   * Workaround method for an error that occurs when deleting multiple tiers of an Object Mapping
   * Category hierarchy (selecting parent *before* child seems to be important). I believe that The
   * fix for EclipseLink's 328040 makes this workaround superfluous, so try removing it when moving
   * to EclipseLink 2.3.0 or higher.
   * @param category The child to check. May be <code>null</code>, in which case <code>false</code>
   *     will be returned.
   * @param toDelete Objects that are marked for deletion.
   * @return <code>true</code> if <code>toDelete</code> contains an ancestor of <code>category
   *     </code>. Otherwise <code>false</code>.
  public static boolean willAncestorBeDeleted(
      IObjectMappingCategoryPO category, Object[] toDelete) {
    IObjectMappingCategoryPO ancestor = category;
    while (ancestor != null) {
      ancestor = ancestor.getParent();
      for (Object possibleAncestor : toDelete) {
        if (ObjectUtils.equals(ancestor, possibleAncestor)) {
          return true;

    return false;
   * @param element Object
   * @return name String
  public String getText(Object element) {
    if (element instanceof IObjectMappingAssoziationPO) {
      IComponentIdentifier compId = ((IObjectMappingAssoziationPO) element).getTechnicalName();
      if (compId != null) {
        return compId.getComponentNameToDisplay();
    } else if (element instanceof IComponentNamePO) {
      return m_compMapper.getCompNameCache().getName(((IComponentNamePO) element).getGuid());
    } else if (element instanceof IObjectMappingCategoryPO) {
      IObjectMappingCategoryPO category = (IObjectMappingCategoryPO) element;
      StringBuilder nameBuilder = new StringBuilder();
      String catName = category.getName();
      if (getTopLevelCategoryName(catName) != null) {
        catName = getTopLevelCategoryName(catName);

      if (Plugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(Constants.SHOWCHILDCOUNT_KEY)) {
        int childListSize = 0;
        childListSize += category.getUnmodifiableAssociationList().size();
        childListSize += category.getUnmodifiableCategoryList().size();
            .append(StringConstants.SPACE + StringConstants.LEFT_PARENTHESES)
      return nameBuilder.toString();
    } else if (element instanceof String) {
      // Missing Component Name
      return (String) element;

            + StringConstants.SPACE
            + element.getClass().getName());
    return StringConstants.EMPTY;