private void cacheIndexFile(URI location, String suffix) { if ("file".equals(location.getScheme())) { return; } File cachedIndexFile = getCachedIndexFile(location); Map<String, String> properties = PropertiesUtil.getProperties(cachedIndexFile); if (!properties.containsKey(PROPERTY_VERSION)) { properties.put(PROPERTY_VERSION, "1"); } if (repositoryType == IRepository.TYPE_METADATA) { properties.put("metadata.repository.factory.order", suffix); } else { properties.put("artifact.repository.factory.order", suffix); } // Cleanup; can be removed at some point in the future... properties.remove("generated"); PropertiesUtil.saveProperties(cachedIndexFile, properties, false); }
private static void performStartup() { if (!PropertiesUtil.isProperty(PREF_HEADLESS)) { final Display display = Display.getDefault(); display.asyncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!isInstallerProduct()) { SetupPropertyTester.setStarting(true); final IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench(); IExtensionTracker extensionTracker = workbench.getExtensionTracker(); if (extensionTracker == null || workbench.getWorkbenchWindowCount() == 0) { display.timerExec(1000, this); } else { if (!SynchronizerManager.ENABLED) { PreferenceManager preferenceManager = workbench.getPreferenceManager(); preferenceManager.remove( "/" + OomphPreferencePage.ID + "/" + SetupPreferencePage.ID + "/" + SynchronizerPreferencePage.ID); } if (SetupTaskPerformer.REMOTE_DEBUG) { MessageDialog.openInformation( UIUtil.getShell(), "Remote Debug Pause", "The setup tasks are paused to allow you to attach a remote debugger"); } if (Platform.OS_MACOSX.equals(Platform.getOS())) { new TaskItemDecorator(); } RecorderManager.Lifecycle.start(display); if (!SETUP_SKIP && !isSkipStartupTasks()) { new Job("Setup check") { @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { performStartup(workbench, monitor); return Status.OK_STATUS; } finally { SetupPropertyTester.setStarting(false); } } }.schedule(); } else { Job mirrorJob = new Job("Initialize Setup Models") { @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { monitor.beginTask("Loading resources", 10); ResourceSet resourceSet = SetupCoreUtil.createResourceSet(); resourceSet .getLoadOptions() .put( ECFURIHandlerImpl.OPTION_CACHE_HANDLING, CacheHandling.CACHE_WITHOUT_ETAG_CHECKING); mirror(resourceSet, monitor, 10); SetupContext.setSelf(SetupContext.createSelf(resourceSet)); return Status.OK_STATUS; } finally { SetupPropertyTester.setStarting(false); } } }; mirrorJob.schedule(); } } } } }); } }
/** @author Eike Stepper */ public final class SetupUIPlugin extends OomphUIPlugin { public static final SetupUIPlugin INSTANCE = new SetupUIPlugin(); public static final String PLUGIN_ID = INSTANCE.getSymbolicName(); public static final String PREF_HEADLESS = "headless.startup"; public static final String PREF_SKIP_STARTUP_TASKS = "skip.startup.tasks"; public static final String PREF_ENABLE_PREFERENCE_RECORDER = "enable.preference.recorder"; public static final String PREF_PREFERENCE_RECORDER_TARGET = ""; public static final String PREF_INITIALIZED_PREFERENCE_PAGES = "initialized.preference.pages"; public static final String PREF_IGNORED_PREFERENCE_PAGES = "ingored.preference.pages"; public static final boolean QUESTIONNAIRE_SKIP = PropertiesUtil.isProperty(SetupProperties.PROP_SETUP_QUESTIONNAIRE_SKIP); private static final String RESTARTING_FILE_NAME = "restarting"; private static final String ANNOTATION_SOURCE_INITIAL = "initial"; private static final String ANNOTATION_DETAILS_KEY_OFFLINE = "offline"; private static final String ANNOTATION_DETAILS_KEY_MIRRORS = "mirrors"; private static final boolean SETUP_SKIP = PropertiesUtil.isProperty(SetupProperties.PROP_SETUP_SKIP); private static Implementation plugin; public SetupUIPlugin() { super( new ResourceLocator[] { JREInfoUIPlugin.INSTANCE, SetupEditPlugin.INSTANCE, SetupCorePlugin.INSTANCE, SetupP2EditPlugin.INSTANCE, P2UIPlugin.INSTANCE }); } @Override public ResourceLocator getPluginResourceLocator() { return plugin; } public static boolean isInstallerProduct() { String productID = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("eclipse.product"); return SetupUtil.INSTALLER_PRODUCT_ID.equals(productID); } public static void initialStart(File ws, boolean offline, boolean mirrors) { Annotation annotation = BaseFactory.eINSTANCE.createAnnotation(); annotation.setSource(ANNOTATION_SOURCE_INITIAL); annotation.getDetails().put(ANNOTATION_DETAILS_KEY_OFFLINE, Boolean.toString(offline)); annotation.getDetails().put(ANNOTATION_DETAILS_KEY_MIRRORS, Boolean.toString(mirrors)); File file = new File( ws, ".metadata/.plugins/" + SetupUIPlugin.INSTANCE.getSymbolicName() + "/" + RESTARTING_FILE_NAME); saveRestartFile(file, annotation); } public static void restart(Trigger trigger, EList<SetupTask> setupTasks) { if (!setupTasks.isEmpty()) { Annotation annotation = BaseFactory.eINSTANCE.createAnnotation(); annotation.setSource(trigger.toString()); annotation.getReferences().addAll(setupTasks); saveRestartFile(getRestartingFile(), annotation); } PlatformUI.getWorkbench().restart(); } private static void saveRestartFile(File file, Annotation annotation) { try { Resource resource = SetupCoreUtil.createResourceSet().createResource(URI.createFileURI(file.toString())); resource.getContents().add(annotation);; } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore } } public static boolean isSkipStartupTasks() { return plugin.getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(PREF_SKIP_STARTUP_TASKS); } private static File getRestartingFile() { return new File(INSTANCE.getStateLocation().toString(), RESTARTING_FILE_NAME); } private static void performStartup() { if (!PropertiesUtil.isProperty(PREF_HEADLESS)) { final Display display = Display.getDefault(); display.asyncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!isInstallerProduct()) { SetupPropertyTester.setStarting(true); final IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench(); IExtensionTracker extensionTracker = workbench.getExtensionTracker(); if (extensionTracker == null || workbench.getWorkbenchWindowCount() == 0) { display.timerExec(1000, this); } else { if (!SynchronizerManager.ENABLED) { PreferenceManager preferenceManager = workbench.getPreferenceManager(); preferenceManager.remove( "/" + OomphPreferencePage.ID + "/" + SetupPreferencePage.ID + "/" + SynchronizerPreferencePage.ID); } if (SetupTaskPerformer.REMOTE_DEBUG) { MessageDialog.openInformation( UIUtil.getShell(), "Remote Debug Pause", "The setup tasks are paused to allow you to attach a remote debugger"); } if (Platform.OS_MACOSX.equals(Platform.getOS())) { new TaskItemDecorator(); } RecorderManager.Lifecycle.start(display); if (!SETUP_SKIP && !isSkipStartupTasks()) { new Job("Setup check") { @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { performStartup(workbench, monitor); return Status.OK_STATUS; } finally { SetupPropertyTester.setStarting(false); } } }.schedule(); } else { Job mirrorJob = new Job("Initialize Setup Models") { @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { monitor.beginTask("Loading resources", 10); ResourceSet resourceSet = SetupCoreUtil.createResourceSet(); resourceSet .getLoadOptions() .put( ECFURIHandlerImpl.OPTION_CACHE_HANDLING, CacheHandling.CACHE_WITHOUT_ETAG_CHECKING); mirror(resourceSet, monitor, 10); SetupContext.setSelf(SetupContext.createSelf(resourceSet)); return Status.OK_STATUS; } finally { SetupPropertyTester.setStarting(false); } } }; mirrorJob.schedule(); } } } } }); } } private static void mirror(final ResourceSet resourceSet, IProgressMonitor monitor, int work) { ResourceMirror resourceMirror = new ResourceMirror(resourceSet) { @Override protected void run(String taskName, IProgressMonitor monitor) { List<URI> uris = new ArrayList<URI>(); URIConverter uriConverter = resourceSet.getURIConverter(); for (URI uri : new URI[] { SetupContext.INSTALLATION_SETUP_URI, SetupContext.WORKSPACE_SETUP_URI, SetupContext.USER_SETUP_URI }) { if (uriConverter.exists(uri, null)) { uris.add(uri); } } perform(uris); } }; resourceMirror.begin(new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, work)); } private static Set<? extends EObject> checkCrossReferences(ResourceSet resourceSet, URI uri) { Set<EObject> result = new HashSet<EObject>(); Resource resource = resourceSet.getResource(uri, false); if (resource != null) { EList<EObject> contents = resource.getContents(); if (!contents.isEmpty()) { EObject eObject = contents.get(0); for (EObject eCrossReference : eObject.eCrossReferences()) { Resource eResource = eCrossReference.eResource(); if (eResource != null) { for (EObject content : eResource.getContents()) { EObject eContainer = content.eContainer(); if (eContainer != null) { result.add(eContainer); } } eResource.unload(); } } } } return result; } private static void performStartup(final IWorkbench workbench, IProgressMonitor monitor) { monitor.beginTask("", 105); Trigger trigger = Trigger.STARTUP; boolean restarting = false; Set<URI> neededRestartTasks = new HashSet<URI>(); try { File restartingFile = getRestartingFile(); if (restartingFile.exists()) { monitor.setTaskName("Loading restart tasks " + restartingFile); Resource resource = SetupCoreUtil.createResourceSet() .getResource(URI.createFileURI(restartingFile.toString()), true); Annotation annotation = (Annotation) EcoreUtil.getObjectByType(resource.getContents(), BasePackage.Literals.ANNOTATION); resource.getContents().remove(annotation); if (ANNOTATION_SOURCE_INITIAL.equals(annotation.getSource())) { if ("true".equals(annotation.getDetails().get(ANNOTATION_DETAILS_KEY_OFFLINE))) { System.setProperty(SetupProperties.PROP_SETUP_OFFLINE_STARTUP, "true"); } if ("true".equals(annotation.getDetails().get(ANNOTATION_DETAILS_KEY_MIRRORS))) { System.setProperty(SetupProperties.PROP_SETUP_MIRRORS_STARTUP, "true"); } } else { for (EObject eObject : annotation.getReferences()) { neededRestartTasks.add(EcoreUtil.getURI(eObject)); } trigger = Trigger.get(annotation.getSource()); restarting = true; } IOUtil.deleteBestEffort(restartingFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore } monitor.worked(1); // Disabled for bug 459486: // if (!QUESTIONNAIRE_SKIP) // { // Questionnaire.perform(UIUtil.getShell(), false); // } // This performer is only used to detect a need to update or to open the setup wizard. SetupTaskPerformer performer = null; final ResourceSet resourceSet = SetupCoreUtil.createResourceSet(); SynchronizationController synchronizationController = null; try { synchronizationController = SynchronizerManager.INSTANCE.startSynchronization(false); } catch (Exception ex) { INSTANCE.log(ex); } monitor.setTaskName("Creating a setup task performer"); try { // Ensure that the demand created resources for the installation, workspace, and user are // loaded and created. // Load the resource set quickly without doing ETag checking. resourceSet .getLoadOptions() .put(ECFURIHandlerImpl.OPTION_CACHE_HANDLING, CacheHandling.CACHE_WITHOUT_ETAG_CHECKING); mirror(resourceSet, monitor, 25); // Check the installation and workspace resources for cross references. // This unloads the cross referenced resources and returns the container objects of the root // object(s) of those resources. Set<EObject> eContainers = new HashSet<EObject>(); eContainers.addAll(checkCrossReferences(resourceSet, SetupContext.INSTALLATION_SETUP_URI)); eContainers.addAll(checkCrossReferences(resourceSet, SetupContext.WORKSPACE_SETUP_URI)); if (!eContainers.isEmpty()) { // Reload any resources that have been unloaded, this time with ETag checking. resourceSet .getLoadOptions() .put(ECFURIHandlerImpl.OPTION_CACHE_HANDLING, CacheHandling.CACHE_WITH_ETAG_CHECKING); mirror(resourceSet, monitor, 75); // Resolve the containment proxies of the containers. for (EObject eContainer : eContainers) { for (@SuppressWarnings("unused") EObject eObject : eContainer.eContents()) { // Resolve all containment proxies. } } } else { monitor.worked(75); } try { if (synchronizationController != null) { Synchronization synchronization = synchronizationController.await(); if (synchronization != null) { SynchronizerManager.INSTANCE.performSynchronization(synchronization, true, true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { INSTANCE.log(ex); } // Create the performer with a fully populated resource set. performer = SetupTaskPerformer.createForIDE(resourceSet, SetupPrompter.CANCEL, trigger); } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { // $FALL-THROUGH$ } catch (Throwable ex) { INSTANCE.log(ex); return; } finally { SetupContext.setSelf(SetupContext.createSelf(resourceSet)); } monitor.worked(1); if (performer != null) { monitor.setTaskName("Initializing the setup task performer"); try { // At this point we know that no prompt was needed. EList<SetupTask> neededTasks = performer.initNeededSetupTasks(new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 2)); if (restarting) { for (Iterator<SetupTask> it = neededTasks.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { SetupTask setupTask =; if (setupTask.getPriority() == SetupTask.PRIORITY_INSTALLATION || !neededRestartTasks.contains(EcoreUtil.getURI(setupTask))) { it.remove(); } } } if (neededTasks.isEmpty()) { // No tasks are needed, either. Nothing to do. return; } performer.setSkipConfirmation(true); } catch (Throwable ex) { INSTANCE.log(ex); return; } } else { monitor.worked(2); } monitor.worked(1); monitor.setTaskName("Launching the setup wizard"); final SetupTaskPerformer finalPerfomer = performer; UIUtil.asyncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (finalPerfomer != null) { resourceSet.getResources().add(finalPerfomer.getUser().eResource()); } IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow = workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); if (workbenchWindow == null) { workbenchWindow = workbench.getWorkbenchWindows()[0]; } SetupWizard updater = finalPerfomer != null ? new SetupWizard.Updater(finalPerfomer) : new SetupWizard.Updater( SetupContext.createInstallationWorkspaceAndUser(resourceSet)); updater.openDialog(workbenchWindow.getShell()); } }); monitor.worked(1); } /** @author Eike Stepper */ public static class Implementation extends EclipseUIPlugin { public Implementation() { plugin = this; } @Override public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception { super.start(context); performStartup(); } @Override public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception { if (!isInstallerProduct()) { RecorderManager.Lifecycle.stop(); } super.stop(context); } } }
public static boolean isInstallerProduct() { String productID = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("eclipse.product"); return SetupUtil.INSTALLER_PRODUCT_ID.equals(productID); }