(camelLabelData); camelVersionLabel.setText(Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageCamelLabel); camelVersionCombo = new Combo(camelGrp, SWT.RIGHT | SWT.READ_ONLY); GridData camelComboData = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 2, 1); camelVersionCombo.setLayoutData(camelComboData); camelVersionCombo.setItems(getSupportedCamelVersions()); - 1, 0)); camelVersionCombo.setToolTipText(Messages.newProjectWizardRuntimePageCamelDescription); camelVersionCombo.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { validate(); } }); // TODO: leaving that out until we decide to support other camel versions than the ones we ship // camelVersionCombo.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { // /* (non-Javadoc) // * @see // */ // @Override // public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { // super.focusLost(e); // validate(); // } // // /* (non-Javadoc) // * @see // */ // @Override // public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { // super.focusGained(e); // setPageComplete(false); // } // }); new Label(camelGrp, SWT.None); warningIconLabel = new Label(camelGrp, SWT.None); GridData camelLblData = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP, false, true, 1, 20); camelLblData.verticalIndent = 20; warningIconLabel.setImage(getSWTImage(SWT.ICON_WARNING)); warningIconLabel.setLayoutData(camelLblData); warningIconLabel.setVisible(false); camelInfoText = new StyledText(camelGrp, SWT.WRAP | SWT.MULTI); GridData camelInfoData = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP, true, true, 2, 20); camelInfoData.verticalIndent = 0; camelInfoData.heightHint = 150; camelInfoText.setLayoutData(camelInfoData); camelInfoText.setEnabled(false); camelInfoText.setEditable(false); camelInfoText.setBackground(container.getBackground()); new Label(camelGrp, SWT.None); setControl(container); IRuntimeLifecycleListener listener = new IRuntimeLifecycleListener() { @Override public void runtimeRemoved(IRuntime runtime) { runInUIThread(); } @Override public void runtimeChanged(IRuntime runtime) { runInUIThread(); } @Override public void runtimeAdded(IRuntime runtime) { runInUIThread(); } private void runInUIThread() { Display.getDefault() .asyncExec( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { configureRuntimeCombo(); } catch (CoreException ex) { ProjectTemplatesActivator.pluginLog() .logError("Unable to handle runtime change event", ex); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } }); } }; ServerCore.addRuntimeLifecycleListener(listener); validate(); }
public void launch( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, ILaunch launch, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { IServer server = ServerUtil.getServer(configuration); if (server == null) { Trace.trace(Trace.FINEST, "Launch configuration could not find server"); // throw CoreException(); return; } if (server.shouldPublish() && ServerCore.isAutoPublishing()) server.publish(IServer.PUBLISH_INCREMENTAL, monitor); PreviewServerBehaviour previewServer = (PreviewServerBehaviour) server.loadAdapter(PreviewServerBehaviour.class, null); int size = REQUIRED_BUNDLE_IDS.length; String[] jars = new String[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Bundle b = Platform.getBundle(REQUIRED_BUNDLE_IDS[i]); IPath path = null; if (b != null) path = PreviewRuntime.getJarredPluginPath(b); if (path == null) throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, PreviewPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Could not find required bundle " + REQUIRED_BUNDLE_IDS[i])); jars[i] = path.toOSString(); } // Appending the bin onto the classpath is to support running from the workbench // when org.eclipse.wst.server.preview is checked out Trace.trace(Trace.FINEST, jars[CLASSPATH_BIN_INDEX_PREVIEW_SERVER] + File.separator + "bin"); if (new File(jars[CLASSPATH_BIN_INDEX_PREVIEW_SERVER] + File.separator + "bin").exists()) jars[CLASSPATH_BIN_INDEX_PREVIEW_SERVER] = jars[CLASSPATH_BIN_INDEX_PREVIEW_SERVER] + File.separator + "bin"; IVMInstall vm = verifyVMInstall(configuration); IVMRunner runner = vm.getVMRunner(mode); if (runner == null) runner = vm.getVMRunner(ILaunchManager.RUN_MODE); File workingDir = verifyWorkingDirectory(configuration); String workingDirName = null; if (workingDir != null) workingDirName = workingDir.getAbsolutePath(); // Program & VM args String pgmArgs = "\"" + previewServer.getTempDirectory().append("preview.xml").toOSString() + "\""; // getProgramArguments(configuration); String vmArgs = getVMArguments(configuration); String[] envp = getEnvironment(configuration); ExecutionArguments execArgs = new ExecutionArguments(vmArgs, pgmArgs); // VM-specific attributes Map vmAttributesMap = getVMSpecificAttributesMap(configuration); // Classpath String[] classpath2 = getClasspath(configuration); String[] classpath = new String[classpath2.length + REQUIRED_BUNDLE_IDS.length]; System.arraycopy(jars, 0, classpath, 0, REQUIRED_BUNDLE_IDS.length); System.arraycopy(classpath2, 0, classpath, REQUIRED_BUNDLE_IDS.length, classpath2.length); // Create VM config VMRunnerConfiguration runConfig = new VMRunnerConfiguration(MAIN_CLASS, classpath); runConfig.setProgramArguments(execArgs.getProgramArgumentsArray()); runConfig.setVMArguments(execArgs.getVMArgumentsArray()); runConfig.setWorkingDirectory(workingDirName); runConfig.setEnvironment(envp); runConfig.setVMSpecificAttributesMap(vmAttributesMap); // Bootpath String[] bootpath = getBootpath(configuration); if (bootpath != null && bootpath.length > 0) runConfig.setBootClassPath(bootpath); setDefaultSourceLocator(launch, configuration); // Launch the configuration previewServer.setupLaunch(launch, mode, monitor); if (ILaunchManager.PROFILE_MODE.equals(mode)) ServerProfilerDelegate.configureProfiling(launch, vm, runConfig, monitor); try {, launch, monitor); previewServer.addProcessListener(launch.getProcesses()[0]); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore - process failed } }
private static void addExistingServers() { IServer[] s = ServerCore.getServers(); for (IServer server : s) { if (!getServers().contains(server)) serverAdded(server); } }
public static void deInitiateAppServerManagementOperations() { if (carbonServerLifeCycleListener != null) { ServerCore.removeServerLifecycleListener(carbonServerLifeCycleListener); } }
public static void initiateAppServerManagementOperations() { carbonServerLifeCycleListener = new CarbonServerLifeCycleListener(); ServerCore.addServerLifecycleListener(carbonServerLifeCycleListener); }
public static IRuntime getRuntime( org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.runtime.IRuntime runtime) { return ServerCore.findRuntime(runtime.getProperty("id")); }
/** * removes the current listener to all lifecycle events from servers, ie, when a server is started * and stopped */ private void removeServerLifeCycleListener() { ServerCore.removeServerLifecycleListener(serverLifeCycleListener); serverLifeCycleListener.stop(); }