Esempio n. 1
 public @NonNull Model importObjects(
     @NonNull Collection<EObject> ecoreContents, @NonNull URI pivotURI) {
   EPackage libraryEPackage = isLibrary(ecoreContents);
   if (libraryEPackage != null) {
     newCreateMap = new HashMap<@NonNull EObject, @NonNull Element>();
     org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package asLibrary = standardLibrary.getPackage();
     newCreateMap.put(libraryEPackage, asLibrary);
     List<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class> ownedType = asLibrary.getOwnedClasses();
     //			int prefix = LibraryConstants.ECORE_STDLIB_PREFIX.length();
     for (@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull
     EClassifier eClassifier : libraryEPackage.getEClassifiers()) {
       String name =
           environmentFactory.getTechnology().getOriginalName(eClassifier); // .substring(prefix);
       Type asType = NameUtil.getNameable(ownedType, name);
       if (asType != null) {
         newCreateMap.put(eClassifier, asType);
     Model containingRoot = PivotUtil.getContainingModel(asLibrary);
     return ClassUtil.nonNullModel(containingRoot);
   ASResource asResource = metamodelManager.getResource(pivotURI, ASResource.ECORE_CONTENT_TYPE);
   //		try {
   if ((metamodelManager.getLibraryResource() == null) && isPivot(ecoreContents)) {
     String nsURI = ((EPackage) ecoreContents.iterator().next()).getNsURI();
     if (nsURI != null) {
       String stdlibASUri = LibraryConstants.STDLIB_URI + PivotConstants.DOT_OCL_AS_FILE_EXTENSION;
       OCLstdlib library = OCLstdlib.create(stdlibASUri);
       //					metamodelManager.installAs(nsURI, OCLstdlibTables.PACKAGE);
   URI uri = ecoreURI != null ? ecoreURI : ecoreResource.getURI();
   Model pivotModel2 = null;
   if (asResource.getContents().size() > 0) {
     EObject eObject = asResource.getContents().get(0);
     if (eObject instanceof Model) {
       pivotModel2 = (Model) eObject;
   if (pivotModel2 == null) {
     pivotModel2 = pivotModel = PivotUtil.createModel(uri.toString());
   pivotModel = pivotModel2;
   //			installImports();
   update(asResource, ecoreContents);
   //		}
   //		catch (Exception e) {
   //			if (errors == null) {
   //				errors = new ArrayList<Resource.Diagnostic>();
   //			}
   //			errors.add(new XMIException("Failed to load '" + pivotURI + "'", e));
   //		}
   List<Diagnostic> errors2 = errors;
   if (errors2 != null) {
   return pivotModel2;
Esempio n. 2
  private @NonNull URI resolveImportURI(
      @NonNull URI uri, @NonNull EPackage ePackage, @Nullable URI baseURI) {
    if (baseURI == null) {
      return uri;
    ProjectManager projectManager = environmentFactory.getProjectManager();
    if (!(projectManager instanceof StandaloneProjectMap)) {
      return uri;
    StandaloneProjectMap projectMap = (StandaloneProjectMap) projectManager;
    /*		if (baseURI == null) {
    	IPackageDescriptor packageDescriptor = projectManager.getPackageDescriptor(URI.createURI(ePackage.getNsURI()));
    	if (packageDescriptor == null) {
    		return uri;
    	IResourceDescriptor resourceDescriptor = packageDescriptor.getResourceDescriptor();
    	baseURI = resourceDescriptor.getPlatformPluginURI();
    } */
    uri = uri.resolve(baseURI);
    if (uri.isPlatformPlugin()
        && ClassUtil.safeEquals(ePackage.getNsURI(), String.valueOf(ePackage.eResource().getURI()))
        && (uri.segmentCount() >= 1)) {
      @NonNull String projectName = uri.segment(1);
      IProjectDescriptor projectDescriptor = projectMap.getProjectDescriptor(projectName);
      if (projectDescriptor instanceof IProjectDescriptorExtension) {
        Collection<IResourceDescriptor> resourceDescriptors =
        if (resourceDescriptors != null) {
          for (IResourceDescriptor resourceDescriptor : resourceDescriptors) {
            if (ClassUtil.safeEquals(
                uri.trimFragment(), resourceDescriptor.getPlatformPluginURI())) {
              Iterable<@NonNull IPackageDescriptor> packageDescriptors =
                  ((IProjectDescriptorExtension) projectDescriptor).getPackageDescriptors();
              if (packageDescriptors != null) {
                for (IPackageDescriptor packageDescriptor : packageDescriptors) {
                  uri = packageDescriptor.getNsURI();

    return uri;
 public @Nullable Object evaluate(
     @NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull TypeId returnTypeId, @Nullable Object sourceValue) {
   IdResolver idResolver = executor.getIdResolver();
   Property oppositeProperty = idResolver.getProperty(oppositePropertyId);
   ModelManager.ModelManagerExtension modelManager =
       (ModelManager.ModelManagerExtension) executor.getModelManager();
   Type thatType = ClassUtil.nonNullModel(oppositeProperty.getType());
   if (thatType instanceof CollectionType) {
     thatType = ((CollectionType) thatType).getElementType();
   List<Object> results = new ArrayList<Object>();
   if (thatType instanceof org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class) {
     for (@NonNull
     Object eObject :
         modelManager.get((org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class) thatType)) { // FIXME Use a cache
       EClass eClass = modelManager.eClass(eObject);
       EStructuralFeature eFeature = eClass.getEStructuralFeature(oppositeProperty.getName());
       assert eFeature != null;
       Object eGet = modelManager.eGet(eObject, eFeature);
       if (eGet == sourceValue) {
   return results;
 public @NonNull String getInitialContentsAsString(
     @NonNull IFile newFile, @NonNull AbstractFileDialog dialog) {
   URI ecoreURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(newFile.getFullPath().toString(), true);
   URI oclInEcoreURI = ecoreURI.trimFileExtension().appendFileExtension("oclinecore");
   String initialContentsAsString = super.getInitialContentsAsString(newFile, dialog);
   OCL ocl = OCL.newInstance(EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE);
   ResourceSet resourceSet2 = ocl.getResourceSet();
   BaseCSResource csResource =
       ClassUtil.nonNullState((BaseCSResource) resourceSet2.createResource(oclInEcoreURI));
   try {
     ByteArrayInputStream inputStream =
         new ByteArrayInputStream(initialContentsAsString.getBytes());
     csResource.load(inputStream, null);
     ASResource asResource = ocl.cs2as(csResource);
     Resource eResource = ocl.as2ecore(asResource, ecoreURI);
     ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();, null);
     String string = outputStream.toString();
     return string;
   } catch (IOException e) {
     logger.error("Failed to create " + ecoreURI, e);
   return initialContentsAsString;
Esempio n. 5
 protected boolean isPivot(@NonNull Collection<EObject> ecoreContents) {
   if (ecoreContents.size() != 1) {
     return false;
   EObject ecoreRoot = ecoreContents.iterator().next();
   if (!(ecoreRoot instanceof EPackage)) {
     return false;
   EPackage ecorePackage = (EPackage) ecoreRoot;
   if (ClassUtil.basicGetMetamodelAnnotation(ecorePackage) != null) {
     return true;
   // FIXME Following code should be redundant
   if (ecorePackage.getEClassifier(PivotPackage.Literals.ENUMERATION_LITERAL.getName()) == null) {
     return false;
   if (ecorePackage.getEClassifier(PivotPackage.Literals.EXPRESSION_IN_OCL.getName()) == null) {
     return false;
   if (ecorePackage.getEClassifier(PivotPackage.Literals.OPERATION_CALL_EXP.getName()) == null) {
     return false;
   if (ecorePackage.getEClassifier(PivotPackage.Literals.TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_SUBSTITUTION.getName())
       == null) {
     return false;
   return true;
Esempio n. 6
 public @NonNull Model getASModel() {
   Model pivotModel2 = pivotModel;
   if (pivotModel2 == null) {
     pivotModel2 =
         pivotModel =
             importObjects(ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(ecoreResource.getContents()), createPivotURI());
     Resource asResource = pivotModel2.eResource();
     AliasAdapter ecoreAdapter = AliasAdapter.findAdapter(ecoreResource);
     if (ecoreAdapter != null) {
       Map<EObject, String> ecoreAliasMap = ecoreAdapter.getAliasMap();
       AliasAdapter pivotAdapter = AliasAdapter.getAdapter(asResource);
       Map<EObject, String> pivotAliasMap = pivotAdapter.getAliasMap();
       for (EObject eObject : ecoreAliasMap.keySet()) {
         String alias = ecoreAliasMap.get(eObject);
         Element element = newCreateMap.get(eObject);
         pivotAliasMap.put(element, alias);
   return pivotModel2;
Esempio n. 7
  public static Ecore2AS loadFromEcore(@NonNull ASResource ecoreASResource, @NonNull URI ecoreURI) {
    EnvironmentFactoryInternal environmentFactory =
    ResourceSet resourceSet = environmentFactory.getResourceSet();
    Resource ecoreResource = resourceSet.getResource(ecoreURI, true);
    if (ecoreResource == null) {
      return null;
    Ecore2AS conversion = getAdapter(ecoreResource, environmentFactory);
    //		if (asMetamodels != null) {
    //		}
    PivotMetamodelManager metamodelManager = environmentFactory.getMetamodelManager();
    conversion.pivotModel = PivotUtil.createModel(ecoreASResource.getURI().toString());
    //		conversion.installImports();
    conversion.update(ecoreASResource, ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(ecoreResource.getContents()));

    AliasAdapter ecoreAdapter = AliasAdapter.findAdapter(ecoreResource);
    if (ecoreAdapter != null) {
      Map<EObject, String> ecoreAliasMap = ecoreAdapter.getAliasMap();
      AliasAdapter pivotAdapter = AliasAdapter.getAdapter(ecoreASResource);
      Map<EObject, String> pivotAliasMap = pivotAdapter.getAliasMap();
      for (EObject eObject : ecoreAliasMap.keySet()) {
        String alias = ecoreAliasMap.get(eObject);
        Element element = conversion.newCreateMap.get(eObject);
        pivotAliasMap.put(element, alias);
    return conversion;
Esempio n. 8
 public static @NonNull AbstractPlace createLocalPlace(
     @NonNull Map<CGElement, AbstractPlace> element2place, @NonNull CGValuedElement cgElement) {
   boolean isGlobal = cgElement.isGlobal();
   if (isGlobal) {
     return ClassUtil.nonNullState(element2place.get(null));
   } else {
     return ControlPlace.createControlPlace(element2place, cgElement);
Esempio n. 9
  * Convert an (annotated) Ecore object to a pivot element.
  * @param eObject the annotated Ecore object
  * @return the pivot element
 public static Element importFromEcore(
     @NonNull EnvironmentFactoryInternal environmentFactory,
     String alias,
     @NonNull EObject eObject) {
   Resource ecoreResource = ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(eObject.eResource());
   Ecore2AS conversion = getAdapter(ecoreResource, environmentFactory);
   Model pivotModel = conversion.getASModel();
   return conversion.newCreateMap.get(eObject);
Esempio n. 10
 public RootPackageId getMetamodelId(
     @NonNull EnvironmentFactoryInternal environmentFactory, @NonNull EPackage ePackage) {
   assert !"".equals(ePackage.getNsURI());
   assert !"".equals(ePackage.getNsURI());
   RootPackageId metamodel = null;
   if (ClassUtil.basicGetMetamodelAnnotation(ePackage) != null) {
     metamodel = IdManager.METAMODEL;
   } else {
     String nsURI = ePackage.getNsURI();
     String sharedNsURI = environmentFactory.getCompleteModel().getCompleteURI(nsURI);
     if ((sharedNsURI != null) && !sharedNsURI.equals(nsURI)) {
       metamodel = IdManager.getRootPackageId(sharedNsURI);
   return metamodel;
Esempio n. 11
 protected void loadImports(@NonNull EPackage ePackage, @Nullable URI baseURI) {
   if (ClassUtil.basicGetMetamodelAnnotation(ePackage) != null) {
     if (asMetamodels == null) {
       asMetamodels = new HashSet<EPackage>();
   EAnnotation importAnnotation = ePackage.getEAnnotation(PivotConstants.IMPORT_ANNOTATION_SOURCE);
   if (importAnnotation != null) {
     EMap<String, String> details = importAnnotation.getDetails();
     for (String key : details.keySet()) {
       URI uri = URI.createURI(details.get(key));
       uri = resolveImportURI(uri, ePackage, baseURI);
       assert uri != null;
       ResourceSet resourceSet = environmentFactory.getResourceSet();
       EObject importedEObject = null;
       String fragment = uri.fragment();
       if (fragment == null) {
         importedEObject = resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().getEPackage(uri.toString());
       } else {
         importedEObject = resourceSet.getEObject(uri, true);
       if (importedEObject != null) {
         if (importedEObjects == null) {
           importedEObjects = new HashSet<EObject>();
         if (importedEObjects.add(importedEObject) && (importedEObject instanceof EPackage)) {
           Resource importedResource = importedEObject.eResource();
           if (importedResource != null) {
             URI baseURI2 = getBaseURI(importedResource);
             loadImports((EPackage) importedEObject, baseURI2);
   for (EPackage eSubPackage : ePackage.getESubpackages()) {
     if (eSubPackage != null) {
       loadImports(eSubPackage, baseURI);
Esempio n. 12
 /** Return the baseURI of ecoreResource against which its imports should be resolved. */
 protected @Nullable URI getBaseURI(@NonNull Resource ecoreResource) {
   URI ecoreURI = ecoreResource.getURI();
   if (ecoreURI == null) {
     return null;
   if (ClassUtil.isRegistered(ecoreResource)) {
     ProjectManager projectManager = environmentFactory.getProjectManager();
     StandaloneProjectMap.IPackageDescriptor packageDescriptor =
     if (packageDescriptor == null) {
       return null;
     return packageDescriptor.getResourceDescriptor().getPlatformPluginURI();
   } else {
     if (!ecoreURI.isHierarchical() || ecoreURI.isRelative()) {
       return null;
     return ecoreURI;
Esempio n. 13
  * Executes the query for the specified <tt>target</tt> object. The result is the OCL evaluation
  * result which may be a Number, String, Collection or other object for normal returns or a
  * NullLiteralExp for null, or an InvalidLiteralExp for invalid.
  * @param target the object on which to execute the query; this must be an instance of the context
  *     with which the delegate was created
  * @param arguments a map of variable names to values; these must correspond to the variables with
  *     which the delegate was created
  * @return the query's result
  * @throws InvocationTargetException in case of failure to prepare or execute the query, usually
  *     because of an exception
 public Object execute(@Nullable Object target, Map<String, ?> arguments)
     throws InvocationTargetException {
   Map<String, ?> nonNullArguments =
       (arguments != null ? arguments : (Map<String, ?>) Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap());
   try {
     if (specification == null) {
     ExpressionInOCL nonNullSpecification = specification;
     OCL ocl = delegateDomain.getOCL();
     IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
     Object targetValue = idResolver.boxedValueOf(target);
     org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class targetType = idResolver.getStaticTypeOf(targetValue);
     Type requiredType = nonNullSpecification.getOwnedContext().getType();
     if ((requiredType == null)
         || !targetType.conformsTo(ocl.getStandardLibrary(), requiredType)) {
       String message =
               PivotMessagesInternal.WrongContextClassifier_ERROR_, targetType, requiredType);
       throw new OCLDelegateException(new SemanticException(message));
     List<Variable> parameterVariables = nonNullSpecification.getOwnedParameters();
     int argCount = arguments != null ? arguments.size() : 0;
     if (parameterVariables.size() != argCount) {
       String message =
       throw new OCLDelegateException(new SemanticException(message));
     Query query = ocl.createQuery(nonNullSpecification);
     EvaluationEnvironment env = query.getEvaluationEnvironment(target);
     for (Variable parameterVariable : parameterVariables) {
       // bind arguments to parameter names
       String name = parameterVariable.getName();
       Object object = nonNullArguments.get(name);
       if ((object == null) && !nonNullArguments.containsKey(name)) {
         String message =
         throw new OCLDelegateException(new SemanticException(message));
       Object value = idResolver.boxedValueOf(object);
       targetType = idResolver.getStaticTypeOf(value);
       requiredType = ClassUtil.nonNullModel(parameterVariable.getType());
       if (!targetType.conformsTo(ocl.getStandardLibrary(), requiredType)) {
         String message =
         throw new OCLDelegateException(new SemanticException(message));
       env.add(parameterVariable, value);
     Object result = evaluate(query, target);
     //			if (result.isInvalid()) {
     //				String message = ClassUtil.bind(OCLMessages.EvaluationResultIsInvalid_ERROR_,
     // getOperationName());
     //				throw new OCLDelegateException(message);
     //			}
     //		if ((result == null) / * || ocl.isInvalid(result) * /) {
     //			String message = ClassUtil.bind(OCLMessages.EvaluationResultIsNull_ERROR_,
     // getOperationName());
     //			throw new OCLDelegateException(message);
     //		}
     //		return converter.convert(ocl, result);
     //			if (result == null) {
     //				String message = NLS.bind(OCLMessages.EvaluationResultIsInvalid_ERROR_,
     // PivotUtil.getBody(specification));
     //				throw new InvocationTargetException(new OCLDelegateException(message));
     //			}
     return idResolver.ecoreValueOf(null, result);
   } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
     throw e;
   } catch (EvaluationException e) {
     String message =
             PivotMessagesInternal.EvaluationResultIsInvalid_ERROR_, specification.getBody());
     throw new InvocationTargetException(new EvaluationException(message));
   } catch (WrappedException e) {
     throw new InvocationTargetException(e.getCause());
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new InvocationTargetException(e);
Esempio n. 14
 public void update(@NonNull Resource asResource, @NonNull Collection<EObject> ecoreContents) {
   newCreateMap = new HashMap<@NonNull EObject, @NonNull Element>();
   referencers = new HashSet<@NonNull EObject>();
   genericTypes = new ArrayList<@NonNull EGenericType>();
       asResource.getContents(), Collections.singletonList(ClassUtil.nonNull(pivotModel)));
   List<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package> newPackages =
       new ArrayList<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package>();
   for (EObject eObject : ecoreContents) {
     EClass eClass = eObject.eClass();
     if (eClass.getEPackage() != EcorePackage.eINSTANCE) {
       error("Non Ecore " + eClass.getName() + " for Ecore2AS.update");
     } else {
       Object pivotElement = declarationPass.doInPackageSwitch(eObject);
       if (pivotElement instanceof org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package) {
         newPackages.add((org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package) pivotElement);
       } else {
         error("Bad ecore content");
   PivotUtilInternal.refreshList(pivotModel.getOwnedPackages(), newPackages);
   Map<@NonNull String, @NonNull Type> resolvedSpecializations =
       new HashMap<@NonNull String, @NonNull Type>();
   for (@NonNull EGenericType eGenericType : genericTypes) {
     Type pivotType = resolveType(resolvedSpecializations, eGenericType);
     if (pivotType != null) {
       newCreateMap.put(eGenericType, pivotType);
   for (EObject eObject : referencers) {
   for (EObject eObject : referencers) {
     if (eObject instanceof EReference) {
       Property pivotElement = getCreated(Property.class, eObject);
       if (pivotElement != null) {
         Property oppositeProperty = pivotElement.getOpposite();
         if ((oppositeProperty == null)
             && (eObject.eContainer() instanceof EClass)) { // Skip annotation references
   referencers = null;
   genericTypes = null;
   oldIdMap = new HashMap<@NonNull String, @NonNull Element>();
   for (EObject ecoreContent : ecoreContents) {
     Resource resource = ecoreContent.eResource();
     if (resource instanceof XMLResource) {
       XMLResource xmlResource = (XMLResource) resource;
       String id = xmlResource.getID(ecoreContent);
       if (id != null) {
         Element element = newCreateMap.get(ecoreContent);
         if (element != null) {
           oldIdMap.put(id, element);
       for (TreeIterator<EObject> tit = ecoreContent.eAllContents(); tit.hasNext(); ) {
         EObject eObject =;
         id = xmlResource.getID(eObject);
         if (id != null) {
           Element element = newCreateMap.get(eObject);
           if (element != null) {
             oldIdMap.put(id, element);
Esempio n. 15
 public @NonNull URI getURI() {
   return ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(ecoreResource.getURI());
 public @NonNull Type getType(@NonNull EClassifier eClassifier) {
   Ecore2AS ecore2as =
       Ecore2AS.getAdapter(ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(eClassifier.eResource()), environmentFactory);
   Type pivotType = ecore2as.getCreated(Type.class, eClassifier);
   return ClassUtil.nonNullState(pivotType);