@Before public void setup() { for (int customerId = 1; customerId <= 5; customerId++) { ProcessInstance pi = sf.getWorkflowService() .startProcess(new QName(MODEL_NAME2, "OrderCreation").toString(), null, true); List<ActivityInstance> w = getWorklist(); Assert.assertEquals("worklist", 1, w.size()); ActivityInstance ai = w.get(0); Assert.assertEquals("process instance", pi.getOID(), ai.getProcessInstanceOID()); Assert.assertEquals("activity instance", "EnterOrderData", ai.getActivity().getId()); Map<String, Object> order = CollectionUtils.newMap(); order.put("date", new Date()); order.put("customerId", customerId); ai = complete( ai, PredefinedConstants.DEFAULT_CONTEXT, Collections.singletonMap("Order", order)); try { ProcessInstanceStateBarrier.instance().await(pi.getOID(), ProcessInstanceState.Completed); } catch (Exception e) { } w = getWorklist(); } }
private BusinessObject createOrder(DeployedModelDescription model, int customerId) { final Map<String, Object> order = CollectionUtils.newMap(); order.put("date", new Date()); order.put("customerId", customerId); return sf.getWorkflowService() .createBusinessObjectInstance( new QName(model.getId(), "Order").toString(), (Serializable) order); }
private BusinessObject createCustomer(DeployedModelDescription model, int customerId) { final Map<String, Object> order = CollectionUtils.newMap(); order.put("id", customerId); order.put("firstName", "Danny" + customerId); order.put("lastName", "North" + customerId); return sf.getWorkflowService() .createBusinessObjectInstance( new QName(model.getId(), "Customer").toString(), (Serializable) order); }
/** * Create some instances for a given BO and validate if they can be queried: * * <ul> * <li>where the qualified business object id is set * <li>the primary key is passed to findForBusinessObject() * <li>the qualified business object id is passed to findForBusinessObject and the primary key * is set as a data filter * <li>the qualified business object id is passed to findForBusinessObject and an attribute of * the BO is set as a data filter * </ul> */ @Test public void CheckFiltering() throws Exception { DeployedModelDescription model = sf.getQueryService().getModels(DeployedModelQuery.findActiveForId(MODEL_NAME3)).get(0); String businessObjectQualifiedId = new QName(model.getId(), "Fund").toString(); for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { final Map<String, Object> fund = CollectionUtils.newMap(); fund.put("AccountNumber", "100100" + i); fund.put("AccountName", "Fund" + i); sf.getWorkflowService() .createBusinessObjectInstance(businessObjectQualifiedId, (Serializable) fund); } BusinessObjectQuery query = BusinessObjectQuery.findForBusinessObject(businessObjectQualifiedId); query.setPolicy(new BusinessObjectQuery.Policy(BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_VALUES)); BusinessObjects bos = sf.getQueryService().getAllBusinessObjects(query); Assert.assertEquals("Objects", 1, bos.getSize()); BusinessObject bo = bos.get(0); List<BusinessObject.Value> values = bo.getValues(); Assert.assertEquals("Values", 9, values.size()); query = BusinessObjectQuery.findWithPrimaryKey(businessObjectQualifiedId, "1001003"); query.setPolicy(new BusinessObjectQuery.Policy(BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_VALUES)); bos = sf.getQueryService().getAllBusinessObjects(query); Assert.assertEquals("Objects", 1, bos.getSize()); bo = bos.get(0); values = bo.getValues(); Assert.assertEquals("Values", 1, values.size()); checkValue(values, true, "AccountNumber", "1001003"); query = BusinessObjectQuery.findForBusinessObject(businessObjectQualifiedId); query.where(DataFilter.isEqual("Fund", "AccountNumber", "1001005")); query.setPolicy(new BusinessObjectQuery.Policy(BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_VALUES)); bos = sf.getQueryService().getAllBusinessObjects(query); Assert.assertEquals("Objects", 1, bos.getSize()); bo = bos.get(0); values = bo.getValues(); Assert.assertEquals("Values", 1, values.size()); checkValue(values, true, "AccountNumber", "1001005"); query = BusinessObjectQuery.findForBusinessObject(businessObjectQualifiedId); query.where(DataFilter.isEqual("Fund", "AccountName", "Fund7")); query.setPolicy(new BusinessObjectQuery.Policy(BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_VALUES)); bos = sf.getQueryService().getAllBusinessObjects(query); Assert.assertEquals("Objects", 1, bos.getSize()); bo = bos.get(0); values = bo.getValues(); Assert.assertEquals("Values", 1, values.size()); checkValue(values, true, "AccountName", "Fund7"); }
private void checkValue( List<BusinessObject.Value> boValues, boolean strict, String name, Object... values) { Set<Object> expected = CollectionUtils.newSetFromIterator(Arrays.asList(values).iterator()); Set<Object> actual = CollectionUtils.newSet(); for (BusinessObject.Value boValue : boValues) { Map<?, ?> data = (Map<?, ?>) boValue.getValue(); actual.add(data.get(name)); } if (strict) { Assert.assertEquals("Values: ", expected, actual); } else { expected.removeAll(actual); Assert.assertTrue("Missing values: " + expected, expected.isEmpty()); } }
/** Test if a field, other than the primary key, of a BO instance can be modified. */ @Test public void ModifyOrdersCheck() { DeployedModelDescription model = sf.getQueryService().getModels(DeployedModelQuery.findActiveForId(MODEL_NAME2)).get(0); BusinessObject bo = createOrder(model, 777); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, Object> order = (Map<String, Object>) bo.getValues().get(0).getValue(); Date date = (Date) order.get("date"); order.put("date", new Date(date.getTime() + TIME_LAPSE)); sf.getWorkflowService() .updateBusinessObjectInstance( new QName(model.getId(), "Order").toString(), (Serializable) order); BusinessObjectQuery query = BusinessObjectQuery.findWithPrimaryKey(new QName(model.getId(), "Order").toString(), 777); query.setPolicy(new BusinessObjectQuery.Policy(BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_VALUES)); BusinessObjects bos = sf.getQueryService().getAllBusinessObjects(query); bo = bos.get(0); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> updatedOrder = (Map<String, Object>) bo.getValues().get(0).getValue(); Date updatedDate = (Date) updatedOrder.get("date"); Assert.assertEquals("Time difference", TIME_LAPSE, updatedDate.getTime() - date.getTime()); }
private void createEmployee(String bo, String id, String name) { final Map<String, Object> fund = CollectionUtils.newMap(); fund.put("EmpID", id); fund.put("EmpName", name); sf.getWorkflowService().createBusinessObjectInstance(bo, (Serializable) fund); }
/** * The following test case should ensure that * * <ul> * <li>Any modifications to an attribute of a BOI via API isn't reflected to process data which * are using the BO * <li>Any modifications to an attribute of a BOI via the process data is only reflected to the * BOI which is attached to the synthetic process instance and that it doesn't affect other * BOIs which are used in other processes * </ul> */ @Test public void checkFilteringOnBusinessObjectAttrChange() { // setup final int customerIdOffset = 100; final int customerCount = 3; for (int customerId = 1; customerId <= customerCount; customerId++) { ProcessInstance pi = sf.getWorkflowService() .startProcess(new QName(MODEL_NAME2, "DistributedOrder").toString(), null, true); List<ActivityInstance> w = getWorklist(pi); Assert.assertEquals("worklist", 1, w.size()); ActivityInstance ai = w.get(0); Assert.assertEquals("activity instance", "CreateOrder", ai.getActivity().getId()); Map<String, Object> order = CollectionUtils.newMap(); order.put("date", new Date()); order.put("customerId", customerIdOffset + customerId); order.put("items", "item " + customerId); ai = complete( ai, PredefinedConstants.DEFAULT_CONTEXT, Collections.singletonMap("Order", order)); try { ActivityInstanceStateBarrier.instance().await(ai.getOID(), ActivityInstanceState.Completed); } catch (Exception e) { } } // after DistributeCreation activity is completed we have the following state: // * 2 asynchronous subprocesses are started: one which copies the data and the // other one which doesn't // * 3 synchronous subprocesses are triggered: one with shared data, one with separate // but copied data and the last one with separate data without copying // This results into the following state: // * Each process has created four business object instances // * One which is attached to a synthetic process instance // * 3 other BOIs which are attached to a real process instance String businessObjectQualifiedId = new QName(MODEL_NAME2, "Order").toString(); BusinessObjectQuery businessObjectQuery = BusinessObjectQuery.findForBusinessObject(businessObjectQualifiedId); businessObjectQuery .getFilter() .addAndTerm() .add(DataFilter.greaterThan("Order", "customerId", customerIdOffset)); businessObjectQuery.setPolicy( new BusinessObjectQuery.Policy( BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_VALUES, BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_DESCRIPTION)); BusinessObjects bos = sf.getQueryService().getAllBusinessObjects(businessObjectQuery); Assert.assertEquals("Only one business object, namely Order, is expected", 1, bos.getSize()); Assert.assertEquals( "Business object instances count isn't the same as started process ergo the count of the synthetic process instances", customerCount, getTotalSize(bos)); // Wait that all ShowOrder processes are started (unfortunately we cannot use // ProcessInstanceStateBarrier here // because of the async processes. ProcessInstanceQuery piQuery = ProcessInstanceQuery.findAlive("ShowOrder"); boolean waitForPIs = true; while (waitForPIs) { long instanceCount = sf.getQueryService().getProcessInstancesCount(piQuery); waitForPIs = instanceCount != (customerCount * 5); if (waitForPIs) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } BusinessObject bo = bos.get(0); BusinessObject.Value customer101 = null; for (BusinessObject.Value boValue : bo.getValues()) { Map<?, ?> boAttr = (Map<?, ?>) boValue.getValue(); Integer customerId = (Integer) boAttr.get("customerId"); if (Integer.valueOf(customerIdOffset + 1).equals(customerId)) { customer101 = boValue; } } Assert.assertNotNull("Customer " + customerIdOffset + 1 + " not found", customer101); // Update BOI via API... ((Map) customer101.getValue()).put("items", "newitems"); sf.getWorkflowService() .updateBusinessObjectInstance(businessObjectQualifiedId, customer101.getValue()); // ...and validate if no process data is modified piQuery = ProcessInstanceQuery.findActive(); FilterTerm filter = piQuery.getFilter().addAndTerm(); filter.add( DataFilter.between( "Order", "customerId", customerIdOffset, customerIdOffset + customerCount)); filter.add(DataFilter.like("Order", "items", "item%")); filter.addAndTerm().add(ProcessInstanceHierarchyFilter.ROOT_PROCESS); piQuery.setPolicy(SubsetPolicy.UNRESTRICTED); ProcessInstances rootPIs = sf.getQueryService().getAllProcessInstances(piQuery); // Root process instances are the DistributedOrder processes and the ShowOrder processes which // was started // as async processes and which had copied the data Assert.assertEquals( "Changes in BOIs must not be reflected in process instance data", customerCount * 2, rootPIs.getTotalCount()); // Update BOI for a given process via data path... long piOid = rootPIs.get(0).getOID(); ((Map) customer101.getValue()).put("items", "newitems1"); sf.getWorkflowService().setOutDataPath(piOid, "OrderDataPath", (Map) customer101.getValue()); // ...and validate if the BOI is updated... businessObjectQuery = BusinessObjectQuery.findWithPrimaryKey( businessObjectQualifiedId, ((Map) customer101.getValue()).get("customerId")); businessObjectQuery.setPolicy( new BusinessObjectQuery.Policy(BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_VALUES)); bos = sf.getQueryService().getAllBusinessObjects(businessObjectQuery); Assert.assertEquals("Only one business object, namely Order, is expected", 1, bos.getSize()); List<BusinessObject.Value> boValues = bos.get(0).getValues(); Assert.assertEquals(1, boValues.size()); Assert.assertEquals("newitems1", ((Map) boValues.get(0).getValue()).get("items")); // ...but the other process instance data should be untouched piQuery = ProcessInstanceQuery.findActive(); filter = piQuery.getFilter().addAndTerm(); filter.add( DataFilter.between( "Order", "customerId", customerIdOffset, customerIdOffset + customerCount)); filter.add(DataFilter.like("Order", "items", "item%")); filter.addAndTerm().add(ProcessInstanceHierarchyFilter.ROOT_PROCESS); piQuery.setPolicy(SubsetPolicy.UNRESTRICTED); rootPIs = sf.getQueryService().getAllProcessInstances(piQuery); Assert.assertEquals( "Changes in BOIs must not be reflected in process instance data", (customerCount * 2) - 1, rootPIs.getTotalCount()); }