public static IMethod getGetter(IField field) throws JavaModelException { String getterName = getGetterName(field, EMPTY, true); IMethod primaryCandidate = JavaModelUtil.findMethod(getterName, new String[0], false, field.getDeclaringType()); if (!JavaModelUtil.isBoolean(field) || (primaryCandidate != null && primaryCandidate.exists())) return primaryCandidate; // bug 30906 describes why we need to look for other alternatives here (try with get... for // booleans) String secondCandidateName = getGetterName(field, EMPTY, false); return JavaModelUtil.findMethod( secondCandidateName, new String[0], false, field.getDeclaringType()); }
private void rewriteImports() { if (fImportRewrite == null) return; if (isReadOnly()) return; ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit(); if (cu == null) return; try { Position position = new Position(getCompletionOffset(), 0); IDocument document = getDocument(); final String category = "__template_position_importer" + System.currentTimeMillis(); // $NON-NLS-1$ IPositionUpdater updater = new DefaultPositionUpdater(category); document.addPositionCategory(category); document.addPositionUpdater(updater); document.addPosition(position); try { JavaModelUtil.applyEdit(cu, fImportRewrite.rewriteImports(null), false, null); setCompletionOffset(position.getOffset()); } catch (CoreException e) { handleException(null, e); } finally { document.removePosition(position); document.removePositionUpdater(updater); document.removePositionCategory(category); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { handleException(null, e); } catch (BadPositionCategoryException e) { handleException(null, e); } }
public static ICleanUpFix createCleanUp( CompilationUnit compilationUnit, IProblemLocation[] problems, boolean addOverrideAnnotation, boolean addOverrideInterfaceAnnotation, boolean addDeprecatedAnnotation, boolean rawTypeReferences) { ICompilationUnit cu = (ICompilationUnit) compilationUnit.getJavaElement(); if (!JavaModelUtil.is50OrHigher(cu.getJavaProject())) return null; if (!addOverrideAnnotation && !addDeprecatedAnnotation && !rawTypeReferences) return null; List /*<CompilationUnitRewriteOperation>*/ operations = new ArrayList(); if (addOverrideAnnotation) createAddOverrideAnnotationOperations( compilationUnit, addOverrideInterfaceAnnotation, problems, operations); if (addDeprecatedAnnotation) createAddDeprecatedAnnotationOperations(compilationUnit, problems, operations); if (rawTypeReferences) createRawTypeReferenceOperations(compilationUnit, problems, operations); if (operations.size() == 0) return null; CompilationUnitRewriteOperation[] operationsArray = (CompilationUnitRewriteOperation[]) operations.toArray(new CompilationUnitRewriteOperation[operations.size()]); return new Java50Fix( FixMessages.Java50Fix_add_annotations_change_name, compilationUnit, operationsArray); }
public static URL getJavadocBaseLocation(IJavaElement element) throws JavaModelException { if (element.getElementType() == IJavaElement.JAVA_PROJECT) { return getProjectJavadocLocation((IJavaProject) element); } IPackageFragmentRoot root = JavaModelUtil.getPackageFragmentRoot(element); if (root == null) { return null; } if (root.getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_BINARY) { IClasspathEntry entry = root.getResolvedClasspathEntry(); URL javadocLocation = getLibraryJavadocLocation(entry); if (javadocLocation != null) { return getLibraryJavadocLocation(entry); } entry = root.getRawClasspathEntry(); switch (entry.getEntryKind()) { case IClasspathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY: case IClasspathEntry.CPE_VARIABLE: return getLibraryJavadocLocation(entry); default: return null; } } else { return getProjectJavadocLocation(root.getJavaProject()); } }
/** * Initializes the source folder field with a valid package fragment root. The package fragment * root is computed from the given Java element. * * @param elem the Java element used to compute the initial package fragment root used as the * source folder */ protected void initContainerPage(IJavaElement elem) { IPackageFragmentRoot initRoot = null; if (elem != null) { initRoot = JavaModelUtil.getPackageFragmentRoot(elem); try { if (initRoot == null || initRoot.getKind() != IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) { IJavaProject jproject = elem.getJavaProject(); if (jproject != null) { initRoot = null; if (jproject.exists()) { IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = jproject.getPackageFragmentRoots(); for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { if (roots[i].getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) { initRoot = roots[i]; break; } } } if (initRoot == null) { initRoot = jproject.getPackageFragmentRoot(jproject.getResource()); } } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } } setPackageFragmentRoot(initRoot, true); }
public void switchToJavaEditor(IType type, String methodName, List<String> parameterTypes) { JavaEditor javaEditor = openJavaEditor(type); if (javaEditor == null) { return; } IMethod newMethod = null; try { String[] parameterTypeSignatures = new String[parameterTypes.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypeSignatures.length; i++) { String qualifiedName = parameterTypes.get(i); String signature = Signature.createTypeSignature(qualifiedName, true); parameterTypeSignatures[i] = signature; } newMethod = JavaModelUtil.findMethod(methodName, parameterTypeSignatures, false, type); } catch (JavaModelException e) { // ignore this } if (newMethod == null) { return; } javaEditor.setSelection(newMethod); }
public String getNewSetterName() throws CoreException { return GetterSetterUtil.getSetterName( fField.getJavaProject(), getNewElementName(), fField.getFlags(), JavaModelUtil.isBoolean(fField), null); }
private IField getFieldInWorkingCopy( ICompilationUnit newWorkingCopyOfDeclaringCu, String elementName) { IType type = fField.getDeclaringType(); IType typeWc = (IType) JavaModelUtil.findInCompilationUnit(newWorkingCopyOfDeclaringCu, type); if (typeWc == null) return null; return typeWc.getField(elementName); }
@Override public void selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection selection) { try { setEnabled(RefactoringAvailabilityTester.isGeneralizeTypeAvailable(selection)); } catch (JavaModelException e) { if (JavaModelUtil.isExceptionToBeLogged(e)) JavaPlugin.log(e); setEnabled(false); } }
public String getNewGetterName() throws CoreException { IMethod primaryGetterCandidate = JavaModelUtil.findMethod( GetterSetterUtil.getGetterName(fField, new String[0]), new String[0], false, fField.getDeclaringType()); if (!JavaModelUtil.isBoolean(fField) || (primaryGetterCandidate != null && primaryGetterCandidate.exists())) return GetterSetterUtil.getGetterName( fField.getJavaProject(), getNewElementName(), fField.getFlags(), JavaModelUtil.isBoolean(fField), null); // bug 30906 describes why we need to look for other alternatives here return GetterSetterUtil.getGetterName( fField.getJavaProject(), getNewElementName(), fField.getFlags(), false, null); }
private static IMethod findIncludingSupertypes( IMethodBinding method, IType type, IProgressMonitor pm) throws JavaModelException { IMethod inThisType = Bindings.findMethod(method, type); if (inThisType != null) return inThisType; IType[] superTypes = JavaModelUtil.getAllSuperTypes(type, pm); for (int i = 0; i < superTypes.length; i++) { IMethod m = Bindings.findMethod(method, superTypes[i]); if (m != null) return m; } return null; }
private static void appendMethodReference(IMethod meth, StringBuffer buf) throws JavaModelException { buf.append(meth.getElementName()); /* * The Javadoc tool for Java SE 8 changed the anchor syntax and now tries to avoid "strange" characters in URLs. * This breaks all clients that directly create such URLs. * We can't know what format is required, so we just guess by the project's compiler compliance. */ boolean is18OrHigher = JavaModelUtil.is18OrHigher(meth.getJavaProject()); buf.append(is18OrHigher ? '-' : '('); String[] params = meth.getParameterTypes(); IType declaringType = meth.getDeclaringType(); boolean isVararg = Flags.isVarargs(meth.getFlags()); int lastParam = params.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i <= lastParam; i++) { if (i != 0) { buf.append(is18OrHigher ? "-" : ", "); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } String curr = Signature.getTypeErasure(params[i]); String fullName = JavaModelUtil.getResolvedTypeName(curr, declaringType); if (fullName == null) { // e.g. a type parameter "QE;" fullName = Signature.toString(Signature.getElementType(curr)); } if (fullName != null) { buf.append(fullName); int dim = Signature.getArrayCount(curr); if (i == lastParam && isVararg) { dim--; } while (dim > 0) { buf.append(is18OrHigher ? ":A" : "[]"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ dim--; } if (i == lastParam && isVararg) { buf.append("..."); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } } buf.append(is18OrHigher ? '-' : ')'); }
private RefactoringStatus analyzeRenameChanges(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException { ICompilationUnit[] newDeclarationWCs = null; try { pm.beginTask("", 4); // $NON-NLS-1$ RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus(); ICompilationUnit[] declarationCUs = getDeclarationCUs(); newDeclarationWCs = RenameAnalyzeUtil.createNewWorkingCopies( declarationCUs, fChangeManager, fWorkingCopyOwner, new SubProgressMonitor(pm, 1)); IMethod[] wcOldMethods = new IMethod[fMethodsToRename.size()]; IMethod[] wcNewMethods = new IMethod[fMethodsToRename.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator<IMethod> iter = fMethodsToRename.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) { IMethod method =; ICompilationUnit newCu = RenameAnalyzeUtil.findWorkingCopyForCu(newDeclarationWCs, method.getCompilationUnit()); IType typeWc = (IType) JavaModelUtil.findInCompilationUnit(newCu, method.getDeclaringType()); if (typeWc == null) { // should not happen i--; wcOldMethods = CollectionsUtil.toArray( Arrays.asList(wcOldMethods).subList(0, wcOldMethods.length - 1), IMethod.class); wcNewMethods = CollectionsUtil.toArray( Arrays.asList(wcNewMethods).subList(0, wcNewMethods.length - 1), IMethod.class); continue; } wcOldMethods[i] = getMethodInWorkingCopy(method, getCurrentElementName(), typeWc); wcNewMethods[i] = getMethodInWorkingCopy(method, getNewElementName(), typeWc); } // SearchResultGroup[] newOccurrences= findNewOccurrences(newMethods, newDeclarationWCs, new // SubProgressMonitor(pm, 3)); SearchResultGroup[] newOccurrences = batchFindNewOccurrences( wcNewMethods, wcOldMethods, newDeclarationWCs, new SubProgressMonitor(pm, 3), result); result.merge( RenameAnalyzeUtil.analyzeRenameChanges2( fChangeManager, fOccurrences, newOccurrences, getNewElementName())); return result; } finally { pm.done(); if (newDeclarationWCs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < newDeclarationWCs.length; i++) { newDeclarationWCs[i].discardWorkingCopy(); } } } }
private static String getGetterName( IField field, String[] excludedNames, boolean useIsForBoolGetters) throws JavaModelException { if (excludedNames == null) { excludedNames = EMPTY; } return getGetterName( field.getJavaProject(), field.getElementName(), field.getFlags(), useIsForBoolGetters && JavaModelUtil.isBoolean(field), excludedNames); }
public static String getSetterName(IField field, String[] excludedNames) throws JavaModelException { if (excludedNames == null) { excludedNames = EMPTY; } return getSetterName( field.getJavaProject(), field.getElementName(), field.getFlags(), JavaModelUtil.isBoolean(field), excludedNames); }
private ICompilationUnit[] getCompilationUnits(IStructuredSelection selection) { HashSet result = new HashSet(); Object[] selected = selection.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { try { if (selected[i] instanceof IJavaElement) { IJavaElement elem = (IJavaElement) selected[i]; if (elem.exists()) { switch (elem.getElementType()) { case IJavaElement.TYPE: if (elem.getParent().getElementType() == IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT) { result.add(elem.getParent()); } break; case IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT: result.add(elem); break; case IJavaElement.IMPORT_CONTAINER: result.add(elem.getParent()); break; case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT: collectCompilationUnits((IPackageFragment) elem, result); break; case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT_ROOT: collectCompilationUnits((IPackageFragmentRoot) elem, result); break; case IJavaElement.JAVA_PROJECT: IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = ((IJavaProject) elem).getPackageFragmentRoots(); for (int k = 0; k < roots.length; k++) { collectCompilationUnits(roots[k], result); } break; } } } else if (selected[i] instanceof LogicalPackage) { IPackageFragment[] packageFragments = ((LogicalPackage) selected[i]).getFragments(); for (int k = 0; k < packageFragments.length; k++) { IPackageFragment pack = packageFragments[k]; if (pack.exists()) { collectCompilationUnits(pack, result); } } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { if (JavaModelUtil.isExceptionToBeLogged(e)) JavaPlugin.log(e); } } return (ICompilationUnit[]) result.toArray(new ICompilationUnit[result.size()]); }
@Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { if (monitor == null) monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask("", 1); // $NON-NLS-1$ monitor.setTaskName(CodeGenerationMessages.GenerateToStringOperation_description); AbstractTypeDeclaration declaration = (AbstractTypeDeclaration) ASTNodes.findDeclaration(fContext.getTypeBinding(), fRewrite.getRoot()); ListRewrite rewriter = fRewrite .getASTRewrite() .getListRewrite(declaration, declaration.getBodyDeclarationsProperty()); if (fContext.getTypeBinding() != null && rewriter != null) { MethodDeclaration toStringMethod = fGenerator.generateToStringMethod(); List<BodyDeclaration> list = declaration.bodyDeclarations(); BodyDeclaration replace = findMethodToReplace(list, toStringMethod); if (replace == null || ((Boolean) toStringMethod.getProperty(AbstractToStringGenerator.OVERWRITE_METHOD_PROPERTY)) .booleanValue()) insertMethod(toStringMethod, rewriter, replace); List<MethodDeclaration> helperMethods = fGenerator.generateHelperMethods(); for (Iterator<MethodDeclaration> iterator = helperMethods.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { MethodDeclaration method =; replace = findMethodToReplace(list, method); if (replace == null || ((Boolean) method.getProperty(AbstractToStringGenerator.OVERWRITE_METHOD_PROPERTY)) .booleanValue()) { insertMethod(method, rewriter, replace); } } JavaModelUtil.applyEdit( (ICompilationUnit) fUnit.getJavaElement(), fRewrite.createChange(true).getEdit(), false, monitor); } } finally { monitor.done(); } }
private static Java50Fix createFix( CompilationUnit compilationUnit, IProblemLocation problem, String annotation, String label) { ICompilationUnit cu = (ICompilationUnit) compilationUnit.getJavaElement(); if (!JavaModelUtil.is50OrHigher(cu.getJavaProject())) return null; ASTNode selectedNode = problem.getCoveringNode(compilationUnit); if (selectedNode == null) return null; ASTNode declaringNode = getDeclaringNode(selectedNode); if (!(declaringNode instanceof BodyDeclaration)) return null; BodyDeclaration declaration = (BodyDeclaration) declaringNode; AnnotationRewriteOperation operation = new AnnotationRewriteOperation(declaration, annotation); return new Java50Fix(label, compilationUnit, new CompilationUnitRewriteOperation[] {operation}); }
public static ICleanUpFix createCleanUp( CompilationUnit compilationUnit, boolean addOverrideAnnotation, boolean addOverrideInterfaceAnnotation, boolean addDeprecatedAnnotation, boolean rawTypeReference) { ICompilationUnit cu = (ICompilationUnit) compilationUnit.getJavaElement(); if (!JavaModelUtil.is50OrHigher(cu.getJavaProject())) return null; if (!addOverrideAnnotation && !addDeprecatedAnnotation && !rawTypeReference) return null; List /*<CompilationUnitRewriteOperation>*/ operations = new ArrayList(); IProblem[] problems = compilationUnit.getProblems(); IProblemLocation[] locations = new IProblemLocation[problems.length]; for (int i = 0; i < problems.length; i++) { locations[i] = new ProblemLocation(problems[i]); } if (addOverrideAnnotation) createAddOverrideAnnotationOperations( compilationUnit, addOverrideInterfaceAnnotation, locations, operations); if (addDeprecatedAnnotation) createAddDeprecatedAnnotationOperations(compilationUnit, locations, operations); if (rawTypeReference) createRawTypeReferenceOperations(compilationUnit, locations, operations); if (operations.size() == 0) return null; String fixName; if (rawTypeReference) { fixName = FixMessages.Java50Fix_add_type_parameters_change_name; } else { fixName = FixMessages.Java50Fix_add_annotations_change_name; } CompilationUnitRewriteOperation[] operationsArray = (CompilationUnitRewriteOperation[]) operations.toArray(new CompilationUnitRewriteOperation[operations.size()]); return new Java50Fix(fixName, compilationUnit, operationsArray); }
/** * Finds a method declaration in a type's hierarchy. The search is top down, so this returns the * first declaration of the method in the hierarchy. This searches for a method with a name and * signature. Parameter types are only compared by the simple name, no resolving for the fully * qualified type name is done. Constructors are only compared by parameters, not the name. * * @param type Searches in this type's supertypes. * @param name The name of the method to find * @param paramTypes The type signatures of the parameters e.g. <code>{"QString;","I"}</code> * @param isConstructor If the method is a constructor * @return The first method found or null, if nothing found */ private static IMethod findMethodDeclarationInHierarchy( ITypeHierarchy hierarchy, IType type, String name, String[] paramTypes, boolean isConstructor) throws JavaModelException { IType[] superTypes = hierarchy.getAllSupertypes(type); for (int i = superTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { IMethod first = JavaModelUtil.findMethod(name, paramTypes, isConstructor, superTypes[i]); if (first != null && !Flags.isPrivate(first.getFlags())) { // the order getAllSupertypes does make assumptions of the order of inner elements -> search // recursively IMethod res = findMethodDeclarationInHierarchy( hierarchy, first.getDeclaringType(), name, paramTypes, isConstructor); if (res != null) { return res; } return first; } } return null; }
private RefactoringStatus checkNewAccessor(IMethod existingAccessor, String newAccessorName) throws CoreException { RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus(); IMethod accessor = JavaModelUtil.findMethod( newAccessorName, existingAccessor.getParameterTypes(), false, fField.getDeclaringType()); if (accessor == null || !accessor.exists()) return null; String message = Messages.format( RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameFieldRefactoring_already_exists, new String[] { JavaElementUtil.createMethodSignature(accessor), BasicElementLabels.getJavaElementName( fField.getDeclaringType().getFullyQualifiedName('.')) }); result.addError(message, JavaStatusContext.create(accessor)); return result; }
/* * Finds a type by the simple name. From AddImportsOperation */ private TypeNameMatch[] findAllTypes( String simpleTypeName, IJavaSearchScope searchScope, SimpleName nameNode, IProgressMonitor monitor, ICompilationUnit cu) throws JavaModelException { boolean is50OrHigher = JavaModelUtil.is50OrHigher(cu.getJavaProject()); int typeKinds = SimilarElementsRequestor.ALL_TYPES; if (nameNode != null) { typeKinds = ASTResolving.getPossibleTypeKinds(nameNode, is50OrHigher); } ArrayList<TypeNameMatch> typeInfos = new ArrayList<TypeNameMatch>(); TypeNameMatchCollector requestor = new TypeNameMatchCollector(typeInfos); new SearchEngine() .searchAllTypeNames( null, 0, simpleTypeName.toCharArray(), SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE, getSearchForConstant(typeKinds), searchScope, requestor, IJavaSearchConstants.FORCE_IMMEDIATE_SEARCH, monitor); ArrayList<TypeNameMatch> typeRefsFound = new ArrayList<TypeNameMatch>(typeInfos.size()); for (int i = 0, len = typeInfos.size(); i < len; i++) { TypeNameMatch curr = typeInfos.get(i); if (curr.getPackageName().length() > 0) { // do not suggest imports from the default package if (isOfKind(curr, typeKinds, is50OrHigher) && isVisible(curr, cu)) { typeRefsFound.add(curr); } } } return typeRefsFound.toArray(new TypeNameMatch[typeRefsFound.size()]); }
private ImportRewrite createImportRewrite() { if (fCompilationUnit != null && allowAddingImports() && !JavaModelUtil.isPackageInfo(fCompilationUnit)) { try { CompilationUnit cu = getASTRoot(fCompilationUnit); if (cu == null) { ImportRewrite rewrite = StubUtility.createImportRewrite(fCompilationUnit, true); fImportContext = null; return rewrite; } else { ImportRewrite rewrite = StubUtility.createImportRewrite(cu, true); fImportContext = new ContextSensitiveImportRewriteContext( cu, fInvocationContext.getInvocationOffset(), rewrite); return rewrite; } } catch (CoreException x) { JavaPlugin.log(x); } } return null; }
/** * Resolves a type name in the context of the declaring type. * * @param refTypeSig the type name in signature notation (for example 'QVector') this can also * be an array type, but dimensions will be ignored. * @param declaringType the context for resolving (type where the reference was made in) * @return returns the fully qualified type name or build-in-type name. if a unresolved type * couldn't be resolved null is returned * @throws JavaModelException thrown when the type can not be accessed */ public IType resolveType(String refTypeSig, IType declaringType) throws JavaModelException { IJavaProject javaProject = declaringType.getJavaProject(); int arrayCount = Signature.getArrayCount(refTypeSig); char type = refTypeSig.charAt(arrayCount); if (type == Signature.C_UNRESOLVED) { String name = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ int bracket = refTypeSig.indexOf(Signature.C_GENERIC_START, arrayCount + 1); if (bracket > 0) name = refTypeSig.substring(arrayCount + 1, bracket); else { int semi = refTypeSig.indexOf(Signature.C_SEMICOLON, arrayCount + 1); if (semi == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } name = refTypeSig.substring(arrayCount + 1, semi); } String dotTypeName = "." + name; String dotBaseTypeName = null; String dotExtensionTypeName = null; int dotIndex = name.indexOf('.'); if (dotIndex != -1) { // We might get a fully qualified type name --; IType resolvedType = javaProject.findType(name); if (resolvedType != null) { return resolvedType; } // If not, then this might be a nested type reference on another type, so let's split it // to look for that in our imports later dotBaseTypeName = "." + name.substring(0, dotIndex); dotExtensionTypeName = name.substring(dotIndex); } IImportDeclaration[] importDeclarations = declaringType.getCompilationUnit().getImports(); // Loop over the imports and look for the import of our symbol for (IImportDeclaration declaration : importDeclarations) { String importName = declaration.getElementName(); // If it's a .* import, then pop off the package name and lookup the type if (declaration.isOnDemand()) { String packageName = importName.substring(0, importName.lastIndexOf('.')); String possibleTypeName = packageName + dotTypeName; IType onDemandPackageType = javaProject.findType(possibleTypeName); if (onDemandPackageType != null) { return onDemandPackageType; } } // If it's not a .* import, then does the import end with our type name? else if (importName.endsWith(dotTypeName)) { IType importType = javaProject.findType(importName); if (importType != null) { return importType; } } // If it doesn't, check to see if we were a dotted type ("Outer.Inner") and check to see // if Outer is imported else if (dotBaseTypeName != null && importName.endsWith(dotBaseTypeName)) { // ... then look for Outer.Inner IType importNestedType = javaProject.findType(importName + dotExtensionTypeName); if (importNestedType != null) { return importNestedType; } } } // Is this a java.lang.Xxx class that we get for free? String javaLangTypeName = "java.lang" + dotTypeName; IType javaLangType = javaProject.findType(javaLangTypeName); if (javaLangType != null) { return javaLangType; } // What about an inner type of our own class? String innerTypeName = declaringType.getFullyQualifiedName('.') + dotTypeName; IType innerType = javaProject.findType(innerTypeName); if (innerType != null) { return innerType; } // Are we declared in a package? IPackageFragment declaringTypePackageFragment = declaringType.getPackageFragment(); if (declaringTypePackageFragment != null) { // ... if so, is this name in our package, so it didn't need an import? String samePackageTypeName = declaringTypePackageFragment.getElementName() + dotTypeName; IType samePackageType = javaProject.findType(samePackageTypeName); if (samePackageType != null) { return samePackageType; } } else { // If we were in the default package, is that class in the default package too? IType defaultPackageType = javaProject.findType(name); if (defaultPackageType != null) { return defaultPackageType; } } String slowResolvedTypeName = JavaModelUtil.getResolvedTypeName(refTypeSig, _type); if (slowResolvedTypeName != null) { IType slowResolvedType = javaProject.findType(slowResolvedTypeName); if (slowResolvedType != null) { return slowResolvedType; } } return null; } else { // We were given an Lxxx; signature ... just look it up String resolvedTypeName = Signature.toString(refTypeSig.substring(arrayCount)); IType resolvedType = javaProject.findType(resolvedTypeName); return resolvedType; } }
public static URL getJavadocLocation(IJavaElement element, boolean includeMemberReference) throws JavaModelException { URL baseLocation = getJavadocBaseLocation(element); if (baseLocation == null) { return null; } String urlString = baseLocation.toExternalForm(); StringBuffer urlBuffer = new StringBuffer(urlString); if (!urlString.endsWith("/")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ urlBuffer.append('/'); } StringBuffer pathBuffer = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer fragmentBuffer = new StringBuffer(); switch (element.getElementType()) { case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT: appendPackageSummaryPath((IPackageFragment) element, pathBuffer); break; case IJavaElement.JAVA_PROJECT: case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT_ROOT: appendIndexPath(pathBuffer); break; case IJavaElement.IMPORT_CONTAINER: element = element.getParent(); // $FALL-THROUGH$ case IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT: IType mainType = ((ICompilationUnit) element).findPrimaryType(); if (mainType == null) { return null; } appendTypePath(mainType, pathBuffer); break; case IJavaElement.CLASS_FILE: appendTypePath(((IClassFile) element).getType(), pathBuffer); break; case IJavaElement.TYPE: appendTypePath((IType) element, pathBuffer); break; case IJavaElement.FIELD: IField field = (IField) element; appendTypePath(field.getDeclaringType(), pathBuffer); if (includeMemberReference) { appendFieldReference(field, fragmentBuffer); } break; case IJavaElement.METHOD: IMethod method = (IMethod) element; appendTypePath(method.getDeclaringType(), pathBuffer); if (includeMemberReference) { appendMethodReference(method, fragmentBuffer); } break; case IJavaElement.INITIALIZER: appendTypePath(((IMember) element).getDeclaringType(), pathBuffer); break; case IJavaElement.IMPORT_DECLARATION: IImportDeclaration decl = (IImportDeclaration) element; if (decl.isOnDemand()) { IJavaElement cont = JavaModelUtil.findTypeContainer( element.getJavaProject(), Signature.getQualifier(decl.getElementName())); if (cont instanceof IType) { appendTypePath((IType) cont, pathBuffer); } else if (cont instanceof IPackageFragment) { appendPackageSummaryPath((IPackageFragment) cont, pathBuffer); } } else { IType imp = element.getJavaProject().findType(decl.getElementName()); appendTypePath(imp, pathBuffer); } break; case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_DECLARATION: IJavaElement pack = element.getAncestor(IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT); if (pack != null) { appendPackageSummaryPath((IPackageFragment) pack, pathBuffer); } else { return null; } break; default: return null; } try { String fragment = fragmentBuffer.length() == 0 ? null : fragmentBuffer.toString(); try { URI relativeURI = new URI(null, null, pathBuffer.toString(), fragment); urlBuffer.append(relativeURI.toString()); return new URL(urlBuffer.toString()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); return new URL(urlBuffer.append(pathBuffer).toString()); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } return null; }
private static void setLatestCompliance(Map<String, String> map) { JavaModelUtil.set50ComplianceOptions(map); }
public JavadocHelpContext(IContext context, Object[] elements) throws JavaModelException { Assert.isNotNull(elements); if (context instanceof IContext2) fTitle = ((IContext2) context).getTitle(); List helpResources = new ArrayList(); String javadocSummary = null; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (elements[i] instanceof IJavaElement) { IJavaElement element = (IJavaElement) elements[i]; // if element isn't on the build path skip it if (!ActionUtil.isOnBuildPath(element)) continue; // Create Javadoc summary if (BUG_85721_FIXED) { if (javadocSummary == null) { javadocSummary = retrieveText(element); if (javadocSummary != null) { String elementLabel = JavaElementLabels.getTextLabel(element, JavaElementLabels.ALL_DEFAULT); // FIXME: needs to be NLSed once the code becomes active javadocSummary = "<b>Javadoc for " + elementLabel + ":</b><br>" + javadocSummary; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ } } else { javadocSummary = ""; // no Javadoc summary for multiple selection //$NON-NLS-1$ } } URL url = JavaUI.getJavadocLocation(element, true); if (url == null || doesNotExist(url)) { IPackageFragmentRoot root = JavaModelUtil.getPackageFragmentRoot(element); if (root != null) { url = JavaUI.getJavadocBaseLocation(element); if (root.getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) { element = element.getJavaProject(); } else { element = root; } url = JavaUI.getJavadocLocation(element, false); } } if (url != null) { IHelpResource javaResource = new JavaUIHelpResource(element, getURLString(url)); helpResources.add(javaResource); } } } // Add static help topics if (context != null) { IHelpResource[] resources = context.getRelatedTopics(); if (resources != null) { for (int j = 0; j < resources.length; j++) { helpResources.add(resources[j]); } } } fHelpResources = (IHelpResource[]) helpResources.toArray(new IHelpResource[helpResources.size()]); if (context != null) fText = context.getText(); if (BUG_85721_FIXED) { if (javadocSummary != null && javadocSummary.length() > 0) { if (fText != null) fText = context.getText() + "<br><br>" + javadocSummary; // $NON-NLS-1$ else fText = javadocSummary; } } if (fText == null) fText = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ }
public static IMethod getSetter(IField field) throws JavaModelException { String[] args = new String[] {field.getTypeSignature()}; return JavaModelUtil.findMethod( getSetterName(field, EMPTY), args, false, field.getDeclaringType()); }
boolean isValidDestination(ASTNode node) { boolean isInterface = node instanceof TypeDeclaration && ((TypeDeclaration) node).isInterface(); return !(node instanceof AnnotationTypeDeclaration) && !(isInterface && !JavaModelUtil.is18OrHigher(fCUnit.getJavaProject())); }
private void fillInstalledJREs(ComboDialogField comboField) { String selectedItem = getLastSelectedJRE(); int selectionIndex = -1; if (_useProjectRE.isSelected()) { selectionIndex = comboField.getSelectionIndex(); if (selectionIndex != -1) { // paranoia selectedItem = comboField.getItems()[selectionIndex]; } } List<IVMInstall> standins = VMUtils.getInstalledBBVMs(); _installedVMs = (standins.toArray(new IVMInstall[standins.size()])); Arrays.sort( _installedVMs, new Comparator<IVMInstall>() { public int compare(IVMInstall arg0, IVMInstall arg1) { String cc0, cc1; if (arg1 instanceof IVMInstall2 && arg0 instanceof IVMInstall2) { cc0 = JavaModelUtil.getCompilerCompliance((IVMInstall2) arg0, JavaCore.VERSION_1_4); cc1 = JavaModelUtil.getCompilerCompliance((IVMInstall2) arg1, JavaCore.VERSION_1_4); int result = cc1.compareTo(cc0); if (result != 0) return result; } return Policy.getComparator().compare(arg0.getName(), arg1.getName()); } }); selectionIndex = -1; // find new index String[] jreLabels = new String[_installedVMs.length]; _RECompliance = new String[_installedVMs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < _installedVMs.length; i++) { jreLabels[i] = _installedVMs[i].getName(); if (selectedItem != null && jreLabels[i].equals(selectedItem)) { selectionIndex = i; } if (_installedVMs[i] instanceof IVMInstall2) { _RECompliance[i] = JavaModelUtil.getCompilerCompliance( (IVMInstall2) _installedVMs[i], JavaCore.VERSION_1_4); } else { _RECompliance[i] = JavaCore.VERSION_1_4; } } // don't fire event when setting combobox items. _fireEvent = false; comboField.setItems(jreLabels); if (selectionIndex == -1) { comboField.selectItem(getDefaultBBJRE()); } else { comboField.selectItem(selectedItem); } _fireEvent = true; }