Esempio n. 1
   * Returns all activities found in the given project (including those in libraries, except for
   * android.jar itself)
   * @param project the project
   * @return a list of activity classes as fully qualified class names
  @SuppressWarnings("restriction") // BinaryType
  public static List<String> getProjectActivities(IProject project) {
    final List<String> activities = new ArrayList<String>();
    try {
      final IJavaProject javaProject = BaseProjectHelper.getJavaProject(project);
      if (javaProject != null) {
        IType[] activityTypes = new IType[0];
        IType activityType = javaProject.findType(SdkConstants.CLASS_ACTIVITY);
        if (activityType != null) {
          ITypeHierarchy hierarchy =
              activityType.newTypeHierarchy(javaProject, new NullProgressMonitor());
          activityTypes = hierarchy.getAllSubtypes(activityType);
          for (IType type : activityTypes) {
            if (type instanceof BinaryType
                && (type.getClassFile() == null || type.getClassFile().getResource() == null)) {
    } catch (CoreException e) {
      AdtPlugin.log(e, null);

    return activities;
  * Ensure that the hierarchy using a working copy owner doesn't have primary working copy owner type
  * that are hidden by a type of the working copy owner
  * (regression test for bug 133372 [hierarchy] Type hierarchy returns type twice if executed on working copy layer)
 public void testHierarchy() throws CoreException {
   try {
     createFile("/P/", "public class Y extends X {\n" + "}");
     WorkingCopyOwner owner = new TestWorkingCopyOwner();
     this.workingCopy =
         getCompilationUnit("/P/").getWorkingCopy(owner, null /*no progress*/);
     IType focus = getCompilationUnit("/P/").getType("X");
     ITypeHierarchy hierarchy = focus.newTypeHierarchy(owner, null /*no progress*/);
     IType[] subtypes = hierarchy.getSubtypes(focus);
     assertTypesEqual("Unexpected types", "Y\n", subtypes);
   } finally {
 private void checkOverridden(RefactoringStatus status, IProgressMonitor pm)
     throws JavaModelException {
   pm.beginTask("", 9); // $NON-NLS-1$
   MethodDeclaration decl = fSourceProvider.getDeclaration();
   IMethod method = (IMethod) decl.resolveBinding().getJavaElement();
   if (method == null || Flags.isPrivate(method.getFlags())) {
   IType type = method.getDeclaringType();
   ITypeHierarchy hierarchy = type.newTypeHierarchy(new SubProgressMonitor(pm, 6));
   checkSubTypes(status, method, hierarchy.getAllSubtypes(type), new SubProgressMonitor(pm, 1));
       status, method, hierarchy.getAllSuperclasses(type), new SubProgressMonitor(pm, 1));
       status, method, hierarchy.getAllSuperInterfaces(type), new SubProgressMonitor(pm, 1));
   pm.setTaskName(""); // $NON-NLS-1$
 protected ITypeHierarchy createTypeHierarchy(final IType type) throws JavaModelException {
   final ITypeHierarchy res = type.newTypeHierarchy(null);
   typeHierarchies.put(type, res);
   return res;